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PHASE EQUILIBRIUM Assignment Q1) For the equilibrium, Fe(s) + H2O(1) == FeO(s) + H2(g) What are the number of components, phases and degrees of fréedom respectively? (a) 3,2,3 (b) 2,3,3 (c) 3,3,2 @ Q2) Which of the following statements is/are 1. Thephase diagram of a subst: ie regions of pressure t answer using the code given below ) 2 and 3 (c) | and3 (d) 2 only Q3) What will be the number of phases, components and degrees of freedom respectively of the azeotropic mixture of water and ethanol at 10atm at equilibrium? 2,2and2 (b) 1,2and3(c)2,2and0 —(d) 2,3 and 1 CBs chemistry [4 jchemistryoosagmaitcom gasosai671 Q4) Solid carbon reacts with oxygen in presence of a catalyst to form the gaseous oxides CO and CO». What is the number of degrees of freedom (variance) for the system once equilibrium has been attained? (a) 0 (b) 1 (c)2 (d)3 Q5) Consider the following statements 1. For a one component system, the maximum ses that can exist in equilibrium is three. 2. A system can have negative degrees of fr 3. The number of phases in a system doe: amounts of the various substances, 20g) = FeOys) + Hag) ) 4,3 (c) 3,1 (d) 4,2 Q7) For a pure substance, the triple point in a phase diagram has (a) One degree of freedom (b) Two degrees of freedom (c) Three degrees of freedom (d) Zero degree of freedom CBs chemistry [4 jchemistryoosagmaitcom gasosai671 Q8) Sulfur can exist in four phases. The possible number of triple point is (a) 1 (b) 2 (c)3 (d)4 Q9) The phase diagram of NaCl-H20 is of simple eutectic type, The iturated NaCl solution iborane (B) form a compound, which melts ci . The system exhibits two eutectics, one at 25 mole d 123K and a second at 90 mole percent B and 104K. The points of pure A and B are 131K and 110K, respectively: Q10) The phases at 55 mole percent B and 108K are, (a) Solid AB and a solid B phase *(b) Solid AB and a liquid phase (c) Solid B and a liquid phase (d) Solid A and a liquid phase CBs chemistry [4 jchemistryoosagmaitcom gasosai671 QI1) The mixture at 25 mole percent B and at 124K is cooled slowed to 114K. The resulting phases are (a) Solid AB and solid A (b) Solid AB and liquid (c) Solid AB and solid B (d) Liquid and solid A Q12. For a one component system, the maximum number of phases that can coexist at equilibrium is (a)3 (b)2 (1 @ * Q13. The phase diagrams of CO2 and H20 dififé (a) The slope of the solid-liquid e former negative for the latt is positive for the ibrium curve is negative for Q14. The number of degree of freedom for a system consisting of NaCl(s), Na*(aq) and CI (aq) at equilibrium is (a)2 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d)4 CBs chemistry [4 jchemistryoosagmaitcom gasosai671 Q15. The triple point for water is (a) Unique (b) Depends on both p and T (c) Depends on p but is independent of T (d) Depends on T but is independent of p Q16. The triple point of water is at (a) 273.16 K (b) 273.16 K and (c) 273.16 K and 4.58 Torr (d) 760 Tor Q18. An aqueous mixed solution of NaCl and HCl is exactly neutralized by an aqueous NaOH solution. The number of components in the final mixture is (al (b) 2 (c)3 (d)4 CBs chemistry [4 jchemistryoosagmaitcom gasosai671 Q19. The lowest pressure at which the liquid phase of a pure substance can exist is known as (a) critical point pressure (b) super-incumbent pressure (c) triple-point pressure (d) saturation vapour pressure Q20. A certain substance is known to exist in four of the following is definitely NOT the phase diagram? nD wt b) JW, © la ? | sw, ; : Sw w& s Ww 2 | Se 2: BD aE = GB chemistry [4 —— Q21. The number of phases, components and degrees of freedom, when Ar is added to an equilibrium mixture of NO, O2 and NO» in gas phase are, respectively, (a) 1, 3,5 (b) 1,4, 5 (©) 13,4 @) 14,4 Q22. The phase diagram of a pure substance is sketched below. P2. The nu of de es of freedom at points P1, P2, and P3, respectivi (a) 2, 1,0 (b) 1, 2,0 (c) 2,0, 1 (d) 0, 2,1 Q23. The solid-liquid phase diagram for the Mg-Zn system is shown in the figure below where the vertical line at X(Mg) = 0.33 represents the formation of a congruent melting compound MgZnp. The figure is GB chemistry [4 —— divided into seven regions depending upon the physical state of the system. The composition of the region #6 represents. 70 600} al 500] 400) 45 300] #4 46 200 @ 000 010 020 030 040 050 0.60 0.70 0.80 090 TI Zn x(Mg) (a) Singl ase of a solution of (b) n and solid MgZno. (c) Two phi iquid and solid MgZn2. (d) Two phase n solid Mg and solid MgZno. Q24. A sysi sists of gaseous H2,O2, H2O and CO> where the amount of CO: is specified and the equilibrium constant for the reaction 2H2 (g) + O2 (g) == 2H20 (g) is known. The number of degrees of freedom of the system is (a)2 (b) 3 (4 (5 GBs chemistry [4 jchemistryooaagmaitcom gasosai671 Q25. A pure substance can exists in several different phases A, B, C,.....Its partial phase diagram is shown below. Which of the following statements is e above diagram? (a) The i bi i) é (b) ymoré than one triple point (c) A phase (d) The point ¥ e an island, such as D oftbeypresent in any phase diagram Q26. The temperature-dependence of the vapour pressure of solid A can be represented by log p= 10.0- =“ and that of liquid A by log p=8.0-. The temperature of the triple point of A is (a)200 K (b)300 K (c) 400 K (d) 500 K CBs chemistry [4 jchemistryoosagmaitcom gasosai671 Q27. The temperature-composition (T-x) phase diagram of the two- components system made of X and Y is given below. At a temperature of 288K and starting at the point P, Y is added until the composition reaches S. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? Mole fraction of Y (a) At, P, id and liquid are present in almost equal proportions (b) At Q, the system is all liquid (c) At S, the system has more solid than liquid (d) At R, the liquid is pure X CBs chemistry [4 jchemistryoosagmaitcom gasosai671 Q28. Phase diagram of a compound is shown below respectively. If melting point and AH of melti mole’ respectively, the change in the vol ‘ing is 1 (d) 10cot, ce, when cooled under a pressure (b) Liquifies first and then solidifies (d) Remains unchanged. Q30. Triple point pressure of substances A, B, C and D are 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, and 1.2 bar, respectively. The substance which sublimes under standard conditions on increasing temperature is (ayA (b) B ()C (d)D CBs chemistry [4 jchemistryoosagmaitcom gasosai671 Q31. At the triple point of water C, P, F are respectively (d) 3, 3, 2 (a) 1, 3,0 (b) 1, 3, 1 (c) 1, 2,0 Q32. The lowest temperatures attainable with a freezing mixture is (b) Eutectic temperature (a) critical solution temperature (d) Critical (c) Triple point Q33. The minimum number of phases existing in a (b) 1 ase diagram (see (a) 0 Q34. A one-component system with the is not possible because the figure) J masea = ae Temperature (b) OC has positive slops (c) Both OB and OC are linear (d) OB, OC and OD cannot all coexist, given OA M1 ichemistryoosagmailcom 9016988388 Gs chemistry Q36. A phase transition process is always [NET June 2017] (a) isothermal-isoentropic (b) isochoric-isothermal (c) isobaric-isochoric (d) isothermal-isobaric Q37. m: and m2 are the slops (dP/dT) of the solid-liqui lines in the P-T phase diagrams of H2O and COz, re; P<10 atm, the values of mj, and m2 are (a)m,>0 and m2>0 (b) mi>0 and m2<0 (c) mi

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