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Necessary conditions for the initiation and propagation of

nuclear-detonation waves in plane atmospheres
Thomas A. Weaver and Lowell Wood
Uniuersity of California, Lawrence Liuermore Laboratory, Liverrnore, California 94550
(Received 21 April 1978)

The basic conditions for the initiation of a nuclear-detonation wave in an atmosphere having plane
symmetry (e.g. , 'a thin, layered fluid envelope on a planet or star) are developed. Two classes of such a
detonation are identified: those in which the temperature of the plasma is comparable to that, of the
electromagnetic radiation permeating it, and those in which the temperature of the plasma is much higher.
Necessary conditions are developed for the propagation of such detonation waves for an arbitrarily great
distance. The contribution of fusion chain reactions to these processes is evaluated. By means of these
considerations, it is shown that neither the atmosphere nor oceans of the Earth may be made to undergo
propagating nuclear detonation under any circumstances.

I. INTRODUCTION tions which lead to the same conclusion. Sec-

tion VIII treats nuclear-detonation waves in an
The possibility that a nuclear explosion might oceanic environment, and demonstrates their
trigger the nuclear detonation of the atmosphere impossibility for the case of the Earth. Finally,
or oceans of the Earth has been seriously in- Section IX summarizes our principal conclusions.
vestigated on several occasions since 1943.' '
Despite resolving all physical uncertainties in II. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF
such a way as to favor a detonation, these in- NUCLEAR-DETONATION WAVES
vestigations all reached the conclusion that such
a detonation is impossible. A nuclear-detonation wave is basically a shock
The present paper reviews and extends these wave which has its energy and propagation veloci-
previous studies by deriving the general neces- ty maintained against hydrodynamic and heat-
sary conditions for the initiation and propagation conduction losses by nuclear reactions occurring
of nuclear-detonation waves in plane atmospheres within the wave. Most dominant features of the
or layered fluids, taking into account the great power flow in a nuclear-detonation wave bear a
advances in theoretical, experimental, and com-
putational physics that have been made in the
interim. In particular, accurate experimental
detonation wave theory. "
direct analogy to those encountered in chemical-
Such a wave rapidly
reaches a steady-state configuration in its co-
measurements of cross sections and branching moving frame in which the locally deposited
ratios have recently become available for re- reaction energy flows in a time-stationary fashion
-actions of interest, new reaction mechanisms into doing hydrodynamic work on the material
have been proposed, more precise theoretical both ahead and behind the wave (thereby shock-
reaction-rate formalisms have been worked out, heating and compressing the material ahead of
and finally, numerical models have been con- the wave, owing to its relatively much lower
structed which allow the detailed exploration of temperature and pressure}, and into internal
the effects of nonthermal nuclear reactions. As energy of the immediately post-shock material,
we shall see, the effect of these advances is to from which it flows by radiative and electronic'
reduce the physical uncertainties in such a way thermal conduction into all cool. er portions of the
as to preclude the detonation of the atmosphere material, both pre-shock and further post-shock.
or oceans by an even greater margin. Nuclear-detonation waves have been studied pre-
Section II deals with the general characteristics
and types of nuclear-detonation waves, while Sec. and laser-induced fusion. ' "
viously in connection with supernova explosions'

III treats the needed nuclear cross sections. Sec- Sufficient conditions for the propagation of a
tions IV-VI give detailed conditions for the ex- self-sustaining detonation depend on the precise
istence of nonequilibrium, equilibrium, and nature of the interactions between the plasma
fusion-chain-mediated nuclear-detonation waves, components, and are discussed in a general way
respectively, and further show that such condi- by Zel. 'dovich and Kompaneets. ' Two necessary
tions cannot be met in the Earth's atmosphere. conditions that follow from conservation of energy
Section VII describes detailed computer calcula- and momentum are

20 l979 The American Physical Society


EM & E„d (ignition condition)

over some portion of the wave„and that we have
gard to supernova
star accretion, "'"shock waves"'" and neutron-
as well as by Konopinski
et al. ' It is found in these studies that for phe-
p@„~ & E;„, (breakeven condition), (2) nomena whose specific energy is -1 MeV/
nucleon, 10-100 (typically 30) Compton-scatter-
where E& is the rate of nuclear energy generation
ing events (per low-energy bremsstrahlung
per unit volume, E„d is the rate of radiative
photon) are required to bring the radiation field
energy loss per unit volume, 8„, is the total
into approximate energy equilibrium with the
nuclear energy generated per gram of material,
electrons (see also Ref. 10).
and E;„& and p are the internal energy density
Most of the detonation waves studied to date
and matter density, respectively, measured at a
in astrophysics' ' have involved very optically
common point in the detonation. (Here we have
thick systems which, consequently, attain full
assumed the internal energy of the wave is large
radiative equilibrium, and experience essentially
compared to the ambient internal energy of the
no radiative losses in the sense of Eq. (1). Det-
unshocked fuel. )
The most striking difference between chemical-
and nuclear-detonation waves is that the latter
onation waves studied in l.aser-induced micro-
explosions, ' on the other hand, have generally
involved relatively optica1. ly thin pellets in which
generate 10' times more energy per gram of
the radiation field is so far from equilibrium
fuel, resulting in typical nuclear-detonation wave
that only a small fraction of the pel. let's internal
velocities of several thousand km/sec, compared
with a few km/sec for the chemical case.
energy resides in radiation. For detonations to
propagate in such (nonequilibrium) circumstances,
If no radiation were present, a nuclear-detona-
the rate of nuclear energy generation must ex-
tion wave would also be -10' times hotter than a
' eV). In ceed the total rate at which energy is being ra-
chemical wave (i.e., kT 3 MeV vs —,
diated by the plasma by an amount sufficient to
general, however, the enormous heat capacity make up hydrodynamic and particle heat-conduc-
of the radiation field at these high temperatures
tion losses.
serves to limit greatly the temperatures actually For cases of intermediate optical. thickness,
attained in nuclear-detonation waves. In partic-
such as the planetary and stellar atmospheres of
ular, if the radiation field is in thermal equilibri- present interest, one must consider necessary
um with the detonating material, the tempera-
conditions for the existence of detonation waves
ture T and the internal energy E;„, are related
in both equilibrium and nonequilibrium cases.
by (neglected relativistic- electron effects)
This is undertaken in the following sections.
aT'+ ,' pN„kT/X = E—,„, ,

where a=7. 56x10 "ergcm 'K

is the radia-
tion-energy-density constant, N„ is Avogadro's
On the basis of the large number of quantitative
number, A. is the mean atomic number -for all nuclear cross section measurements that have
plasma components including electrons, and k is been made over the past four decades, theoreti-
Boltzmann's constant. For a typical internal en-
cal and empirical models ' have been developed
ergy corresponding to 1 MeV/nucleon, we find that are capable of accurately predicting and/or
kT =1.6 keV for p =10 ' g/cm', and kT =9.2 keV
fitting such cross sections over a wide range of
for p=1 g/cm'.
nuclei and reaction types. In particular, these
The degree of radiative equilibration, and thus
models are directly applicable to the nuclear
the temperature of the detonation is determined
reactions that ha, ve been implicated in the pos-
by the optical thickness of the detonating region sible detonation of the Earth's atmosphere or
and the time available for radiation to be emitted
ocean by nuclear bomb explosions. Using these
and thermalized as the wave sweeps over a given
models, the total cross section a'»(E) for the
element of matter. The principal radiative pro- reaction of nuclei of types 1 and 2 can be ex-
cesses involved are bremsstrahlung, '4 which pressed in the form"
provides direct radiative cooling, and inverse
C,"ompton scattering,
"which for sufficiently great &»(E) =Se ""/E 1,
optical thicknesses can greatly magnify the effect where E is the center-of-mass energy of the two
of bremsstrahtung cooling by up-scattering the colliding particles in MeV, 8 is the reaction
low-energy photons it produces at the expense strength factor in MeV b, which is approximately
of electron thermal energy. The question of
independent of energy and is given by
radiative equilibration within a shock wave has
been extensively studied in astrophysics with re- S =«(Z, Z, /vX) exp(2X- nE),

and e ""is thefactor by which the reaction ' N+' reactions yielding charged particles,
strength is reduced by the necessity for the nu- "N(u, P) "0, and "B(P, 2n) 'He. The existing
clei to penetrate their mutua, l Coulomb barriers. experimental cross section measurements" for
The terms in these equations are defined by "N+ "N fusion reactions cover the lab energy
n = 0.1215(AB'/Z, Z, )" MeV ' (6)
range of 9.4-22 MeV and are plotted in Fig. 1.
It is apparent the cross section is insignificant
X=0.52495(AZ ZQ)'2 (7) for lab energies below 10 MeV, owing to Coulomb
q = 0.157 48Z, Z2(A/E)'
' (8)
repulsion, but rises rapidly to a near-geometric
cross section of 1 b above 20 MeV. No reso-
A =A. ,A, /(A, +A, ) . (9) nances in the fusion cross section are seen to
occur, as expected from the large number of
Here Az and A2& and Zz and Z2 are the at
closely spaced, overlapping energy levels in the
weight and the atomic number of nuclei 1 a, nd 2, "Si* compound
intermediate nucleus. The
respectively, R is the nuclear interaction radius "N+'4N fusion reactions were found to be dom-
in fermi, and K is the ref lectivity factor. The
inated by the three-product reactions
advantage of expressing &z2 in this form is that «N(~4N 2~)20Ne «N(&4N 2P)26Mg «N(&4N gP)»Na
the unspecified parameters are either explicitly
and "N("N, Pn) "Al which are exothermic by
energy independent (in the case of the interac-
tion radius) or become so when averaged over
7.92, 7, 36, 5.54, and 2. 58 MeV, respectively. No
reaction resonances (in the case of the reflec- significant number of two-product reactions
tivity factor). For reactions in which the inter- [e.g. , "N("N, u) "Mg] were observed; indeed,
such reactions are believed to constitute s10%
mediate compound nucleus formed has (A. , +A, )
& 20 and an excitation energy of ~3 MeV, so many
of the "N fusion reactions, due to their small
statistical weights relative to three-product re-
relatively closely spaced resonances exist that
they can be successfully treated statistically. " actions when the very highly excited nature of the
intermediate "Si* nucleus is taken into account.
For the case when o» is taken to be the res-
Owing to its lack of resonant structure, the
onance-averaged total cross section for all nu- "N+z~N fusion cross section can be well fitted
clear reactions involving compound nucleus for-
mation (including nuclear elastic scattering), by the statistical formalism outlined above. In
such a statistical treatment gives" particular, the low-energy behavior of the cross

0.20 for proton-induced reactions

0.32 for n-induced reactions
0. 16 for neutron-induced reactions,
1.25A', 3+0.1 for n- or P-induced reactions
10 1—
1.09A. 3+ 2.3 for n-induced reactions .

The resulting total cross sections [calculated by 4N + )4N

use of Eci. (4)] are found to be accurate to within 10 — fusion

about a factor of 2 when compared with experi-

mental measurements.
The assumptions involved for Eqs. (4)-(10) a 10
become invalid for non-neutron-induced reac-
tions when
E a E, =—1.44Z, Z, /8 MeV,
where E, is the Coulomb barrier energy for the 10-'—
reaction. In such cases, an upper limit on o'„, (E)
is the larger of mB2, the geometric cross section I
of the interacting nuclei, and 7I H, the maximum I Il I I

s-wave resonant cross section, where ~ is the

de Broglie wavelength of the interacting system
20 60 100

(v~' = 0.6566/AE b). FIG. 1. Experimental (solid line and points) and
In discussing the prospects for atmospheric extrapolated (dashed lines) cross sections for 4N+ N
ignition, the nuclear reactions for which detailed fusion as a function of the laboratory energy of the bom-
nuclear cross sections will be required are barding 4N nucleus.

section can be determined from Eqs. (4)-(9) by potentially involved in ocean burning (i.e. , the
fitting w and R to the existing data yielding various reactions of hydrogen and oxygen iso-
z = 0.03 and R = 8.01 F. The high-energy behavior topes) are well known because of their role in
can be extrapolated using the parametrization of hydrogen burning in stars. Convenient represen-
Kong" in the form tations of their thermal distribution-averaged
&(E) = (R'ka), j2E) ln(1+ exp[2'(Z - Z, )/k(o, ]), cross sections (o'V)'s are given in Ref. 21.


with h(d, = 2.96 MeV and
E, = 8.25 MeV.
(12) is believed accurate to +30%, up to a center-
Since the temperature of the ions in a non-
of-mass energy of 40 MeV, where direct spalla- equilibrium nuclear detonation greatly exceeds
tion reactions instead of compound nuclear re- that of the radiation field, energy transferred to
actions become dominant. radiation is very unlikely to be transferred back
The cross section for the ' N(c., P) '70 reaction to the ions (via the electrons), and can therefore

imenters, "
has been measured by several groups of exper-
~' and a compilation of the results is
be regarded as lost. The ignition criterion [Eq.
(1)] can then be recast to give a lower limit on
given in Fig. 2, labeled o'E»T. The results of the the nuclear energy generation rate required
statistical theory for n+ ' N compound nucleus for ignition at a given ion temperature in terms
formation with 8 =3.33 F, K = 0.32 are found to of the total radiative ggeygy emission rate. Be-
give a reasonable fit to the experimental cross cause the relative importance of the inverse
section, when an average over the many narrow Compton effect depends critically on the optical
resonances is taken. This statistical cross sec- depth of the igniting region, it is convenient to
tion is thus adopted for use below, with the geo- first consider the less-stringent lower limit
metric cutoff at ng' =0.35 b, and is plotted as obtained by ignoring photon up-scattering by the
&ADpT in F&g. 3. hotter electrons and including only the energy loss
The cross section for the "B(P,2u)'He reac- due directly to bremsstrahlung radiation. '4
tion is now well known'8 and is plotted in Fig. 5 The nuclear energy generation rate E„may be
(see Sec. VI).
The cross sections for the nuclear reactions
4~0 1 I I I
~ ~ ~
I ~ & &
I & & I I I I I I I ~


9 {T,

N(0;, p)" 0

103 2.0



107 Q
I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I
1 5 10 20 50 100 0 300 400 500 600 700
100 200
T,, keV
FIG. 2. Experimental (0~&) and adopted (O~t) FIG. 3. Helativistic correction factors and other
cross sections for the 0 reaction as a function
N(0.', p) parameters related to electron-ion temperature balance
of laboratory energy of the bombarding n particle. for the case of the Earth's atmosphere.

written (cf. Ref. 29) nuclear heating and radiative cooling until the
ion-electron energy transfer rate just balances
E„=[n,n, /(1+ 5„)](ov)Q, (13)
bremsstrahlung losses, yielding the steady-state
where, as usual, n, and n2 are the number den- relation
sities of the reacting species; 5» is 1 if the re-
actants are identical and 0 otherwise; (ov) is the T; =T, +(T, /6. 74)'g(T, ) keV,
velocity distribution avera, ge of the product of the where, for convenience, we have defined
relative thermal velocity n of two potentially
reacting ions and the reaction cross section at
that velocity, o", and Q is the reaction energy. To
'"'=R g(T, )Z',
(i.A -'-)
z (20)
further favor ignition, we will assume that all Solving for T„we find
reaction products deposit their energy in the ions. f

We shall also assume here that this deposition T, = (-1+v'1+ 4CT) )/2C,
takes place locally and instantaneously and that where C =2.20x10 '$(T, ) keV '.
In the physically
the ion distribution can be characterized by a interesting limit of 4CTi)) 1, we ha, ve
temperature T;. The possible effects of non-
thermal ions are considered in Sec. VI. The T. = (T;/C)'" =[45 5T~/$(T. )] ' ~ (22)
bremsstrahlung radiation rate E&„may be Thus, from (14} we find
—8 62 x 10 +EniT
=3.32 x 10 "g(T, )T, 'n, n;Z', (14)

where E„„ is measured in units of keVsec 'cm

'. xg(T, }$ ' 'Z', keV sec ' cm '. (23)

Here n, and ni are the electron and tota/ ion num- Then, in order that E„)
Eq«m (the minimal
ber densities, respectively, in T, is thecm; necessary requirement for the detonation to gen-
electron temperature in keV; g(T, ) is a monotone, erate more thermonuclear power than. it loses to
slowly increasing function, lowered-bounded by radiation}, we must have
unity, which accounts for the relativistic increase
of radiation emission"'" as the average thermal Q (av) ) 4. 85 x 10 " 1+ ~12
electron energy becomes non-negligible com-
xg(T )( 1/«T «1/«Z2
pared to the rest energy of an electron; and (24)

z'= —
P n, z/2 (15)
where Q* and T;* are Q and T; in MeV, (ov) is
in cm'/sec, and as before, number densities are
all ionic
species in cm '.
where n; and Z,. a, re the number density and For the sea level atmosphere with normal com-
atomic number of ion species j. position and standard temperature (STP),
Zo/A0=3. 6, Z', = 53, n; =2.69 x 10" cm ',
To relate Ti and T„we note that the energy
flow from the ions to the electrons is given by" n, /n; =7.2, and nj. «N/n; =0.8. Under these con-
ditions, . criterion (24} f or '«N + ' N reactions
E«, = 1.51 x 10 "(T, —T, }(Z',//10)N;n, becomes
xR, (lnA, ——,')T, "
keVsec 'cm ', Q«(ov) p 5 8 x 10-1«g(T )~-i/«T«v4 (25)
(16) where g(T, }( ''
is a factor of order unity which
R, = 0.96[1+0.0004T, (1+0.0045T, }] is plotted in Fig. 3 along with g(T, ), R„ lnA, /15,
and T;/10T, [for the exact solution (21)].
for T, c300 keV, n, -1020 cm (17} ', From Sec. III, we note that the most energetic
where T& and T, are in keV, lnA, is the usual of the dominant three-product '«N+' N fusion

Spitzer-Coulomb logarithm including the quantum-
mechanical correction, R, is a correction factor
reactions is
"N+ "N-"Si*-"Ne+ o. + o. +7.92 MeV,
fects, "
for ion screening and relativistic electron ef-

1 and thus we can take 7.92 MeV as an upper limit

~Z ngZ;
(18) on the Q value for '«N fusion. This upper limit
+0 +i allspecies
becomes a substantial overestimate for ' I+'
where A.& is the atomic weight of ion species j. center-of-mass energies above 10 MeV, due to
The electron and ion temperatures are initially the increasing fraction of endothermic fusion and
the same and diverge under the influence of spallation reactions. In addition, many of the

products are formed in excited states that emit 10 13

energy loss. "

y rays and thus represent a source of radiative
Subsequent reactions between "N BREM,
nuclei and the n, P, and n fusion reaction products 1 p-14
may slightly increase the net Q value for "N
fusion. However, over the time scale involved
in radiative cooling at atmospheric density 1p-15
(&10 ' sec), such reactions are either rare, T.I, max
endothermic, or both. (The effect of fusion chains I V

is treated in Secs. VI and VII and is also found 1p-16

to be insignificant). Reactions involving minor E
atmospheric constituents (e.g. , oxygen and argon) 0
are required by criterion (25) to have cross sec- 1p-17
tions much greater than 10 b in order to cause a hl
detonation, owing to the large ratio of radiating
to reacting particles. Such large cross sections 10-18
have never been observed for any nuclear reaction
involving charged nuclei, the largest being 5 b
for the peak of the 107-keV resonance of the 1p-19
(DT-nc. } reaction. Thus it suffices to consider
whether reaction (26) can cause a nonequilibrium
detonation of the atmosphere. 1P-20 I I I I I I

The energy generation rate due to reaction (26) p. 1 0.2 .4 .6.81 2 4 6 810
based on the cross sections of Fig. 1 is plotted T,, MeV
in Fig. 4 together with the energy losses due to FIG. 4. Rate of breInsstrahlung energy loss E1 in ~
bremsstrahlung. By criterion (2), the maximum a plasma of atmospheric density and composition, com-
temperature T;, „which the ions can reach in pared with an upper limit to its rate of nuclear energy
generation EN, as a function of the ion temperature T&.
steady state with the electrons if all the nitrogen is
burned is 853 keV (corresponding to an electron T; m~ is the largest steady-state ion temperature that
could be reached if all the nitrogen in the plasma were
temperature of 139 keV). At this temperature, burned to Ne via reaction (26).
radiation losses exceed nuclear energy generation
by a factor of 7 x 104. At lower ion temperatures
this factor becomes astronomically large. Thus,
by criterion (1) a nonequilibrium nuclear-detona- V. EQUILIBRIUM NUCLEAR DETONATIONS
tion wave is not possible in the terrestrial at-
mosphere. As was discussed in Sec. II, the radiation field
It is interesting to note that electron-ion brems- in an optically thick nuclear-detonation wave will
strahlung radiative energy losses, which scale as typically be in near equilibrium with the electrons
Z' on a per ion basis, are so much greater for after an average photon has undergone about 30
the atmosphere than for a DT plasma that even Compton scatterings within the hot, burning re-
if nitrogen had the same effective Q(cv) as DT, gion. An average photon will diffuse out of the
the best nuclear fuel known, burning in an optical- wave during this number of scatterings unless
ly (and thus neutron-} thin configuration, it would the half-width f of the wave exceeds M30 = 5-6 -
still fail by more than a factor of 5 to satisfy the Compton scattering lengths (=—1/n, o', ). This con-
minimal detonation criterion (25). sideration sets a lower limit on the half-width
Moreover, these optimistic considerations have of an equilibrium nuclear-detonation wave. Since
ignored the huge hydrodynamic and thermal con- n, /p is -3 x 10" electrons/g for all light elements
duction losses inevitably associated with non- except 'H, 'H, and He, this half-width condition
equilibrium thermonuclear detonations, is well can be reexpressed as
as inverse Compton scattering losses, which 1
greatly multiply the effect of bremsstrahlung =—
pl — p(s) ds ~ 25-30 g/cm', (27)
2 %F
losses in all but absolutely optically thin detona-
tions. Moderate estimates of the combined ef- where J~F ds is. a line integral through the detona-
fects of these factors indicate that the minimum tion wave front, and p is the characteristic
"safety factor" of 7 104 precluding the non-
&& density of the wave front.
equilibrium nuclear detonation of the atmosphere The temperature of the ionic component of the
(noted above) should be increased to 10'-10'. plasma in an equilibrium detonation is.neces-

sarily not greatly different from that of the is the dominant source of radiative opacity. Since
electron component, except B,t extremely high the sound speed in an equilibrium detonation wave
matter densities (&10' g/cm') unlikely to be ever is typically (2-3) x 108 cm/sec (see Sec. II), the
attainable outside of laser-induced fusion micro™ condition for radiation being trapped within det-
explosions" or stellar cores. Besides being onation waves in low-Z plasmas becomes
coupled far more strongly to the electron corn pl» 650 g/cm'. (29)
ponent of the plasma by ion-electron coupling
[see Eci. (16)] at the much lower electron tempera- Equation (29} thus represents a necessary con-
tures (&10 keV) which we have seen are charac- dition for the attainment of an equilibrium deto-
teristic of equilibrium detonations, the ions re- nation, except for the unique ease of DT, which
ceive much less of the thermonucl. ear yower burns sufficiently well at the low temperatures
arising from fusion reactions, since all the characteristic of equil. ibrium detonation waves to
charged debris of such reactions also couple far tolerate substantial radiation losses. The general
more strongly to the much cooler electrons than ignition criteria for equilibrium nuclear-deto-
in the nonequilibrium case, and deposit corre- nation waves is still given by Eq. (1) with E„~ =
spondingly less of their energy in the ion com- &(aT4v, )-acT'/zpP, where T is the common
ponent of the plasma [see Eqs. (34} and (35) in plasma temperature and a is the equilibrium ra-
Sec. VI]. Taken together these factors ensure diation density constant given in Sec. II.
that T~ = T, for all equilibrium nuclear detona- The condition for hydrodynamic losses not to
tions of current interest. quench the detonation is that the characteristic
Since the reaction rate of essentially all fusion 'nuclear burn time t„„,„not be much greater than
reactions (in particular, see Figs. 1 and 2) drops the hydrodynamic disassembly time thyprp This
sharply with decreasing ion temperature (owing can be written
to the relatively much stronger Coulomb repul-
sion between nuclei), the Q(o v) product is very
f», „A/p(ov)N„s l/c, 't »«, (30)
much lower in an equilibrium detonation than in or
a nonequilibrium detonation. This is more than
balanced, however, by the elimination of radia-
c,A/pl(ov)N„S 1, '
tion l.osses in radiative equilibrium. Thus, any where A. is the plasma mass associated with one
nuclear fuel may be burned in radiative equilib- nucleus of the most abundant reactant species in
rium, with an efficiency limited only by hydro- the reaction of interest, in atomic mass units.
dynamic losses associated with explosive dis- An upper limit on the maximum temperature T,„
assembly of the burning fuel. Thus the sun is and thus the maximum value of (o'v)/c„can be
able to efficiently burn protons, despite their found from Egs. (2) and (3) by optimistically
being =25 orders of magnitude less reactive than assuming that all the nuclear fuel burns as it
DT, although it could not do so without the hydro- passes through the detonation wave. We may
dynamic confinement suppl. ied by gravity and the then rewrite (3) above as
radiative confinement supplied by its huge optical
T...& (pQ'/a)", (32)
The condition for negligible radiative energy where Q' is the nuclear reaction energy available
loss is that the energy-weighted diffusion velocity per unit mass of nuclear fuel. These results yield
v„of a photon across the wave's half-width be a minimum necessary value of l that material of
much less than the velocity of the detonation given density p must have to sustain an equilib-'
wave with respect to the detonating material, rium nuclear-detonation wave.
which by the Chapman-Jouget relation' (in the For the case of the Earth's atmosphere
absence of losses} is just equal to the final sound (Q'=3 x10" erg/g and p=2x 10 ' g/cm', about
speed in the detonation products, c,. This con- twice the ambient atmosphere density' ), we find
dition can thus be expressed in the form T, „&1.4 keV. The nuclear reaction rate (av) for
nitrogen-nitrogen reactions is so low at this
v„- c/apl«c,
—, , (28) temperature (-10 '"cm'/sec) that even if all the
nitrogen and oxygen in the universe were somehow to
where c is the speed of light, and h: is the total be assembled so that their density was that of the
radiative opacity of the detonating material. The Earth's atmosphere, and the entire mixture
portion of K due to Compton scattering is heated to 1.4 keV and maintained in this condition,
z, =o, p/n, —0.2'cm'/g for the usual case of not one single nitrogen-nitrogen fusion reaction
n, /p=3 x1023 electrons/g discussed above. For would take place in the lifetime of the universe.
low-Z plasmas and T, & 1 keV, Compton scattering Consideration of minor atmospheric constituents

does not appreciably improve the prospects for electron Coulomb drag and o„ that due to ion
detonation. The Earth's atmosphere thus fails ,
Coulomb drag; A. and A. ~, and Z, and Zq are the
to support an equilibrium nuclear detonation by atomic weights and atomic numbers of the chain
a literally astronomical margin at the nuclear centers and background ions, respectively,
reaction rate corresponding to the maximum E, (MeV) is the energy of a chain center in MeV,
temperature that could be attained if the atmos- and (as usual. ) T, is in keV. In addition, there is
phere were to burn to completion. a nucl. ear scattering contribution to the ion
stopping cross section ~& which, though quite
VI. FUSION. CHAIN REACTIONS variable, is typically -1 b. Since all measured
In discussing nonequilibrium detonation waves, cross sections for nuclear reactions between any
two charged nuclei are &1 b, with the exception of
we assumed that the ions had a thermal distribu-
the 5-b resonance in the DT fusion reaction,
tion. Jetterss and McNally'~'35 have suggested
however, that the fusion products, which are
Egs. (33)-(35) place severe constraints on the
conditions under which fusion chains may
generally produced with a much higher energy
and nuclear reactivity than the rest of the plasma,
As a specific example, consider the fusion
may induce a significant number of nuclear reac-
chain which McNally" has suggested to be the
tions before they slow down, perhaps enough to
"most dangerous" with respect to the ignition
lead to a diverging, nonthermal fusion chain
of the atmosphere:
The principal constraints on such a chaining o+~4N P+»O 1.2 MeV (36)
process are that the potentially reactive fusion
products, termed "chain centers, " will be so a+ "0-n+ "Ke+ 0.6 MeV (37)
rapidly slowed by Coulomb friction with the ions n+' N- n+ "8-0.15 MeV (36)
or el. ectrons that they will not have a significant
p+~xB- 3~+ 8? MeV (39)
chance to react, or that they will be absorbed by
reactions which produce no new chain centers.
These constraints can be expressed by requiring Net: 2o. +'~N+'~N- 4o. + "Ne+ 7.9 MeV. (40)
si Fj The highest-energy a produced in this chain
~1 (33) has an energy of 3.9 MeV [pius about —' , of the
+sj ns j + A j nA. j + +lF j nN j
center-of-mass energy involved. in reaction (39)],
for a chain reaction to occur. Here o'» is the while an average n has an energy of ~2 MeV.
characteristic cross section for a chain-center Conservatively taking E, = 5 MeV, lnA = 15, and
producing reaction to occur, o', z and o'» are the
n„/n, =1 (where both reaction centers and stopping
cross sections for a chain center to be stopped or particles are considered to be nitrogen nuclei),
absorbed, respectively, n» is the number density and ignoring stopping effects other than ion
of ions with which the chain centers may react Coulomb drag, we find from (33) and (35) that a
to make new chain centers, n, and n» 'are the
n~inimum necessary condition for the net reaction
effective number density of particles contributing (40) (considered exceedingly generously as a
to stopping or absorbing chain centers, respec- one-step fusion chain} to occur is o'„&4.4 b
tively, f~ is the average fraction of the chain which, as noted above, is considerably greater
centers that escape from the reacting region dur- than the largest non-DT charged-particle nuclear
ing a chain cycle, the subscript j
refers to re-
reaction cross section.
action step of the chain, and v is the factor by In addition, from (34} we see that unless T,
which the number of chain centers would be &&23 keV, stopping effects due to electron Coulomb
increased in the absence of losses per completed
drag will require o„ to be even larger. For ex-
chain cycle. For the physically interesting case
ample, at T, =1.4 keV, the maximum. temperature
when the chain centers move much faster than
that could be involved in the equilibrium detona-
the background ions, but still much slower than tion of the atmosphere, 0'„would have to exceed
the electrons, we have" 290 b for a fusion chain reaction to propagate.
Egi(MeV)T, "( flnA
The considerations of Sec. III, however, pre-
clude values of o'~ greater than 0.4 b, and this is
confirmed by existing experimental measure-
A. Z', Z) (lnA i
(35) ments (see Fig. 3).
The fusion chain (36)-(40} is also ruled out by
where a is the stopping cross section due to other independent arguments. First, the P+ "8

reaction (39} has been extensively studied be- step-loss factor for reaction (37} can be con-
cause of its controlled-thermonuclear-reaction servatively taken to less than 0.1 [cf. Ref. 40
(CTR) interest, "'" and its cross section is now and Eg. (35), even assuming "0 is as abundant
well-known. Detailed computer-based simula- as '~N], while that for reaction (36) is at most
tion studies in which a beam of protons of optimal 0.05 due to the large Coulomb drag cross sections
energy was injected into a very hot (T, - 50 keV) for n particles given above.
8 plasma '8 resulted in the production of less Combining these results, and noting v=2 for
than 15%%uq as much energy by nonthermal nuclear fusion chain (36)-(40), we find that at most
reactions as was originally present in the proton 1.5 x 10 ' of the effective chain centers present
beam. Thus reaction (39}, the only appreciably at the beginning of each fusion chain cycl. e mill be
exothermic reaction in the fusion chain, would present or have been replaced at its completion.
in fact represent an energy sink for the non- Thus, this "chain" would die out exceedingly
thermal ions. This result is readily appreciated rapidly, even assuming it could be initiated by
by comparing the p"B nuclear cross section to an external source of chain centers.
the Coulomb stopping cross section for protons Likewise, no other fusion chain which has been
on nitrogen, as is done in Fig. 5. It is apparent proposed to be involved in atmospheric nuclear
from these cross sections that the factor in Eq. ignition comes at all close to diverging, even
(33) corresponding to reaction step (39) (termed when very generous cross section estimates are
a "per-step-loss" factor) will be at most 0.3 used; rather all of them very rapidly "converge"
(even if nfl, s Ã14N) Second, the well-known to zero reaction rate.
reaction We further note that in addition to satisfying cri-
terion (33}, a fusion chain must either make up
n+'4N- p+ "C+0.6 MeV (41) the radiation losses considered in Sec. IV, or
competes with reaction (38}, as does the nuclear face the exceedingly l.arge electron stopping
elastic scattering of neutrons on "N. An upper cross sections characteristic of relatively low
limit on the per-step-loss factor for reaction temperature equilibrium detonations. Eg. (23)
(38) is =0.5 (cf Ref. 39). Similarly, the per- provides an approximate but, nonetheless, very
severe criterion for a nonequilibrium fusion chain
to exist if the thermally averaged (&xv) is replaced
with an appropriate nonthermal distribution aver-
8- age, and T; is replaced with — .
', E, Also, since
6- the Compton-scattering (o'v) is always much
greater than fusion-chain (ov)'s, the radiation
field in an optically thick medium mill typically
2- equilibrate before the chain has progressed more
than a few generations, even with very optimistic
1 — 1 assumptions about the nature of the chain.
0.8- Finally, we note that, as we have assumed
above, the electrons should remain quite Max-
P 0.4- wellian, since the energy-exchange coupling con-

o 0.2- that between ions and electrons, "

stant between electrons is A, jA., ~1836 times
while the ion-
e1ectron temperature ratios involved are generally
0.1 much smaller than this factor.

0. 1 ) ~ i I I While the preceding analytical considerations

.4 .6.8 1 2 6 810 20 preclude the ignition of the Earth's atmosphere
E,P MeV under any circumstances, it is of some interest
to further confirm this conclusion by means of
FIG. 5. Experimental cross section 0 t for the
detailed numerical calculations. Such calculations
B(p, 2n) He reaction, compared with the proton stop-
ping cross sechon due to Coulomb friction with a back- were made using the FOKN nonthermal. nuclear-
ground nitrogen plasma, 0&~&, as a function of E&, the
laboratory energy of the bombarding proton. "
burn computer code developed originally for
laser-fusion calculations by Lee et gl. , and

later extended by Scharlemann, et al. ~ In its T& =853 keV and T, =139 keV, the maximum tem-
present form, this code follows the time evolu- peratures consistent with thermal steady state
tion of the energy distributions of the reactants between electrons and ions even if all of the '4N
and products explicitly, utilizing the Fokker- were burned (see Sec. IV}. To test the effects
Planck approximation for low-angle Coulomb of an initial. state contrived to be far from steady
scattering, and transfer matrices for high-angle state, the extreme case of an atmospheric-density
Coulomb, nuclear, : and radiative processes. The nitrogen plasma with T~ = 2. 5 MeV and T, = 10
treatment of both the distribution functions and keV (initially) was studied as case IV.
the radiative emission rates is relativistieally cor- In all cases, the nitrogen plasma was very
rect, and an infinite isotropic, homogeneous plasma rapidly cooled (in times &10 ' sec) by radiation
is assumed. In addition, the slight differences losses, and no divergent fusion chain effects were
. between the lnA terms involved in the Coulomb observed. The temperature and energy genera-
interaction between different particle species are tion time history of ease IV is shown in Fig. 6.
taken into account. The effects of an injected In no case did the nuclear reactions occurring
particle source are modeled by adding particles in the cooling plasma come within a factor of
at a specified rate to a given energy group. Ex- 2900 of achieving breakeven, i.e. , of equaling
ponential number loss rates of one or more par- the energy original. ly present or injected into
ticle species can also be specified. This code the plasma, as required by condition (2}. Specif-
is, thus, well suited to evaluate the possibility ically, the energies produced in the four cases
of nonequilibrium and fusion chain nuclear-det- were 2.4&10 ', 1.1&10 ', 8.9X10, and
onation modes. Indeed, the major simplifications 3.4x 10 ', respectively, of that required for
inherent in FOES (i.e., the omission of hydro- breakeven. The inclusion of the hydrodynamic
dynamic and inverse-Compton energy loss es } and inverse-Compton effects omitted by FOKN,
greatly favor such detonation modes. As applied would, in most cases, lower these results by
to the problem of atmospheric detonation, the more than an order of magnitude. It would be
code considers five particle species: "N, 'He, nonphysical to run cases more energetic than
' Ne, ' X„and electrons. Here "X, is a hy- these, because not enough nuclear energy is
pothetical nuclei with an atomic weight of 10 potentially availabl. e from the plasma to produce
and a Z of 7, two of which mock up the effects
of a "Ne nucleus in terms. of mass and radiative
emission (which scales as Z'). In addition to 10000, I
Coulomb scattering between all species, the
"N-' N fusion reaction (26) is included, as well
as an exceedingly generous representation of the
fusion chain (36)-(40), given by
&+ '~N "X7+2++3.95 MeV. (42) 1000
The cross sections assumed for these reactions
are the measurements, upper limits, and/or fits
for the "N+' N fusion and "N(n, P} "0reactions
given in Figs. 2 and 3, except that the rate for
reaction (42) is multiplied by a factor of 1.5 x10 ' 0C
100 10' ~
to take into account the upper limit per-step-loss LL
factors for reactions (37)-(39) derived in Sec. VI.
Four cases were studied, in which the model
atmosphere was subjected to conditions much
more extreme than would result from any con-
ceivable nucl. ear bomb explosion. In case I, an I t I 106
atmospheric-density nitrogen plasma 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(n; =2.55 x 10" cm ') with T, =T; =10 keV (initial-
t, 106 sec
ly) was bombarded with an equal number of FIG. 6. Time evolution of the ~4N and electron tem-
3.8-MeV n particles injected into it in 10 sec. peratures (Tz and T, respectively) for a 2.55 &&10 cm
nitrogen plasma, started at t= 0 with T&=2.5 MeV and
Case II was the same, except that the n energy T~=10 keV (case IV). Also shown is the fraction of
and electron temperature were more realistically breakeven represented by the nuclear energy generated
taken to be 2. 6 MeV and 100 keV, respectively. (right-hand scale). The plasma is assumed to be per-
In case III, no n's were injected and the atmos- fectly confined, with bremsstrahlung radiation emission
pheric-density nitrogen plasma initially had being the only energy loss.

any higher internal energies. to completion. Specifically, (i) P +P reactions

Finally, although the velocity spectra of the are mediated only by the weak intera, ctions";
fusion-product ions did deviate significantly (ii) the "O(p, y)"F reaction has a cross section
from a Maxwellian distribution in these runs, of only -15 p.b above its Coulomb barrier~ and
as expected, the '4N distribution remained very "0+P reactions producing charged particles are
closely Maxwellian. endothermic by several MeV44; and (iii) "0+ "0
In general, the only deviation of the electron reactions have reaction rates and Q values" con-
spectrum from Maxwellian was a very slight siderably smaller than those for ' N+' N. Thus,
(2%-7%} depression of the low-energy tail due despite the fact that the effective S of the ocean
to their selective up-scattering by the more en- is a factor of 1.55 below that of the atmosphere,
ergetic ions, as expected from previous bremsstrahlung radiation losses still dominate
work. ' ' ' The only exceptions to this behavior nuclear energy generation by a very large margin,
were transients occurring in the first 10 '-10 ' even when isotopic and other impurities are
sec of eases I and II, due to the co-injection of considered.
electrons with the n particles to maintain charge The prospects for initiating a propagating equi-
neutrality, and case IV, due to huge initia. l librium thermonuclear detonation are relatively
mismatch between electron and ion temperatures. much more promising for the ocean than for the
These deviations were too small. and/or short atmosphere, a priori, as the Coulomb barrier
lived to significantly affect the nuclear energy for proton-oxygen reactions is much lower than
generated. for nitrogen-nitrogen or helium-nitrogen ones,
and because the medium is much more dense,
implying that higher equilibrium temperatures
VIII. PROSPECTS FOR THE NUCLEAR may be attained (see Secs. II and IH). Also,
the ocean contains 0.016/0 deuterium by number
relative to hydrogen, as well as 0.03/0 and 0 2%.
Nonequilibrium or fusion-chain-mediated deto- of"0 and "0, respectively, relative to "0, all
nations of the Earth's oceans can be immediately of which may undergo exothermic, charged-
ruled out because there are no exothermic re- particle-producing reactions with protons.
actions between their principal. components which As was discussed in Sec. V, the propagation
have Q(o'v}'s at all comparable to those for ra- of an equilibrium detonation wave requires
diative emission, even at the highest tempera, - + fbygrg We can write tgygyp in the form (for a
tures that could be reached if such reactions went plasma in equilibrium at temperature T, in keV}

fb, d, .= «. = p r& " = (I/4. 0 x 10')(X/T)'~' sec if matter pressure dominates

(I/7. 8 x 10')p"/T' sec if radiation pressure dominates,

where E is the characteristic detonation dimension l =10' cm, corresponding to an ocean depth of
in cm, A is the average atomic weight per 10 km, we find t»d«— - 3 x10 sec. Thus, by
particle (including electrons), and p is in g/cm . criterion (30) the oceans would fail to detonate
From (3) we see that radiation pressure ex- via ~ 0 burning by a factor of 4x 1(pot
ceeds matter pressure when Burning all of the "0 in the ocean [via the
reactions "O(P, n) "N (Q =3.98 MeV) and
)pk fgg)
T (3N 3 =2.76(p/X)~ keV. "N(P, u) "C (Q =4.966 MeV)] would suffice to
raise its temperature to = 0.87 keV at p =2 g/cm',
If all the "0
in the ocean burned with the hydrogen corresponding to a nuclear-burn time of 1.0
[via the reactions "O(p, y} "F (Q =0.60 MeV) and x 10'8 sec and a hydrodynamic time of 3.1 x 10 '
"F(P,y) "Ne (Q =3.92 MeV), where we have sec. Thus "0 burning fails to propagate by a
neglected the beta decay of the "F
(t,~, =66 sec) factor of 3 x10".
due to the short hydrodynamic times involved Similarly, burning all the deuterium in the ocean
(see below)], then an equilibrium temperature of [via the reaction 'H(p, y)'He (Q = 5.494 MeV)]
7.7 keV would be reached (where we have taken would raise its temperature to 0.094 keV at
the detonating region to be twofold compressed' p = 2 g/cm', yielding fb„,„=1.1 x 10" sec and
so that p= 2 g/cm'). At this temperature, we &»dz0 9 4 x 10
' sec, for a safety margin of
find, using (30) and Ref. 21, that tb«, ("0) 1.2 x 10i2
=1.2x108 sec~4 years. On the other hand, for Similar calculations for other minor oceanic

constituents (such as "C}, show that their nu- IX. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
clear-burn rates are too slow by at least as many
orders of magnitude to maintain a nuclear deto- We have analyzed the general conditions for the
nation. initiation and propagation of nuclear-detonation
We, therefore, conclude that thermonuclear- waves of both the equilibrium and nonequilibrium
detonation waves cannot propagate in the ter- varieties in plane symmetry, e.g. , layered media.
restrial ocean by any mechanism by an astronom- We specifically find that neither the Earth' s
ically large margin. atmosphere nor its oceans can propagate any
' It is worth noting, in conclusion, that the type of nuclear detonation, by very large mar-
susceptability to thermonuclear detonation of a gins. We have considered the possibility of
large body of hydrogenous material is an ex- fusion-chain reactions and other nonthermal
ceedingly sensitive function of its isotopic com- plasma phenomena, and found them of negligible
position, and, specifically, to the deuterium importance.
atom fraction, as is implicit in the discussion In particular, we have shown the following.
just preceding. If, for instance, the terrestrial (i} Even if nitrogen were many times as reac-
oceans contained deuterium at any atom fraction tive as DT, the most reactive known fuel, the
greater than 1:300 (instead of the actual value of thermonuclear energy generation rate of the
1:6000), the ocean could propagate an equilibrium terrestrial atmosphere at any temperature would
thermonuclear-detonation wave at a temperature still not suffice to overcome the energy losses
& 2 keV (although a fantastic 10" ergs — 2 x 10' due to bremsstrahlung radiation and the inverse
MT, or the total amount of solar energy incident Compton effect.

on the Earth for a two-meek period would be (ii) Such high nuclear reactivities for nitro-
required to initiate such a detonation at a deuter- gen are precluded by basic physical laws gov-
ium concentration of 1:300}. Now a non-neg- erning the electrostatic repulsion of charged nu-
ligible fraction of tQe matter in our own galaxy clei and the level density and parameters of
exists at temperatures much less than 300'K, nuclear energy states as well as by experi-
i.e., the gas-giant planets of our stellar system, mental measurements.
nebulas, etc. Furthermore, it is well known that (iii) Energy lost to radiation cannot be utilized
thermodynamically-governed isotopic fractiona- to initiate further nuclear reactions, because
tion ever more strongly favors higher relative the huge heat capacity of the radiation field at
concentration of deuterium as the temperature atmospheric density results in a sufficiently low
decreases, e.g. , the D: H concentration ratio in equilibrium temperature (~1.4 keV) that the
the -10' 'K Gr eat Nebula in Orion is about 1:200.
4' electrostatic repulsion between nuclei prevents
Finally, orbital velocities of matter about the any ' N-' N reactions at all. from occurring by an
galactic center of mass are of the order of astronomically large factor (-10'4').
3 x 10' cm/sec at our distance from the galactic (iv} The fusion-chain reactions proposed by
core. McNally fail. not only owing the rapid slowing of
It is thus quite conceivable that hydrogenous the suggested chain centers by Coulomb drag,
matter (e.g. , CH4, NH„H, O, or just H, } rela- but also because of side reactions which absorb
tively rich in deuterium (&1 at. /0) could accumu- such chain centers, thereby precluding any pos-
late at its normal, zero-pressure density in sibility of a chain reaction.
substantial thicknesses or planetary surfaces, and (v) Detailed nonthermal nuclear-burn calcula-
such layering might even be a fairly common tions were made in which the reactants, products,
feature of the colder, gas-giant planets. If thereby and electrons were not assumed to have Max-
highly enriched in deuterium (&10 at. %), thermo- wellian velocity distributions, the kinematics
nuclear detonation of such layers could be and radiative emission mere treated in a rela-
initiated artificially with attainable nuclear ex- tivistically correct fashion, and separate Coulomb
plosives. Even with deuterium atom fractions logarithms were calculated for each pair of
approaching 0.3 at. % (less than that observed over interacting particles. These calculations in-
multiparsec scales in Orion), however, such cluded both ' N+ "N fusion reactions and the
layers might be initiated into propagating thermo- "most dangerous" fusion chain (2c. +2'4N-' N
nuclear detonation by the impact of large +4@+7.9 MeV), assuming the highest physicaliy
(dia a 10 m), ultra-high velocity (v a 3 x 10' possible reaction rates. Even at multi-MeV
cm/sec) meteors or comets originating from temperatures, no divergent chain effects oc-
nearer the galactic center. Such events, though curred, the total nuclear energy generated al-
exceedingly rare, woul. d be spectacularly visible ways fell far below the input energy, and. the
on distance scales of many parsecs. material was always rapidly cooled by radiation

losses in &10 ' sec. these matters and for encouragement to publish
(vi) Similar considerations preclude the det- these results. We are particularly indebted to
onation of oceans of terrestrial composition, Roland Dayras and Z. E. Switkowski for com-
while admitting the possibility of detonating municating data on ' N+' N fusion reactions prior
layers of suitable isotopic composition, density, to publication, and to Stan Woosley and Robert
and depth on planetary (and possibly stellar) Howerton for useful discussions on nuclear cross
surfaces. sections. %e also express our appreciation to
John Nuckolls for many useful. background dis-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS cussions. This work was performed under the
We wish to thank Edward Teller, Eugene
auspices of the U. S. DOE under Contract No.
Wigner, and Gregory Breit for discussions of

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