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QL. The ordinary differential equation y" = JTF OFF Is 4. Linear, nonhomogeneous, second order, first degree with constant coefficients. b. Linear, homogeneous, second order, first degree with constant coefficients. c. Nonlinear, nonhomogeneous, second order, first degree with constant coefficients. @ Nonlinear, nonhomogeneous, second order, second degree with constant coefficients. {Q2 The direrential equation = Separable Tocer QS. The function y = y'—20y = 24 y F 20: 4, Determine which one ofthe fljowing equation i exact _& (0 —yeosxy)dx + x 0% = x cos xy + 2y)dy = 0 @ Giny—ysinxdd + (cos + x cos y-y)dy = 0 (x? = yd + (x? = 2ay)dy = 0 4. (yiny—e"™)dx + (5+ xIny) dy = 0 (QS. The watue of k so thu the equation (6xy* + cosy)ex + (2kex"y* aes =O inexact it equalt... keg k= 4 (k= 45 ey ZED 3p2-06 Thesolution of equation — 2x2yy" = tam zty* — 2xy? is ae Qt. Let (xf T= Fy? —y)dy + (x tyYT= 7 yd = a Ma =2E. Ee : 24) —4y"—20y=24 dy + Zoy = 24 d. The equation is (exact ¢. The solution of the Equation is YOR. y+ 20y= 24, then nonlinear second order) a. The equation is (exact ig Gls a RY woe bot te 5 “ats Bad. “5 Fo taco a (A fon 2 |ncsne) sxeee : mae ge e > Sutze =z6ce=GEé > p wa(Oe) 4 Eco AMD Qs: The solution ofequation = Name of studs QI:The ordinary differentia! eq y ‘a. Linear, nonhomogeneous, second order, third degree with constant coefficients, b. Linear, homogeneous, second order, first degree with constant coefficients. c. Nonlinear, homogeneous, second order, first degree with constant coefficients, @ Nonlinear, nonhomogeneous, seeond order, tbétigegrce with constant coe icles Q2:The function y = $— $62" is explicit solution of y'-20y= 24 —4y'—20y=24 — —dy’ + 20y = 26 Q3: Determine which one of The Tollowing equation is exact #a. (7 - yoosxy)dx + (4x e? = xcosxy + 2y)dy = 0 ® (siny —ysinx)dx + (cosx +xcosy—y)dy =0 €. GP y?)dx + (x? — 2xy)dy = 0 d. Giny-e™)dx + (E+ xiny) dy 20 Q4: The value of Ic so that the equation (y + x*)dx + (lex + by®)dy = 0 is exact is equal k=9 kad ay Q6.Let B= Sy = 13, then 1. The equation is (exact nonlinear (linear, eae! order) awd <7) se 2. px) - € Mice 3. FO) =. 13. erp SPasden cl acs? fiat ‘The solution of the Equation is re Let Pedy + (In? +9) +e 2 aft Me a MCny) =A Loe aoe Birgee wile? ? not exact) because d. The equation is (exact S Rey ea R Veay- ae ‘ oy "OP iidiooaegh ~ ~- “sl hye 4 rc | m= tap. Ie Ay 4 c\ fee Dae Ys ce 29 Yr wtt ce BER ‘Name of students... Degree. 4uirel degree Homogeneous, AGS. 3. Linearity 4. Coefficients. r Lat (etxty*— xty? ee} ‘ (ay*e + 2a y? + y)dx =0 3 a MG) = axpe. AKG Yow MG =. xtc ae é 6 Meee. ~ahelaog Me -2x Sele Bxye'# 623 Bee 2x 2x3. mo. 1exsexFe ake ae d. Theequationis (exact ra because eg ‘2 ¢. The solution of the Equation is conn ) aa “ye , ete — 2 4(y =a, then wi) rs 1 aaa (exact nonlinear Tear A eon ae 4 Dp) Shine dene € = 3. FG) =..360 ge af Sean ce sehaged}xee| 4. The solution of the Equation is .[. viable .... Mes Lat (2x — Sy + ayde = (2x + 4y —6)dy a May) 22 Hatbug hd 6 AEP 2. BE me d. The equation is (exact The solution of the Equation is ...... ets Paap 2M 3w 2-542 7-3) PA 2, 2 +54 2x Sadia § Peas do ¥ BPs hin Sen oe Sidx S fs mene “Oy = € og | [Gis Fs of ctx al j= fee ae ALF vel 2 y = ie ‘QL. Give full etassiiention of, the following differenital equation : 3" + 5(y’)* ~ 4y = «# 5. Types. dinar’ 6. Order. Secornd..ardes, 7 Linearity .....)6e&h 8 Coefficients... Yag.. Lat (sine +cosy +4 )dy + Grcosx + siny + yhdx= © =: Variable ., Ny) PS 9 690) oe Cason) ot ‘ © Mess) = Seas at. Singhs, . men - wen CoBLR) ARCA Y) i)... MEM, = 2 wey). fe Theequsion is ((exaet not exact) because , toy = ¢ >e Bs 4-7 Ff Son they bx + el => Y= Fe [ [eta de +e -20% 2 hs ae £ got a c| > 4- EBs +e Sawe: (Swi +x O75) ex) dy + (geodon rncy) +9 Dolfin Mey = 9 cs O0 4 sinty) +4 Meng) = BinOy + X C08 64) 4% = Shas dy = {09 estes + sincgy 7 Joo ee 1 oe L = Jin ou + Sines) H+ ae BS ila d= 0 dy - MIs Free lie 4,7 8 my we eR the Following differential equation + y 9. Type:. Kalinery, 10, Order, “Secamd.. syd TL. Linearity , MOS, 12. Coefficients... Let (xy3 4 Ry* QI. Give fu Classification of, + dry ay = ef Degree.. Pixs4..lleyyes, » Homogencous.... V..0... sea Vatiable ...,, Met. x 4 : 2 NGI) =P Yah DY A 26 . PA MA ec sescecsneeee e ‘ Hoc, MEBs 330 He +64 . d. Thecquationis (exact Ceol because Eg pL ©. The solution of the Equation is ..........0.00. sea ae ay Qt 2+ 6y=1 then 5 The egeation is (exact nonlinear TTinear'| second order) 6B) Sl. A: ie %ydaxe| = 7. fa) = 8. The solution of the The solution of (x= Iny)dy + Griny)dx = 0.8 vesessees Let (2x + 2y— 3)dy = (x+y — Bde coe NEY) Hos EAB £ ee ee a Ef sa a . Mears... : ED Doo “The equation is (exact notexact) because ‘The solution of the Equation is ...-..-.-..--+-. oo Bight da ~ Jf Nea dx = [e434 Ex ey Kx S Mery ay = [acway- >) = 2x4 +434 6a me) on ee @ \ ‘Name of student: Qt. Give fll tasstcation of the following derenta equation 1 (2 : i =) tars aya o 5 Type:, CAA 7 6. Order. Secetad... Orelen. 7. Linearity ..... Al. 8. Coefficients... 2 b Mey) =... Y= man a eo te m. The equation is (exact a, The solution of the Equation i ZEN et xB+ y=ytInx then 1. The equations (exaet 2 plx)= 3. fled =. 38 ise 6. The solution of the Equation i ‘The solution of (x —Iny)dy + Grlny)dx = 0 = > Be ze Segre S dz. \ w = opt ee ae o> Seek re vas ree Sh dn ets + os 2-2 f 4: ee deel 22 Zen gts Lecl Si: Wee y vex > “ _ 4 Ne + ex +h eR La

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