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NAME AND SURNAME:____________________________________GROUP:__________


a) Round the numbers that express the mass of the truck, loaded and empty, to the
hundredths, tenths and units.

Exact mass Mass (in tonnes) rounded to the...

In tonnes Units Tenths Hundredths

b) How many tonnes of fruit does the truck transport? And kilograms?

c) How many euros did it cost to weigh the truck (empty)?

d) Which is the volume of the truck in m3? To obtain it, multiply the length by the width and
the height.

e) Which is the volume of a box of fruit in dm3?

f) Estimate the number of boxes the trailer can hold and the total volume they occupy, and
explain how you did it.

g) How long will it take (in sexagesimal system) for the truck to pick up the letter?

NAME AND SURNAME:____________________________________GROUP:__________

a) Which is the volume of the new truck? Express it in m3 and round the result to the

b) Estimate the number of boxes (equal in dimensions to the previous ones) that the new truck
can contain. Will all the boxes from the damaged truck fit into the new one? Justify your

c) The mechanic plans to stop four times. Each stop will last
10 minutes. If the speed is 110 km/h, how long will it take
to reach the place where the damaged truck is located?
Express your answer in sexagesimal system (h and min).

a) Research how it is, why it was built, where it is, how it is called, how long it is... the tunnel
under the English Channel (you can use Internet or an encyclopedia).

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