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Special Issue

Epidemiology of Diabetes and

Diabetes-Related Complications

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Anjali D Deshpande, Marcie Harris-Hayes, Mario Schootman
AD Deshpande, PhD, MPH, is Re-
search Assistant Professor, Division
In 2005, it was estimated that more than 20 million people in the United States had
of Health Behavior Research, De-
partment of Medicine, Washing- diabetes. Approximately 30% of these people had undiagnosed cases. Increased risk
ton University School of Medicine, for diabetes is primarily associated with age, ethnicity, family history of diabetes,
St Louis, MO 63110 (USA). At the smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity. Diabetes-related complications—including
time of manuscript preparation cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, neuropathy, blindness, and lower-extremity
and submission, Dr Deshpande
amputation—are a significant cause of increased morbidity and mortality among
was Assistant Professor, Depart-
ment of Community Health, Saint people with diabetes, and result in a heavy economic burden on the US health care
Louis University School of Public system. With advances in treatment for diabetes and its associated complications,
Health, St Louis, Missouri. Address people with diabetes are living longer with their condition. This longer life span will
all correspondence to Dr Desh- contribute to further increases in the morbidity associated with diabetes, primarily in
pande at:
elderly people and in minority racial or ethnic groups. In 2050, the number of people
M Harris-Hayes, PT, DPT, OCS, is in the United States with diagnosed diabetes is estimated to grow to 48.3 million.
Assistant Professor, Program in Results from randomized controlled trials provide evidence that intensive lifestyle
Physical Therapy, Washington
interventions can prevent or delay the onset of diabetes in high-risk individuals. In
University School of Medicine.
addition, adequate and sustained control of blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and
M Schootman, PhD, is Associate blood lipid levels can prevent or delay the onset of diabetes-related complications in
Professor, Division of Health Be-
people with diabetes. Effective interventions, at both the individual and population
havior Research, Department of
Medicine, Washington University levels, are desperately needed to slow the diabetes epidemic and reduce diabetes-
School of Medicine. related complications in the United States. This report describes the current diabetes
epidemic and the health and economic impact of diabetes complications on individ-
[Deshpande AD, Harris-Hayes M,
Schootman M. Epidemiology of uals and on the health care system. The report also provides suggestions by which the
diabetes and diabetes-related com- epidemic can be curbed.
plications. Phys Ther. 2008;88:
1254 –1264.]

© 2008 American Physical Therapy


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1254 f Physical Therapy Volume 88 Number 11 November 2008

Epidemiology of Diabetes and Diabetes-Related Complications

iabetes and its complications 2. type 2, which develops when From 1988 to 1994, approximately
are a major cause of morbidity there is an abnormal increased re- 25% of a cross-sectional sample of US
and mortality in the United sistance to the action of insulin adults 40 to 74 years of age were
States and contribute substantially to and the body cannot produce classified as having prediabetes.3 For
health care costs. Although we have enough insulin to overcome the the year 2000, this would mean that
already seen an epidemic of diabetes resistance; 12 million people in the United
in the United States over the past 2 States had prediabetes. This finding
decades, we can expect a continued 3. gestational diabetes, which is a clearly indicates that there is a large
rise in the incidence of diabetes as form of glucose intolerance that population that is at risk for develop-
the population ages, a continued in- affects some women during preg- ing diabetes within a relatively short
crease in adult obesity rates, and an nancy; and time frame.

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increase in the population of minor-
ity groups that are at high risk for 4. a group of other types of diabetes Incidence and Prevalence
diabetes. In addition, rising child- caused by specific genetic defects In 2005, an estimated 1.5 million
hood obesity rates and the increasing of beta-cell function or insulin ac- new cases of diabetes were diag-
diagnosis of type 2 (formerly “adult- tion, diseases of the pancreas, or nosed.2 Although the incidence (or
onset” diabetes) among children and drugs or chemicals.1 new cases of diabetes) describes in-
young adults have become an in- creases in the number of people af-
creasingly serious health crisis, which Type 1 diabetes accounts for 5% to fected by the disease, the preva-
will result in more people having and 10% of all cases of diabetes. Its risk lence (or existing cases of diabetes)
managing diabetes for most of their factors include autoimmune, ge- describes the overall burden of the
lives. netic, and environmental factors. To disease in the population. Two
date, there are no known ways to population-based sources of data
Although 90% to 95% of the diabetes prevent type 1 diabetes. Type 2 dia- on diabetes, the National Health In-
burden in the United States is due to betes accounts for 90% to 95% of all terview Survey (NHIS)4 and the Be-
type 2 diabetes, an understanding of diagnosed diabetes cases. This form havioral Risk Factor Surveillance Sys-
the different types of diabetes and of diabetes generally begins as insu- tem (BRFSS),5 provide data on the
their impact on health is warranted. lin resistance and, because the body prevalence of diabetes in the United
This article reviews the literature on is unable to produce enough insulin States. Although these sources pro-
the epidemiology of diabetes in the to address the resistance, the pan- vide accurate self-reported data
United States and provides back- creas may reduce the production of about diabetes for the United States,
ground on the complications associ- insulin or eventually stop producing they have been limited to reporting
ated with diabetes, especially those it. Minority women, women who are the prevalence of diagnosed diabe-
complications most frequently seen obese, women with a family history tes because they assess whether a
by physical therapists. of diabetes, and women who have person has been told by a physician
had gestational diabetes in a previ- or health care professional that he or
Pathophysiology ous pregnancy are at higher risk than she has diabetes. This limitation,
of Diabetes other women for developing gesta- then, does not allow for measure-
Diabetes mellitus is a group of tional diabetes. Strict glycemic con- ment of undiagnosed diabetes (ie,
chronic metabolic conditions, all of trol and management of women with those people who have diabetes but
which are characterized by elevated gestational diabetes is necessary to have not yet been diagnosed by a
blood glucose levels resulting from prevent birth complications in the physician).
the body’s inability to produce insu- developing infant. Women who have
lin or resistance to insulin action, or had gestational diabetes have a 20% The National Health and Nutrition
both.1 This group of conditions can to 50% increased risk for developing Examination Surveys (NHANES) are
be subdivided into 4 clinically dis- type 2 diabetes later in life.2 the only nationally representative sur-
tinct types: veys that have taken blood samples
Prediabetes is a precursor condition in addition to survey questions and,
1. type 1, which results from auto- to diabetes in which a person has therefore, can estimate both diag-
immune beta-cell destruction in elevated blood glucose levels but nosed and undiagnosed diabetes.6
the pancreas and is characterized does not meet diagnostic criteria for Based on prevalence estimates from
by a complete lack of insulin diabetes. People with prediabetes NHANES for 2005, the total preva-
production; can have impaired fasting glucose or lence of diabetes (both diagnosed
impaired glucose tolerance, or both. and undiagnosed) was estimated at

November 2008 Volume 88 Number 11 Physical Therapy f 1255

Epidemiology of Diabetes and Diabetes-Related Complications

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Figure 1.
Prevalence of diagnosed diabetes by age in the United States. National Health Interview Survey, 1997–2005.9

20.8 million or 7.0% of the US pop- time from 1997 to 2005 in all age with diabetes is projected to triple
ulation. Of these, 14.6 million were groups (Fig. 1).9 Data from the 1997– by the year 2050, but the number of
diagnosed and 6.2 million—almost 2005 NHIS indicate that older adults whites with diabetes is estimated to
30% of all diabetes cases—were have consistently borne a greater only double.7
undiagnosed. burden of diabetes.9
Risk Factors
Trends Over Time Age-adjusted prevalence rates for Although the pathogenesis of diabe-
Diabetes mellitus is now approach- diagnosed diabetes have consistently tes is complex, a number of factors
ing epidemic proportions.7 In the been higher among African Ameri- that increase the risk for the disease
United States, the prevalence and cans and Hispanics compared with have been identified. Risk factors for
incidence of diabetes have increased whites. African-American women type 1 diabetes include family his-
dramatically during the past 2 de- have the highest prevalence of dia- tory, race (with whites at higher risk
cades.7 According to data from the betes compared with other racial than other racial or ethnic groups),
NHIS for the period from 1980 to or ethnic and gender groups. In and certain viral infections during
2005, the age-adjusted prevalence of 2005, the age-adjusted prevalence childhood. Risk factors for type 2
diagnosed diabetes was fairly stable rate for diagnosed diabetes was diabetes are more diverse; some are
at about 3.0% from 1980 to 1990 and 8.3% in African-American women modifiable, and others are not.
then began to increase. In 1990, the compared with 8.0% in African-
age-adjusted prevalence rate was American men, 7.5% in Hispanic Nonmodifiable risk factors for type 2
2.9%.8 It increased to 4.5% in 2000 women, 7.1% in Hispanic men, 4.7% diabetes include age, race or ethnic-
and to 5.3% in 2005. The overall in white women, and 5.4% in white ity, family history (genetic predispo-
prevalence of diagnosed diabetes in- men.9 The number of individuals sition), history of gestational diabe-
creases with age and the rate of in- with diagnosed diabetes is estimated tes, and low birth weight. Diabetes
crease over time has been largest in to triple by the year 2050.10 Esti- incidence and prevalence increases
people over 65 years of age.8 The mates show that 3.2 million African with age. In 2005, the Centers for
prevalence of self-reported diag- Americans currently have diabetes.2 Disease Control and Prevention re-
nosed diabetes has increased over The number of African Americans ported that the prevalence of diabe-

1256 f Physical Therapy Volume 88 Number 11 November 2008

Epidemiology of Diabetes and Diabetes-Related Complications

tes among people aged 20 years or to be an independent risk factor for times higher in people with diabetes
older was 20.6 million (9.6% of the diabetes.17 than in people who do not have
people in that age group), and the diabetes.
prevalence of diabetes increased Psychosocial factors such as de-
with age (10.3 million people aged pression, increased stress, lower so- There are several risk factors that in-
60 years or older, or 20.9% of those cial support, and poor mental health crease the risk for dying in people
in that age group, had diabetes).2 status also are associated with an with diabetes. In a large interven-
increased risk for the development tion trial, men with diabetes were
African Americans are more likely to of diabetes.18 –22 Recently, adverse more likely to die as a result of car-
develop diabetes than whites.11 In housing conditions were found to be diovascular disease when they had
addition, for Native Americans, the independently associated with the the conventional risk factors of ele-

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rates of diagnosed diabetes range development of self-reported dia- vated serum cholesterol, elevated
from 5% to 50% in different tribes betes, although the mechanism by systolic blood pressure, and cigarette
and population groups. Little differ- which housing conditions exert smoking.28 In recent studies, “tight
ence exists by sex. Genetic factors their risk is still unknown.23 (Also control” of elevated blood pressure
also play a role, but nongenetic or see the article in this issue by Kirk- in type 2 diabetes reduced deaths
lifestyle risk factors (such as diet and ness et al24 documenting the number related to diabetes by 32% compared
physical activity) appear to be the of risk factors for diabetes in a large with less tight control.29
primary culprits.12 sample of patients seen by physical
therapists.) Complications
Modifiable or lifestyle risk factors Diabetes can affect many different
include increased body mass index Mortality organ systems in the body and, over
(BMI), physical inactivity, poor nutri- In 2002, diabetes was the sixth lead- time, can lead to serious complica-
tion, hypertension, smoking, and al- ing cause of death,2 with 73,249 death tions. Complications from diabetes
cohol use, among others.7,11 In- certificates listing diabetes as the un- can be classified as microvascular or
creased BMI is consistently shown to derlying cause of death and an ad- macrovascular. Microvascular compli-
be one of the strongest risk factors ditional 224,092 death certificates list- cations include nervous system dam-
for development of diabetes.13 In ad- ing diabetes as a contributing cause of age (neuropathy), renal system dam-
dition, distribution of body fat,14 and death. Diabetes is likely to be under- age (nephropathy) and eye damage
specifically an increased waist-to-hip reported as a cause of death due to the (retinopathy).1 Macrovascular com-
ratio, increase a person’s risk for many complications associated with plications include cardiovascular dis-
diabetes.15 diabetes that ultimately cause death. ease, stroke, and peripheral vascular
Overall, the risk of death among peo- disease. Peripheral vascular disease
Consistent findings from various ple with diabetes is almost twice that may lead to bruises or injuries that do
studies show that lower levels of of people of similar age who do not not heal, gangrene, and, ultimately,
physical activity increase a person’s have diabetes.2 Duration of diabetes amputation.
risk for diabetes. A recent review of also is an important determinant of
10 prospective cohort studies inves- mortality; younger age-of-onset groups Figure 2 shows the prevalence of
tigating moderate-intensity physical (⬍45 years of age) have an increased the most common diabetes com-
activity and diabetes provides evi- risk of premature death. From death plications among people with type 2
dence that people who achieve rec- certificate data, it appears that age- diabetes. Data from the 1999 –2004
ommended levels of even moderate adjusted death rates for African NHANES indicate that the prevalence
activity are about 30% less likely to Americans and Hispanic Americans of microvascular complications—
develop diabetes than their inactive are similar to the rates of whites.25,26 chronic kidney disease (defined as
counterparts.16 An increased mortality rate in North microalbuminuria), foot problems (de-
American Native Americans with type fined as foot/toe amputation, foot
Total caloric intake, as well as spe- 2 diabetes also is apparent. lesion, or numbness), and eye dam-
cific components of diet such as re- age (defined as being told that dia-
fined carbohydrates and fats, have There is general agreement about betes had affected the eyes or had
been linked to diabetes develop- the distribution of causes of death in retinopathy)—are much higher than
ment. Moderate alcohol use may re- type 2 diabetes.27 Two thirds of the prevalence of macrovascular com-
duce the risk for developing diabe- people with diabetes die of heart dis- plications (heart attack, chest pain,
tes,10 but smoking has been shown ease and stroke. The risk for cardio- coronary heart disease, congestive
vascular disease mortality is 2 to 4 heart failure, and stroke).30 Com-

November 2008 Volume 88 Number 11 Physical Therapy f 1257

Epidemiology of Diabetes and Diabetes-Related Complications

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Figure 2.
Prevalence of diabetes-related complications among people with diabetes. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,
1999 –2004.29

plications can be either episodic Heart Disease and Stroke hypercholesterolemia, and smoking.
(eg, foot ulcers or infections) that Cardiovascular disease causes up It appears, however, that the pres-
can be treated and recur numerous to 65% of all deaths in people with ence of even one of these risk factors
times or progressive (eg, nephropa- diabetes.31 Ischemic heart disease leads to poorer outcomes among peo-
thy), which usually begin relatively and stroke account for the greatest ple with diabetes compared with
mildly, but over time result in fur- proportion of morbidity associated those without diabetes.28 Data on
ther damage to the organ and greater with diabetes. In addition, as de- trends in cardiovascular disease com-
loss of functionality that is generally scribed above, mortality rates due to plications associated with diabetes
irreversible. heart disease are 2 to 4 times higher are available from the 1950s to 2003
among people with diabetes com- for different populations, and overall
Other complications include dental pared with those without diabetes. these data indicate that there have
disease, reduced resistance to infec- People with diabetes also are 2 to been large and significant decreases
tions such as influenza and pneu- 4 times more likely to develop stroke in the incidence of cardiovascular
monia, and macrosomia and other than people without diabetes. More complications among people with
birth complications among pregnant than 70% of people with diabetes diabetes over time.32,33 The greatest
women with diabetes. Although the have high blood pressure or are decreases appear to have occurred
types of complications are similar being treated with medications for during the 1980s and 1990s and co-
for type 1 and type 2 diabetes pa- hypertension. The role of hypergly- incide with significant advances in
tients, the frequency or timing of oc- cemia in cardiovascular complica- medicines to control glycemic lev-
currence can vary. The types and tions among persons with diabetes is els as well as medicines to control
prevalence of the most common di- not clear. blood pressure and blood choles-
abetes complications are discussed terol levels. It appears, however, that
further in more detail with specific Risk factors for cardiovascular dis- these decreases have slowed since
attention to differences between ease among people with diabetes are the late 1990s.9 (Also see the article
complications of type 1 versus type 2 similar to those for people without in this issue by Cade34 for a detailed
diabetes. diabetes and include hypertension, perspective on microvascular and

1258 f Physical Therapy Volume 88 Number 11 November 2008

Epidemiology of Diabetes and Diabetes-Related Complications

macrovascular disease in people dence that it can begin to develop as low during the first 10 to 15 years of
with diabetes.) early as 7 years before clinical diag- diabetes duration, after which it in-
nosis of type 2 diabetes.36 The age- creases rapidly to a maximum at
Peripheral Arterial Disease adjusted prevalence of visual im- about 18 years of duration, and then
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD, also pairment decreased from 23.7 per declines.38 – 40 The actual onset of
referred to as peripheral vascular dis- 100 people with diabetes in 1997 to type 2 diabetes may precede its clin-
ease [PVD]), is caused by the nar- approximately 17.7 per 100 people ical diagnosis by many years,41,42
rowing of blood vessels that carry with diabetes in 2005.9 The preva- which may explain the high preva-
blood to the arms, legs, stomach, and lence of visual impairment among lence of nephropathy at diabetes
kidneys. In people with diabetes, the people with diabetes increases with diagnosis. In 2002, diabetes-related
risk for PAD is increased by age, age. In 2005, 27% of adults with di- nephropathy accounted for 44% of

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duration of diabetes, and presence abetes who were 75 years of age or new cases of end-stage renal disease
of neuropathy. Other factors asso- older reported some degree of visual (ERSD), and 153,730 people with
ciated with cardiovascular disease, impairment compared with 15% of ESRD due to diabetes had either re-
such as C-reactive protein levels adults with diabetes who were be- ceived a kidney transplant or were
and homocysteine levels, also are tween 18 and 44 years of age.9 on chronic dialysis treatment.2
associated with an increased risk Throughout the period of 1997–
for PAD.35 Peripheral arterial disease 2005, women with diabetes were The etiology of diabetic nephropa-
is characterized by 2 types of symp- more likely than men with diabetes thy is poorly understood. Several risk
toms: intermittent claudication (or to have visual impairment. Preva- factors are involved, some of which
the intermittent pain, ache, or dis- lence rates in women with diabetes are modifiable and others are not.
comfort that may occur during exer- have been falling throughout this Metabolic regulation is one of the
cise or walking but resolves with time period, whereas rates in men key modifiable risk factors for de-
rest) and pain at rest (which is with diabetes have stayed fairly con- velopment of diabetic nephropathy.
caused by ischemia in the limb, indi- stant since 2001. There appears to be In people with either type 1 or type
cating inadequate blood flow to the no difference between racial groups in 2 diabetes, strict metabolic control
affected limb).35 Peripheral arterial the prevalence of visual impairment leads to a significant reduction in the
disease is a major risk factor for during the period 1997–2005. Dura- risk of developing microalbinuria
lower-extremity amputation. tion of diabetes is the most signifi- and the risk of progression to persis-
cant predictor of visual impairment tent proteinuria.43– 45 The impact of
Data on PAD trends come from hos- among people with type 2 diabetes. strict metabolic control on prognosis
pital discharge data from the Na- As much as 90% of blindness due to is most pronounced in patients with
tional Center for Health Statistics and retinopathy among people with dia- normal levels of albumin in the urine
indicate that the hospital discharge betes may be preventable if detected and patients with microalbuminuria.
rates for PAD as the primary diagno- and treated early. Annual dilated eye Increasing blood pressure and hy-
sis have decreased steadily since examinations are recommended for pertension also are associated with
1996. The age-adjusted hospital dis- all patients with diabetes.37 an increased risk of progression of
charge rate for PAD peaked at 7.8 diabetic renal disease.46 However, it
per 1,000 people with diabetes in Nephropathy (Renal Disease) is still unclear whether blood pres-
1996 and was down to 3.3 per 1,000 Diabetic nephropathy is defined as sure at diabetic onset predicts later
people with diabetes in 2003. In ad- persistent proteinuria (more than development of diabetic nephropa-
dition, discharge rates for PAD were 500 mg of protein or 300 mg of al- thy. Other risk factors, including
higher in men than in women and bumin per 24 hours) in patients cigarette smoking, obesity, anemia,
increased with increasing age.9 without urinary tract infection or and genetic factors, also have been
other diseases causing the protein- suggested.47
Retinopathy (Blindness) uria. In patients with type 1 diabetes,
Diabetic retinopathy is the most development of clinical nephropa- People with type 2 diabetes and dia-
common microvascular complica- thy is a relatively late event; how- betic nephropathy are at increased
tion among people with diabetes ever, in patients with type 2 diabe- risk for developing many other dia-
and results in more than 10,000 new tes, diabetic proteinuria may be betic complications. The renal-retinal
cases of blindness per year. In addi- present at diagnosis. syndrome has been known for years
tion, retinopathy is associated with and refers to the presence of both
prolonged hyperglycemia, it is slow The incidence of diabetic nephropa- types of diseases at the same time. Peo-
to develop, and there is some evi- thy in patients with type 2 diabetes is ple with diabetes and nephropathy

November 2008 Volume 88 Number 11 Physical Therapy f 1259

Epidemiology of Diabetes and Diabetes-Related Complications

also are more likely to develop coro- tional limitations. Individuals with DPN related hospital discharges with LEAs.9
nary heart disease and stroke com- are at high risk for foot ulceration and The age-adjusted rate of hospital dis-
pared with patients with diabetes subsequent lower-extremity amputa- charges for LEAs per 10,000 pop-
without nephropathy. People with di- tion.61– 63 In individuals with diabetes, ulation increased after the 1983
abetes and nephropathy also are more the presence of DPN is associated with implementation of the prospective
likely to die from macrovascular dis- a greater number of health care visits reimbursement system by the Center
ease, as described above. per year and an inability to work due for Medicare and Medicaid Services,
to physical limitations.50 Other poten- leveled off starting in the mid-1980s,
Overall, the incidence of nephropa- tial complications of DPN, such as and then began increasing in the
thy has declined in recent decades, falls, are less clearly attributable to the early 1990s. After reaching a peak in
due to improvements in the man- illness; however, they can result in sig- 1996, LEA rates decreased slightly. In

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agement of people with diabetes to nificant functional limitations. (Also 2003, the age-adjusted LEA rate was
promote tight control of glycemia see the articles in this issue by Mueller 4.4 per 1,000 people with diabetes.9
as well as improved control of hy- et al,64 Sinacore et al,65 and Hilton et
pertension. For example, compari- al66 about neuropathic skin, bone, There are several risk factors for LEA,
son of 4 cohorts of patients with and muscle in people with diabetes including increasing age, being male,
type 1 diabetes whose disease was mellitus.) being African American, having pe-
diagnosed between 1965 and 1984 ripheral neuropathy, and having
showed that the cumulative inci- Data from the National Center for chronic ulcers. About 85% of all LEAs
dence of diabetic nephropathy over Health Statistics indicate that the occurring in people who had diabe-
the following 20 years were lowest hospital discharge rates for DPN tes for more than 30 months were
in the most recently diagnosed have steadily increased from 1996 to preceded by a chronic, nonhealing
cohorts.48,49 2003. The age-adjusted hospital dis- foot ulcer.62,68 Diabetic foot ulcers
charge rate for DPN increased from are common and are estimated to
Peripheral Neuropathy 4.7 per 1,000 people with diabetes affect about 15% of all individuals
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) in 1996 to 6.8 per 1,000 people with with diabetes during their lifetimes.69
is a common complication estimated diabetes in 2003. Discharge rates Peripheral vascular disease contrib-
to affect 30% to 50% of individuals were higher in men than in women utes to about half of all amputations
with diabetes.50 –53 The primary risk and higher for people younger than in people with diabetes.62 Many foot
factor for DPN is hyperglycemia.52,54 45 years of age compared with those ulcers might be prevented by regular
Other independent risk factors in- who were 45 years of age and older.9 foot inspections, access to foot care,
clude age, duration of disease, ciga- and adequate footwear.70,71 However,
rette smoking, hypertension, elevated Lower-Extremity Amputations the majority of individuals with dia-
triglycerides, higher BMI, alcohol con- Nontraumatic lower-extremity am- betes do not get regular inspections
sumption, and taller height.53–56 putations (LEAs) are a devastating of their feet, adequate shoes, or
complication of diabetes. As many as proper foot care.72 (Also see the article
Chronic sensorimotor distal sym- 15% of people with diabetes will in this issue by Mueller et al64 about
metric polyneuropthy is the most have such amputations during their physical stresses contributing to skin
common form of DPN.57 Polyneu- lifetime. People with diabetes are 10 breakdown in people with diabetes
ropathy can lead to sensory loss, to 20 times more likely to have LEAs mellitus.)
muscle weakness, and pain. The typ- than those without diabetes. People
ical presentation of polyneuropathy 65 years of age and older account for There is still controversy concerning
is a gradual onset of sensory impair- about 55% of patients with diabetes the benefit of primary minor ampu-
ment, including burning and numb- who had nontraumatic LEAs.67 tation versus primary major amputa-
ness in the feet. The onset is so tion. The advantage of primary mi-
gradual that the disease may go un- The annual number of diabetes- nor amputation is that there is a
detected for years. Neuropathic pain related hospital discharges with LEA lower risk for new major amputation
may be severe when present; how- increased from about 33,000 in 1980 and better rehabilitation potential.73
ever, it is reported to occur in only to 84,000 in 1997.9 Although large However, in a prospective study of
11% to 32% of individuals with increases in the number of LEA dis- 189 patients with diabetes, there
polyneuropathy.58 – 60 charges occurred in the early 1990s, was no difference in the rate of new
the number of discharges for LEAs amputations between people with
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy leads leveled off afterward. In 2003, index minor amputations and people
to a number of impairments and func- there were about 75,000 diabetes- with index major amputations, and

1260 f Physical Therapy Volume 88 Number 11 November 2008

Epidemiology of Diabetes and Diabetes-Related Complications

those with index minor amputations billion in direct costs for 2002, $23 idence is not so strong that glycemic
had longer healing times.74 People billion was due to health care events control greatly reduces a person’s
with diabetes who had an index ma- with a primary diagnosis of uncompli- risk for cardiovascular complica-
jor amputation had a higher mortal- cated diabetes and an additional $25 tions. Clearly, a combined effort to
ity rate, an equal rate of new ampu- billion was for treatment of diabetes- control blood glucose, blood pres-
tations regardless of level, an related cardiovascular disease.75 (Also sure, and blood lipids will have the
increased rate of major amputations, see the perspective article in this issue greatest effect on reducing a per-
and lower rehabilitation potential by Cohn76 about the economic reali- son’s risk for diabetes-related compli-
compared with patients with an in- ties for the care of people with diabe- cations and, ultimately, will have a
dex minor amputation.74 Disability tes mellitus.) favorable impact on the economic
as a result of an LEA is quite common. costs associated with diabetes.80 – 82

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Approximately 40% of the total cost (Also see the articles in this issue by
Control of Risk Factors to of diabetes in the United States is due Turcotte and Fisher83 and Gulve84
Reduce Complications directly to inpatient care for treat- on the effects of exercise in manag-
Across all of the diabetes-related ment of diabetes complications.77 ing these risk factors in people with
complications described above, the Several studies have estimated an- diabetes mellitus).
3 most significant risk factors are hy- nual and cumulative economic costs
perglycemia, high blood pressure, of diabetes complications over Conclusion
and hypercholesterolemia. It has time.78,79 These studies found that Early projections for the number of
been suggested that improvements macrovascular disease (mainly car- people with diagnosed diabetes in
in glycemic control, blood pressure, diovascular events and stroke) ac- the United States in 2050 were cal-
and cholesterol level can reduce a counted for as much as 85% of the culated to be around 39 million.85,86
person’s risk for complications.2 For costs of complications associated Since those calculations were done,
example, in a person with diabetes, with diabetes and that these condi- however, the national incidence of
each percentage point reduction in tions are a significant determinant of diabetes has continued to increase
glycosylated hemoglobin (Hb A1c) costs at an earlier time during the from 2000 to 2004, and the mortality
level can reduce that person’s risk course of the disease than microvas- rate among people with diabetes has
for microvascular complications by cular complications.78 It is important declined. Therefore, new projec-
40%; a 10 mm Hg decrease in blood to note, however, that relatively mild tions for the diabetes burden in 2050
pressure can reduce that person’s microvascular complications can be- were published in 2006.10 The num-
risk for any diabetic complication by come more serious over time and ber of people with diagnosed diabe-
up to 12%; and control of serum lip- contribute significantly to morbidity tes in the United States is expected
ids can reduce that person’s risk for and related costs in later years. to increase from 16.2 million in 2005
cardiovascular complications by 20% to 48.3 million in 2050. These new
to 50%.2 Clearly, better control of In addition, a key factor in the devel- estimates clearly depend on a stable
these risk factors in people with di- opment of diabetes complications is incidence rate for diabetes over
abetes can lead to more favorable glycemic level, both at diagnosis and time; even incremental increases in
outcomes. an “upward drift” in glycemic level incidence will have a significant ef-
over time. People with higher initial fect on the expected number of peo-
Burden to the Health Hb A1c levels had higher cumulative ple with diagnosed diabetes in the
Care System costs than people with lower levels, future. In addition, these estimates
According to the American Diabetes and people who experienced higher assume no advances in prevention,
Association, the estimated costs asso- annual drift in Hb A1c levels had even treatments, or control of risk factors;
ciated with diabetes in the United further increased costs.78 These eco- no increases in life expectancy; and
States in 2002 totaled $132 billion, nomic estimates suggest that improv- no discovery of a cure. Changes in
with direct medical costs of $92 bil- ing glycemic control and other any of these factors could substan-
lion and indirect costs (disability, known risk factors for diabetes, par- tially alter the projections for 2050.
loss in work productivity and pre- ticularly those for cardiovascular dis-
mature mortality) of $40 billion.75 ease among people with diabetes, It is clear that there is a growing
Given no additional increase in the will significantly affect long-term epidemic of diabetes in the United
prevalence of diabetes in the United costs.78,79 Although the evidence is States. An increasing prevalence of
States, these expenditures would strong that Hb A1c control and reduc- diabetes risk factors will only ex-
be expected to reach approximately tion can reduce a patient’s risk for acerbate the problem; therefore,
$192 billion by 2020.75 Of the $92 microvascular complications, the ev- population-based efforts that affect

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