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Why it’s worth listening to people you disagree with

“There are two sides of the same coin, and it will never be always the tail nor the head

that’ll come when tossing it” or shall we say, not because you disagree in one another, does not

mean you are right. Why is it worth listening to people you disagree with? To the reason of the

free will, and we are living in a democratic country, we have rights to expressed or to speak so

we should always consider other people’s views, opinions and critique, not only to show respect

but to further analyses our thoughts, so that we could reflect and understand each other, like ask

ourselves of we are really seeing the bright side of story, because sometimes we get lost with on

the thought of the superiority and pride. Unfortunately, many us either shy away completely

from disagreements or lose it when things don't go our way and although it is hard sometimes to

listen to someone you disagree with, it is essential that one needs to address the opposing

viewpoint of others. Having to listen to someone that you disagree with, it teaches you and

develops yourself to be an open-minded person.

Being an open-minded person is a great step to address the opposing viewpoints of other

without triggering or angering yourself. Listening to people’s different perspectives opens you

up to a new world of which you can develop self-empathy and experience their own way of

thinking. It is also helping us to brighten up in every situation that we encounter in our daily

lives. It is important to listen up to everyone because it is also a way to show a respect and to

build a unity. In our generation, we need to be more understanding in every situation we face so

that it can be easier for other listeners to come up with different ideas. We all have the right to

express every opinion in order to share our knowledge. Furthermore, when we listening to other

perceptions that you totally disagree with, you are interested to know more what are the

information that they do have known from what you have knew. It is a healthy conversation,
where both sides gathering their thoughts from which certain information being discussed. If we

are not listening from what they have believe with, we are not capable of knowing the bluff and

facts. In fact, you are relying on majority of people’s decision which has not shown empathy. In

another word one-sided is being shown. In addition, our ideas on listening from people’s

perspective is we are allowing ourselves to engage with people who can build empathy within

the society. We cannot avoid misunderstandings because everyone holds different beliefs. We

need to understand each other and stay out of trouble. Seeing myself listen to anyone's point of

view with which I disagree does not make me less of a human, I can just offer my ears and

respect anything they have to say and respect goes beyond difficult conversations, of course.

Being helpful and considerate toward family members, teachers, or coaches in our everyday

actions helps all of us establish a foundation for those times when we might disagree.

Let us always keep in our mind that our ears are a grace bestowed upon us by the lord for

which the purpose of our ears is to listen. What are our ears for if we cannot use it in the right

way? For example, tabloids related to government. Each and every one in us has a political view

but we need to listen up in each side of the candidates so that it can help ourselves to improve

our knowledge Each of us has a credible candidate in mind, particularly for the presidency. We

do not have to argue or fight about what we believe because we can't control other people's

minds; all we can do is listen to and respect their viewpoint because we cannot force them to

believe what they don't want. A toxic personality is one that refuses to listen to people with

whom we disagree. Let us always remember that listening is key to all effective communication.

Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstood. As a result,

communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or

irritated. There will always be someone with a different idea or opinion or someone who wants
to do things differently and as long as we have the ability to engage in respectful communication

and disagree with respect, we can work through conflicts peacefully and strengthen our

understanding and relationships with others.

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