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ISSN: 1071-7544 (Print) 1521-0464 (Online) Journal homepage:

Silica-Polyethylene Glycol Matrix Synthesis by

Sol-Gel Method and Evaluation for Diclofenac
Diethyloammonium Release

Magdalena Prokopowicz

To cite this article: Magdalena Prokopowicz (2007) Silica-Polyethylene Glycol Matrix Synthesis
by Sol-Gel Method and Evaluation for Diclofenac Diethyloammonium Release, Drug Delivery, 14:3,
129-138, DOI: 10.1080/10717540600812653

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Drug Delivery, 14:129–138, 2007
c Informa Healthcare
ISSN: 1071-7544 print / 1521-0464 online
DOI: 10.1080/10717540600812653

Silica-Polyethylene Glycol Matrix Synthesis

by Sol-Gel Method and Evaluation
for Diclofenac Diethyloammonium Release

Magdalena Prokopowicz
Division of Physical Chemistry with Instrumental Analysis Laboratory,
Medical Academy of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland

tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS), and the solvents are water and

Modified silica-polyethylene glycol xerogels were prepared by ethanol. The sol-gel process is initiated by adding water to the
the sol-gel method to explore the possibilities of using these alcoholic solution of TEOS. Following hydrolysis and polycon-
polymers as drug delivery systems. The synthesis was per- densation reactions, a two-phase system is obtained as a result of
formed at room temperature and under atmospheric pressure us-
ing tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) as a precursor, low-molecular
gel formation. Hydrolysis and condensation of silicon alkoxide
polyethylene-glycol (600) as a modifier, and acetic acid as a cata- are usually enhanced by acid or base catalysis (Livage 1992).
lyst. The composition in a mole ratio of the initial sols corresponds Hydrolysis is favored by acid catalysis so that Si(OH)4 species
to TEOS:H2 O:EtOH:CH3 COOH:PEG = 1:4:6:0.005:0.147. Diclo- can be obtained when excess water is added. Condensation pro-
fenac diethyloammonium was used as a model drug and encapsu- ceeds faster in the presence of basic catalysts.
lated in predoping sol-gel process. After 5 days of gelation time of
The obtained system consists of inorganic porous siloxane
matrices at room temperature two different forms of xerogels were
obtained: monolithic form of pellet and cracked, irregular-shaped skeleton and the solvent entrapped within it. Amorphous bio-
of particles. The rate of release from the both forms of xerogels materials obtained in this way are characterized by high purity
was controlled by the rate of diffusion of the drug through the and homogeneity (Lin and Brown 1997; Livage 1997), in vivo
pores. The dissolution testing for the loaded irregular-shaped xe- biocompatibility (Wilson et al. 1981; Palumbo 1997; Kortesuo
rogels showed an initial burst release followed by sustained release.
The degradation of the PEG/silica xerogels followed a zero-order
et al. 2000), and slow degradation (Kortesuo et al. 2000; Radin
kinetics. et al. 2002). A biologically active substance can be introduced
into a gel either at the stage of sol formation or after the for-
Keywords Diclofenac Control Release, Silica-Polyethylene Glycol mation of a porous xerogel. In the former case (predoping), the
Xerogels, Silica Polymers, Sol-Gel Methods molecules of a substance are entrapped within the porous sil-
ica gel network as a result of polycondensation (Lin and Brown
1997; Livage 1997; Dunn et al. 1998). In the latter case, called
An increased interest has been observed in silica and silica- impregnation (postdoping), the gel matrix is saturated with a
organic biomaterials synthesized by the sol-gel method and their substance after being immersed in its solution. The substance
potential application to deliver a biologically active substance molecules penetrate into the pores in a diffusion process de-
precisely to a targeted site or to be used as an implantable drug pending on the pore diameter and the viscosity of the solution
delivery system (Ahola et al. 2000; Ahola et al. 2001; Kortesuto (Lin and Brown 1997; Livage 1997).
et al. 2001; Byrne and Deasy 2002; Prokopowicz, L  ukasiak, The process of making silica gel matrices can be modified by
and Przyjazny 2004). The principal advantage of synthesis of varying physicochemical parameters of gelation, such as tem-
biomaterials using the sol-gel method is that the method is un- perature, kind of reactants used and their ratio, pH of the solu-
complicated, it takes place at room temperature and it does not tion, and the kind of catalyst used (Brinker 1996; Higginbotham
require the use of pharmaceutically unacceptable solvents. The et al. 2003; Leonard et al. 2003). These modifications have an
most commonly used precursor in the synthesis of such gels is indirect effect on physicochemical properties of the silica poly-
mer obtained, including specific surface area, kind, size, and
distribution of the pores; degree of cross-linking of the gel; re-
fractive index; and hardness. An important factor influencing
Received 19 January 2006; accepted 8 May 2006.
Address correspondence to M. Prokopowicz, Medical Academy of the structure of silica xerogels is pH of the solution. With an
Gdańsk, Division of Physical Chemistry, Hallera 107, 80-416 Gdańsk, acidic catalyst, rapidly proceeding hydrolysis causes the forma-
Poland. Fax: +48-58-3493206. E-mail: tion of linear polymers, which in consequence creates a solid


material with less porosity but of improved mechanical strength et al. 2003; Schwaiger et al. 2004). Among all NSAID drugs,
compared with products of basic catalysis. In contrast, basic diclofenac is the medication that most often damages the liver
catalysis favors the formation of an agglomerate consisting of (Gómez-Lechón et al. 2003). It also can destroy hepatocytes as
branched colloidal particles, which yields a porous material with well as induce their apoptosis (Schwaiger et al. 2004).
high adsorption capacity (Lin and Brown 1997; Livage 1997). The modifications in diclofenac release from solid forms of
However, to obtain repeatable and reproducible batches of the medication used thus far involve coating the drug with macro-
the material, the steps and conditions of gel synthesis should molecular compounds, e.g., polymethacrylate, forming insol-
be closely followed (Brinker 1996; Higginbotham et al. 2003; uble layers delaying drug release (Kramar, Turk, and Vrečer
Leonard et al. 2003). The last step affecting the final form of 2003), or incorporation into a carrier (Boinpally et al. 2003)
the gels is the removal of solvent residues, especially water. A through the formation of capsules filled with pellets or granules
proper selection of the drying technique is of utmost importance, (Fang et al. 1999). This method increases bioavailability of the
because the encapsulated biologically active substance is usually medication and reduces side effects and local irritation of the
thermosensitive and traditional drying at an elevated temperature mucosa.
is impossible. The use of implants with an encapsulated pain killer or com-
The most common technique of drying the gels with an en- posite chemotherapeutic and pain killer also is becoming ap-
capsulated substance is by placing them in a desiccator at room preciated in palliative care of cancer patients not tolerating oral
temperature, in the vacuum oven, or by using a supercritical drugs and when the life of the patient cannot be significantly
fluid in an autoclave (Rao and Chung 1991; Venkateswara et al. extended, but its quality is an issue. In this application the dose
1999; Morris et al. 2001; Prokopowicz, L  ukasiak, and Przyjazny control is not that important, but it is essential that the patient
2005). Depending on the sol-gel synthesis method and the dry- could take drugs at home, in which case the quality of life could
ing technique used, different forms of the gel can be obtained, be estimated by, for example, the pain killing effect. The prepa-
such as powders, fibers, layers, and thin films and monoliths ration and utilization of the nonmodified acid-catalyzed silica
and porous membranes. The encapsulated molecules of a bi- gel, base-catalyzed gel, and noncatalyzed gel for a long-term
ologically active compound can be released from the gels by release of a chemotherapeutic—doxorubicin—was described in
diffusion, which is affected by the pore size and their inter- a previous work (Prokopowicz et al. 2004).
connections, the shape of the matrix, as well as the size of the The aim of this study was to prepare acid-catalyzed silica gel
molecule being released (Lin and Brown 1997). matrix modified with low-molecular PEG (600) and evaluate the
An additional advantage of the sol-gel method is the possi- suitability of this matrix as a carrier material for the controlled
bility of synthesis by using a combined sol-gel processing in tar- release of the pain killer diclofenac. First, the polymer structure
geted formation of organosiloxane hybrids of specific mechan- by FTIR and SEM was investigated. Then the effects of the
ical and chemical properties (Guo, Hyeon-Lee, and Beaucage shape of obtained PEG/xerogel on the encapsulation efficiency,
1997; Netz et al. 2001; Ahola et al. 2001; Higginbotham et al. the release study of drug, and the stability of matrixes were
2003). In this article, the traditional sol-gel synthesis developed determined.
by Brinker et al. (1984) was modified by the addition of a low-
molecular organic modifier of a hydrophilic nature (polyethy-
lene glycol, PEG, 600 g/mol) and by using ambient conditions MATERIALS AND METHODS
to dry the PEG/siloxane hybrids. The addition of polyethylene Reagents
glycol as a modifier to pure silica has an effect on the formation All reagents and the drug were obtained from Sigma Chem-
of silica particles of the colloidal size during polycondensation ical Company and used without further purification: TEOS,
through the formation both of covalent bonds with silicon alkox- M = 208.33 g/mol; polyethylene glycol (PEG), M = 600 g/mol;
ide and hydrogen bonds with residual silanol groups in the silica ethanol 98%(v/v); acetic acid 0.1 M; deionized water, and
lattice. It is also likely to have an effect on both the number and diclofenac diethyloammonium.
average size of pores of the obtained xerogel. Simulated body fluid (SBF) had the following composi-
Diclofenac diethyloammonium, a water-soluble nons- tion: NaCl (136.8 mM), NaHCO3 (4.2 mM), KCl (3.0 mM),
teroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with a strong anti- K2 HPO4 · 3H2 O (1.0 mM), MgCl2 · 6 H2 O (1.5 mM), CaCl2 · 2
inflammatory and pain killing activity, was selected for encap- H2 O (2.5 mM) and Na2 SO4 (0.5 mM). It was buffered at pH
sulation. It is most often used to reduce pain, inflammation, 7.4 with phosphate buffer (50 mM). A Millipore Milli Q-plus
and stiffness caused by many conditions, such as osteoarthritis system was used to purify water for the preparation of buffers
or rheumatoid arthritis, as well as a pain killer in some types of and reagent solutions (resistance of water 18 M).
cancer (Oberle et al. 1984; Liu et al. 1995). As a result of its short
half-life, the daily dose of the drug for an adult with rheuma-
toid arthritis is 75–100 mg/24 hr. However, long-term taking Spectrophotometric Measurements
of diclofenac in traditional forms (oral, injections) may result The quantitative measurements of diclofenac diethylammo-
in toxicity to the human tissues (Witham 1991; Gómez-Lechón nium were performed using an HP 8452A Diode-Array UV/VIS

spectrophotometer connected to an IBM Pentium 100 computer. to continue polycondensation, gelation, and aging (during this
The analytical wavelength λ = 276 nm corresponding to the ab- time the strength of the gel thereby increases (Lin and Brown
sorbance maximum was selected for the determination of the 1997)). Next, the moulds with the gels were opened and kept
drug. for further aging and drying under ambient conditions (in the
drying process the solvents [water and ethanol] are removed
Preparation of Standard Solutions of Diclofenac from the interconnected pore network [Lien and Brown 1997]).
Diclofenac diethyloammonium in amount of 0.05 g ± 0,001 g Following conditioning for a prescribed time, so-called xero-
was dissolved in 100 ml of a deionized water solution at room gels were obtained. The end of conditioning of the gels with
temperature. (The saturation of drug in the water was in the con- encapsulated diclofenac was considered to be the moment when
centration >0.05 g/mL indicating the sink condition limits for the solids with a mass constant within the limits of instrumental
the dissolution studies). To determine spectrophotometric mea- error (±0.1 mg) were obtained.
surements of diclofenac diethylammonium, standard solutions Next, the diclofenac-loaded xerogels were rinsed with deion-
of the drug were then prepared from the stocks solution by dilu- ized water (for 5 sec) to remove unreacted reagents and kept in
tion with the water. We found that the dependence of absorbance a desiccator (over P2 O5 ) prior to studies. Prior to studies the
on the concentration of standard solutions of diclofenac ranging irregular-shaped xerogels and pellets were weighed and the di-
from 0.003 mg/mL to 0.15 mg/mL adhered to the Lambert-Beer mensions of each pellet were measured by a micrometer screw
law, and nonlinearity was observed for the concentration above gauge.
0.15 mg/mL. The calibration curves were prepared and used for Three independent syntheses were carried out using the pro-
the determination of the amounts of diclofenac released. cedure described above and the average mass of diclofenac-
loaded xerogels obtained form the mould with sol was evalu-
ated for 10 samples. A schematic diagram of preparation of the
Synthesis of Diclofenac-Loaded Xerogels
diclofenac-loaded PEG-silica gel is shown in Figure 1.
Diclofenac-loaded xerogels were prepared through the sol-
gel process, by hydrolysis, and polycondensation of reagents:
TEOS (Si(OC2 H5 )4 ) diluted in water, ethanol, and polyethylene ETHANOL + (PEG 600)
(room temperature)
glycol (H(OCH2 CH2 )n OH) in the presence of acetic acid catalyst
(pH = 4) using the following chemical reactions:
• Hydrolysis:
STIRRING (15 min.)
≡Si OC2 H5 + H2 O  ≡ Si OH + C2 H5 OH
• Condensation:
≡Si OC2 H5 + HO Si≡  ≡Si O Si≡ TEOS + DE-IONIZED
+C2 H5 OH
≡Si OH + HO Si≡  ≡Si O Si≡ + H2 O STIRRING (15 min.)
≡Si OC2 H5 + H(OCH2 CH2 )n OH 
All gels were synthesized at room temperature and under (8-10 min.)
atmospheric pressure using the following procedure. Ethanol
(8.11 g) was added dropwise to polyethylene beakers (50 mL)
containing PEG (2.93 g) and the solution was stirred for 15
min using a magnetic stirrer. Next, TEOS (6.90 g) and the (gelating, aging)
solution containing redistilled water (2.4 g) with the acetic (room temperature)
acid catalyst (0.30 g) were added dropwise, and the mix-
ture was stirred for further 15 min. The pH of the acid
solutions was 4. Thus obtained mixture had a mole ra- DRYING
tio of TEOS:H2 O:EtOH:CH3 COOH:PEG = 1:4:6:0.005:0.147. (ambient conditions)

Following stirring, the mixtures were pipetted into round,

polystyrene moulds (2 mL/mould) and 100 µL of variable con-
centrations of a standard diclofenac solution (0.008 g/mL, 0.004 STORAGE
g/mL, respectively) were added dropwise to the mould. (DESICCATOR)
Next, the moulds with mixtures were tightly closed and soni-
cated in a cold water bath until they were clear and homogeneous FIG. 1. Schematic diagrams of the diclofenac-loaded PEG/silica gel
(8–10 min) and kept for a prescribed time at room temperature preparation.

Synthesis of Pure Gel without Diclofenac solution was taken for the measurement of the amount of re-
Control samples (pure PEG/silica xerogels) were examined at leased diclofenac and replaced by a fresh 1 mL aliquot of SBF
the same time as the investigated samples to check the behavior to maintain constant volume and to ensure sink conditions. The
of pure gels during incubation with the buffer under the same quantitative determination of the amount of diclofenac released
conditions. To this end, in the step of formulation of the gels from the matrix was carried out on the basis of precalibration
described above the sol was mixed with 100 µL of water without of the spectrometer using standard solutions of the drug. The
the drug and the rest of the procedure was exactly the same. release studies of diclofenac were carried out three times for
3 hr.
Characteristics of Diclofenac-Loaded Xerogels
Stability Study
The time of gel preparation was measured from the moment
The stability study was performed for the PEG/silica xerogels
of mixing all the reagents until obtaining mature gels of vitre-
with the drug and without it. The stability study was determined
ous appearance dried to constant mass. The specific surface area
by measuring of the dissolved Si(OH)4 as a molybdenum blue
was measured using the BET method based on nitrogen gas ad-
complex by UV/VIS spectroscopy at 814 nm (Koch and Koch-
sorption (Micromeritics ASAP 2000). Before the measurement,
Dedic 1974). The procedure used was the same as the one de-
samples were vacuum dried for 24 hr at 25◦ C. The bulk den-
scribed in the previous section except that after each collection
sity was measured from the known volumes and weights of the
of a 10-mL sample, a fresh 10-mL aliquot of SBF was added to
the medium. The degree of degradation of the gel matrix was
The morphology of the biomaterials was observed by scan-
expressed as the average (3 measurements) percentage of the sil-
ning electron microscopy (ESEM, Philips) at acceleration volt-
ica acid released from the weighed gel (%w/w). The degradation
age of 20 kV with variable vacuum in the atmosphere of water
studies was monitored over 60 days. Precalibration curves were
vapor. Samples for SEM were prepared by mounting on silicon
used for the determination of the amounts of dissolved Si(OH)4 .
stubs. The FTIR spectra of samples of PEG/silica xerogels were
taken between 650 and 4000 cm−1 using a Jasco model 410
FTIR in transmission mode and KBr as a background material. Statistical Analysis
The KBr pellet of each sample was prepared using 100 mg of The data obtained from encapsulation efficiency, release rate
KBr and 1 mg of powdered sample of pure silica xerogel (with- determination studies of diclofenac from PEG/silica gels, and
out PEG and drug) and 1.5 mg of PEG/silica xerogels with drug. degradation rate of PEG/silica gels without the drug and with
The resolution of the FTIR instrument was 4 cm−1 . the drug were analyzed statistically by Student’s t-tests using
version 4.2 of Matlab program (Math Works).

Efficiency Encapsulation of Diclofenac

To investigate the total amount and efficiency of encapsu-
lation of diclofenac during sol gelation, some of the weighed As a result of acid-catalyzed (CH3 COOH, pH = 4) sol-gel
diclofenac-loaded PEG/silica gels (3 independent samples) were synthesis modified by the addition of low-molecular PEG (600)
crushed and ground to a powder. The powder was added to and drying under ambient conditions, two forms of diclofenac-
100 mL of the phosphate buffer (pH 10) followed by 30-min loaded gel matrices were obtained: cracked, irregular-shaped,
sonication. The total amount of free drug was determined spec- and transparent forms of particles and monolithic, transparent
trophotometrically after separation of particles from the aqueous pellets. The time of gelation, aging, and drying at room temper-
medium by ultracentrifugation and after appropriate dilutions. ature of the gels being equal 5 days.
The actual loading was expressed as the average (three measure- The average mass of diclofenac-loaded PEG/xerogel ob-
ments) percentage of the diclofenac released from the weighed tained from the one mould with sol was 520 ± 12 mg ( p < 0.05).
gel (%w/w). The actual loading efficiency was calculated based The photographs of drug-loaded PEG/silica pellet and irregular-
on the percent ratio of the amount of drug incorporated into the shaped particles are shown in Figure 2.
gels to a theoretical (initial) amount used. The drug-loading effi- Using acid-catalyzed solutions and as the modifier low-
cacy equal to 100% indicates that the entire drug was entrapped molecular PEG in the synthesis step results in the formation of
in the PEG/silica gels. xerogels with the value of bulk density about 1.5 ± 0.05 g/cm3
( p < 0.05) and a specific surface area 420 ± 7 m2 /g ( p < 0.05).
Furthermore, the adsorption-desorption isotherms of PEG/silica
Release Study xerogels were of type 1 form characteristic of a microporous
The release study of the drug from diclofenac-loaded solid, defined as a material with pores smaller than or equal to
PEG/silica gel was performed in an incubator (Tropicool clas- 1.5 nm (Brinker and Scherer 1990; Lowell and Shields 1991).
sic, Poland) at 37 + 1.5◦ C. The medium into which the drug In this work all PEG/silica xerogels were examined by SEM and
was released was 20 mL of SBF (pH 7.4). The release medium the results were found to be very similar. The photographs of se-
was stirred magnetically. At different time intervals, 1 mL of lected matrices at different magnification are shown in Figure 3.

frared absorption bands observed between 3800 and 3000 cm−1

and at 1620 cm−1 correspond to stretching and bending vibra-
tions of the OH group coming, in case of xerogels, from free
or adsorbed water. Drying xerogels at 35◦ C resulted in a low-
ered intensity of the bands (spectrum not shown). The bands
at 2800–3000 cm−1 are characteristic of the C H stretching
vibrations coming from the CH2 and CH3 groups present
in pure precursors (TEOS, PEG) (spectra not shown) and in
xerogels. However, these bands are the most characteristic for
xerogels modified with PEG. The presence of bands at 12500–
FIG. 2. Photo of PEG/silica xerogel in form of (a) pellet and (b) irregular- 1000 cm−1 and 800 cm−1 is characteristic of symmetric and
shaped. asymmetric vibrations of the Si O or O Si O groups, while
the band at 950 cm−1 indicates the presence of the Si O H
group. On the other hand, the bands at 1160–1060 cm−1 are at-
The SEM pictures reveal (Figure 3a) that all the synthesized
tributable to stretching vibrations of the C O and C C groups
xerogels have an external protective coating with wall surfaces
coming from PEG.
smooth and compacted. However, high magnification SEM im-
In summary, the spectra of all PEG/xerogels were typical of
ages (Figure 3b) showed the presence of micropores.
acid-catalyzed, well-hydrolyzed silica xerogels with a high con-
The FTIR spectra of selected, obtained samples are shown
centration of terminal groups (silanols) (Brinker and Scherer
in Figure 4. The inspection of the spectra reveals no visible dif-
1990). An additional observation was that the spectrum of gel
ferences between characteristic bands in the spectrum of pure
matrix containing diclofenac did not contain characteristic bands
silica matrix (no drug and PEG added) (Figure 4a) and the spec-
attributed to the pure drug (spectra of diclofenac diethyloammo-
trum of the PEG/silica containing the drug (Figure 4b). The in-
nium is shown on the Figure 5). One possible explanation is too
small an amount of the drug encapsulated in the matrices, and/or
the possibility that diclofenac can react with the reagents and un-
dergo cross-linking during the formation of the polymeric lattice
of the matrix, and/or the chance that the microporous structure
of the gel shields the drug, thus obstructing its identification by
IR. The UV/VIS spectra of the drug released from the matrices
do not reveal any statistically significant differences in shifts
of peaks attributed to the drug, which could possibly indicate
physicochemical changes in the drug structure.
In addition, preliminary experiments were performed using
C18 reverse phase HPLC with variable wavelength UV detection
aimed at determining the purity of solution containing diclofenac
released from the silica gel matrix. The results obtained revealed
just one peak, attributed to the drug. This confirmed our assump-
tions that the sol/gel synthesis yields gel matrices, which only
encapsulate diclofenac without reactions that could possibly re-
sult in the formation of oligomers of drug or other species of
The total amount of diclofenac loading and loading efficiency
are compared in Table 1. The loading efficiency of diclofenac

Actual loading and loading efficiency of diclofenac in
acid-catalyzed diclofenac loaded PEG/silica xerogels
Mass of diclofenac Theoretical Actual loading Loading
added to mould loading per per 500 mg efficiency
with sol (mg) 520 mg (%w/w) (%w/w) (%)
0.4 0.08 0.08 ± 0.01 100 ± 12.5
0.8 0.15 0.16 ± 0.02 107 ± 13.3
FIG. 3. SEM pictures of PEG/silica xerogel: (a) 1 mm and (b) 20 µm. (n = 3, mean ± S.D., p < 0.05).


Pure silica
80 xerogel

%T diclofenac



4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 700

FIG. 4. FTIR spectra of silica xerogel without PEG 1 and diclofenac and PEG/silica xerogel with diclofenac.

encapsulation for all PEG/silica gels was close to 100% and The irregular-shaped diclofenac-loaded PEG/xerogels with
was not affected by the matrix:drug ratio ( p < 0.05). The mean diameters between 1 and 3 mm, and the monolithic pellets with
value of total drug load in the masses of xerogels (520 ± 12 mg) a diameter 10 ± 0.5 mm and thickness 1.5 ± 0.5 mm were used
was 0.08 ± 0.01 [%w/w] and 0.16 ± 0.02 [%w/w], respectively. for release and stability experiments. Figure 6 illustrate a com-
We concluded that the acid-catalyzed sol/gel predoping method parison of the rate of release of diclofenac from the irregular-
enables a complete encapsulation of the drug in the gel without shaped of matrices with the rate of release of drug from pellets
any measurable losses. The uncertainty of the final result is a sum containing the different amount of diclofenac as the dependence
of many composites, including random errors associated with of the cumulative mean percent of drug released on time. As can
the analytical procedure used (preparation of standard solutions be seen, the drug release rates from PEG/silica xerogels were
of drug, dilution), purity of the reagents used, and the errors affected by the shape of matrices. By examining the release pro-
in weighing and analyzing samples on an analytical balance as files from irregular-shaped PEG/silica xerogels in the beginning
well as the instrumental errors. period up to about 10 min, we can see the burst release in which







4000 3800 3600 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400

FIG. 5. FTIR spectra of diclofenac diethyloammonium.


pellets 2,5

percent of drug released

(diameter= 10 ± 0.5 mm, thickness = 1.5 ± 0.5 mm) (a)

log of cumulative mean

irregular particles
70 (1 mm< diameter< 3mm)

cumulative mean percent of drug

50 0
0 50 100 150

40 time of released [min]


cumulative mean percent


of drug released
20 60

0 50 100 150 0
0 5 10 15
time of released [min] square root of time released

FIG. 6. Cumulative mean percent of diclofenac release from PEG/silica xerogels as a function of total time of incubation in SBF buffer solution. Dates were
given as mean ± S.D. for n = 3. (a) First-order plot of diclofenac released from PEG/silica xerogels. (b) Higushi plot of diclofenac released from PEG/silica

the release of diclofenac began immediately after immersion in immersion time, a partial physical erosion of the material sur-
the medium. Such a trend was observed among all the irreg- face by water and/or diffusion of water molecules into the pores
ular shaped-xerogels irrespective of the amount of drug added of the matrix took place. Following this process, the release of
( p < 0.05). At the end of 10 min of releasing, the cumulative the hydrophilic drug occurred in a controlled way through the
mean amount of diclofenac released was found to be 25 ± 2.1%. pores of the matrix. Additionally, to evaluate the mechanism of
However, the cumulative mean amount of diclofenac released drug released, three mathematic models of zero-order, first-order
for pellets irrespective of the containing amount of diclofenac and Higuchi are reported in Figure 6 and the correlation coeffi-
was found to be 3 ± 1.9% for this time. This result suggests that cients of obtained models for all diclofenac-loaded PEG/silica
the burst release of diclofenac for the irregular-shaped xerogels xerogels are compared in Table 2. As can be seen from Figure
was affected by increasing the whole surface of xerogels exposed 6, none of the PEG/silica xerogels followed a complete zero-
to surrounding release medium compared with the pellets. order release pattern. The correlation coefficient values for the
By examining the release profiles from all PEG xerogels dur- zero-order model in Table 2 also suggest the same result.
ing 150 min of study, we see that the rate of the drug release When the release data were analyzed according to the first-
took place faster up to about 50 min, then the process got slower order equation (log cumulative percentage of drug released ver-
and the rates significantly decreased, p < 0.05. Such a trend was sus time shown in Figure 6a), the correlation coefficients re-
observed irrespective both of the amount of loaded diclofenac ported in Table 2 exhibited a fair linearity. The best model for
in the matrices and the shape of matrices ( p < 0.05). Generally, the release study was expressed by Higuch’s equation (cumula-
after 140 min of the experiment the maximum amount of di- tive percentage of drug release versus square root of time shown
clofenac released—60 ± 4%, p < 0.05—was observed both for in Figure 6b) and irrespective of the shape of xerogels, the cor-
the irregular-shaped xerogels and for the pellets irrespective of relation coefficients r > 0.90 showed the highest linearity. The
the amount of loaded diclofenac. The uncompleted release of obtained results suggest that diffusion is the rate-limiting mech-
drug molecules from the PEG/silica matrices suggests that dur- anism of diclofenac release in this study.
ing the longer gel polymerization (in this experiments 5 days)
there is a covalent bond may be formed between the entrapped TABLE 2
reagent and the inner surface of the pores or interactions among Correlation coefficients of different mathematical models for
the drug and PEG and the xerogel matrices. The same conclu- diclofenac-loaded PEG/silica xerogels
sions are described in the work of Brinker and Scherer (1990)
and Ro and Chung (1991). Diclofenac-loaded
The differences between the rates of drug released from xerogel Zero-order (r ) First-order (r ) Higuchi (r )
irregular-shaped and from pellets are not statistically significant Irregular-shaped 0.79 0.74 0.90
and this result suggests that the drug proceeds by the same mech- pellet 0.94 0.69 0.96
anism of release. Most likely for all PEG/silica xerogels during


Cumulative mass of silica acid

(180 ± 6 mg); r = 0.99 8 (a)
irregular particles
Degradation of xerogels [w/w %] 6

released [mg]
4 (355 ± 5 mg); r = 0.98 5
3,5 4
2,5 1
2 0
0 20 40 60 80
Time of degradation [days]
0 20 40 60 80
Time of degradation [days]

FIG. 7. Stability of PEG/silica xerogels during immersion time in SBF buffer solution. Dates were given as mean ± S.D. for n = 3. (a) Cumulative mean amount
of silica acid release from PEG/silica xerogels as a function of immersion time.

The rate of release of a drug having hydrophilic properties close to the hydrolytic stoichiometric value of 4, gelation occurs
also is influenced by the stability of matrices during immer- readily and the structure of xerogels shows no mesoporosity or
sion time. Degradation of porous silica xerogel in an aqueous microporosity. In this study, the PEG/silica xerogels were ob-
medium occurs through hydrolysis of the siloxane bonds through tained as the dense material with pores smaller than or equal to
the entire network (Brinker and Scherer 1990). The amount of 1.5 nm.
dissolved silica acid during the immersion time in the water was Generally, the results of the rate of degradation of PEG/silica
statistically constant for the same mass of xerogels and irrespec- xerogels revealed that the degradation for all PEG/silica gels,
tive of the shape of xerogels used (results not shown). irrespective of the mass and the shape of xerogel, followed a
Therefore in this work, the study of the effect of the whole zero-order kinetics (a linear relationship with a good correla-
mass of matrices on the degradation of diclofenac-loaded tion coefficient r > 0.98 was observed). Furthermore, a com-
PEG/xerogels were evaluated. The variable masses 355 ± 5 mg parison of stability of pure gel without the drug to stability
and 180 ± 6 mg of PEG/silica xerogels were compared. The cu- of gels with the drug revealed that stabilities in both cases
mulative amount of silica acid dissolved and the degradation were not significantly different statistically ( p < 0.05, results
rate of these xerogels over a period of 60 days are shown in not shown). Based on these studies, the different drug con-
Figure 7 and 7a, respectively. After 60 days of the observa- centrations did not have a statistically significantly influence
tion, 7 ± 1.7 mg of silica acid was dissolved and 2 ± 0.5%, on the degradation rate of the PEG/silica gel matrix. In gen-
p < 0.05 of the gel mass was degraded for PEG/silica xerogel eral, a comparison of the results (Figures 6 and 7) reveals that
with the average mass of 355 ± 5 mg. By examining the sta- the drug release diffuses more rapidly from the matrix than
bility of matrix with the lowest mass, we found that 5 ± 1.2 the resorption process taking place concurrently ( p < 0.05).
mg of silica acid was dissolved and 3 ± 0.7% the gel mass un- The release of diclofenac also was governed only by diffusion
derwent degradation. The degradation rate of PEG/silica gels process.
seems to be independent of the total mass of the material used. Additionally, Figure 8 illustrates a comparison of the FTIR
The obtained differences with the amounts of silica acid dis- spectrum of PEG/silica xerogel before the drug release with
solved (∼2 mg) from different masses of xerogels are not dis- spectrum of the same matrix after the drug release. The spec-
tinctive. According to the literature on this subject, silica gels de- trums are different only in the characteristic bands for PEG.
grade by hydrolysis of the siloxane bonds on the surface through The bands at 2800–3000 cm−1 and at 1160–1060 cm−1 signifi-
the matrix, when water penetrates the porous structure result- cantly decreased in the spectra of matrix after the release study.
ing in mass loss of the silica gels (Kortesuo et al. 2001). The This result suggests that the hydrophilic molecules of PEG dis-
more porous silica gels degrade much faster than smaller ones. solved upon contact with water and diffused out of the xerogel
This was also shown in this study, because the microstructure during the immersion time. This also suggests that the only in-
of silica xerogels is dependent on the TEOS/water ratio dur- teractions involve weak hydrogen bonds between the PEG and
ing sol synthesis (Meixner and Dyer 1999). At the low value, silanol groups in the silica lattice being formed.



PEG/silica xerogel
after drug-release

%T PEG/silica xerogel
before drug-release


4000 3800 3600 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400


FIG. 8. FTIR spectra of PEG/silica xerogel before release of diclofenac and PEG/silica xerogel after release of diclofenac.

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