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Check if Attachment folder is empty

True: Set variables error & log to db -> delete filenames from result -> Abort job
2. Check if ${AttachmentInvoice} is not null
a. Check count Invoice file
Eval total files count check if greater than 0
False: Set InvoiceFileDetect variable to false
b. Set InvoiceFileDetect variable to true
c. Check Sheet Invoice
Input ${ArchivePath}/${ServerNumber}/${DBLocationFolder}/Attachment
${AttachmentInvoice} no fields
Additional input fields sheetname = sheet
Get ${SheetnameInvoice}
Filter sheet IN LIST ${SheetnameInvoice}

Set variable InvoiceSheetDetect to true if there is a sheet with the correct name
If false, then set variables error, log to db, and abort job
3. Check Var Attachment CN (Same)
4. Check Var AttachmentInventory (Same)

Next process: Check variables value

1. Check Var AttachmentInvoice

If ${AttachmentInvoice} is not null, then check file invoice
Else, go to next
a. Check file invoice
If InvoiceFileDetect is true, go to next
Else, set variables error, log to db, abort job
2. Check Var AttachmentCN (Same)
3. Check Var AttachmentInventory (Same)
Next process is the same, but check for sheet (InvoiceSheetDetect, CNSheetDetect, etc.)

At this point, if there is no error/abort job, return Success

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