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Mary Joanna Mae N. Dalisay ENGLISH 10

10- Aguinaldo

MAIN ARGU-Why is it important to make marijuana legal? Do you agree that

marijuana should be legal in philippines? But first, what is marijuana?
Marijuana is a dried leaves and buds of cannabis sativa plant, other countries
consider it as a medical medicine or herbal

2 PROS- The possibility of using marijuana as a medicine is one of its benefits.

The Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, claims to have found two
chemicals that can be used to treat nausea and vomiting. They also discovered
a cannabinoid that can be used to treat epilepsy for patients.

There are multiple reasons why marijuana should be legalized, including the
ingredients it carries. Glaucove is used to treat eye conditions, and for
chemotherapy,FDA discovered an active component that lessens nausea and
vomiting during treatment. Diabetes and other diseases can cause discomfort,
which marijuana might lessen. Lastly, cannabis can treat those who have

CONS AND REFUTATION- Some might disagree with this claim for a number
of reasons, such as the addicting habit of marijuana use or marijuana's harmful
For those people who might become a marijuana addict, we can either
prohibit them from purchasing marijuana or require them to provide a
prescription for their need. And for those who worry about marijuana's
negative effects, it will just take a few hours. We all know that medicines have
side effects. The following side effects are possible for them to experience:
headaches, dry mouth and eyes, dizziness, sleepiness, and others. However, as
I've already mentioned, each medication has a specific side effect.

CONCLUSION- In addition to these proofs. Other countries legalized

marijuana because they consider it a medicine rather than a drug. If
some countries legalized it, the we should also

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