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Classical Lines. 2c4) 10 &g5 h6 (10...d6 transposes into Karpov’s Variation of the Classi- cal Dragon) 11 &h4 g5 12 &g3 d5 13 exd5 (White also fails to get anything after 13 e5 De4 14 @xe4 dxe4, when 15 @c5 is answered by the obvious 15...R£5 and 15 Ad4 Wb6 16 c3 Hd8 is a bit better for Black) 13...Afxd5 (it might be even better to play 13...2£5! 14 Dd4 296; Fishbein-Hodgson, Sta- vanger 1989 led to a pawn-up end- game for Black after 15 &c4 Bc8 16 &b3 DfxdS 17 Axd5 Dxd5 18 Bel Db4 19 Re5 Dxc2! 20 Kxc2 Rxc2 21 Dxc2 Wxd1 22 Haxd1 Hxc2 23 g3 6) 14 @xd5 Axd5 15 c3 (15 Wd2 6! 16.03 Wb6 17 @d4 2.47 18 Abs MadB is equal) 15...2£4 (more accurate than 15...e5 16 2£3 Db6 17 Wxd8 Hxd8 18 Bfdi Hxdi+ 19 Bxdi £5 20 Bd8+ Bf7 21 Bh5+ He7 22 He8+ kdb 23 &g8, which favoured White in Bala- shov-Winants, Eupen 1994) 16 &xf4 (or 16 &b5 Wb6 17 Sxf4 gxf4 18 WhS e5, Onoprienko-Silman, Pardu- hice 1994) 16...gxf4 17 Wxd8 Hxd8 18 Hfd1 2e6 19 Bxd8+ Hxd8 20 Hdl Bxd1+ 21 &xd1 b6 and the two bish- ops give Black a slight pull, Pinski- Silman, Pardubice 1994. 5.87 (D) Now we will explore: A: 6 Db3 15 B: 6 Re3 17 A) 6 Db3 Rxc3+!? The only problem with the 6 Ab3 move-order is that Black has the op- tion of the double-edged continuation 6...&xc3+!7. After 7 bxc3 AF6 Black : White plays 2e2 15 WY, F has compromised White’s pawn struc- ture but has lost his important dark- squared bishop. Practice has hinted that White’s chances are superior but Grandmaster Suba has published some analysis in which he tries to show that Black has good chances. A completely different idea was seen in Torre-N.Nikolié, Lugano 1989, where Black came up with 6...0f6 7 Re2 0-0 8 0-0 €6!? (we prefer 8...a5!, as examined in the note to White’s Sth move). Though it succeeded in its original outing, we doubt if Black can achieve equality against accurate play: 1) Black gets a satisfactory game after 9 Rg5h6 10 Rh4 gS 11 Rg3d5 12 exd5 Axd5 13 Dxd5 exd5 14 Hb1 a5 15.24 R£5 16 Rd3 Rxd3 17 Wxd3 4@b4 18 Wd2 d4 followed by ...Wd5. 2) 9 Wd6 De8 10 We3 (10 Wd3 a5 —N.Nikolié) 10...b4 11 $5?! (Vel- itkovié gives 11 2d1!? d5 12 a3 Dc6 13 exd5 exd5 14 &£3 followed by Hd1 4) 11...£6 12 &£4 @xc2 13 Hacl Db4 14 Bfdl Dc6 15 AbS ChB 16 Ad6 e5 17 &e3 Dxd6 18 Hxd6 We8 19 Wh4 @d8 20 &c4 b6! 21 Hcdl Hbs 22 d2 Bb7 23 a6 He7 24 Rxc8 Hxc8 25 £3 Hc7 26 Ad2 De6 27 AFl D4

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