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18 Accelerated Dragons W£3 d6! (a little too accommodating is 9...2)xd4? 10 &xd4 d6 11 0-0-0 WaS 12 Wd5 Wc7 13 exd6 Axd6 14 Rxg7 Sxg7 15 Wd4+ £6 16 DdS + Pilnik- Casas, Mar del Plata 1958) 10 Axc6 bxc6 11 Wxc6 2d7, when Black’s lead in development and active pieces fully compensate him for the lost pawn. Instead of 8 e5, White can play the more restrained 8 &e2, when 8...d6 will usually lead to some main lines of the Classical. To avoid this transposition, Black can answer 8 &e2 with 8...d5!?. This can be found in sec- tion B4 of this chapter. 3) 7h3 0-08 Wd2 d5 9 exd5 Axd5 10 Axc6 bxc6 11 Rd4 &xd4 12 Wxd4 WaS 13 Wad Wb6 14 Ddl 2£5 15 3 e5 16 &a6 Had8 17 0-0 Af4 F Sal- taev-Serper, Tashkent 1987. 4) 7£3 0-08 &c4 Wh6 transposes into variatrions that arise after 1 e4 c5 2 Df3 Dc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 DAxd4 g6 5 Dc3 227 6 Re3 D6 7 Rc4 0-0 8 £3 Wh6, and can be found in Chapter 2 of this book. 7...0-0 (D) 7...45? is a mistake at this point: 8 dS! Rd7 9 exdS Dd4 10 Ac4 Bc8 (even worse is 10...Wa5 11 @b3 We7 12 Re2 RES 13 Dd4 ds 14 d6 Wrxd6 15 AxfS Wxdl+ 16 Rxdl gxf5 17 &xa7, Filipowicz-Gasiorowski, Wro- claw 1967) 11 &b3 WaS 12 Wd2 Bxc3!? 13 bxc3 Abxd5 14 Rxd5 Axd5 15 c4, Black has some, but not enough, compensation for the exchange, Filip- owicz-Borkowski, Polish Ch 1976. The continuation was 15...Wxd2+ 16 Sxd2 Db6 17 c5 Da4 18 Bab Dxc5 19 £3 0-0 20 Ab3 a4 21 Dc5! +. In general, Black should play ...d5 only after he has castled! ABA BHAW Now White has several moves that he can choose from: Bl: 8h4? 18 B2: 8 Wd2? 18 B3: 80-0 19 B4: 8 f4 25 BS: 8 Ab3 28 .B1) 8h4? With Black ready to strike in the centre, White has neither positional nor tactical justification for this ag- gressive sally. 8...d5! 9 @xc6 bxc6 10 exd5 Axd5 11 Axd5 cxd5 12 c3 e5 Black already has an excellent game, Lepikhin-Zaitsev, USSR 1958. After 13 Wd2 d4 14 Hdl He8 15 &h6 &xh6 16 Wxh6 Hb8 17 hS g5, Black's threats of 18...xb2 and 18...2b6 made it clear that White’s opening play was a disaster. B2) 8 Wd2? Acommonly played mistake. 8...d5 9 exdS

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