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XG blockt OWA ActiveSync etc.

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XG blockt OWA ActiveSync etc. Mit Anhängen grösser 1 MB

Das liegt an den niedrigen Request Body Limits des Reverse Proxys. Das steht default auf 1MB. Dies
sieht man wie folgt im LOG:

SG230_WP02_SFOS 18.0.5 MR-5-Build586# tail -n 5000 -f /log/reverseproxy.log

| grep security2:error
[Wed Jul 28 09:50:48.068673 2021] [security2:error] [pid 16365:tid
139976113112832] [client] [client]
ModSecurity: Rule 2d915d0 [id "-"][file
"240"] - Execution error - PCRE limits exceeded (-8): (null). [hostname
""] [uri "/owa/"] [unique_id "YQEMV38AAAEAAD-
tcysAAADQ"], referer:
[Wed Jul 28 09:50:48.076268 2021] [security2:error] [pid 16365:tid
139976113112832] [client] [client]
ModSecurity: Rule 2dc7d48 [id "-"][file
"342"] - Execution error - PCRE limits exceeded (-8): (null). [hostname
""] [uri "/owa/"] [unique_id "YQEMV38AAAEAAD-
tcysAAADQ"], referer:
[Wed Jul 28 10:16:05.752143 2021] [security2:error] [pid 16746:tid
139799809701632] [client] [client]
ModSecurity: Request body no files data length is larger than the configured
limit (1048576).. Deny with code (413) [hostname ""]
[uri "/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync"] [unique_id "YQESRX8AAAEAAEFqMaIAAAAO"]
[Wed Jul 28 11:14:12.025134 2021] [security2:error] [pid 17498:tid
139799742560000] [client] [client]
ModSecurity: Request body no files data length is larger than the configured
limit (1048576).. Deny with code (413) [hostname ""]
[uri "/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync"] [unique_id "YQEf438AAAEAAERaWnIAAAB6"]
[Wed Jul 28 11:14:39.305189 2021] [security2:error] [pid 16746:tid
139799834879744] [client] [client]
ModSecurity: Request body no files data length is larger than the configured
limit (1048576).. Deny with code (413) [hostname ""]
[uri "/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync"] [unique_id "YQEf-38AAAEAAEFqOEYAAAAL“]
Mit folgendem Befehl lässt Du Dir die WAF Policies mit dem jeweils eingestellten Request Body Limit

SG230_WP02_SFOS 18.0.5 MR-5-Build586# psql -U nobody -d corporate -c

"select name,id,sec_request_body_no_files_limit from tblwafsecurityprofile;"
name | id | sec_request_body_no_files_limit
Exchange AutoDiscover | 1 | 1048576
Microsoft Lync | 4 | 1048576
Microsoft RD Web 2008 | 5 | 1048576
Microsoft RDG 2008 | 6 | 1048576
Exchange Outlook Anywhere | 3 | 1048576
Exchange General | 2 | 1048576
Echange Koenig Webservices | 7 | 1048576
(7 rows)

Merke Dir die gewünschten IDs Deiner Policies und lege ein Upload-Limit fest. Im nachfolgenden
Befehl sind das 50MB (=52428800) (in dem Fall ID 7)

# psql -U nobody -d corporate -c "update tblwafsecurityprofile set

sec_request_body_no_files_limit=52428800 where id=7;"

Überprüfung der eben gemachten Einstellung:

SG230_WP02_SFOS 18.0.5 MR-5-Build586# psql -U nobody -d corporate -c

"select name,id,sec_request_body_no_files_limit from tblwafsecurityprofile;"
name | id | sec_request_body_no_files_limit
Exchange AutoDiscover | 1 | 1048576
Microsoft Lync | 4 | 1048576
Microsoft RD Web 2008 | 5 | 1048576
Microsoft RDG 2008 | 6 | 1048576
Exchange Outlook Anywhere | 3 | 1048576
Exchange General | 2 | 1048576
Echange Koenig Webservices | 7 | 52428800
(7 rows)

Anschließend ist die reverseproxy.conf auf der XG neu zu erstellen. Damit wird die neue Einstellung
auch direkt aktiviert:

SG230_WP02_SFOS 18.0.5 MR-5-Build586# opcode waf_reconfig -t json -b

'{"Entity": "waf_advanced_config", "Event": "UPDATE"}' -ds nosync
200 OK
{ "statusmessage": "success", "status": "200“ }

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