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 A client was admitted in the Emergency Room due to mild metabolic acidosis associated with dehydration and

potassium the doctor administered Hartmann’s (lactated Ringer’s) intravenous fluid and electrolyte
replacement. Which of the following elements of the lactated Ringer’s solution highest value?
A. Calcium
B. Sodium
C. Potassium
D. Magnesium

 Ringer Lactate consider as which type of IV solution?

A. Hypotonic
B. Hypertonic
C. Isotonic
D. Hyper alimentation

 physician orders an intravenous fluid of D5NS at 100cc/hr. This is an example of which of the solution?
A. hyper alimentation
B. hypertonic
C. hypotonic
D. isotonic

 13-year-old patient is admitted for diarrhoea and vomiting. He looks pale and lethargic. A nurse is preparing to
give IV hypotonic solution.
Blood pressure 110/70 mmHg
Heart rate 76 /min
Respiratory rate 18 /min
Temperature 36.1°C
Which IV solution is most appropriate?
A. 0.9% saline
B. Lactated ringers
C. 10% dextrose in water
D. 0.45% sodium chloride

CPR Questions

 CPR site

 CPR Technique IS :
A. 30:2 120
B. 15:2 100

 You are performing CPR on an infant when a second rescuer appears. What is the next step in management?
A. Immediately transport the patient
B. Wait until exhausted, then switch
C. Have the second rescuer help with CPR, to minimize fatigue
D. Have the second rescuer begin ventilations; ratio 30:2

 What should be your first concern at the scene where a person has been seriously burned?
A. Checking the scene for safety.
B. Checking the victims breathing and pulse.

C. Calling your local emergency phone number.
D. Cooling the burned area.

 While performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on a 5-year-old child, the nurse palpates for a pulse.
Which of the following sites is best for checking the pulse during CPR in a 5-year-old child?
A. Femoral artery
B. Carotid artery.
C. Radial artery
D. Brachial artery

 After activating the emergency call system, what should be the next immediate action?
A. Initiate ventricular pacing
B. Administer a bolus of lidocaine as prescribed
C. Defibrillate the patient
D. Open the patient's airway

 A nursing instructor teaches a group of students about basic life support. The instructor asks a student to identify
the most appropriate location to assess the pulse of an infant under 1 year of age. Which of the following if stated
by the student, would indicate that the student understands the appropriate procedure:
A. Carotid
B. Popliteal
C. Radial
D. Brachial

 Which of the following is an example of epidemic point source?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Public health agency
C. Contaminated water source
D. Communicable disease pavilion
Airborne Droplet Contact
TB epidemic disease Small pox RSV
Corona virus Meningitis MRSA
measles Diphtheria Staphylococcus
chicken pox Rubella Ebola virus

 TB epidemic disease
 TB. Wear N95 mask
 TB. Test Mantoux test / PPD TEST
 TB TEST WITHIN 48-72 Hours
 Isoniazid for TB side effect numbness , hepatitis symptoms , stomach upset ,rashes
 Tb accurate test sputum culture and to be done early morning
Meningitis. ...
 Streptococcal pneumonia
 meningococcal vaccine. Hib
 Neck rigidity
 Droplet
 Cloudy CSF
 Lumber puncture
 Surgical mask. No N95 mask

 A 32 years old man develops chronic productive cough. He has not been feeling hungry and has lost three
kilograms body weight in the past three weeks. On examination of his lung
fields, there was diminished breath sound and widespread crackles. An early
morning sputum culture was sent to the lab.
A. Droplet
B. Contact
C. Airborne
Rationale TB chest XRAY

 8 year-old man is diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) and negative pressure room. Which of the following should
wear a facemask?
A. Patient's health care providers
B. All people who enter the patient's room
C. Person has close contact with the patient

D. Family members who are at risk for infection

 A nurse working in medical unit is preparing to with droplet precaution measures in place. The following personal
protective equipment; eyewear. What is the correct sequence foe putting the equipment on?
A. Face Mask, Gown, Eyewear, and Gloves
B. Gown, Face Mask, Eyewear, and Gloves
C. Eyewear, Cloves, Face Mask, and Gown
D. Gloves, Gown, Face Mask, and Eyewear

 A nurse working in medical unit is going out (removing) with droplet precaution measures in place. The following
personal protective equipment; eyewear. What is the correct sequence foe putting the equipment off?
A. Face Mask, Gown, Eyewear, and Gloves
B. Gown, Face Mask, Eyewear, and Gloves
C. Eyewear, Cloves, Face Mask, and Gown
D. Gloves, Eyewear , Gown, , and Face Mask

 Mr X attended in outpatient clinic with symptoms of shortness of breath, diarrhea and severe respiratory distress
Which of the following is the best diagnosis of Mrs. A case?
A. Corona virus
B. Swine Flue
C. Zika virus
D. Hepatitis

 A nurse receives a telephone call from the admission office of the hospital and is told that a patient with
streptococcal meningitis will be admitted to the Medical Unit. The nurse is planning to apply infection control
measures for the patient. Which type of isolation precaution the nurse must observe?
A. Droplet precautions
B. Contact precautions
C. Airborne precautions
D. Standard precautions

 A nurse receives a telephone call from the admission office of the hospital and is told that a patient with
streptococcal meningitis will be admitted to the Medical Unit. The nurse is planning to apply infection control
measures for the patient. Which type of isolation precaution the nurse must observe?
A. Droplet precautions
B. Contact precautions
C. Airborne precautions
D. Standard precautions

 A 35 year old patient was admitted to a medical ward with confirmed agnosies f meningococcal infection.
Which of the following infection control preventions the nurse should implement?
A. Droplet precaution
B. Contact precaution
C. Airborne precaution
D. Standard precaution

 A 16 month old child is hospital in the intensive care unit with multi resistant sepsis. On the 3rd day. She had
explosive diarrhea. A stool sample was sent to the laboratory for C. difficle investigation. Which of the following
transmission based precaution is most appropriate?
A. Combination airborne and droplet
B. Contact
C. Droplet
D. Airborne

 Which of the following is the most effective infection control precaution to prevent nosocomial infection?
A. Hand washing before and after patient contact
B. Wearing gloves and mask for direct patient care
C. Isolation precaution
D. Broad spectrum antibiotic

 Mantoux test done for a patient result was 6.5cm it consider?

A. Latent
B. Suspected
C. Active

 When planning discharge teaching for a patient hospitalized for treatment of the 3rd burns over 30% of the
body, a nurse knows it is most important to include instructions regarding the loss of large amounts of serum
occurring with burns and the resulting loss of immune function. Which of the following instructions should be
A. Wash hands frequently each day
B. Wear supplemental oxygen at night
C. Wear masks while in public spaces
D. Take a multiple vitamin tablet night

 An infection control nurse notices purulent exudates , redness and tenderness on the surgical wound site for
few post –operative patients in a surgical unit , She discussed with the ward nurse and emphasized that wound
infection after the surgery can be prevented. Which of the following is the best possible action to minimize the
incidence of wound infection ?
A. Perform assessment of pain on the wound site
B. Wash hand before and after each patient activity
C. Encourage adequate intake and early ambulation

 A patient in surgical was transferred to isolation room after the wound swab confirmed to have methicillin
Resistant staphylococcus Atreus MRSA. Which of the following measures should the nurse take to prevent
infection in the ward?
A. Clean the would three times a day
B. Discard all soiled dressing into waste bag
C. Instruct the patient to wash hands regularly
D. Wear gloves and gown on every entry into the room

 Medical asepsis requires which of the following hand washing techniques?

A. Use hot water to ensure that pathogens are killed
B. Use circular motion washing from clean to dirty areas
C. Rinse soap off keeping hands and forearms lower than downs


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