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THE BIOLOGICAL APPROACH TO PSYCHOLOGY evolutionary history of a structure or behavior.

3 general points that should remember. 4. Functional Explanation describes why a structure or
• perception occurs in your brain. behavior evolved as it did.
• mental activity and certain types of brain activity are, CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
so far, we can tell,inseparable FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION
• we should be cautious about what isan explanation • Research Field: requires PhD and employed by
and what is not. universities, hospitals, pharmaceutical firms, and
• It is the study of the physiological, evolutionary, and • Practitioner Field of Psychology: their work is not
developmental mechanismsof the behavior and directly related to neuroscience. However, they need to
understand it to communicate with a client’s physician.
• Medical Fields: Requires MD + 4 years of additional
• It emphasizes that the goal is to relate biologyto issues study and practice in a specialization.
of psychology. • Allied Medical Field: Requires a Master’s Degree or
• Approximately synonymous with the terms: more.
o Psychobiology • Animal research is an important source of information
o Behavioral neuroscience for biological psychology but remains a highly
o Physiological Psychology controversial topic.
• Neuroscience - structure and function of thenervous • Animals are used in many kinds of research studies,
system. some dealing with behavior and others with the
1. Physiological Explanation - relates a behavior to the THE USE OF ANIMALS IN RESEARCH 4 MAIN REASONS
activity of the brain and other organs. 1. The underlying mechanism of behavior are similar
2. Ontogenetic Explanation - term ontogenetic comes across species and sometimes easier to study in a
nonhuman species. “If you want to understand a
from Greek roots meaning the origin (or genesis) of
complex machine, you might begin by examining a
being. simpler machine.”
o Describes how a structure or behavior develops, 2. We are interested in animals for their own sake.
including the influences of genes, nutrition, Humans are naturally curious, and we want to know
experiences, and their interactions. about life.
3. Evolutionary Explanation - it reconstructs the • Example, we would like to understand how bats
adapt in the dark. investigators’ idea that glia were like glue that
3. What we learn about animals shed light on human held the neurons together.
evolution. What makes us different from chimpanzees • The human brain contains approximately 100 billion
and other primates. individual neurons.
4. Legal or ethical restrictions prevent certain kinds of Structures of an Animal Cell
research on human. • Membrane (or plasma membrane), a structure that
• Example, investigators insert electrodes into the separates the inside of the cell from the outside
brain cells of rats and other animals to environment.
determine the relationship between brain • Nucleus, the structure that contains the chromosomes.
activity. • Mitochondrion (plural: mitochondria) is the structure
DEGREES OF POSITION that performs metabolic activities, providing the energy
Minimalist vs. Abolitionist that the cell uses for all activities.
• Minimalist - Tolerate certain types of animal research • Ribosomes are the sites within a cell that synthesize
but with to prohibit others depending on the probable new protein molecules. Proteins provide building
values of the research, the amount of distress to the materials for the cell and facilitate chemical reactions.
animal, and the type of animal. • Endoplasmic reticulum, a network of thin tubes that
• Abolitionist - maintain that all animals have the same transport newly synthesized proteins to other location.
rights as humans. Structure of a Neuron
3 Rs in Legal Standard • The most distinctive structural feature of neurons is
• Reduction - reduction of animal numbers (using fewer their shape, which varies enormously.
animals) • Larger neurons contain four major components:
• Replacement - using computer models or other - Dendrites
substitutes for animal, when possible - Soma (Cell body)
• Refinement - modifying the procedures to reduce pain - Axon
and discomfort. - Presynaptic terminal
NEURONS • The tiniest neurons may lack axons and well-defined
The Cells of the Nervous System dendrites.
• Nervous system is composed of two types of cells. DENDRITES
• Neurons - receive information and transmit it to • The term dendrite comes from a Greek root word
other cells. meaning “tree.” A dendrite branches like a tree.
• Glia (neuroglia) - the term glia, derived from a • The dendrite’s surface is lined with specialized synaptic
Greek word meaning “glue,” reflects early receptors, at which the dendrite receives information
from other neurons.
• Many dendrites contain dendritic spines, short
outgrowths that increase the surface area available for
• Greek for “body”; plural: somata, contains the nucleus,
ribosomes, and mitochondria. Most of a neuron’s
metabolic work occurs here. • Sensory Neuron (receptor neuron) - is specialized at one
• In many neurons, the cell body is like the dendrites— end to be highly sensitive to a particular type of
covered with synapses on its surface. stimulation, such as light, sound, or touch.
• It is a thin fiber of constant diameter. (The term axon
comes from a Greek word meaning “axis.”) The axon
conveys an impulse toward other neurons, an organ, or
a muscle.
• It can be more than a meter in length, as in the case of
axons from your spinal cord to your feet.
• Myelin sheath - it is an insulating material that covers
the vertebrate axon. Invertebrate axons do not have
PRESYNAPTIC TERMINAL • Afferent axon - brings information into a structure;
• Also known as an end bulb or bouton (French for Every sensory neuron is an afferent to the rest of the
“button”). nervous system.
• At that point the axon releases chemicals that cross o afferent starts with a as in admit.
through the junction between that neuron and another • Efferent axon - carries information away from a
cell. structure; every motor neuron is an efferent from the
TYPES OF NEURONS nervous system.
o efferent starts with e as in exit.
• Motor Neuron - receives excitation through its
dendrites and conducts impulses along its axon to a
muscle • Derived from a Greek word meaning “glue,” reflects
early investigators’ idea that glia was like glue that held
the neurons together.
• they do not transmit information like neurons. insulate certain vertebrate axons.
• Glia outnumbers neurons in the cerebral cortex, but o They also supply an axon with nutrients
neurons outnumber glia in several other brain areas, necessary for proper functioning.
especially the cerebellum. • Oligodendrocytes in the brain and spinal cord
TYPES OF GLIA • Schwann cells in the periphery of the body
Astrocytes Radial glia
• star-shaped, wrap around the synapses of functionally • Guide the migration of neurons and their axons and
related axons dendrites during embryonic development.
• absorbs chemicals released by axons and later returns • During embryogenesis, Radial glia provide physical and
those chemicals back to the axon to help synchronize chemical guidance for the migration of young neurons.
the activity of neurons. The Blood–Brain Barrier
• Remove waste products as well, particularly those • Why We Need a Blood–Brain Barrier
created after neurons die. o It is a mechanism that surrounds the brain and
• dilate the blood vessels to bring more nutrients into block most chemicals from entering.
brain areas that have heightened activity o The Immune systems destroys damaged or
• They act as a recycling system for glutamate released by infected cells throughout the body, which the
neurons (absorbing excess glutamate then converting it body replaces easily.
to glutamine and passing it back into the neurons). o Vertebrate brain does not replace damaged
• active partners of neurons in many ways. neurons, which is why it is vital for the blood
Microglia brain barrier to block incoming viruses or any
• Very small cells that remove waste material as well as harmful materials.
viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. • How the Blood–Brain Barrier Works
• act as part of the immune system, removing viruses and o Active transport, a protein-mediated process
fungi from the brain. that expends energy to pump chemicals from
• They proliferate after brain damage, removing dead or the blood into the brain.
damaged neurons. o Chemicals that are actively transported into the
• They also contribute to learning by removing the brain include glucose (the brain’s main fuel),
weakest synapses. amino acids (the building blocks of proteins),
Oligodendrocytes & Schwann Cells purines, choline, a few vitamins, and iron.
o The blood–brain barrier is essential to health.
• Oligodendrocytes in the brain and spinal cord
o In people with Alzheimer’s disease or similar
• Schwann cells in the periphery of the body
conditions, the endothelial cells lining the
o build the myelin sheaths that surround and
brain’s blood vessels shrink, and harmful • At rest, the membrane maintains an electrical
chemicals enter the brain. polarization or a difference in the electrical charge of
o barrier poses a difficulty for treating brain two locations. (The inside of the membrane is slightly
cancers, because nearly all the drugs used for negative with respect to the outside (approximately -70
chemotherapy fail to cross the blood–brain millivolts)
barrier. • Resting Potential of a neuron refers to the state of the
NOURISHMENT OF VERTEBRATE NEURONS neuron prior to the sending of a nerve impulse.
• Vertebrate neurons depend almost entirely on glucose, o The difference in voltage.
some sugar. • The membrane is selectively permeable, allowing some
• Glucose is the only nutrient that crosses the blood– chemicals to pass more freely than others.
brain barrier in large quantities. o Sodium, potassium, calcium, and chloride.
• A more likely problem is an inability to use glucose. To o When the membrane is at rest:
use glucose, the body needs vitamin B1, thiamine. ▪ Sodium (Na+) channels are closed
• Prolonged thiamine deficiency, common in chronic ▪ Potassium (k+) channels are partially
alcoholism, leads to death of neurons and a condition closed allowing the slow passage of
called Korsakoff’s syndrome, marked by severe memory potassium.
THE NERVE IMPULSE Certain types of stimulation that open the channels - permitting
• It is the electrical message that is transmitted down the the flow of both ions:
axon of a neuron. • Sodium-potassium pump - a protein complex,
• The impulse does not travel directly down the axon but repeatedly transports three sodium ions out of the cell
is regenerated at points along the axon so that is is not while drawing two potassium ions into it.
weakened. o Helps to maintain the electrical gradient.
• The speed of nerve impulse ranges from less than 1 • The electrical gradient and the concentration gradient
meter/second to 100 meter/second. work to pull sodium ions into the cell.
RESTING POTENTIAL OF THE NEURON • The electrical gradient tends to pull potassium ions into
• Messages in a neuron develop from disturbances of the the cells, but they slowly leak out, carrying a positive
resting potential. charge with them.
• When at rest, the membrane maintains an Electrical WHY A RESTING POTENTIAL?
Gradient, also known as polarization - a difference in • The body invests much energy to operate the sodium–
electrical charge between the inside and outside of the potassium pump, which maintains the resting potential.
cell. Why is it worth so much energy? The resting potential
prepares the neuron to respond rapidly. • In a motor neuron, the action potential begins at the
RESTING POTENTIAL axon hillock (a swelling where the axon exits the soma)
THE ACTION POTENTIAL • The term propagation of the action potential describes
• Messages sent by axon are called action potentials. the transmission of an action potential down an axon.
• Hyperpolarization, which means increased polarization. • The action potential does not directly travel down the
• Depolarization, refers to decreasing the polarization axon.
• The threshold of excitement refers to a level above • Sheaths of myelin - increase the speed still more,
which any stimulation produces a massive vertebrate axons evolved a special mechanism.
depolarization. o an insulating material composed of fats and
• Is a rapid depolarization of the neuron of a neuron. proteins.
• The action potential threshold varies from one neuron • The myelin sheath of axons are interrupted by short
to another. unmyelinated sections called nodes of Ranvier.
• Stimulation of neuron past the threshold of excitation • At each node of Ranvier, the action potential is
triggers a nerve impulse or action potential. regenerated by a chain of positively charged ion pushed
THE ALL-OR-NONE LAW along by the previous segment.
• is that the amplitude and velocity of an action potential • Saltatory conduction - The jumping of action potentials
are independent of the intensity of the stimulus that from node to node. “Saltare” meaning “to jump”.
initiated it, provided that the stimulus reaches the o Provides rapid conduction of impulses
threshold. o Conserves energy for the cell.
THE MOLECULAR BASIS OF ACTION POTENTIAL • Multiple sclerosis: disease in which the myelin sheath is
1. At the start, sodium ions are mostly outside the neuron, destroyed and associated with poor muscle
and potassium ions are mostly inside. coordination and sometimes visual impairments.
2. When the membrane is depolarized, sodium and REFRACTORY PERIOD
potassium channels in the membrane open. • After an action potential, a neuron has a refractory
3. At the peak of the action potential, the sodium channels period during which time the neuron resists the
close. production of another action potential.
LOCAL ANESTHETIC o The absolute refractory period is the first part of
• Novocain and Xylocaine, attach to the sodium channels the period in which the membrane cannot
of the membrane, preventing sodium ions from produce an action potential.
entering. o The relative refractory period is the second part
PROPAGATION OF THE ACTION POTENTIAL in which it takes a stronger than usual stimulus
to trigger an action potential. Sherrington found that repeated stimuli within a brief time have
LOCAL NEURONS a cumulative effect. He referred to this phenomenon as
- neurons without an axon exchange information temporal summation, meaning summation over time.
with only their closest neighbors. • Repeated stimuli can have a cumulative effect and can
THE CONCEPT OF THE SYNAPSE produce a nerve impulse when a single stimuli is too
• Neurons communicate by transmitting chemicals at weak.
junctions, called “synapses” • Presynaptic neuron: neuron that delivers the synaptic
• In 1906, Charles Scott Sherrington physiologically transmission.
demonstrated that communication between one • Postsynaptic neuron: neuron that receives the message.
neuron and the next differs from communication along • Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP): graded
a single axon. potential that decays over time and space.
• He inferred a specialized gap between neurons and • The cumulative effect of EPSPs are the basis for
introduced the term synapse. temporal and spatial summation.
• Sherrington’s discovery was an amazing feat of scientific SPATIAL SUMMATION
reasoning, as he used behavioral observations to infer • Sherrington also noticed that several small stimuli
the major properties of synapses half a century before on a similar location produced a reflex when a single
researchers had the technology to measure those stimuli did not.
properties directly. • This led to the idea of spatial summation or that
PROPERTIES OF SYNAPSES synaptic input from several locations can have a
Sherrington observed several properties of reflexes that suggest cumulative effect and trigger a nerve Impulse.
special processes at the junctions between neurons: • Spatial summation is critical to brain functioning
1. Reflexes are slower than conduction along an axon. • Each neuron receives many incoming axons that
2. Several weak stimuli presented at nearby places or frequently produce synchronized responses.
times produce a stronger reflex than one stimulus alone • Temporal summation and spatial summation
does. ordinarily occur together.
3. When one set of muscles becomes excited, a different • The order of a series of axons influences the results.
set becomes relaxed. INHIBITORY SYSNAPSES
The circuit from sensory neuron to muscle response is called a Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) Occurs when synaptic
reflex arc. input selectively opens the gates for potassium ions to leave the
TEMPORAL SUMMATION cell (carrying a positive charge with them) or for chloride ions to
enter the cell (carrying a negative charge).
• Serves as an active “brake” that suppresses excitation. Synthesis of Transmitters
The Discovery of Chemical Transmission at Synapse. • Neurons synthesize nearly all neurotransmitters from
• Otto Loewi, a German physiologist was the first to amino acids, which the body from proteins in the diet.
convincingly demonstrate that communication across • Each pathway begins with the substances found in the
the synapse occurs via chemical means. diet.
• Neurotransmitters - are chemicals that travel across the o Acetylcholine, is synthesized from choline which
synapse and allow communication between neurons. is abundant in milk, egg, and peanuts.
• Chemical transmission predominantly occurs o Phenylalanine and tyrosine, present in
throughout the nervous system. proteins, are precursor of domain,
The Sequence of Chemical Events at a Synapse. norepinephrine and epinephrine.
• The neurotransmitter molecules separate from their • Tryptophan, an amino acid, a precursor to serotonin.
receptors. o Serotonin level arise after you eat foods rich in
• The neurotransmitter molecules may be taken back into tryptophan, such as soy, maize (American Corn).
the presynaptic neuron for recycling or they may diffuse o Tryptophan has to compete with other
away abundant large amino acids, such as
• Some postsynaptic cells send reverse messages to phenylalanine. (to increase serotonin, decrease
control the further release of neurotransmitter by consumption of phenylalanine.)
presynaptic cells. Storage of Transmitters
Types of Neurotransmitters • Most neurotransmitters are synthesized in the
• Major categories of neurotransmitters include the presynaptic terminal, near the point of release.
following: • Vesicles - tiny nearly spherical packets, were
presynaptic terminal stores high concentrations of
• MAO (monoamine oxidase) - breaks down these
transmitters into inactive chemicals, thereby preventing
the transmitters to accumulate to harmful levels.
Release and Diffusion of Transmitter
• Exocytosis - burst of release of neurotransmitter from
the presynaptic neuron.
o Transmission across the synaptic cleft a
neurotransmitter takes fewer than .01
Activating Receptors of The Postsynaptic Cell • Hallucinogenic Drugs - that is, drugs that distort
• Ionotropic effect - refers to when a neurotransmitter perception, such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)—
attaches to receptors and immediately opens ion chemically resemble serotonin.
channels. • Nicotine - compound present in tobacco, stimulates a
• Transmitter-gater or ligand-gated channels are family of acetylcholine receptors, conveniently known
channels controlled by a neurotransmitter. as nicotinic receptors. Because nicotinic receptors are
• Most ionotropic effects rely on glutamate or GABA. abundant on neurons that release dopamine, nicotine
Metabotropic Effects and Second Messenger Systems increases dopamine release.
• Metabotropic Effects - occur when neurotransmitters • Opiate Drugs - Familiar opiates include morphine,
attach to a receptor and initiates a sequence of slower heroin, and methadone. Morphine and opiates are
and longer lasting metabolic reactions. being used for centuries.
• Metabotropic synapses use many neurotransmitters Inactive and Reuptake of Neurotransmitters
such as dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and • Reuptake - occurs through special membrane protein
sometimes glutamate and GABA. called transporters.
• The portion inside the neuron activates a G-protein, one o COMT (catechol-o-methyltransferase). The
that is coupled to guanosine triphosphate (GTP), an breakdown products wash away and eventually
energy storing molecule. show up in the blood and urine.
• G-protein increases the concentration of a “second o Stimulant drugs, including amphetamine and
messenger.” cocaine, inhibit the transporters for dopamine,
• The second messenger communicates to areas within serotonin, and norepinephrine, thus decreasing
the cell. reuptake and prolonging the effects of the
o May open or close ion channels, alter neurotransmitters.
production. • Methylphenidate (Ritalin), another stimulant drug, is
Neuropeptides often prescribed for people with attention
• Neuromodulators - they are often called Neuropeptides. deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
o Release requires repeated stimulation.
o Neuron synthesize most neurotransmitter in
presynaptic terminal, neuropeptides
o Other neurotransmitters are released at the
axon, neuropeptides are released by dendrites
and cell body, and by the sides of the axons.
Drugs that Act by Binding to Receptors
• Peptide Hormones - Composed of chains of amino acids,
this two attach to membrane receptors, where they
activate a second messenger within the cell—exactly
like a metabotropic synapse.
Location of some major Endocrine Glands
The pituitary gland, attached to the hypothalamus has two
parts, which release different sets of hormones:
• Posterior pituitary - composed of neural tissue, can be
considered an extension of the hypothalamus. Neurons
in the hypothalamus synthesize the hormones oxytocin
and vasopressin (also known as antidiuretic hormone)
• Anterior pituitary - composed of glandular tissue,
synthesizes six hormones, although the hypothalamus
controls their release.
• Hypothalamus secretes releasing hormones, which flow
through the blood to the anterior pituitary. There they
stimulate or inhibit the release of other hormones.

Electrical Synapses
• Gap Junction - direct contact of a membrane of one
neuron to another membrane of another.
• Hormone is a chemical secreted by cells in one part of
the body and conveyed by the blood to influence other
o Endocrine (hormone-producing) glands - are
responsible for the production of hormones.
o Hormones are important for triggering long-
lasting changes in multiple parts of the body.
2 Types of Hormones:
• Protein Hormones Describing the Nervous System
• Central Nervous System (CNS) - Brain and spinal cord Sympathetic Nervous System
• Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) - Connects the brain - is a network of nerves that prepares the organs for
and spinal cord. a burst of rigorous activity.
o Somatic - consists of axons conveying messages • Sympathetic axons prepare the organs for
from the sense organs to the CNS and from the “fight or flight”, such as by increasing
CNS to the muscles. breathing and heart rate and decreasing
o Autonomic - controls the heart, intestines, and digestive activity.
other organs. The autonomic nervous system • Consists of chains of ganglia just to the left
has some of its cell bodies within the brain or and right of the spinal cord’s central regions
spinal cord and some in clusters along the sides (the thoracic and lumbar areas).
of the spinal cord. Parasympathetic Nervous System
▪ Sympathetic: Expends energy - sometimes called “rest and digest” system,
▪ Parasympathetic: Conserves energy facilitates vegetative, non-emergency responses.
• Dorsal - means toward the back. • is also known as the craniosacral system
• Ventral - means toward the stomach. because it consists of the cranial nerves and
Spinal Cord nerves from the sacral spinal cord
• Dorsal root ganglia - cell bodies of the sensory neurons • Comprised of long preganglionic axons
are in clusters of neurons outside the spinal cord. extend from the spinal cord to
• Communicates with the sense of organs and muscle, parasympathetic ganglia close to each
except those. internal organ.
• Gray matter - located in the center of the cord is • Comprised of shorter postganglionic fibers then extend
densely packed with cell bodies and dendrites. from the parasympathetic ganglia into the organs
• White matter - composed mostly of myelinated axons themselves.
that carries information from the gray matter to the • The parasympathetic nervous system’s axons release
brain or the other areas of the spinal cord. the neurotransmitter acetylcholine onto the organs.
Autonomic Nervous System 3 MAJORS DIVISIONOF THE BRAIN
• Sends and receives messages to regulate the automatic • Hindbrain
behaviors of the body (heart rate, blood pressure, • Midbrain
respiration, digestion, etc.) • Forebrain
• Divided into two subsystems:
o Sympathetic Nervous System Hindbrain
o Parasympathetic Nervous System • Posterior part of the brain.
• Consists of the medulla, the pons, and the cerebellum.
• The medulla and pons, the midbrain, and certain central
structures of the forebrain constitute the brainstem.


• Located just above the spinal cord and regarded as an
enlarged extension of the spinal cord.
• control vital reflexes such as breathing, heart rate,
vomiting, salivation, coughing, and sneezing.
• Cranial nerves: allow the medull control sensations
from the head, muscle movement in the head, and
many parasympathetic outputs to the organ.
WEEK 5: NEUROANATOMY Parasympathetic Nervous System - sometimes called “rest and
Describing the Nervous System digest” system, facilitates vegetative, non-emergency
• Central Nervous System (CNS) - Brain and spinal cord responses.
• Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) - Connects the brain • is also known as the craniosacral system because it
and spinal cord. consists of the cranial nerves and nerves from the sacral
o Somatic - consists of axons conveying messages spinal cord
from the sense organs to the CNS and from the • Comprised of long preganglionic axons extend from the
CNS to the muscles. spinal cord to parasympathetic ganglia close to each
o Autonomic - Controls involuntary muscles internal organ.
o The autonomic nervous system has some of its • Comprised of shorter postganglionic fibers then extend
cell bodies within the brain or spinal cord and from the parasympathetic ganglia into the organs
some in clusters along the sides of the spinal themselves.
cord. • The parasympathetic nervous system axons release the
▪ Sympathetic: Expends energy neurotransmitter acetylcholine onto the organs.
▪ Parasympathetic: Conserves energy Terms used to describe location when referring to the nervous
Autonomic Nervous System system include:
• Sends and receives messages to regulate the automatic • Dorsal - means toward the back.
behaviors of the body (heart rate, blood pressure, • Ventral - means toward the stomach.
respiration, digestion, etc.). SPINAL CORD
Divided into two subsystems: • Dorsal root ganglia - cell bodies of the sensory neurons
• Sympathetic Nervous System are in clusters of neurons outside the spinal cord.
• Parasympathetic Nervous System • Communicates with the sense of organs and muscle,
Sympathetic Nervous System - is a network of nerves that except those of the head.
prepares the organs for a burst of rigorous activity. • Gray matter - located in the center of the cord is
• Sympathetic axons prepare the organs for “fight or densely packed with cell bodies and dendrites.
flight”, such as by increasing breathing and heart rate • White matter - composed mostly of myelinated axons
and decreasing digestive activity. that carries information from the gray matter to the
• Consists of chains of ganglia just to the left and right of brain or the other areas of the spinal cord.
the spinal cord’s central regions (the thoracic and 3 MAJOR DIVION OF THE BRAIN
lumbar areas).
• Lies anterior and ventral to the medulla.
• Contains nuclei for several cranial nerves. Cranial nerves
V through XII are in the medulla and pons.
• The term pons is Latin for “bridge.”
• Reticular Activating System.
• Posterior part of the brain.
• It is a large hindbrain structure with many deep folds.
• Consists of the medulla, the pons, and the cerebellum.
• “Balance and coordination”
• The medulla and pons, the midbrain, and certain central
• People with cerebellar damage are clumsy and lose
structures of the forebrain constitute the brainstem
their balance.
• Damage to the cerebellum have trouble shifting their
• Located just above the spinal cord and regarded as an
attention back and forth between auditory and visual
enlarged extension of the spinal cord.
• control vital reflexes such as breathing, heart rate,
• The cerebellum is also critical for certain types of
vomiting, salivation, coughing, and sneezing.
learning and conditioning.
• Cranial nerves: allow the medulla control sensations
from the head, muscle movement in the head, and
• Located in the middle of the brain.
many parasympathetic outputs to the organ.
• Complex region of your brainstem that serves many
o Tectum - “roof”; roof of the midbrain
o Superior Colliculus (vision) & Inferior Colliculus
(hearing) - important sensory processing. • Near the base of the brain, just ventral to the thalamus.
o Tegmentum - “covering”; tectum covers the • It conveys messages to the pituitary gland, altering the
tegmentum, but the tegmentum covers several release of hormones.
other midbrains structures • Associated with behaviors, such as feeding, drinking,
▪ contains nuclei for cranial nerves and temperature regulation, sexual behavior, fighting, or
part of the reticular formation activity level.
o Substantia Nigra - gives rise to a dopamine- PITUITARY GLAND
containing pathway that facilitates readiness for • Endocrine (hormone-producing) gland attached to the
movement. base of the hypothalamus.
FOREBRAIN • In response to hypothalamus, the pituitary synthesizes
• Most prominent part of the mammalian brain hormones that the blood carries to organs throughout
• Consist of 2 cerebral hemispheres the body.
• Consist of the outer cortex and subcortical regions BASAL GANGLIA
• The outer portion is the cerebral cortex • A group of subcortical structures lateral the thalamus,
o Cerebrum - “brain”, Cortex - “bark” or “shell” include 3 major structures:
• Each sides receives sensory information and controls o Caudate nucleus
motor movement from the opposite (contralateral) side o Putamen
of the body. o Globus pallidus
• Limbic System - “limbus” - border around the brainstem • Associated with motor movement, motivational and
o Consist of other interlinked structures that form emotional behavior.
a border around the brainstem • Critical for learned skills and habits, memory.
o Includes olfactory bulb, hypothalamus, BASAL FOREBRAIN
hippocampus, amygdala, and cingulate gyrus of • Comprised of several structures that lie on the dorsal
the cerebral cortex. surface of the forebrain.
o Associated with motivation, emotion, drives, • Contains the nucleus basalis:
and aggression. o Receives input from the hypothalamus and
• Subcortical regions are structures of the brain that lie basal ganglia
underneath the cortex o Sends axons that release acetylcholine to the
• Subcortical structures of the forebrain include: cerebral cortex ○ Key part of the brain’s system
o Thalamus - relay station from the sensory for arousal, wakefulness, and attention.
organs and main source of input to the cortex HIPPOCAMPUS
HYPOTHALAMUS • “Sea horse”, a shape suggested by the hippocampus.
• Large structure between the thalamus and cerebral • Contains up to 6 distinct laminae, layers of cell bodies
cortex that are parallel to the surface of the cortex.
• Posterior of the forebrain • Cells of the cortex are also divided into columns that lie
• Critical for certain types of memories, especially perpendicular to the laminae (layer)
memories for individual events. • Divided into four lobes:
VENTRICLES o Occipital
• The central canal is a fluid-filled channel in the center of o Parietal
the spinal cord. o Temporal
• Ventricles are four fluid-filled cavities within the brain o Frontal
containing cerebrospinal fluid OCCIPITAL LOBE
• Choroid plexus - cells called along the walls of the four • Located at the posterior (caudal) end of the cortex.
ventricles that produce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fills the • Known as the primary visual cortex, or striate cortex.
ventricles. • Responsible for visual input
• Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) - clear fluid found in the brain • Damage can result in cortical blindness.
and spinal cord similar to blood plasma. PARIETAL LOBE
o Provides “cushioning for the brain • Lies between the occipital lobe and the central sulcus, a
o Reservoir of hormones and nutrition for the deep groove in the surface of the cortex
brain and spinal cord. • Postcentral gyrus, primary somatosensory cortex
• Meninges - membranes that surround the brain and o receives sensations from touch receptors,
spinal cord. muscle-stretch receptors, and joint receptors.
• The brain has no pain receptors, but the meninges do. • Responsible for processing and integrating information
(meningitis—inflammation of the meninges—is painful) about eye, head, and body position from the
● Swollen blood vessels in the meninges are responsible information sent from the muscles and joints.
for the pain of a migraine headaches. • The parietal lobe is essential not only for spatial
THE CEREBRAL CORTEX information but also numerical information.
• The most prominent part of the mammalian brain TEMPORAL LOBE
• The cell on the outer surface of the cerebral cortex are • Lateral portion of each hemisphere near the temples
Gray Matter • Target for auditory information.
• Axon extending inward are White Matter • Also contributes to complex aspects of vision, including
• Divided into two halves. perception of movement and recognition of faces.
• Joined by two bundles of axons called the corpus • Tumor in the temporal lobe - auditory or visual
callosum and the anterior commissure. hallucinations.
• Tumor in the occipital lobe -simple sensation, such as areas when they produce synchronous waves of
flashes of light. activity.
• Contains the prefrontal cortex and precentral gyrus. • This module provides an overview of those categories
o Precentral gyrus - posterior portion of the and the logic behind them:
frontal lobe, specialized for control of fine o Examine the effects of brain damage.
movements, such as moving a finger. o Examine the effects of stimulating a brain area.
▪ Precentral gyrus is also known as o Record brain activity during behavior
“primary motor cortex.” EFFECTS OF BRAIN DAMAGE
o Prefrontal cortex - most anterior portion of the • Brain damage can produce an inability to recognize
frontal lobe faces, an inability to perceive motion, a shift of
▪ The integration center for all sensory attention to the right side of the world, changes in
information and other of the cortex. motivation and emotion, and memory impairments.
• Prefrontal lobotomy - surgical disconnection of the o Broca’s area - patients with loss of speech also
prefrontal cortex from the rest of the brain. showed damage in and around that area.
• Responsible for higher functions such as abstract o Ablation - is the removal of a brain area,
thinking and planning generally with a surgical knife.
• Responsible for our ability to remember recent events o Lesion - meaning damage, by means of a
and information (“working memory”) stereotaxic instrument. Used for research. ○
• People with damaged prefrontal cortex exhibit delayed- stereotaxic instrument - precise placement of
response task: have to respond to something they see electrodes in the brain.
or hear after a delay. o Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) - the
HOW DO THE PARTS WORK TOGETHER? application of magnetic stimulation to a portion
• Various parts of the cerebral cortex do not work of the scalp, can stimulate neurons in the area
independently of each other. below the magnet, if the stimulation is
o All areas of the brain communicate with each sufficiently brief and mild.
other, but no single central processor exists that EFFECTS OF BRAIN STIMULATION
puts it all together. • Stimulation of the brain should increase behavior
• The binding problem refers to how the visual, auditory, • Optogenetics - a technique that allows researchers to
and other areas of the brain produce a perception of a turn on activity in targeted neurons.
single object. • Electrodes can probe the brain of a person undergoing
o Perhaps the brain binds activity in different brain surgery.
• A limitation is that complex behaviors depend on identifying of peculiar behaviors and looking for
temporal pattern of activity in many areas. abnormal brain structures or function.
RECORDING BRAIN ACTIVITY o These abnormal brain structures can be
• Recording brain activity involves using a variety of identified using:
noninvasive methods, including: ▪ Computerized axial tomography (CAT
o Electroencephalograph (EEG) - records scan)
electrical activity produced by various brain ▪ Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
regions. • Computerized Axial Tomography (CT or CAT scan)
▪ Can produce evoked potentials that o A physician injects a dye into the blood to
self-reports sometimes do not reveal. increase contrast in the image, and then places
• Magnetoencephalograph (MEG) - Similar to EEG, the person’s head into a CT scanner.
instead of measuring electrical activity, it measures the • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - involves the
faint magnetic field generated by brain activity. application of a powerful magnetic field to image the
o The MEG has excellent temporal resolution, brain.
showing changes from one millisecond to the
• Positron-emission tomography (PET) - provides a high-
resolution image of activity in a living brain by recording
the emission of radioactivity from injected chemicals.
• Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) - a
modified version of MRI based on hemoglobin (the
blood protein that binds oxygen) instead of water.
o Comparison tasks are used to compare the
brain pictures while the person is engaged in
different activities and recordings can allow
researchers to predict the behavior.
• Phrenology - the process of relating skull anatomy to
• The human central nervous system begins to form when
o One of the first ways ever used for studying
the embryo is about 2 weeks old.
brain function.
• The dorsal surface thickens, and then long thin lips rise,
• Correlating activity with behavior can involve the
curl, and merge, forming a neural tube that surrounds a
fluid-filled cavity. migration.
• The forward end enlarges and differentiates into the ▪ deficit in these chemicals leads to
hindbrain, midbrain, and forebrain. impaired migration, decreased brain
• The rest of the neural tube becomes the spinal cord. size, and mental retardation.
• The fluid-filled cavity within the neural tube becomes o Differentiation
the central canal of the spinal cord and the four ▪ Neurons develop an axon and dendrites
ventricles of the brain ○ containing the cerebrospinal that gives the neuron its distinctive
fluid (CSF). shape.
• The first muscle movements start at age 7½ weeks and ▪ The axon grows first either during
their only accomplishment is to stretch the muscles. migration or once it has reached its
• At birth, the average human brain weighs approximately target and it followed by development
350 grams ● By the end of the first year, it weighs of dendrites.
approximately 1,000 g ● the adult weight of 1,200 to o Myelination
1,400 g. ▪ refers to process by which glia produce
• The development of neurons in the brain involve the the fatty sheath that covers the axons
following processes: of some neurons.
o Proliferation ▪ Myelin speeds up the transmission of
▪ is the production of new cells/neurons neural impulse.
in the brain primarily occurring early in ▪ Myelin forms first in the spinal cord and
life. then in the hindbrain, midbrain, and
▪ Early in development, the cells lining forebrain.
the ventricles of the brain divide. o Synaptogenesis
▪ Some cells remain where they are as ▪ is the final stage of neural development
stem cells, continuing to divide and refers to the formation of the
▪ Others remain where they are or synapses between neurons.
become neurons or glia that migrate to ▪ Occurs throughout the life as neurons
other locations. are constantly forming new connections
o Migration and discarding old ones.
▪ refers to the movement of the newly ▪ Slows significantly later in the lifetime.
formed neurons and glue to their • Originally believed that no neurons were formed after
eventual locations. early development.
▪ Chemicals known as immunoglobulins • Later research suggest otherwise:
and chemokines guide neuron o Stem cells are undifferentiated cells found in
the interior of the brain that generate we can keep, and then a selection process keeps some
“daughter cells” that can transform into glia or of the synapses and rejects others.
neurons. o The most successful combinations survive, and
o New olfactory receptors also continually replace others fail.
• A supply of new neurons keeps the hippocampus • Levi-Montalcini developed a love for research and
“young” for learning new tasks. eventually discovered that the muscles do not
• Blocking the formation of new neurons (such as by determine how many axons form; they determine how
exposing the hippocampus to X-rays) impairs the many survive.
formation of new memories. o When one of its neurons forms a synapse onto a
• Different cells have different average lie spans. muscle, that muscle delivers a protein called
• Heart cells, on the other hand, tend to be as old as the nerve growth factor (NGF) that promotes the
person. survival and growth of the axon.
• Mammalian cerebral cortexes form few or no new • An axon that does not receive NGF degenerates, and its
neuron after birth. cell body dies. That is, each neuron starts life with a
PATHFINDING BY AXONS “suicide program.”
• Axons must travel great distances across the brain to • If its axon does not make contact with an appropriate
form the correct connection. postsynaptic cell by a certain age, the neuron kills itself
• Sperry (1954) research with newts indicated that axons through a process called apoptosis, a programmed
follow a chemical trial reach their appropriate target. mechanism of cell death.
• Growing axons reach their target area by following a • Nerve growth factor is a neurotrophin, meaning a
gradient of chemicals in which they are attracted by chemical that promotes the survival and activity of
following a gradient of chemicals in which they are neurons. (The word trophin derives from a Greek word
attracted by some chemicals and repelled by others. for “nourishment.”)
• When axons initially reach their targets, they form • Neurotrophins are essential for growth of axons and
synapses with several cells. dendrites, formation of new synapses, and learning.
• Postsynaptic cells strengthen connection with some THE VULNARABLE DEVELOPING BRAIN
cells and eliminate connections with others. • According to Lewis Wolpert (1991), “It is not birth,
• The formation or elimination of these connections marriage, or death, but gastrulation, which is truly the
depends upon input from incoming of axons. most important time of your life.”
• Neural Darwinism - In the development of the nervous o Gastrulation is one of the early stages of
system, we start with more neurons and synapses than embryological development
• During early development, the brain is highly vulnerable some old ones.
to malnutrition, toxic chemicals, and infections that FINE TUNING BY EXPERIENCE
would produce milder problems at later ages. • Experience and Denritic Branching
• Children of mothers who drink heavily during pregnancy • Physical activity appears to be as beneficial for brain
are born with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) functioning in humans
o Hyperactivity and impulsiveness • humans in a normal environment do better intellectually
o difficulty maintaining attention than children in orphanages where the staff provides
o varying degrees of mental retardation little more than minimum care
o motor problems • Educators have long operated on the assumption that
o heart defects training children to do something difficult will enhance
o facial abnormalities. their intellect in general.
• Exposure to alcohol damages the brain in several ways. • Once Believed that teaching a child a difficult concept
At the earliest stage of pregnancy, it interferes with would enhance intelligence in other areas.
neuron proliferation. o The concept known as “fat transfer”
• Alcohol kills neurons partly by apoptosis >> To prevent • Evidence shows that skills associated with the practice
apoptosis, a brain neuron must receive input from task transfer, but not other skills
incoming axon >> Alcohol inhibits receptors for o The brain cannot be “exercised” like a muscle.
glutamate, the brain’s main excitatory transmitter, and THE EFFECTS OF SPACIAL EXPERIENCES
enhances receptors for GABA, the main inhibitory • People who develop expertise in any area spend
transmitter >> Because of the decrease in net excitation, enormous amounts of time practicing, generally
many neurons undergo apoptosis (Ikonomidou et al., beginning in childhood, and it seems reasonable to look
2000). Further harm occurs after a bout of drinking, while for corresponding changes in their brains.
the alcohol is washing out of the system. • Practicing skills reorganize the brain to maximize
DIFFERENTATION OF THE CORTEX performance of that skill.
• Neuron in different parts of the brain differ from one • Certain types of training may also exert a bigger effect if
another in their shape and chemical components. they begins early in life.
o Immature neurons experimentally transplanted o Ex: musicians who began before age 7 showed
from one part of the developing cortex to advantages over those who started later in life.
another develop the properties characteristic of • Focal hand dystonia or “musicians cramp” refers to a
their new location. condition where the reorganization of the brain goes too
o Neurons transplanted at a slightly later stage far.
develop some new properties while retaining o The fingers of musicians who practice extensively
become clumsy, fatigue easily, and make mechanisms of brain development.
involuntary movements. • Understanding the process leads to better therapies for
o This condition is a result of extensive people with brain damage and contributes to our
reorganization of the sensory thalamus and understanding of brain functioning.
cortex so that tough responses to one finger • Possible causes of brain damage include the following:
overlap those of another. o Tumors
• Adolescents are widely regarded as impulsive and prone o Exposure to radiation or toxic substances
to seek immediate pleasure, as compared to adults. o Degenerative conditions
• Impulsiveness is a problem if it leads to risky driving, o Closed head injuries - a sharp blow to the head
drinking, sex, spending sprees, and so forth. that does not puncture the brain. ○ blood clots
• Adolescents tend to prefer immediate rewards even with that interrupt blood flow to the brain.
rewards other than money, and adolescent rats and mice REDUCING THE HARM FROM A STROKE
show a similar tendency to prefer immediate food • Stroke - known as a cerebrovascular accident. The more
instead of a larger portion later. common type of stroke is ischemia.
• Adolescent humans show weaker responses than adults o hemorrhage (HEM-oh-rage), the result of a
do in the areas of the prefrontal cortex responsible for ruptured artery.
inhibiting behaviors. • Both ischemia and hemorrhage lead to many of the same
• On average, old people’s memory and reasoning begin to problems, including edema (the accumulation of fluid),
fade. Many neurons lose some of their synapses, and the which increases pressure on the brain and the probability
remaining synapses change more slowly than before in of additional strokes
response to experiences o ischemia and hemorrhage also impair the
• The thickness of the temporal cortex shrinks. sodium– potassium pump.
• The frontal cortex begins thinning at age 30. IMMEDIATE TREATMENTS
• Volume of the hippocampus also gradually declines in old • A drug called tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) breaks
age, and certain aspects of memory decline in proportion up blood clots. To get a benefit, a patient should receive
to the loss of hippocampus. tPA quickly, at least within 4.5 hours after a stroke.
PLASTICITY AFTER BRAIN DAMAGE • One of the most effective laboratory methods used to
• Survivors of brain damage show behavioral recovery to minimize damage caused by strokes is to cool the brain.
some degree. • Cannabinoids have also been shown to potentially
• Some of the mechanisms rely on the growth of new minimize cell loss after a brain stroke.
branches of axons and dendrites, similar to the • Cannabinoids have also been shown to potentially
minimize cell loss after a brain stroke. synapses.
• Benefits are most likely due to cannabinoids anti- LATE MECHANISM OF REOVERY
inflammatory effects. • Collateral sprouts - that take over the vacant synapses ○
LATER MECHANISM OF RECOVERY Are new branches formed by other non-damaged axons
• After brain damage, surviving brain areas increase or that attach to vacant receptors.
reorganize their activity. • Denervation super sensitivity: the heightened sensitivity
• Diachisis - (di-AS-ki-sis, from a Greek term meaning “to to a neurotransmitter after the destruction of an
shock throughout”) refers to the decreased activity of incoming axon.
surviving neurons after damage to other neurons. o Can cause consequences such as chronic pain.
• Use of drugs (stimulants) to stimulate activity. • Phantom limb refers to the continuation of sensation of
• Destroyed cell bodies cannot be replaced, but damaged an amputated body part.
axons do grow back under certain circumstances. o The cortex reorganizes itself after the
o If an axon in the peripheral nervous system is amputation of a body part by becoming
crushed, it follows its myelin sheath back to the responsive to other parts of the body
target and grows back toward the periphery at a o Original axons degenerate leaving vacant
rate of about 1 mm per day. synapses into which other axons sprout.
• Damaged axons only regenerate one to two mm in • Phantom limb can lead to the feeling of sensations in the
mature mammals. amputated part of the body when other parts of the body
• Paralysis caused by spinal cord damage is relatively are stimulated.
permanent. o e.g., a touch on the face can bring about the
• Scar tissue makes a mechanical barrier to axon grow. experience of a phantom arm.
• Glia cells reacting to damage in CNS release chemicals o Use of an artificial limb can reduce the likelihood
that inhibit axon. of experiencing phantom limb.
• Researcher to building protein bridges may help. • Deafferentated limbs are limbs that have lost their
MICROGLIA afferent sensory input.
• Very small cells that remove waste material as well as o Can still be used but are often not because use of
viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. other mechanisms to carry out the behavior are
• act as part of the immune system, removing viruses and easier.
fungi from the brain. • The study of the ability to use deafferentated limbs has
• They proliferate after brain damage, removing dead or led to the development of therapy techniques to improve
damaged neurons. functioning of brain damaged people.
• They also contribute to learning by removing the weakest o Focus on what they are capable of doing.

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