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1. Fee Schedule
The Provincial Fees explanation below is to be included on Constituent Associations Membership
Applications, Renewal Forms and/or Membership Fee Invoice:
BILD Alberta Provincial Fees are included in your membership fee calculation based on the
following schedule:

Category Annual Member Type Classification
General Member – $ 500  General General Member Classification:
including Renovators  Renovator Association
Professional Services (Specify)
Supplier (Specify)
Trade (Specify)
Emerging – $ 500  Builder Builder Classification:
Builder/Developer  Developer Single Family
Boutique – $ 750  Builder/Developer Multi Family
Builder/Developer Commercial
Mid Size – $ 3,000 Industrial
Major – $ 8,500
Industry Leader – $15,000

2. Member Category Descriptions

Initial Categorization
As per the below table, members in good standing on May 31, 2020 were categorized with some
adjustments, in consultation with Constituent Associations. In establishing current membership
categories, BILD Alberta used historic data related to building permits and lot registrations.

Access to this data varies from municipality to municipality. For the Calgary and Edmonton
Regions, activity data from 2016 ‐ 2019 was used to identify the appropriate category for each
member company. In other regions, data was often only available for 2 to 4 years.

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Category Description
General Member – including Non builder or developer companies that may include suppliers,
Renovators consulting firms, trades, financial institutions, other professional
services, municipalities and other associations.

Emerging – Builder/Developer New companies or companies that work on a limited volume of

projects over several years.

• Builders or Developers with fewer than 1 permit based on a

historic average.
Boutique – Builder/Developer Companies who typically build specialized homes or communities.

 Builders or Developers with 1 ‐ 40 permits annually based on a

historic average.
Mid Size – Builder/Developer Companies with significant land holdings focused on
Residential, Commercial, or Industrial development.

 2019 Fee Structure: Builders or Developers with 41 ‐ 200

permits annually based on a historic average.
Major – Builder/Developer Companies that have a large presence and market share of
Single and Multi family homes, or Commercial Construction
or Industrial Construction. These member companies help
forward BILD Alberta’s work through financial support and
providing expertise to committees.

 2019 Fee Structure: Builders or Developers with 201 ‐ 500

permits annually based on a historic average.
Industry Leader – Companies that hold a major market share in the Residential
Builder/Developer Construction Industry, the Commercial Construction Industry,
and/or the Industrial Construction Industry. Take an active roll
and interest in shaping the future of the Province. Major presence
in BILD CR committees, and events. Consistently requests 300+
permits a year.

 2019 Fee Structure: Builders or Developers with 501+ permits

annually based on a historic average.

Review of Categories

The current categorizations of member companies are intended to remain in place for a period
of at least 3 years. In a period following 3 years, BILD Alberta will gather available data to re‐
assess the categories of all builder / developer member companies.

References to specified numbers of lots and permits were only used to establish the initial
category of each member company. Moving forward, categories will be based on a member
company’s activity relative to broader membership.

Example: 8 member companies currently fall within the Industry Leader category. This
represents 2% of all builder / developer members. When categories are re‐assessed in the

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future (based on updated data), members who are in the top 2% of permit / lot volume will be
placed in the Industry Leader category.

The BILD Alberta Board of Directors may from time to time change the categories and/or
annual dues as they find necessary.

Change of Membership Category

A member company who wishes to be re‐categorized may apply to the BILD Alberta Board
Executive Committee and must provide data demonstrating the current category is incorrect.

3. New Members
New Members that join the association after July 1, 2020 will be categorized based on historical
activity (building permits and/or registered lots) in consultation with Constituent Associations.

Should you need to discuss this policy at any time please email with your contact

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