Pioneer English Delhi 20 Sep 2023

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A07D;30CC0Q =4F34;78 the Government of India to unacceptable violation of our
such developments. We urge sovereignty... It is contrary to
massive dispute has flared the Government of Canada to the fundamental rules by which
up between Canada and take prompt and effective legal free, open and democratic soci-
India. In a retaliatory move, action against all anti-India ele- eties conduct themselves,” he
New Delhi expelled a Canadian ments operating from their said. “As you would expect, we
diplomat shortly after Prime soil,” the MEA said. have been working closely and

Minister Justin Trudeau assert- In a strong reaction to coordinating with our allies on
ed in Parliament that there remarks by Trudeau and the this very serious matter.”
were “credible allegations of a Canadian Foreign Minister, He also said he had raised
potential connection” between the MEA said such “unsubstan- with Prime Minister Modi the
Indian Government agents and tiated” allegations seek to “shift issue during their meeting on ?=BQ 270=3860A7 a gunman can be seen forceful-
the killing of Khalistani leader the focus from Khalistani ter- the sidelines of the G20 sum- ly entering the premises just as
Hardeep Singh Nijjar in rorists and extremists, who mit in New Delhi earlier this n a chilling incident that has Balli, also known as ‘namber-
Canada in June. Canada also
expelled a high-ranking Indian
have been provided shelter in
Canada and continue to threat-
month. Trudeau urged the
Indian government to “cooper-
sent shock waves through
district in Punjab, local
dar’ in the community, stood
on his porch. Without hesita-
diplomat. en India’s sovereignty and ter- ate with Canada to get to the Congress leader Baljinder tion, the assailant opened fire,
Taking exception to this, ritorial integrity.” bottom of this matter.” Singh Balli (45) was shot at his striking Balli twice — once in
India on Tuesday asked a However, on Tuesday The ties between India and residence in Dala village late on the chest and once in the thigh.
Canadian diplomat to leave the Trudeau said, “We are not Canada have come under strain Monday. The assailants, The injured leader was rushed
country within five days and looking to provoke or escalate in view of New Delhi’s concerns believed to be two in number, to the hospital, but tragically, he
rejected Trudeau’s statement. the issue.” over increasing activities of arrived on a motorcycle, with succumbed to his injuries,
In a strongly worded state- Canadian High Khalistani elements in that one entering Balli’s home while according to the police.
ment, the Ministry of External Commissioner to India 2P]PSP?aX\T<X]XbcTa9dbcX]CadSTPdST[XeTabPbcPcT\T]cX]cWT7^dbT^U2^\\^]b^]?Pa[XP\T]c7X[[X]>ccPfP 0??C8 country. Last week, the talks on the other kept watch outside. Arsh Dala wrote: “I am
Affairs(MEA) termed as Cameron MacKay was sum- a bilateral free trade agreement Hours after the gruesome responsible for the murder of
“absurd” and “motivated” the moned and informed about the country’s fight against terror- station chief in New Delhi Analysis Wing (RAW), accord- were frozen apparently in view incident, fugitive gangster and Balli in Dala village because it
Canadian Prime Minister’s decision to expel the senior ism has to be uncompromising, Olivier Sylvestre. ing to Canadian broadcaster of the deteriorating ties. Canada-based Khalistani ter- was my own village’s politics
allegations late on Monday in official, with the MEA saying especially when terrorism The Indian action to expel CBC news. “The high commissioner of rorist Arshdeep Singh Gill, which had made me tread this
the House of Commons that the move reflects New Delhi’s threatens India’s sovereignty, the Canadian diplomat came Prime Minister Trudeau Canada to India was sum- notoriously known as Arsh path. This man (Balli) was
there were “potential” Indian growing concern at the “inter- unity and integrity,” Congress hours after Canada’s Foreign said in the House of Commons, moned today and informed Dala, claimed responsibility responsible for keeping my
links to the killing of the ference of Canadian diplomats general secretar y Jairam Minister Mélanie Joly “Over the past number of about the decision of the for Balli’s murder through a mother in CIA (police) custody
Khalistani separatist leader. in our internal matters and Ramesh said in a post on X. announced that a “top Indian weeks, Canadian security agen- Government of India to expel Facebook post. for a week and he also got my
“That Canadian political their involvement in anti-India “Our country’s interests and diplomat” has been expelled cies have been actively pursu- a senior Canadian diplomat Dala, in his post written in friends arrested. He was hand
figures have openly expressed activities.” concerns must be kept para- from Canada in view of the ing credible allegations of a based in India. The concerned Punjabi, attributed his actions in glove with police. He
sympathy for such elements The Congress backed the mount at all times,” he added. alleged links to the killing of potential link between agents of diplomat has been asked to to Balli’s alleged involvement in destroyed my home just to
remains a matter of deep con- Government’s action and said Though the MEA did not Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a the Government of India and leave India within the next five crime and harassment of his gain his own afsar shaahi”
cern. The space given in the country’s interests and con- divulge the name of the Canadian Khalistani leader. the killing of a Canadian citi- days,” the MEA said, adding, mother. The post alluded to a Notably, the Union
Canada to a range of illegal cerns must be kept paramount Canadian diplomat who has He was shot dead by two gun- zen, Hardeep Singh Nijjar.” “We have seen and rejected the longstanding vendetta fueled Ministry of Home Affairs had
activities including murders, and its fight against terrorism been asked to leave India with- men in Surrey in June. Trudeau said “Any involve- statement of the Canadian PM, by personal and political griev- designated Arsh Dala a terror-
human trafficking and organ- has to be uncompromising. in five days, people familiar Joly’s office said the diplo- ment of a foreign government as also the statement by their ances. ist earlier this year due to his
ised crime is not new... We “The Indian National Congress with the matter said it is the mat is Pavan Kumar Rai, the in the killing of a Canadian cit- Foreign Minister.” In disturbing CCTV involvement in a range of
reject any attempts to connect has always believed that our Canadian intelligence agency’s head of the Research and izen on Canadian soil is an Continued on Page 2 footage capturing the incident, heinous crimes.

H`^V_¶dbf`eR3Z]]eRS]VU <^SXd]eTX[bWXbeXbX^]X]]Tf?Pa[XP\T]c 344?0::D?A4C8344?0: 96 years of its existence.

?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q :D<0A970Q =4F34;78 In his first speech in the
=4F34;78 first session in the new
eralding a new chapter by Parliament building, Modi

A fter an inordinate delay, the

much awaited and long-
H stepping into a new
Parliament building, Prime
underlined the role of politics
in the effective transforma-
pending demand of several Minister Narendra Modi on tion of society and said Indian
political parties, the Centre on Tuesday called for expanding women have immensely con-
Tuesday introduced a Bill to the canvas to build a stronger tributed in sectors ranging
provide 33 per cent reservation India, and said all reforms and from space to sports and start-
to women in the Lok Sabha and new laws going forward must ups to self-help groups.
State Assemblies. The Bill, have rising aspirations of the Recounting the laws passed
known as the “Narishakti country as their priority. in the old Parliament building,
Vandan Adhiniyam”, was intro- Addressing a function first Modi said Muslim mothers
duced and became the first Bill at the Central Hall of the old and sisters got justice as the law
to be taken up for discussion Parliament building, Modi said against “triple talaq” was unit-
and passage in the new that a big picture cannot be edly passed from here. “In the
Parliament building. painted on a small canvas and last few years, Parliament has
Officials said even if the 2^]VaTbb\T\QTabRT[TQaPcTcWTF^\T]´bATbTaePcX^]1X[[X]=Tf3T[WX^] the idea of a grand India can- also passed laws giving justice
Bill is passed during the ongo- CdTbSPh AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa not be envisioned if the mem- to the transgenders. We have
ing Special Session, its imple- bers do not think big. Later, the unitedly passed laws that will
mentation may still take some representation is below 10 per the delimitation exercise or PM addressed as the first guarantee a bright future for
time and is unlikely to be in cent in many State Assemblies. the redrawing of constituencies speaker, alongside the the specially-abled people. It is
force for the next Lok Sabha In the present Lok Sabha, taking into account the data of Presiding Officers of the Lok our privilege that we got the
elections in 2024 as the reser- 82 women members were elect- the census conducted once the Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, in opportunity to abrogate Article
vation will come into effect ed which account for less than bill becomes a law. both Houses. 370,” he said. ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXfXcWD]X^]<X]XbcTab0\XcBWPWP]SAPY]PcWBX]VWP]S^cWTa_Pa[XP\T]cPaXP]bT]cTabcWT]Tf
only after a delimitation exer- 15 per cent of the total strength Constitutional experts said Marking a historical turn It was an emotional ?Pa[XP\T]cQdX[SX]VX]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh ?C8
cise is completed. of 543. In the Rajya Sabha also, after the passage of the Bill by in the legislative empower- moment not only for the
The Bill will need to over- women’s representation is both Houses of Parliament, it ment of women in the country, Parliamentarians, but the offi-
come several hurdles before about 14 per cent, according to will also have to be approved by the Modi Government also cials, support staff like that of ing will now be known as building, which is now the Minister Rajnath Singh, Home
becoming a reality, including the data shared by the at least 50 per cent of State introduced a Constitution pantry, gardening, security sys- “Samvidhan Sadan” as sug- Parliament House of India. Minister Amit Shah and BJP
support cutting across political Government with Parliament Assemblies to become a law. amendment Bill, “Narishakti tem people to be witness to the gested by Modi. Led by Modi, several MPs chief JP Nadda, walked from
lines and early census and last December. According to Article 82 of Vandan Adhiniyam”, for 33 grand transition by keeping up Lok Sabha Speaker Om walked from the old to the new the old Parliament building to
delimitation exercise. The provisions in the the Constitution, amended in per cent quota for women in with the heritage yet writing a Birla announced that hence- Parliament building on the new one, with NDA MPs
Lok Sabha data shows that Constitution (128th 2002, the delimitation process the Lok Sabha and Assemblies history for generations to come forth, terms such as “House”, Tuesday to attend the sitting in following them while raising
women MPs account for near- Amendment) Bill make it clear can be carried out based on the in the new Parliament. in what will be called the “Lobby”, and “Galleries” used in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha slogans such as ‘Bharat Mata ki
ly 15 per cent of the lower that the women’s reservation first Census taken after 2026. Members bid adieu to the Parliament House of India. the proceedings of the Lok chambers in the new complex. Jai’ and ‘Vande Matram’.
House’s strength while their will come into effect only after Continued on Page 2 old one, which has completed The old Parliament build- Sabha will refer to the new Modi, flanked by Defence Continued on Page 2

3cVVUZ_XeVTYdRgVdcRcV`c_R^V_eR]WZdY =RdY\RcT`^^R_UVc\Z]]VU2_R_e_RX@aV_Ud
:D<0A274;;0??0=Q :>278 <>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D major success.
However, in the Kokernag
wo years of research have paid rich div- ne of the longest counter- operation, the Indian Army
T idends to the scientists of Kerala
University of Fisheries Science (KUFOS)
O terrorist operations in
Kashmir Valley in recent times
mobilised massive resources
after suffering huge losses to
at Kochi as they have successfully perfect- ended on its seventh day with hunt down the terrorists,
ed a technology in captive breeding of the recovery of the dead body believed to be hiding inside the
Indigo Barb, an ornamental fish which was of Lashkar-e-Tayeeba (LeT) natural cave-like structures.
facing the threat of extinction due to a vari- commander Uzair Khan from To counter the challenges
ety of reasons. And the technology is inside the Garol forest area of of tough terrain, the Army
expected to bring a windfall to fishermen Kokernag in the South authorities also resorted to the
across the country who can breed this Kashmir district of Anantnag use of Heron drones and other
ornamental fish variety with meagre on Tuesday. surveillance equipment to
investments and labour. A massive manhunt was smoke out the hiding terrorists.
Indigo Barb, known for its distinct launched by the joint team of To avoid any collateral damage
style vertical bands over the olive grey security forces in the dense for- BTRdaXch^UUXRXP[bSdaX]VPbTPaRWPc:^ZTa]PVX]0]P]c]PV^]CdTbSPh ?C8 the joint teams relied more on
body, is a rage ornamental fish. A single est area after three senior offi- surveillance equipment before
fish seedling commands a premium of cers, including Colonel tion was launched. ing from his residence in the zeroing in on the target.
three US dollars in the international mar- Manpreet Singh, Commanding A total number of four same month. Briefing media persons
ket and it is sure that this would supple- ing KUFOS and Central Coastal were able to produce more than 75-100 Officer, 19 Rashtriya Rifles, security personnel sacrificed Since October 2021, a total after the operations were called
ment the income of fishermen along the Agricultural Research Institute (CCARI) young fish from one mother fish,” said Dr Major Ashish Dhonchak, and their lives in the Kokernag number of 31 soldiers, includ- off on Tuesday, Additional
East and West Coasts of India, said Dr in Goa. The CCARI supplied us with Anvar Ali. Deputy Superintendent of encounter. ing senior officers have made Director General of Police,
Anvar Ali, assistant professor of KUFOS, brood stock fishes (parent fishes) collect- He said that fish farmers have to use Jammu & Kashmir Police According to police supreme sacrifices in seven Kashmir, Vijay Kumar said,
who led the team of researchers to perfect ed from freshwater streams in the back- a 80-day-long process to produce Indigo Humayun Bhat, were martyred records, Uzair Kham, a resident operations. “Lashkar-e-Tayeeba (LeT)
the captivity breeding technology. waters of Goa. We developed the artificial Barb seedlings in artificial ponds in a com- in action during an intense fire- of Nagam area of Kokernag, In contrast, only four ter- commander Uzair Khan was
The Indigo Barb, which was a rare breeding technology of Indigo Barb from mercial manner and bring them to the fight with a group of terrorists was “A Plus” category terrorist rorists were neutralised in only among the two terrorists killed
species of ornamental fish found along the the experiments held at the hatchery of market. This package of practice for the on September 13. and carried a reward of C10 two out of these seven opera- in a gunfight in Jammu &
Goa and Karnataka coasts were facing KUFOS. The species was bred in captivi- seed production of the variety will provide On Monday, the security lakh on his head. tions. In five other operations, Kashmir’s Anantnag district
extinction due to over fishing, pollution ty with and without hormone induction in alternative livelihood opportunities to the forces recovered the body of He joined the ranks of a the search and combing oper- that ended after seven days, on
and urbanization. indoor and outdoor systems. Using this local communities in Goa and eventually Sepoy Pardeep Singh, who pro-Pakistan terrorist outfit in ations were called off after dif- Tuesday.
“This was a collaborative work featur- simple, farmer-friendly technology, we to other regions of the country, said Dr Ali. went missing after the opera- June 2022 after he went miss- ferent intervals without any Continued on Page 2
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Re]RiZejZ_ac`SV W
274==08 ixed reactions poured

hile the ruling DMK and

M in amongst the
Opposition parties over the
its alliance partners are women reservation bill in a

unanimously working for the rechristened format – Nari
annihilation of Sanatan Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam -
Dharma from Tamil Nadu, after it was introduced in
Governor RN Ravi has said that Parliament on Tuesday. Some
B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q untouchability is prevalent in of the women leaders wel-
:>;:0C0 the State even after 75 years of come the move, Congress too
independence. out these inherent failures appreciated but with a rider
or the second day on Addressing a public meet- among the Dravidian outfits. A that the Bill was first intro-
F Tuesday the Calcutta High
Court strongly reprimanded
ing at Thanjavur on Sunday, the
Governor said that however
controversy is raging all over
Tamil Nadu following the calls
duced by the Congress. JD(U)
and BJD mentioned that the
the C entral Bureau of hard a section of people try, made by Udhayanidhi Stalin, Bill on women reservation quota is not met. leader and Delhi minister
Investigation for its lackluster Sanatan Dharma can never be heir apparent to chief minister was inspired by their party. Former Bihar Chief Atishi questioned the provi-
handling of the multi-crore eradicated from Tamil Nadu or M K Stalin, to eliminate and Congress' parliamentary Minister Rabri Devi said the sion of delimitation and cen-
cash-for-job cases wonder- from India. annihilate the Sanatan Dharma party chief Sonia Gandhi said women's reser vation bill sus.
ing whether the senior offi- Ravi pointed out that social from the State to make it free the women's reservation bill brought by the Narendra "This means that women
cials were hand-in-glove with discrimination was still being from casteism and communal- "is ours". "It is ours, apna hai," Modi government should reservation won't be imple-
the masterminds like practiced in various parts of the ism. Many top sidekicks of Sonia said in first recation to have provided separate quo- mented ahead of the 2024 Lok
Trinamool Congress MLA State. Referring to recent events Stalin extended their support to the proposed Bill. It was dur- tas for those belonging to SCs, Sabha polls," she said.
and former TET chairman like “Bhattacharya cannot be Government functionaries like mixing of human excreta Udhayanidhi by using severe ing the UPA government that STs and OBCs. She also Another Opposition party
Manik Bhattacharya, present- interrogated in the correc- including Ministers, MLAs with drinking water supplied to terms against the Dharma. the bill was passed in the alleged that the bill was "a hailing allegiance to the India
ly in jail along with former tional home in connection and senior officials like a sit- the Harijan families in Arjun Sampath, founder, Rajya Sabha on March 9, gimmick, aimed just at mak- bloc, Janat Dal (U) claimed
Education Minister Partha with destruction of the OMR ting Vice Chancellor, SSC Pudukottai district, he said it Hindu Makkal Katchi, an apo- 2010 but not taken up in the ing some noise" since the that Women's Reservation
Chatterjee. sheets.” and TET chairman and pres- was a despicable act and should litical organization, said that Lok Sabha, stated Congress. implementation was proposed Bill brought by the Narendra
Warning that he would When told that the ident of the B oard of be condemned strongly. the DMK wants to divert the Noting the Centre has only after a fresh round of Modi government was
refer the matter to the Supreme Court had directed Secondary Education were The Governor also referred attention of the voters as the stated that the reservation delimitation. "inspired" by quotas for
Principal Secretary in the the CBI to desist from taking presently cooling their heels to news reports about denial of last two years of rule by Stalin will be effective only after a Odisha's ruling BJD said women brought long ago by
Prime Minister’s Office, strong action against in jail. entry to Harijans ino temples was a failure in all rounds. Census and delimitation exer- Chief Minister Naveen Bihar Chief Minister Nitish
Justice Abhijit Ganguly said Bhattacharya the Judge said, Abhishek Banerjee the in many parts of the State. He “Stalin hopes to consolidate the cise is conducted post-enact- Patnaik's efforts bore fruit Kumar.
that some officials were try- “But did the Supreme Court TMC general secretary and made it clear that he was not Christian and Muslim votes in ment of the bill, Congress with the Narendra Modi gov- "Bihar, in 2006, became
ing to shield the accused per- prevent you from interrogat- nephew of the Chief Minister blaming anybody in particular favor of the DMK by attacking termed as "election jumla" ernment introducing the the first state in the country
sons by not interrogating ing him. too is on the ED radar and has but was expressing his anguish Sanatan Dharma. It is not and "huge betrayal of hopes of women's reservation bill in where women were given 50
them properly and allowing Thousands of eligible can- been subjected to intense at such reports. going to work this time as peo- women" Lok Sabha. BJD vice-presi- per cent reservations in local
time to lapse in the case. didates who had cleared their grilling on two occasions. He It is an open secret that the ple have seen through his Former chief ministers – dent Debi Prasad Mishra said bodies and Panchayats.
Expressing “dismay” and recruitment exams but failed has however said that being State follows two-tumbler sys- designs,” said Sampath. Mayawati, R abri Devi, his party nominated 33 per Nitish Kumar took the
“surprise” at the pace and to get appointment had been an opposition leader he was a tem in many parts where BJP Tamil Nadu chief K Mehbooba Mufti – all wel- cent women candidates from bold step within months of
class of inquiry the Judge holding sit-in demonstrations victim of political vendetta. Harijans are served tea/coffee Annamalai said in a statement comed the announcement the state in the 2019 Lok taking over as Chief Minister
said that even a rural police at Esplanade in central The High Court has been in separate glasses while the that at the time of election and hailed the decision a Sabha elections. in November 2005", a state-
station would conduct a bet- Kolkata for more than two questioning b oth the caste Hindus have special glass- Stalin would claim that 90 per great one. "Having navigated Of the seven women can- ment to this effect was issued
ter investigation than the CBI years now. Enforcement Directorate and es. cent of the DMK cadres are the rough terrain of a pre- didates fielded by the party, by JD(U) national general
officials concerned. He has According to a rough esti- the CBI for the level of their Tamil Nadu may be the Hindus. “But once the elections dominantly male political five won the elections. The secretary and spokesman
directed the chief of the SIT mate more than 20,000 such sincerity and repeatedly rep- only State in South India where are over he will resume his landscape myself, I am happy BJD government has also Rajib Ranjan who asserted
Ashwin Senvi to personally candidates --- who had rimanding their officials for the Harijans and caste Hindus attack against the Sanatana to see that finally the Women reserved 50 per cent of seats "the bill proves that Bihar
remain present before him on cleared various exams held by inept investigation. have separate living areas. “All Dharma. We can see him mak- Reservation bill will become for women in the local bod- shows the way".
the next date of hearing. the government --- were Meanwhile, the Left once major political parties that ing a vault face once the a reality. ies of the state, he said. Rajya Sabha MP Kapil
Saying that he was “not deprived of their legitimate again alleged what they called claim to work for establishing Election Commission Despite constituting half According to Samajwadi Sibal attacked the govern-
ready believe” that the CBI appointment over 10 years. “setting” between Mamata classless, casteless society, pick announces the poll schedule for of the population, we are Party chief Akhilesh Yadav, ment asking why did Prime
officials had done whatever Instead unscrupulous and Banerjee and Narendra Modi. candidates from the majority the Lok Sabha election,” said grossly underrepresented. It's reservation for women should Minister Narendra Modi wait
they had done by mistake the undeserving candidates --- “It clearly appears that the castes in each constituencies at Annamalai. a great step," PDP chief and be a balance of gender justice for almost 10 years for it and
Judge said that he firmly many of whom had not even CBI or ED officials could not the time of election. This is The chief minister is busy former Jammu and Kahsmir and social justice and saying that probably 2024
believed that the lapses were appeared for the exams --- have been so lax had there not doublespeak,” said R V Giri, inaugurating the various CM MEhbooba said. demanded clarity on share of general elections is the reason.
intentional. managed to find placement in been any backing or instruc- former all-India president of schemes which were promised Former Uttar Pradesh backward, Dalit, minority, Sibal, who was a Union min-
Justice Ganguly was hear- lieu of cash ranging between tion from above … there the Consortium of Indian by the DMK in its 2021 election CM Mayawati said her party and tribals in the seats set ister during the UPA 1 and 2
ing the matter regarding the Rs 5 and Rs 25 lakhs from pri- must have been some kind of Farmers Association (CIFA), manifesto. Last Friday, Stalin will support any bill that aside. regimes, quit the Congress in
destruction of OMR sheets - mary to higher secondary political settlement at the an umbrella organization of all inaugurated the Kalaignar allows reservation for women While AIMIM leader May last year and was elect-
-- liable to be preserved by the levels. political level and not at the farmers’ associations in the Thittam, a scheme named after in Parliament and other leg- Asaduddin Owaisi said the ed to the Rajya Sabha as an
recruitment board. In major disappointment level of the officials,” CPI(M) country. his father, offering Rs 1,000 per islatures, even if the party's government should have also independent member with
Earlier on Monday the to the Mamata Banerjee central committee member He said the Governor was month to one crore women in demand for a quota for the provided for reservation of the Samajwadi Party's sup-
Judge asked why the kingpins Government a number of Sujan Chakrabarty said. well within his rights to point the State. SC, ST and OBC within that Muslim and OB C, AAP port.

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d_!$TQicSecd_Ti eXbX^]X]]Tf From Page 1 Dhankhar stressed that it was
3Z]] BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 society informed the police
after the incident. After the

Y^>eXbY_dSQcU Lok Sabh Speaker Om

Birla also walked to the new
Parliament separately.
Holding a copy of the
right time to bury the strategy
of “weaponising disturbances
and disruptions in parliamen-
tary functioning” as these are
From Page 1
The first Census after
2026 was to be carried out in
2031, which would be fol-
The reservation of “as
nearly as may be, one-third of
the total number of seats to be
filled by direct election” will
A 17-year-old boy died on
Tuesday after he allegedly
fell from his apartment on the
24th floor of a building in a
information, the police arrived
at the scene.
The teenager was rushed
to a hospital but was declared
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =D7 Constitution, Congress leader antithetical to democratic val- lowed by delimitation or come into effect after a delim- group housing society. dead by the doctors, the offi-
70AH0=0 in the Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan ues. “This can never have sanc- redrawing of constituencies. itation exercise is undertaken The police suspect the cial said, adding that prima
Chowdhury along with Rahul tion of our people,” he said. The Government post- and will continue for 15 years. incident, which took place in facie it appeared to be a case of
city court on Tuesday sent Gandhi and several other BJP MP Maneka Gandhi poned the 2021 census exer- Seats reserved for women Gaur Saundaryam society in suicide.
A Congress MLA Mamman
Khan, who has been arrested in
Congress and Opposition lead-
ers, walked in new building.
said she is proud to be part of
the moment when the gov-
cise in the wake of the
COVID-19 pandemic. It will
will be rotated after each sub-
sequent delimitation exer-
the Bisrakh area of Greater
Noida, to be a case of suicide.
According to police, the
deceased was 17 years old and
connection with the July 31 Addressing first in the Lok ernment will be giving have to be put on a fast track cise, according to the bill. “Around 6.30 am on he was in class 12.
communal violence in Sabha, Modi urged the mem- women “an equal share in by the Government for the In the Lok Sabha, Home Tuesday, a supervisor of the He lived at the location
Haryana's Nuh district, to judi- bers to reaffirm the commit- future of India.” The senior Women’s reservation to be Minister Amit Shah rejected housing society alerted the with his mother and sister. His
cial custody for 14 days. ment to make India a devel- Parliamentarian said she turned into reality before the Congress leader Adhir Ranjan police that a 17-year-old boy father, Dr Aman Srivastava, is
On Sunday, the court had lodged on August 1 after the oped nation by 2047 and entered Parliament at age of 2029 Lok Sabha elections. In Chowdhury’s claim that the who lived with his family there a professor at an MBA college
extended his police remand by communal clashes in Nuh, was described the move to the new 32, nine years after her hus- 2011, the census was carried 2008 brought by the had fallen off their 24th-floor in Dubai, while his mother is
two more days in connection arrested late on Thursday night Parliament building as a new band Sanjay Gandhi’s death, out in February-March and Manmohan Singh apartment,” a police spokesper- an advocate. They are origi-
with the FIR registered at the from Rajasthan. beginning towards a new and has spent most of her the provisional figures were Government was still live son said. The supervisor of the nally from Gorakhpur.
Nagina police station. The charges in that FIR future. adult life in this Parliament released on March 31 that after being passed by the
The MLA from Ferozepur include promoting enmity “We have a rich heritage! If building. “I have seen seven year. Rajya Sabha in 2010. Later,
Jhirka, who was named as an
accused in a separate FIR
between different groups on
religious grounds.
Police had, on Friday,
this rich heritage is joined in by
our dreams, our resolutions,
and if our canvas of thinking
prime ministers and shaping
of grand history,” she said.
The Prime Minister said
There have been several
attempts to introduce the
Women’s Reservation Bill in
Law Minister Arjun Ram
Meghwal said the Bill had
lapsed after the dissolution of
secured a two-day remand of expands, we will certainly be the new Parliament building the the Lok Sabha and State the 15 Lok Sabha as after From Page 1
Khan after he was produced able to paint picture of ‘Bhavya reflects the aspirations of 140 legislative Assemblies since being passed by the Rajya “Till now, LeT commander Uzair Khan’s body has been recov-
before a court here which later Bharat’, we will certainly be able crore Indians. “When we are 1996. The last such attempt Sabha it had become the ered. The dead body of another terrorist is visible, but it has not
extended his police remand in to fill colours in this picture, starting a new chapter, we was made in 2010, when the property of the lower house. been possible to retrieve it yet,” the ADGP told reporters in
another FIR registered at and offer this beautiful, colour- should forget all past bitter- Rajya Sabha had passed a Then Prime Minister Anantnag.
Nagina police station in con- ful and grand picture of ‘Maa ness,” he said at Lok Sabha. Bill for women’s reservation, Rajiv Gandhi first introduced He said the gunfight, which began in the Garol forest area
nection with Nuh violence. Bharti’ to our future genera- Modi said that the but the same could not be Constitution Amendment of the south Kashmir district on Wednesday last week, is over,
Earlier, police in Nuh had tions,” he said. grandeur of the new building passed in the Lok Sabha. Bills for one-third reservation but the search operation will continue. There is a huge area that
said the violence had occurred Initiating the first day of anoints ‘Amrit Kaal’ and The current Bill propos- in panchayats and nagarpa- remains to be searched. There can be a lot of unexploded shells
at mainly three to four places the proceedings, Lok Sabha remembered the hard work of es that the reservation will likas in May 1989. It was which will be recovered and destroyed. We appeal to the peo-
in the district. Speaker Om Birla urged on ‘Shramiks’ and engineers who continue for a period of 15 passed by Lok Sabha but ple not to go to the area,” he added.
Addressing a press con- members to set a new standard kept working on the building years and there will be a failed in Rajya Sabha in The ADGP said security forces had reports that two to three
ference on Friday, Nuh of parliamentary debate by even during the Covid pan- quota for SC/STs within the September 1989. Later, Prime terrorists were there. “There is a possibility that the third dead
Superintendent of Police (SP) raising people’s issues, as he demic. He informed that reserved seats for women. Minister PV Narasimha Rao body may be somewhere. It will be known after the search is com-
Narendra Bijarniya said during extended greetings of Ganesh more than 30,000 ‘Sharmiks’ The Constitution (One reintroduced Constitution plete,” Kumar said.
the investigation into the inci- Chaturthi, and called the move contributed in the construc- Hundred and Twenty Eighth Amendment Bills for one- During the last week, the entire Garol forest area was cut off
dents of violence that took to the new parliament house a tion of the building and men- Amendment) Bill, 2023, was third reservation for women from the district headquarters after the anti-terrorist operations
place around the Barkali historic event. tioned the presence of a dig- listed for introduction in the in panchayats and nagarpa- were launched.
Chowk in Nagina, some Vice President and Rajya ital book carrying the full Lower House through a sup- likas in April 1993. Both bills Reinforcements were rushed in to plug the possible escape
accused were interrogated and Sabha Chairman Jagdeep details of the labourers. plementary list of business. became law. routes of terrorists.
"the MLA's name came to the

On the charges against the
Congress legislator, he had
said, "In the acts of vandalism
and arson that took place at
Nagina's Barkali Chowk, he is From Page 1 in Canada as they are pro- tion of Indira Gandhi. It was Last July, the Indian anti- allegations disclosed by Prime about these serious allega-
accused of provoking people Allegations of the moting secessionism and incit- reportedly part of a parade terror agency announced a Minister Justin Trudeau”, tions,” a UK government
and inciting violence." Several Government of India’s involve- ing violence against Indian that was organised by some cash reward of C10 lakh on National Security Council spokesperson said.
people were injured in the ment in any act of violence in diplomats and threatening the Khalistani elements in Nijjar in connection with the spokesperson Adrienne “It would be inappropriate
Barkali Chowk violence, while Canada are absurd and moti- Indian community there. Brampton. murder of a Hindu priest in Watson said in an emailed to comment further during the
government vehicles, including vated,” the MEA said before In July, India summoned Hardeep Singh Nijjar, who Jalandhar, Punjab. Nijjar was statement. “It is critical that ongoing investigation by the
those belonging to the police, announcing the expulsion of the Canadian envoy and headed the Khalistani Tiger also accused in the 2007 Canada’s investigation pro- Canadian authorities,” the
were damaged and an oil mill the Canadian diplomat. issued a demarche over the Force and the Canadian arm of bombing of a cinema in ceed and the perpetrators be spokesperson said.
was set on fire, the SP had said. The MEA said the “inac- increasing activities by pro- Sikhs For Justice (SFJ), was Punjab. The NIA is also prob- brought to justice,” Ms Later, when Sunak’s
A procession led by the tion” of the Canadian Khalistani elements in shot dead by unknown attack- ing the recent attacks on Watson said. spokesperson was pressed on
Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) Government on this matter Canada, days after posters ers near a gurdwara in Surrey Indian diplomatic missions in The UK Government said the matter, he said work on the
was attacked by mobs in Nuh has been “long-standing” and featuring names of India’s in June. Nijjar, who was from Canada, UK and US. the “serious allegations” over trade negotiations with India
on July 31. Six people were of continuing concern. senior diplomats serving in Jalandhar, moved to Canada in Meanwhile, soon after the murder of a Sikh separatist “continue as before”.
killed in the violence and the In his talks with Trudeau’ Canada surfaced in certain 1997. He was wanted in India Prime Minister Trudeau’s leader in Canada will not India and the UK earlier
ensuing riots.Multiple FIRs on September 10, Modi con- areas in that country. for being the “mastermind” of statement, the US said it is impact its own ongoing trade this month agreed to contin-
were lodged after the violence, veyed India’s strong concerns In June, a video emerged the Khalistani Tiger Force, a “deeply concerned” about the negotiations with India. ue to work at pace towards a
including one at a police station about continuing anti-India on social media that showed a designated terror group in allegations. “The US was “We are in close touch “landmark” free trade agree-
in Nuh on August 1. activities of extremist elements float depicting the assassina- India. deeply concerned about the with our Canadian partners ment (FTA).
=4F34;78kF43=4B30H kB4?C4<14A!!!" RP_XcP["

BJP hails women's reservation Bill, AAP calls it Bill to befool women
BC055A4?>AC4A■ =4F34;78 The government on polls, senior AAP leader and duce the Women Reservation
Tuesday introduced a constitu- Delhi Minister Atishi said : Bill. "After 76 years of inde-
he BJP on Tuesday hailed tional amendment bill to '"Why have the provisions of pendence, the government has
T Prime Minister Narendra
Modi for granting 33 per cent
reserve one-third of seats in the
Lok Sabha and state assemblies
delimitation and census been
included? This means that
accepted that unless women are
in the Parliament and
reservation for women in the for women, reviving a bill women reservation won't be Legislative Assembly, the coun-
legislative bodies and said it pending for 27 years for want implemented ahead of the 2024 try's progress will only be on
would help them participate in of consensus among parties. Lok Sabha polls". paper. "Women's issues are a
public life while the AAP According to the bill, the reser- Earlier in the day, Atishi burning topic in the country
alleged that the Women's vation will come into effect AP\eXaBX]VW1XSWdaX EXaT]SaPBPRWSTeP 0cXbWX BfPcX<P[XfP[ had stated that if such a bill today due to which the Centre
Reservation Bill is a bill to after a delimitation exercise is comes, the AAP will welcome is bringing
befool women ahead of the undertaken and will continue houses has ended," Bidhuri Bihari Vajpayee which forceful- passing of this Reservation Bill reservation just to gain votes in it, but underlined that the #WomenReservationBill in the
2024 Lok Sabha polls. for 15 years. Seats reserved for added. ly tried to get the Women will also mean that the partic- the 2024 elections. Atishi ques- party would have to study its country. I congratulate the
"The BJP is not interested women will be rotated after Delhi BJP President Reservation Bill passed four ipation of the women not only tioned, "Why can't PM Modi specifics. "The AAP supports government and hope that the
in the wellbeing and welfare of each delimitation exercise. Virendra Sachdeva said that the times between 1998 to 2003 but in the law making process, but provide reservations to women women's reservation in-princi- likes of Brij Bhushan will now
women. A closer reading of the The Leader of Opposition people of the country are today the Congress and its clans ori- in Governance will also in the 2024 elections without ple. If such a bill comes, we will be replaced by women in
provisions of the bill shows that in Delhi Assembly, Ramvir proud that the Narendra Modi ented regional parties col- increase," he said. waiting for the census and welcome it. No Lok Sabha or Parliament!" she said in a post
it is 'Mahila Bewakoof Banao' Singh Bidhuri said, " I thank government has chosen to pre- leagues scuttled the Taking a dig at the BJP, delimitation. If he truly cares Rajya Sabha member of the in Hindi on X.
bill," Delhi Minister Atishi said the Prime Minister for this his- sent the most important Bill in Government's efforts. Now, Atishi said BJP's grandiose about women, why doesn't he party has got a copy of the bill, AAP's Rajya Sabha mem-
while addressing a press con- toric decision. The decision will the political history of India as PM Narendra Modi whose plan for women's reservation implement the bill on the exist- and so its specifics and what ber Raghav Chadha demand-
ference. Delhi Commission herald a change in the other- the first Bill on the table of the Government has an absolute will not come into effect until ing 543 seats in the Lok Sabha?" impact it will have need to be ed immediate implementation
For Women chief Swati wise male-dominated politics new Parliament of India that majority in the Parliament has 2027-28. It is clear from the Demanding the provisions of studied," the AAP leader had of reser vation for
Maliwal on Tuesday congratu- of the country". "Do not too on the auspicious Ganesh chosen the day of Ganesh provisions of the bill that the delimitation and census be said. women.Targeting the central
lated the Centre on its decision underestimate women candi- Chaturthi day. Chaturthi to give enhanced BJP is attempting to deceive the done away with and the DCW chief Swati Maliwal government, he posted on X,
to introduce the Women dates. The belief that women "It was BJP led representation in the public life women of the country by women's reservation be imple- on Tuesday congratulated the "We will bring women reserva-
Reservation Bill. belong to the confines of their Government of PM Shri Atal to the women of India. The befooling them in the name of mented for the 2024 Lok Sabha Centre on its decision to intro- tion but won't reveal the date.

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U`^VdeZTgZ`]V_TVdRjd8RU\RcZ PS\XbbX^]^]bR^aT e`RZU?DF:
BC055A4?>AC4A■ =4F34;78 sought after professional pro-
BC055A4?>AC4A■ =4F34;78 good traits and minimize the go a long way in achieving elhi Lieutenant Governor Keeping in view the larger BC055A4?>AC4A■ =4F34;78

nion Transport Minister

limitations of individuals.
On relations, he cited the
financial self sufficiency that
could further help the women,
D (LG) Vinai Kumar Saxena,
who is also the Chancellor of
interests of the students, the LG
approved the admission proce- he Delhi Congress has
U Nitin Gadkari on Tuesday
said social conscience, social
contexts provided the Hindi
movies Anand starred by
especially those undergoing
victimization to take indepen-
the Guru Gobind Singh
Indraprastha University
dure, observing with concern,
that the proposal for regulating
T formed a panel of its lead-
ers who are also former mem-
awareness and social responsi- Rajesh Khanna and Amitabh dent decision. (GGSIPU), has approved admission in BA, LL.B/BBA bers of the NSUI to help the
bility need to be understood Bachchan, and Amol Palekar Member Secretar y admission of students on the LL.B Programme in GGSIPU students' group during the
comprehensively to curb starrer Rajnigandha to under Sachchidanand Joshi, Member basis of aggregate score of for the academic session 2023- Delhi University Students'
domestic violence. the psyche of people. Secretary of Indira Gandhi CUET in three subjects 24, has been submitted in the Union elections.
Asserting that the academia The author of the book National Centre for the Arts (English, Legal Studies and month of September, causing Five Delhi Congress lead-
should focus on the need to Shobha Vijender said support- said while women in India General Test). inordinate delay in filling up ers are part of the committee -
grasp the impact of social con- ive services and counseling, as have been revered for both These admissions will take the vacant seats in these cours- former DUSU president Amit
text of the domestic violence emphasized in the book are the knowledge and strength tradi- place for vacant seats after es. Malik, former president of
and counseling could be the need of the hour check violence tionally but at the same time exhausting the complete merit Terming LG's statement NSUI (North Campus) Anil
way forward in resolving fam- and help create a gender just they have also been subjected to list of CLAT (UG) with effect unfortunate, the AAP said that Bhardwaj, former presidents of
ily disputes, the role of educa- society. She said there is a need domestic violence. from Academic Session 2023- it was Delhi government's ini- NSUI (Delhi) Kamal Kant
tion and social environment on to appreciate the real needs and The causes for such vio- 24,in the five-year integrated tiative that has prevented any Sharma and Neeraj Basoya
the state of mind should also be felt needs of the victims. To take lence need to be comprehend- law programmes of the vacancy in private colleges of and former NSUI and Delhi
studied scientifically. it forward, there is also a neef ed to remedy the situation. University, officials said here on GGSIPU. "Many seats were Youth Congress president Amit
While emphasising the or premarital counseling and Delhi University Vice Tuesday. left vacant as only CLAT scores Malik, the Congress leader
need for the respect for the law supportive system for those Chancellor Prof Yogesh Singh While noting on the file were considered; and this is said.
on the hand and fear for it on facing domestic violence. said the role women has been addressed to Chief Minister why it was decided that any "Even though a committee
the other hand is necessary, hallmarks of the Indian society Brides: Domestic Violence in IAS officer and increasing as a mark of the Ar vind Kejriwal, Saxena remaining vacancies would be has been formed, the Delhi
Gadkari recalled the recent but the current problem of India written by Dr Shobha Commissioner, Jammu and progress, as the number of girl expressed his concern that the filled via CUET scores. Congress will not involve itself
assertion of Bhutanese Prime thoughtlessness with emphasis Vijender. Kashmir administration, students in the Delhi universi- approval from him has been This is being done for the directly in the DUSU polls. The
Minister on the concept of on spirituality and sensitivity Speaking through an online Rashmi Singh also addressed ty is over 50 percent. The sought much after the com- first time by any University," it panel will work as a help desk
Domestic Happy Human Index for creating an overarching mode from Nagpur, Gadkari the event and asserted that Women's reservation bill tabled mencement of academic ses- said. It doesn't suit the LG to for the NSUI. If they (NSUI)
for holistic social fabric. awareness for social responsibil- stressed on the need to devel- creating awareness about the in the Parliament on Tuesday sion 2023-24, thereby causing try and take credit for efforts need any assistance and
Value-based family and ity, Gadkari spoke at an event op a life approach where efforts social schemes related to will buttress the numbers in the unnecessary harassment to being made by an elected gov- approach the panel, we will
education system have been the to launch a book titled Broken should be made to enhance the women empowerment would Parliament and assemblies. aspiring students of these much ernment. help them out," a senior Delhi
Congress leader said.


Earlier, party's Delhi unit
chief Arvinder Singh Lovely
had announced that senior
Congress leaders will cam-

paign for NSUI candidates in
the upcoming Delhi University
Students' Union (DUSU) elec-
tions. Congress Working
BC055A4?>AC4A■ =4F34;78 disruptions to the academic Committee member Alka
calendar prevented their con- Lamba, the party's former
he All India Students' duct in 2022. Delhi unit chief Anil
T Association (AISA) on
Tuesday launched its mani-
AISA candidate Aiyesha
Ahmad Khan filed her nomi-
Chaudhary and ex-MLAs
Nasib Singh and Bisham
festo for the upcoming Delhi nation for the post of president, Sharma will campaign for the
University Students Union Anushka Choudhary for the National Students' Union of
(DUSU) elections promising to post of vice president, Aditya India (NSUI) candidates,
take up issues like fee hike, roll- Pratap Singh for the post of sec- Lovely said.
back of the scheme for internal retary, and Anjali Kumari for The party has begun
assessments, and free metro the post of joint Secretary. preparations for the DUSU
passes for students. While Aiyesha Ahmad elections at all districts and
"With the introduction of Khan is a student of Miranda blocks, and meetings were con-
the National Education Policy House College and hails from vened to mobilise support for
(NEP), DU has seen policies Patna, Anushka Choudhary is the NSUI candidates, Delhi
like Four-Year Undergraduate a student of the Law Faculty at Congress said in a statement.
Programme (FYUP) being Delhi University and is a resi- Announcing the names of
imposed on students. The NEP costs for students, thereby mak- tee against sexual harassment dent of Bahadurgarh in 26 campaigners for the DUSU
2020 resulted in massive fee ing the long-standing demand on campus. Haryana. Aditya Pratap Singh elections, Lovely appealed to
hikes in various colleges and of free metro passes important," The election is slated to enrolled in the University in Congress workers to make
0\XSPSX_[^\PcXRcT]bX^]QTcfTT]8]SXPP]S2P]PSP^UUXRXP[bbPXSbTRdaXchfPbX]RaTPbTS^dcbXSTcWT7XVW has failed to resolve the issues AISA's manifesto read. take place on September 22 2019 and has been an AISA door-to-door visits in their
2^\\XbbX^]^U2P]PSP^]CdTbSPhX]2T]caP[3T[WXPbP_aTRPdcX^]Pah\TPbdaT0bT]X^a_^[XRT^UUXRTabPXSCWT of lack of hostels for students. The left-backed group also after a gap of four years. It activist since and Anjali respective areas to ensure sup-
_Tab^]]T[^U3T[WX?^[XRTP[^]VfXcWcWT_PaP\X[XcPahWPeTQTT]ST_[^hTSPbP_aTRPdcX^]Pah\TPbdaT^dcbXSTcWT7XVW "Similarly, the price rise promised to focus on the need could not be held in 2020 and Kumari is a first-year student port for the NSUI
2^\\XbbX^]0RR^aSX]Vc^aT_^acbcWTT\QPbbhPbZTSXcb[^RP[bcPUUTabc^[TPeTcWT^UUXRTQh!_\^]CdTbSPh has contributed to escalating of gender sensitisation commit- 2021 due to COVID-19 while from Miranda H candidates.


*KRNO-U\ZVRKGGMGOTYZ T he Delhi Police's Crime BC055A4?>AC4A■ =4F34;78 According to police, a PCR

Branch has registered an call was received early in the
FIR following a complaint by 54-year-old Delhi Police morning about an accident
UXJKXUT6=*ULLOIOGRY TVS and Honda regarding the
manufacture and sale of dupli-
cate spare parts of their firms. ket. "It has recently come to our is also being tarnished. was registered and a raid was
sub-inspector on duty was
killed and the driver of a pick-
up van was seriously injured
involving a policeman.
SI Gangasaran and ASI
Ajay Tomar were on patrolling
BC055A4?>AC4A■ =4F34;78 its counsel that no coercive The duplicate spare parts notice that some unscrupu- "As per our information conducted. after an allegedly speeding car duty in a Gypsy with Tomar at
steps will be taken against the bearing fake TVS and Honda lous persons/firms are Subhash Mohalla Karol Bagh is "On the ground floor and hit them on the Delhi-Meerut wheel, a senior police officer
he Delhi High Court on officials. Earlier, senior advocate stickers and logos are being indulging in manufacturing, indulging in the nefarious activ- first floor of the warehouse, Expressway in East Delhi's said. Around 5.30 am, the two
T Tuesday reserved its verdict
on the city government's chal-
Rahul Mehra and Delhi govern-
ment standing counsel Santosh
manufactured and sold in the
national Capital, an official
printing, marketing, distribut-
ing, stocking, selling
ities of manufacturing, stock-
ing, printing and the sale of
there were counterfeit stickers
of Honda, TVS, and Bajaj Bullet
Pandav Nagar on Tuesday
stopped a Bolero pick-up for
checking and Gangasaran came
lenge to a single judge bench Kumar Tripathi had given an said on Tuesday. spurious/duplicate of the said duplicate products such as motorcycles stuck on plastic The driver of the car bear- out of the vehicle, as did
order of no coercive action undertaking to the single judge According to the FIR, the brands which clearly amounts brake pedal shoe, clutch assem- sheets in boxes. On the second ing a Delhi registration num- Ramgopal, the truck driver.
against six PWD officials who that no coercive action will be complainant said that Honda to falsifying the complainant bly, clutch cover, air filter, chain floor, there were four printers ber fled the spot, leaving the As they were standing on
were issued show cause notices initiated against the petitioner Motorcycle & Scooter India company's trademark," reads case, chain cover, control cables and sticker rolls placed along- damaged vehicle behind. The the road, a Honda Amaze car
over "gross violation" of rules in officials. The Directorate of Pvt. Ltd. and TVS Motor the FIR. (all types) etc," the complainant side two laptops. These items crash caused a traffic jam on a came speeding from Ghaziabad
the renovation of Chief Minister Vigilance, in its appeal filed Company Ltd's products like "As a result, the general alleged. were being used to create coun- carriageway of the expressway side going towards Sarai Kale
Arvind Kejriwal's official resi- through advocates Yoginder auto parts, filters, pumps, etc. of public is being cheated, the gov- A senior police officer said terfeit stickers for spare parts of and the parallel road of Khan and hit Gangasaran and
dence. Handoo and Mananjay Mishra, different models are being man- ernment is losing on revenue that acting on the complaint an Honda, TVS, and Bajaj motor- National Highway 24 in the Ramgopal from behind, the
The appeal filed by the contended the order was passed ufactured and sold in the mar- and the image of the company FIR under the Copyright Act cycles," said the officer. same direction. officer said.
Directorate of Vigilance and without appreciating the fact

Special Secretary (Vigilance) that the alleged assurances were
Y.V.V.J. Rajasekhar sought set- without any authority.
ting aside of a September 15 Senior advocate Kirti
interim order of a single judge Uppal, representing the appel-
of the high court which said no lants, apprised the division BC055A4?>AC4A■ =4F34;78 Prosecutor (SPP) Amit Prasad filed by accused Devangana finality," he said. On judgments ment or adjournment of the investigating agency to clarify
coercive steps shall be taken by bench of an office memoran- Tuesday opposed their plea Kalita, Natasha Narwal, Asif cited by the accused in their arguments on charges till the the status of their investigation
any authority against the peti- dum of the Department of Law he prosecution on seeking the status of investiga- Iqbal Tanha, Meeran Haider, applications, the SPP said none completion of the investigation. in the case lodged under the
tioner PWD officials till
October 12. The appeal came up
before a division bench of Chief
and Justice according to which
C ounsel(s)/Additional
Standing T Tuesday termed as "frivo-
lous," "speculative," and
"presumptive" the applications of
tion before starting arguments
on charges. He said the applica-
tions were filed just to derail and
and Athar Khan. Prasad said
each application fails to disclose
any provision in law which
of the verdicts gives any power
to entertain the application in
this manner, nor any power to
The counsel appearing for the
accused (defence) raised an
apprehension that the prosecu-
Unlawful Activities (Prevention)
Act (UAPA), before arguments
start on whether to frame the
Justice Satish Chandra Sharma Counsel(s) and empanelled some accused filed to know the delay the trial. could allow their prayers. go beyond the CrPC. tion may file supplementary charges. ASJ Rawat has posted
and Justice Sanjeev Narula Counsel(s) to ensure that writ- status of the investigation in a "How can the accused as a He said the applications "Applications are nothing chargesheets to fill gaps in the the matter for Friday for further
which reserved its verdict.The ten and verbal submissions case pertaining to the alleged matter of right demand the sta- were "frivolous" as they were but attempts to derail the trial," investigation which may be proceedings.
single judge had passed the made by them shall have to be conspiracy behind the 2020 tus of the investigation?… My beyond the ambit of the Code of the SPP said. Earlier, in their pointed out by the accused dur- The accused have been
interim order after taking seri- strictly in consonance with the northeast Delhi riots. rights to investigate further can't Criminal Procedure (CrPC). applications filed on Monday, ing the arguments. booked under anti-terror UAPA
ous exception to the city author- written instructions given to In response to the applica- be curtailed," he said before the "These prayers are specula- Haider wanted to know from the On September 14, and several provisions of the
ities failing to exercise restraint them with the approval of the tions filed by the accused in the court of Additional Sessions tive and presumptive … These Delhi Police whether the inves- Devangana Kalita, Natasha Indian Penal Code for alleged-
and taking contravening steps Administrative Secretary of the 2020 Delhi riots larger conspir- Judge Amitabh Rawat. The court prayers go on the assumption tigation in the matter was com- Narwal and Asif Iqbal Tanha ly being the "masterminds" of
despite an undertaking given by concerned Department…". acy case, Special Public was hearing the applications that framing of charges attains plete, while Khan sought defer- had sought a direction to the the February 2020 riots.
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?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q daunting task of drafting the Bharat in 2047 as a
=4F34;78 Constitution." Vishwaguru," the Chairman
He said the deliberations in said. He also called for mak-
rging Members of the Constituent Assembly in ing the new chambers of
U Parliament to bury the
strategy of “weaponising” dis-
this theatre exemplified deco-
rum and healthy debate.
Parliament the sanctum sanc-
torum of "our temple of
turbances and disruptions in "Contentious issues were nego- democracy in togetherness".
parliamentary functioning, tiated in a spirit of consensus Marking the day as a
Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep with scholarly debate and spir- "momentous occasion", he said,
Dhankhar on Tuesday said ited deliberations. We need to "I congratulate you all on our
these are antithetical to demo- emulate the exemplary conduct phenomenal rise. Traversing
cratic values. of our founding fathers," he over a seven-decade journey,
Addressing a function to noted. from Samvidhan Sabha to the
commemorate the rich legacy Dhankhar also recalled the present day in Amrit Kaal,
of the Parliament of India in the final speech of B R Ambedkar these hallowed precincts have
iconic Central Hall of the old enhance cooperation and con- ultimate masters," Dhankhar in the Constituent Assembly witnessed many a milestone." ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q people like this. accused the central govern-
Parliament building, he also sensual approach. Time for us said. where he had said, "If we wish Dhankhar also said "From =4F34;78 To this, Kharge, who is ment of delaying GST dues to
called for emulating the exem- to bid farewell to confronta- "Time has come to give up to maintain democracy not the 'tryst with destiny' at mid- president of the Congress party, the non-BJP state governments
plary conduct and decorum of tional stance and resolve to ever once and for all the premise of merely in form, but also in fact, night of 15th August 1947, to he first day of the Rajya said: "Women belonging to and also grants for welfare
the members of the
Constituent Assembly.
keep national interest upper-
most," he told the gathering of
justifying the transgression of
conduct and outrageous disre-
what must we do? The first
thing in my judgement we
unfolding of innovative for-
ward-looking GST regime at
T Sabha sitting in the new
Parliament House on Tuesday
backward classes, scheduled
caste women do not get the
schemes like MNREGA.
However, Finance Minister
Dhankhar said the time has parliamentarians in the central gard of rules in the temples of must do is to hold fast to con- midnight of June 30, 2017, witnessed heated exchanges kind the opportunities she Sitharaman challenged the
come to give up the justifica- hall. democracy by making refer- stitutional methods of achiev- and now this day." between the treasury and (Sitharaman) gets". Sitharaman statement regarding the pay-
tion of transgression of conduct "Time to bury the strategy ence to past instances," he ing our social and economic In this very Central Hall, Opposition benches after again objected and asked, ments of dues. "A factually
and outrageous disregard of of weaponising disturbance added. objectives." Rajya Sabha chairman said , the Congress leader Mallikarjun "Who is Droupadi Murmu? incorrect statement has been
rules in the temples of democ- and disruptions in parliamen- The Vice President said, "In "Let us heed his clarion members of the Constituent Kharge made remarks on the Opposition leader cannot insult made by the Leader of the
racy by making reference to tary functioning as these are this very chamber, the mem- call," Dhankhar asserted. Assembly embarked upon the manner in which political par- people like this, cannot draw a Opposition (LoP) wherein he's
past instances. antithetical to democratic val- bers of the Constituent "This historic walk to the journey to accomplish the ties select women candidates differentiation between saying that GST revenue is
"As we march into the new ues and can never have the Assembly embarked upon the new building of Parliament, in daunting task of drafting the from weaker sections and women... We are asking for not given to the states on time.
Parliament building, we must sanction of the people – our journey to accomplish the Amrit Kaal, be the march to Constitution of India. raised the issue of "delayed" reservation for all women". This is absolutely wrong," she
GST payments to non-BJP After the intervention of said.

ruled states. Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep The minister also told the
Addressing the Upper Dhankhar, House proceedings House that her ministry even
House at its first sitting, during continued. Kharge said he wel- borrowed money and paid to
which Prime Minister comes the women's reservation the states. "Three times we
Narendra Modi was present, bill titled Nari Shakti Vandan have paid the money in

Kharge, who is the Leader of Adhiniyam. advance. There is no money
Opposition in Rajya Sabha, Later Kharge referred to pending for any state in GST
referred to the Women the remarks made by Prime and there is no delay in pay-
Reservation Bill which was Minister Modi regarding fed- ment to the states. It is wrong
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 defence industry, maritime security and multilat- passed in 2010 in the House. eral structure and competitive on the part of the LoP to
eral cooperation. His comments that all polit- federalism in the country and blame like this," Sitharaman
ndia and Malaysia on Tuesday reviewed the entire During the MIDCOM, the Defence Secretary ical parties only give tickets to alleged, "Federal structure is added.
spectrum of their defence ties here and explored
and practical initiatives to further expand
shared an 8-point proposal with the Malaysian side
to expand cooperation between India and Malaysia
those women from backward
classes who cannot assert them-
being weakened under your
leadership day-by-day". This
Chairman Dhankhar asked
both the finance minister and
bilateral defence engagements during the 12th meet- on a wide range of areas such as Government to selves evoked sharp reactions statement was vociferously Leader of the Opposition to
ing of Malaysia-India Defence Cooperation government-level engagement, Tri-Service coop- from the treasury benches. objected to by BJP members. table documents in supporting
Committee (MIDCOM). eration, Training, UN Peacekeeping, Bilateral Finance Minister Nirmala Parliamentar y Affairs their remarks on the table of
Giving details of the parleys, defence ministry S er vices Engagement, Defence Industrial Sitharaman said the "sweeping Minister Pralhad Joshi said the House during the course of
officials said both sides assessed the existing Cooperation, Research & Development and statement" of Kharge that all the prime minister's speech was the day. Kharge's remarks that
defence cooperation between the two countries and Regional/ Sub-Regional Engagements. parties do not choose effective totally "apolitical", unbiased the prime minister can speak
held wide-ranging discussions on issues of mutu- The Defence Secretary highlighted the poten- women candidates is "absolute- and balanced, and urged for 2-3 hours but will not say
al interest including regional issues. tial of the domestic defence industry with capaci- ly unacceptable". Kharge to speak in the House anything on the Manipur situ-
They agreed to establish a Strategic Affairs ty and capability to cooperate with the Malaysian "I speak on behalf of all our like a "statesman". The senior ation also evoked a sharp reac-
working Group (SAWG) to formulate a consulta- Armed Forces in its shipbuilding and maintenance women. We all have been Congress leader accused the tion from the BJP members.
tive mechanism intermediate between the MID- ly Sub Committee on Military Cooperation held on plans. Malaysia expressed confidence in the capa- empowered by our party, by central government of engi- Dhankhar said that he was
COM and the two Sub-committees to handle all July 27, 2023 and Joint Sub Committee on Defence bility of the Indian defence industry and discussed our Hon'ble Prime Minister. neering the fall of govern- ready for a discussion on the
aspects of the defence cooperation between the two Science Technology and Industry Cooperation held possibilities for co-design, co-production and co- Hon'ble Rashrapati Droupadi ments led by opposition parties Manipur issue in the House but
countries. on September 18, 2023. development in the field of defence industry. Murmu ji is an empowered in states like Maharashtra, it could not take place because
The meeting was co-chaired by Defence The two chairs also articulated steps in the Both countries reaffirmed their commitment to woman. Every (female) MP of Karnataka and Madhya of objections by opposition
Secretary Giridhar Aramane and Deputy Secretary direction of emerging areas of cooperation like implement fully the Enhanced Strategic Partnership my party is an empowered Pradesh. members. The House pro-
General (Policy), Malaysia Mohd Yani bin Daud. cyber security and issues pertaining to global com- based on mutual trust and understanding, common woman," she added. This remark too was vehe- ceedings were adjourned till
During the meeting, both sides reviewed the out- mons. They identified means to enhance existing interests and shared values of democracy & rule of Sitharaman stressed that the mently objected to by the rul- Wednesday morning after
comes of the two sub-committee meetings name- areas of collaboration, especially in the field of law. opposition leader cannot insult ing party MPs. Kharge also Kharge's speech.

?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q Pharmaceuticals/ Glensmith tions is not complied with, as
=4F34;78 Labs' Linagliptin plus per instant price notification
Metformin Hydrochloride and notes specified herein-
he country’s top drug reg- Tablet, Lucent Biotech/Torrent above, then the concerned
T ulator, National
Pharmaceutical Pricing
Pharmaceuticals Pantoprazole
Sodium (EC) and
manufacturer/marketing com-
pany shall be liable to deposit
Authority (NPPA) has fixed the Levosulpiride (SR) Capsules. the overcharged amount along
retail price of 51 formulations, The retail prices for the with the interest thereon
including pain killers, pul- fixed-dose combinations of under the provisions of the
monary drugs, and those used Linagliptin and Metformin DPCO, 2013 read with the
to treat high blood pressure, Hydrochloride Tablets manu- Essential Commodities Act,
type 2 diabetes, and bacterial factured and marketed by 1955, said the notification
infections. Fixing the retail Macleods Pharmaceuticals, issued by the NPPA which is
price of these daily used drugs Linagliptin and Metformin available on the authority’s
particularly diabetes will come 2013. P h ar m a c e ut i c a l s / Ab b ott Hydrochloride (ER) Tablets website. The details of the
as a huge relief to the patients These include Synokem Healthcare's Linagliptin and manufactured and marketed by fixed prices are also available
in the sector. p h a r m a c e u t i c a l / To r r e nt Metformin Hydrochloride Synokem Pharmaceuticals and in the notification.
An official from the NPPA Pharmaceutical's fixed dose Tablets, Sai Primus Life Cipla, and Cefuroxime Axetil The official said that all
said that the decision was taken combination Rosuvastatin plus Biotech/Primus Remedies' and Potassium Clavulanate stakeholders, retailers and
at the 116th Authority meeting Clopidogrel Capsules, Daiwik Linagliptin plus Metformin FDC Tablets manufactured and stockists, will have to inform
held on September 6 where the Pharmasphere/ Aristo Hydrochloride Tablet. marketed by Hetero Labs and about the change in prices in 15
authority deliberated on the Pharmaceuticals' Diclofenac The list further includes, Sun Pharmaceuticals among a days. If a company fails to do
new drug applications for price Diethylamine, Methyl Skymap Pharmaceuticals' few others has also been fixed. so, action under the Essential
fixation under various clauses Salicylate and Menthol Gel, Linagliptin plus Metformin In case the retail price of Commodities Act will be taken
of drugs prices control order, E x e m e d Hydrochloride Tablet, Skymap any of the aforesaid formula- against companies.

^_^cdYS[S__[gQbUSQ^SUb RPaQ^]U^^c_aX]c)BcdSh
=4F34;78 ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q
re cer tain chemicals
A including polyfluoroalkyl
substances (PFAS), which are O pting for hybrid working
or work from home can
used in thousands of house- result in a reduced carbon
hold and industrial products, footprint compared to full-
including in stain- and heat- time office work, according to
resistant items like non-stick a new study.
cookwares fueling the rise in Published in the configuration, such as seat
ovarian, skin, breast and other Proceedings of the National sharing and building size.
types of cancers in women? Academy of Sciences, the study “Remote work is not zero
A new research funded by found that hybrid workers who carbon, and the benefits of
the US government based on PFAS is referred to as Femoral Nail Antirotation) work from home two to four hybrid work are not perfectly
data collected by the Centers 'forever chemicals' due to and PFUA days per week can reduce their linear,” said study senior author
for Disease Control and their longevity in the envi- (Perfluoroundecanoic acid) carbon footprint by 11 percent Fengqi You, a professor in
Prevention (CDC) has found ronment. These are found in had nearly double the odds of to 29 percent, but working energy systems engineering at
evidence of this disturbing products such as Teflon pans, a prior melanoma diagnosis. from home one day per week Cornell.
link. The study is published in waterproof clothing, stain- Researchers had analysed is cutting carbon footprint by The study found that seat
the Journal of Exposure resistant carpets and fabrics, blood and urine samples from only 2 per cent. sharing among hybrid workers
Science and Environmental and food packaging. more than 10,000 people and The study, conducted by under full-building attendance
Epidemiology The study showed that found a link between PFNA researchers at Cornell can reduce carbon footprint by
The researchers also women in particular who and a prior diagnosis of uter- University and Microsoft, used 28 percent. Hybrid workers
found similar links between were more exposed to PFDE, ine cancer. survey data and modelling to tend to commute farther than
women diagnosed with can- a long-chain PFAS com- They found that women incorporate factors sometimes onsite workers due to differ-
cer and high exposures to pound, were twice as likely to with higher exposure to phe- overlooked when calculating ences in housing choices.
phenols, which are common- have a previous melanoma nols, such as BPA (used in carbon footprint, including According to the study,
ly used in food packaging, (form of skin cancer) diag- plastics) and 2,5-dichlorophe- residential energy use based on effects of remote and hybrid
dyes and personal care prod- nosis. nol (a chemical used in dyes time-use allocation, non-com- work on communications tech-
ucts. They did not find sim- While the women with and found as a by-product in mute distance and mode of nologies such as computer,
ilar associations between the higher exposure to two other wastewater treatment), had transportation, communica- phone and internet usage have
chemicals and cancer diag- long-chained PFAS com- higher odds of prior ovarian tions device usage, number of negligible impacts on overall
noses in men. pounds, PFNA (Proximal cancer diagnoses. household members and office carbon footprint.
=4F34;78 kF43=4B30H kB4?C4<14A!!!" ]PcX^]$


?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q?A0H06A09 leaders also will investigate the Sitapur on September 12 and said compilation of CCTV and
cause of the triple murder. The 15 and had stayed in Varanasi video footages has helped the
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824QE0A0=0B8 our days after three mem- Congress aims to highlight the and Lucknow respectively, they cops connect the missing links

n view of the upcoming Lok

F bers of a family, including a
pregnant woman, were killed
‘poor law and order’ situation
in the state under BJP’s rule.
said. The gang, police said, had
taken a cue from a similar gang
and identify the criminals.
Senior police officials said
Sabha general elections,
Deputy Election
by their neighbours over prop-
erty dispute in Panda chaura-
The delegation will present a
detailed report to the party
in Odisha.
“The gang members used
the gang had made Katihar as
their base camp where they
Commissioners of Election ha in Kaushambi on Friday, a high command. to travel on their bikes to dif- assembled after executing
Commission of India (ECI) 26-member Congress delega- ARRESTED: The arrest of ferent cities to execute crime. crimes.
Dharmendra Sharma and tion visited the village and four Bihar-based criminals, They didn’t prefer mobile “They used to conduct
Nitesh Vyas asked the district demanded justice for kin. who were held from city for phones and once they reached proper recce before committing
election officers/ district mag- “Cases of atrocities on committing crimes in UP, West a particular city to execute a crime. Moreover, the gang
istrates (DEOs/DMs) of 12 dis- Dalits are on the rise in Yogi- Bengal and Assam has revealed crime, then they purchased struck only at places where they
tricts of this region including led state government. Congress that the gang didn’t use mobile basic mobiles and SIM cards could get hefty amount. They
Varanasi to complete poll party will launch a massive agi- phones fearing being trapped on forged documents,” DCP kept on changing their location
preparations on time. Holding tation against the triple mur- and preferred bikes to move (City) Deepak Bhuker told to dodge police. They moved in
a meeting with the DEOs/DMs der,” said Congress national from one place to other, police reporters. groups of three to five and they
of Varanasi, Sonbhadra, secretary Pradeep Narwal. The said. Before executing loot in didn’t execute crime in cities
Mirzapur, Chandauli, Congress leaders including, They also made advance Prayagraj on September 12, the where they stayed,” they said
Ghazipur, Jaunpur, Azamgarh, Alok Prasad, Suresh Yadav, booking of tickets (for one gang members had travelled to adding that the gang was expert
Mau, Ballia, Prayagraj, Amethi Mukund Tiwari, Vivekanand member) in premium trains Varanasi from Katihar (Bihar), in executing snatchings and
and Bhadohi at a meeting held Pathak, Haseeb Ahmed and like Rajdhani if the amount of and took shelter in a hotel on robbery swiftly.
here on Monday, they also others, said they were with the looted cash was more than fake identities. “Every member of the gang
reviewed the progress of prepa- 428^UUXRTabW^[SX]VP\TTcX]VfXcW !34>b3<b^]_^[[_aT_PaPcX^]bX]EPaP]PbX^]<^]SPh grief-stricken family. expected. “Once they arrived in was assigned different task
rations. Three persons of a family, The four members — Prayargaj, they purchased three right from snatching loot or
They also discussed the ratio. ised in educational institutions to implement their sugges- including a pregnant woman, Neeraj Kumar Banjara, Shankar keypad mobile sets and SIMs valuables to its transportation
preparation of the voter list in In the meeting, SDECs like universities, technical and tions after examining them on her husband and father, were Kumar Yadav, Kishan Yadav and destroyed it after executing to safer areas. Now, police are
the context of the upcoming instructed the DEOs/ DMs medical colleges, ITIs, their merits and demerits. ECI shot dead allegedly by their and Kashi Banjara – were the loot. The robbers then on the lookout for other
Lok Sabha elections, 2024. To that efforts should be made that Polytechnics etc. Besides, they Director Deepali Masirkar, neighbours over property dis- arrested by Prayagraj police on escaped to Lucknow and operatives of the gang.
make the voter list proper, the name of any eligible voter also asked the DEOs/ DMs to Secretary Pawan Diwan, Under pute near Panda chauraha Sunday. The police also seized deposited the looted amount in The gang preferred to travel
instructions were given to all is not deprived of being regis- organise regular meetings with Secretary Prafulla Awasthi, under Sandipan Ghat police Rs 8.35 lakh cash, three 0.315 the accounts of their wives. long distances to execute
the 12 DEOs regarding register- tered in the voter list and political parties to help in puri- Chief Electoral Officer, Uttar station of Kaushambi on Friday. bore licensed pistols along with Cops, however, managed to crimes. The gang always
ing the names of eligible voters directed them to take efforts to fying the voter list. Pradesh Navdeep Rinwa along Irked over the killings, agitat- six live cartridges, two bikes, freeze the accounts,” the DCP remained prepared for any
in the voter list, removing the register the names of young The ECI officers said that with Additional Chief Electoral ed mob of villagers had gone on eight SIM cards, four packets said. eventuality and had a back-up
names of dead voters from the voters of 18-19 age group in the the suggestions of the political Officers Nidhi Srivastava and a rampage for around two each of itching and chilly power Bhuker added that efforts plan ready.
voter list and improving elec- voter list. For this, they said that parties should also be taken Kumar Vineet were also pre- hours and torched about half a and other valuables from their were on to compile more infor- They changed their names
tor population (EP) and gender special camps should be organ- and steps should also be taken sent in the meeting. dozen huts and make-shift possession. The gang had exe- mation about Pushpendra - and carried fake identities to
shops and two vehicles. cuted Rs 7 lakh loot in said to be kingpin of the gang- dodge law enforcement agen-

The delegation of Congress Prayagraj and Rs 9 lakh loot in and other members. The DCP cies,” they said.

?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824QE0A0=0B8 Srivastava, Project Officer of

DUDA Nidhi Bajpai and many
hief Minister Yogi others were also present. ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q?A0H06A09 General (PMG), Prayagraj Kaushambi, Pratapgarh, ter of the Head Post Office can
C Adityanath watched the
cultural talents of children and
A street drama competi-
tion was organised for partic- he ‘Dhai Akhar’ letter writ-
Region, Krishna Kumar Yadav,
said for this various schools and
Mirzapur, Sonbhadra,
Sultanpur and Amethi districts
be contacted.
RUCKUS: Enraged over
distributed certificates to them
in the programme of Kashi
ipants in the age group of 18 to
40 and above 40 at the Central
T ing competition on topic
‘Digital India for New India’ has
colleges can organise their own
competitions in association
under Prayagraj region will
have to send their letter
the death of Nageshwar Singh
(24) of Belhat village in the
Sansad Sanskritik Mahotsav Institute of Higher Tibetan been launched by Department with the Postal Department. addressed to the Postmaster Koraon police station area, the
(KSSM) organised in the Education, Sarnath. The com- of Posts. The winners will get The last date has been fixed as General, Prayagraj Region, kin created a ruckus and
Divisional Auditorium here petition was inaugurated by prizes from Rs 5,000 to Rs October 31. Prayagraj - 211001. gheraoed the Koraon-Meja
on Monday evening during lighting the lamp by MLC 50,000. The last date for send- The PMG said people of Yadav said three prizes Highway bringing the traffic
his one-day visit when the CM Hansraj Vishwakarma, At an ing entries is October 31. any age can participate in the each in different four cate- into a standstill for hours here
was in the city to inspect the event held at Sunbeam Varuna, The Digital India cam- ‘Dhai Akhar’ letter writing gories will be given to the on Tuesday. The operation of
preparations for the proposed Zila Panchayat Chairperson paign has been started by the competition. The first catego- winners of the competition at youth’s stone was done by doc-
visit of Prime Minister Poonam Maurya was the chief Government of India to make ry will be up to 18 years and the the state and national levels. tors and the youth died after
Narendra Modi to his parlia- guest. Divisional citizens of the country aware second will be above 18 years The best letter selected at the some time. Angered by it the
mentary constituency on Commissioner Kaushal Raj and digitally empowered. of age. The letter will be accept- circle (state) level will be given family members created a
September 23. During his visit, Sharma lit the lamp while When every citizen of the ed only in an inland letter or in prizes of Rs 25,000, Rs 10,000 ruckus.
the PM will also give awards to Sunbeam Group Chairman country is aware and digitally envelope issued by the and Rs 5,000 in the first, sec- The police reached the
the winners of mega event of Deepak Madhok and Director empowered, the country will Department of Posts in which ond and third category respec- spot and somehow pacified
KSSM to be held at Rudraksh Bharti Madhok welcomed the develop rapidly. In view of this letter can be written by hand in tively. The prizes of Rs 50,000, the agitators. On information,
International Convention guests. a national level letter writing English, Hindi or local lan- Rs 25,000 and Rs 10,000 will be Koraon police station incharge
Centre. In Sant Atulanand Convent competition is being organised guage in 500 and 1,000 words given to the best letters select- Vinod Singh reached the spot.
During the programme, School, solo competition cate- by the Department of Posts on respectively. This letter should ed at the national level in the After hours, the police con-
the CM was also honoured by gory in folk playing Naal and the topic ‘Digital India for be sent to the Postmaster first, second and third catego- vinced the family members.
UP Minister of State Tasha Damru and cultural New India’. If letter of the General of the region con- ry respectively. Overall, prizes Singh said that investigation is
(Independent Charge) 2<H^VX0SXchP]PcWSXbcaXQdcX]VPRTacXUXRPcTc^P_PacXRX_P]c^U:BB<X]EPaP]PbX competition in group playing applicant is selected, the appli- cerned by October 31 with full worth Rs 40.20 lakh will be being done on the basis of the
Ravindra Jaiswal by giving him ^]<^]SPh Naal Damru and Naal genre cant will receive a prize rang- name, address, date of birth, given to the winners across the complaint filed by the relatives
an angavastram and a memen- was organised. ing from Rs 5,000 to Rs 50,000. mobile number and name of country. For more information of the deceased. A case will be
to. UP Labour and Himanshu Nagpal etc were group categories of classical The event was presided While providing above the school of participant. The superintendents of various registered soon and action will
Employment Minister Anil also present. and sub-classical singing gen- over by Nagendra information, Postmaster participants of Prayagraj, postal divisions and postmas- be taken.
Rajbhar, Minister of State Meanwhile, the district res was organised in Police Raghuvanshi, member Central
(Independent Charge) level competitions was held at Commissionerate in different Khadi Board and local corpo-

Dayashankar Mishra ‘Dayalu’ five places in the series of age groups. The event was rator Sandeep Raghuvanshi.
along with Divisional KSSM being organised with the presided over by UP Minister At Padma Vibhushan Girija
Commissioner Kaushal Raj aim of promoting Indian cul- Dr Dayashankar Mishra Devi Cultural Complex,
Sharma, District Magistrate S ture in genres like dance, music, ‘Dayalu’. Additional Municipal Chowkaghat events. The chief
Rajalingam, Chief singing, street drama etc. A cul- Commissioner Rajiv Rai, guest was MLA Sunil Kumar ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q?A0H06A09 ing of nationalism and bravery programme Dr Brijesh Kumar wherein in the first phase, PG
Development Officer tural competition in solo and Education Officer Shashikant Patel from Rohaniya. in the younger generation. She conducted the proceedings and research are being added.
he Jagat Taran Golden spoke about national heroes while vote of thanks was pro- In the second phase, graduate
Jubilee School stood first and asked children to beware posed by Dr Purshottam Das. level courses will also be added.
while Mahila Sewa Sadan Inter of anti-nationals and their Dr NC Agrawal honoured the The postgraduate students
College secured the second activities of disturbing the fab- chief guest by presenting a will be able to study a part of
place in a group song compe- ric of unity in diversity. memento and a shawl. their course from foreign tech-
tition organised by Bharat President of the organisa- Principal of Jwala Devi nical educational institutions

Vikas Parishad Prayagraj and tion Dr Alpana Agrawal wel- Saraswati Inter College Vikram and universities. The joint
the CAV Inter College got the comed the guests and partici- Bahadur Singh, Umesh Dutt degree will have the name and
consolation prize. pating institutions. The judges Bhatt, Prof Jagdish Dwivedi logo of both the institutions.
The programme was of the competition were Dr and others. were present. This decision was taken in the
organised at Jwala Devi Geeta Banerjee of Sanskrit JOINT DEGREE PRO- meeting held recently in the
Saraswati Inter College hall. department of Allahabad GRAMME: Good news awaits institute.
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824QE0A0=0B8 Former vice-chancellor of Raja University, Dr Sanjay Kumar the students doing postgradu- Director of the institute
Maan Singh Tomar Music and Singh from Hindi department, ation (PG) and research from Prof Mukul Sutavane said that
s many as 38 Automatic Arts University Prof Swatantra Allahabad Degree College and Indian Institute of Information after the implementation of the
A Ticket Vending Machine
(ATVM) kiosks have been
Bala Sharma was the chief
guest who garlanded the por-
Prof Indu Sharma from Music
department, Allahabad Degree
Technology (IIIT-A).
The students pursuing
New National Education Policy
(NEP), MoUs have been signed
installed at 25 railway stations trait of Bharat Mata and Swami College. They also emphasised MTech, MBA or PhD will be with technical institutions of
of Varanasi Division of North Vivekanand to inaugurate the the need of holding such pro- able to obtain degree from other countries including USA,
Eastern Railway (NER) on the competition. grammes at regular intervals to renowned educational institu- France, Germany and Korea,
instructions of Divisional Appreciating the pro- awaken national feeling in chil- tions abroad. where students of the institute
Railway Manager (DRM) gramme Prof Sharma said such dren. The institute is starting a will be able to study while pur-
Vineet Kumar Srivastava. competitions inculcate the feel- The coordinator of the joint degree programme suing their joint degree.
Under the leadership of Senior

Divisional Commercial
Manager (SDCM) Shaikh
Rehman, these ATVM kiosks
have been installed at 38 loca-
tions in 25 stations of the divi-
sion to enable passengers to &255(6321'(17Q 0,5=$385 ful. In Kamapur village of involved in their traditional Anudan Yojana said from the
book unreserved tickets in a Chhanbey block a chaupal was profession like washermen, year 2023-24 verification of
smart manner by avoiding ttar Pradesh Minister of organised in which the minis- cobblers, barbers etc. She said Aadhar and e-KYC has been
the hassle of long queues
at the unreserved ticket
U State for Rural
Development Vijay Laxmi
ter interacted with people,
especially women, and greeted
loan of up to Rs 3 lakh was
available for workers of that
made compulsory for appli-
cants and all process will be
counters. He further informed that “Now passengers will not have ticket type, select passenger Gautam while holding the them on the occasion of Teej category without any security carried out through online sys-
The SDCM said that now facilitators have been deputed to stand in long queues. If they number and train type, pay- meeting of the officials con- festival. She watched the and toolkit worth Rs 15,000 tem. He said persons who had
it would be easier for common on all these ATVM kiosks to wish, they can get their tickets ment option and then select cerned with the Rural Shilaphalakam constructed was being provided by the already applied through man-
passengers to get unreserved help the passengers. Nine such issued through these ATVM QR Pay option from any UPI Development and Rural under the scheme ‘Meri Mati government free of cost. ual process their applications
tickets and they would be able facilitators have been deputed kiosks themselves or can get App, scan the QR code shown Engineering Ser vices at Mera Desh’ and she taught the During her visit the minister will not be considered and
to get unreserved tickets them- in Chhapra, eight in Siwan, their tickets issued with the on the screen and make the Ashtabhja guest house on lesson of nationalism to the was accompanied by MLAs they were being suggested to
selves through ATVM kiosks. three each in Ballia, Mau, help of a facilitator. In this payment and do not take it out Monday directed the officials to people. Inspecting the Amrit Ratnakar Moshra and Rinki submit online applications
He informed that four such Deoria Sadar, two each in machine, tickets can be until the entire ticket is print- carry out works by adopting Sarovar (pond) the minister Kol, block pramukhs Indra again.
ATVM kiosks each have been Banaras, Varanasi City, obtained by scanning the QR ed and automatically gets sep- the norms. After the meeting appealed to people to maintain Bahadur Pandey and Suman ARRESTED: The
installed at Chhapra Junction Ghazipur City, Prayagraj code through Android mobile arated from the machine, he the minister inspected a the it and make it useful that it Singh, veteran BJP leader Kachhawaan police have arrest-
and Siwan Junction railway Rambagh, Indara, Suremanpur, and making digital payment or said, adding that precautions to Upavan Vatika located at can prove to be an asset for the Dhanendra Pandey and others. ed an accused in an assault case
stations, two each at Banaras, Duraundha, Mairwan, Thawe in case of any problem, one can be taken while using ATVM Vijaypur village under village. She said the govern- Priot to the government pro- on Monday. Ajay Kumar
Varanasi City, Ghazipur City, and Bhatni stations and one get the facility to get one’s kiosks as this is a touch screen Chhanbey block where she ment was working for the wel- grammes the minister per- Upadhyay of Baraini village
Azamgarh, Ballia, Mau and each in Azamgarh, Gyanpur journey ticket by paying cash to machine, so please use only fin- planted saplings. During the fare of every section of the soci- formed the rituals at the under Kachhawaan police sta-
Deoria Sadar stations and one Road, Siswan Bazar, the facilitators appointed by the ger to select it and do not use inspection she was apprised by ety but online application is Vindhyavasini temple. tion had lodged a named case
ATVM kiosk each at Prayagraj Kaptanganj, Belthara Road, Railways at ATVM kiosks,” he pen, pencil or sharp objects to Chief Development Officer necessary for new candidates to SHADI ANUDAN on August 8 alleging that the
Rambagh, Gyanpur Road, Rasra, Ekma, Jakhanian and said. select the screen. Besides, one (CDO) Srilaxmi VS that the avail the facilities. Referring YOJANA: Backward Class accused had assaulted him and
Siswan Bazaar, Kaptanganj, Aunrihar. Telling about working should also not spit or spill liq- Vatika was developed within to the new PM Vishwakarma Welfare Officer Rajesh Sonkar snatched a gold chain. On
Suremanpur, Belthara Road, Shaikh Rehman said that mechanism of ATVM kiosks, uids on the kiosk/screen. In two-three years and around Rs Scheme which was launched by has informed that marriage being tipped off by an informer
Rasra, Ekma, Indara Jn, through these ATVM kiosks, the SDCM said that for travel case of any inconvenience relat- 20 lakh had been spent through the prime minister on aid will be sent directly to the the police nabbed the accused
Jakhanian, Aunrihar Jn, passengers can not only get ticket booking, one has to ed to ATVM kiosks, one should MGNREGA. Appreciating the September 17 the minister said beneficiary’s account but that Harsh Singh of Bajahaan village
Duraundha, Mairwan, Thawe unreserved tickets but can also select the destination station contact the Chief Booking Vatika the minister asked the 18 types of skilled artisans account should linked to the under Kachhawaan police sta-
Jn, Bhatpar Rani and Bhatni Jn make an inquiry like the station from the map or by entering Supervisors/Shift Supervisors, official concerned to plant were covered under the scheme Aadhar card. Giving details tion, sent him to jail and seized
stations. from which one has to go. other station options, select the he said. saplings to make it more use- including those who were about the changes in the Shadi his vehicle.
=4F34;78kF43=4B30H kB4?C4<14A!!!"


UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa



India, is not running a campaign
turbed the market. But harmony
LQJJHQHUDO6FKHGXOHG&DVWHDQG6FKHGXOHG7ULEH duty liquors and Peoples rice beer.
The Portuguese Consulate sits at
and Diu was the last colonizer to
LQJWR6FKHGXOHG&DVWHVDQG6FKHGXOHG7ULEHV7KLVSURYLVLRQVHHNVWRDGGUHVVWKHFRP anniversary of Operation Polo, What remained were 7000 personnel, one Frigate Ministers who also live on
the defeat of Nizam’s forces in French and Portuguese and three Offshore Patrol Altinho (anyone who rules
SOH[LVVXHVRIJHQGHUDQGFDVWHEDVHGGLVFULPLQDWLRQVLPXOWDQHRXVO\7KLVOHJLVODWLRQ Hyderabad, was commemorated enclaves on the East and West boats. Casualties were on both Goa lives there)
LV QRW D UXQRIWKHPLOO SLHFH RI ODZ EXW UDWKHU D FRQVWLWXWLRQDO DPHQGPHQW but the event was politicised. Coasts. While France vacated sides – 22 Indian soldiers have had an eye on the
&RQVHTXHQWO\LWQHFHVVLWDWHVDVSHFLDOPDMRULW\LQERWK+RXVHVRI3DUOLDPHQW DWZR India has not eschewed the occupied territories in 1956, killed while the Portuguese lost houses including Parrikar. 2
WKLUGVPDMRULW\RIPHPEHUVSUHVHQWDQGYRWLQJ DQGUDWLILFDWLRQE\DWOHDVWSHUFHQW use of force in national integra- Portugal refused, necessitating 30 soldiers and 570 wounded STC residents dispersed in
tion. Of the 562 princely states Op Vijay (Kargil is Op Vijay with one frigate disabled and the pockets of Panaji. Like the
RI6WDWHOHJLVODWXUHVEHIRUHLWFDQEHHQDFWHGDVODZ3DUWLHVZLOOEHUHTXLUHGWRSURYLGH under the suzerainty of the British II). I was fortunate to visit the the remaining 4668 personnel British, the Portuguese chose
HTXDORSSRUWXQLWLHVWRZRPHQZKHQGLVWULEXWLQJWLFNHWVWKXVPLWLJDWLQJELDVHVLQWKH Crown, all were persuaded to surrender site last week on captured. On 18 December the best land for cantonments
VHOHFWLRQSURFHVV:LWKHQKDQFHGSUHVHQFHRIZRPHQLQOHJLVODWXUHERGLHVWKHZRPHQ V accede to India except three: Altinho Hill where the 2 Signal Portugal urged the UNSC for as well as several hill stations,
UHVHUYDWLRQ%LOOLVSRLVHGWRH[HUWDSURIRXQGLQIOXHQFHRQWKH*RYHUQPHQW VSROLF\GHFL J&K, a Muslim majority state Training Centre (STC) of the a ceasefire and ending hostil- especially in Himachal after
ruled by a Hindu raja; Junagadh Army is currently partly locat- ities. The US disapproved of the British CinC chose to ini-
VLRQV7KLVPD\UHVXOWLQWKHIRUPXODWLRQRIPRUHLQFOXVLYHDQGJHQGHUVHQVLWLYHODZV with a Hindu majority ruled by ed. Vijay Vatika is well marked India’s military action while the tially live in Simla. Many of
DQGSROLFLHVE\HPSRZHULQJZRPHQLQSROLWLFDOOHDGHUVKLSUROHV:KHQHQDFWHGWKLV%LOO a Muslim Nawab; and and indicates the place where USSR used its veto to ensure today’s popular hill resorts
KDVWKHSRWHQWLDOWRXVKHULQDPRUHLQFOXVLYHDQGUHSUHVHQWDWLYHGHPRFUDF\6RILQDO Hyderabad, a Hindu majority Gen Vassalo e Silva surren- surrender. By the evening of 18 were strategic locations cover-
O\DIWHUWZHQW\VHYHQ\HDUVZDLWDQG\HDUVDIWHUEHLQJSDVVHGE\WKH5DM\D6DEKD state ruled by the Muslim Nizam. dered to Lt Col Sucha Singh on December, most of Goa was in ing Simla.
In July 1946, Mr Nehru said no
princely state could stand against
19 December 1961. Op Vijay
was meticulously planned by
<0=H6>0=B Indian hands, even as
Portuguese soldiers were ready
Many Goans have kept
their links with Lisbon. Prime
PHQWHGE\/RN6DEKDHOHFWLRQVDQGZRXOGQRWDIIHFWWKHHOHFWLRQV,WLVLQGHHG independent India’s Army. In GoC Southern Command, Lt 70E4:4?C to defend the port town of Minister Antonio Costa is
C748A;8=:B Vasco da Gama, according to half-Goan and has helped rev
those who did not integrate Op Polo). It was India’s first tri- Op Plano Sentinel. The up India-Portugal amity.
would be treated as enemy states. service operation involving F8C7;8B1>= Portuguese President ordered People in Goa affectionately
?82D1<; Nawab of Junagadh fled to
Pakistan on 26 October 1947 after
the 17 Infantry Division and
50 Para Brigade led by Maj ?A8<4
a scorched earth policy but the
Governor General refused to
call him Baboush (in Konkani,
a young loved one). The
he acceded to it. It was militarily
coerced by 1 Armoured Division
Gen KP Candeth and Brig
Sagat Singh. Indian Navy’s Op <8=8BC4A implement it. He ordered a
ceasefire and surrender at
Signals Army Unit in Goa
maintains high standards of
and by 9 November India
assumed its administration. The
Chutney entailed recce and
surveillance. On 11 December,
0=C>=8>2>BC0 2030 hrs on 19 December. The
surrender of the garrison
pride and decorum, co-habit-
ing with Goans who look up
J & K ruler signed the Instrument the 17 Infantry Division was 8B70;56>0= marked the end of 451 years of to their Army for liberating
of Accession on 27 October 1947
after tribal raiders from Pakistan
ordered to advance and cap-
ture Panaji and Mormugao. 0=370B Portuguese rule of Goa.
Just above the Portuguese
Goa. Portuguese surrender
should be commemorated
had begun the first war over
Kashmir which has not ceased to
The assault began with artillery
bombardment under air cover
74;?43C>A4E Consulate is the Army House,
the erstwhile residence of the
befittingly as the first tri-ser-
vice campaign at a time when
this day. The Hyderabad Nizam at 0400 hrs with the D?8=380 Military Commander, Gen theorisation is on the anvil.
insisted on remaining neutral,
forcing India to launch Op Polo
Portuguese opting to offer
resistance. 50 Para Brigade of ?>ACD60; Vassalo e Silva. It is a 400-year-
old Portuguese construction
(The writer, a retired
Major General, was
on 13 September 1948in which
my battalion 2/5 Gorkha Rifles
1st Para Punjab and 2nd Para
Marathas captured Panaji and
0<8CH later acquired by the Governor
General. It must have com-
Commander, IPKF South, Sri
Lanka, and founder member
(Frontier Force) , winner of three Ponda the next day. manded a 360-degree view of of the Defence Planning Staff,
Victoria Crosses (equal to PVC) India employed an over- Panaji. After the Signals currently the Integrated
, participated. Hyderabad was lib- whelming tri-service force to Commandantwas allotted the Defence Staff. The views
erated on 17 September. defeat a Portuguese garrison of heritage house, many Chief expressed are personal)

3Te^cTTbRPaahRWPaX^cfXcW6P]_PcXXS^[^]cWT^RPbbX^]^U6P]TbW2WPcdacWXUTbcXeP[X]?d]T ?C8 ;4CC4AB C>C


Sir — "Illegal immigrants" are the main rea-
son behind the resurgence of extreme
nationalism in many European countries &!!"Bd]SPhXcfPbP[[PQ^dc<^WP\\PS

in the 21st century. In their name, nation- BTTaPYCWTP_cSTbRaX_cX^]^UcWTUX]P[XbBeb
alists have won elections in many countries, BBTTaPYEbBaX;P]ZP
but the problem of immigrants remains CWT 0bXP 2d_ !!" eXRc^ah bW^d[S QT
unchanged. For example, Italian Prime cTa\TSPbPS^dQ[TeXRc^ahU^aBTTaPYP]S8]SXP
Minister Giorgia Meloni, who won the 8]PbX]V[T^eTaWTPRWXTeTS#fXRZTcbPUXabc
,QGLDJDLQVIURP&KLQHVHLPSRUWVDVLWDOORZVIRU ED;1BC8270D70= election in the name of combating illegal
immigration, now finds that the number
7Tc^^Z$fXRZTcbfXcWX]Pb_P]^UYdbc %QP[[b
YDOXHDGGLWLRQLQWKHFRXQWU\DQGKHOSVFUHDWHMREV of illegal immigrants coming to her coun- T`dP[X]VcWTUPbcTbcX]>38aTR^aS^U2WP\X]SP

try is increasing day by day. Unfortunately, hSTaPQPSX<^WP\\PSX]ePSTSBaX;P]ZP EPPb^UBaX;P]ZP=^8]SXP]WPbcPZT]\^aT
t is often asked why imported by companies like India remains with a scope of there seems to be only one reason for these P]S<^WP\\PSBTTaPYST[XeTaTSPRPaTTa cWP]%fXRZTcbX]P]>387T\PST"BaX;P]ZP]

I despite India’s enmity

against China, is there still
a $136 billion business
Lenskart to procure just the
raw material at a cheap cost
from China & further con-
doing 3 times valuation addi-
tion in a product imported as
a raw material from China.
people's plight: illegal smugglers who, dri-
ven by greed, transport individuals from
Africa and Asia to the borders of wealthy
QTbc_TaU^a\P]RTR[PX\X]V%! X]Ydbc&
^eTab 7Xb X]eX]RXQ[T Q^f[X]V bWdc S^f] P[[
RP] aT_TPc cWXb b_T[[ X] cWT >38 F^a[S 2d_
\PcRWTb c^ QT WT[S X] >Rc^QTa=^eT\QTa
between them. It is a fact that vert that metal stick into styl- So, India has been more countries. But no one is willing to address R^[[P_bTfXcWYdbc$ad]b^]cWTQ^PaS8cfPb !!"X]8]SXP
India shares quite unpalat- ish eyewear having more at the loss side in trading the core issue: the poverty, hunger, unem- P^]T\P]Pa\hPRcQhBTTaPY>]BT_cT\QTa ?E<PSWd=XeaXcX| 7hSTaPQPS
able & hostile terms with final value than its raw mate- bilaterally with the USA in ployment, and civil wars that force millions
China as it’s one of the clos- rial’s cost. comparison to China of people to risk their lives and seek refuge
est neighbours in Asia. But Another question the because products India in resource-rich countries via dangerous define the role of a DCM. While high com- of a loan account. This provision ensures
despite several border issues between Russia & Ukraine public raises is whose econ- imports from the USA are sea routes. mands and chief ministers downplay the that borrowers promptly regain ownership
& dicey security threats to where not a single solution omy is dicer for India, the directly consumed by the Therefore, if all the world's wealthy position of DCM by presenting it as equal of their assets. Borrowers will have the flex-
India flowing from China, has come out. USA or China? So, it has final customer, it may be a nations want to curb this influx, they must among equals, the reality is that the DCM ibility to collect their original property doc-
the last year’s (2022) bilater- The reason why India already been propounded US Polo shirt, KFC’s chick- seriously consider providing resources to wields significant power, official or unof- uments either from the branch where the
al trade between them was of still opens its gates customs about the reason for India en, McDonald’s burger, etc. address the root causes. No immigrant ficial, second only to the chief minister. loan account was serviced. This added con-
$136 billion. And just department to let Chinese still being a bilateral trading Thus, there is no value addi- leaves their homeland willingly; it is out of Therefore, it makes little sense to maintain venience enhances the borrower's experi-
because of these high-yield- products come inside is that, partner with China. But tion in India. In questing sheer desperation. Until a solution to the the ornamental post of DCM. It should ence. Transparency is also emphasized in
ing business figures, people first of all, whatever products Indians have less discourse about the ideology of India’s fundamental causes is found, the influx of either be abolished or limited to just one loan sanction letters. RBI requires REs to
tend to fall in ambiguity China exports to India are about the nasty effects of the foreign trade policy, it was immigrants will persist at any cost. DCM in a state. specify the timeline and location for
about India-China bilateral tangible items, not services. USA’s economy on India. found that India restricts Jang Bahadur Singh | Jamshedpur Ganapathi Bhat | Akola returning original property documents in
relations which are still finan- So, India has a hidden & spe- India in its bilateral trading itself to importing complete- loan sanction letters issued on or after the
cially affluent despite border cial foreign trade policy to ties with the USA is an ly manufactured products =?B545@EDI3=C6?B;1B>1D1;1/ B29C>5G49B53D9F5 effective date. This clarity ensures that bor-
disputes & China was being tackle China’s abundance of importer because of the cur- from others, it always nods to Sir —A minister in Karnataka's Sir — The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has rowers are aware of the process. In cases
marked as Covid’s epi centre exports to India, out of all rent account deficit. The those products only having a Siddaramaiah government has urged the a consistent practice of issuing notifications of a borrower's demise, RBI mandates that
by India. those tangible products sorts of goods & services scope of more value addition Congress high command to appoint three that prioritize the interests of the public. REs have a well-defined procedure for
So, the story is, actually imported that India makes India imports from the USA even when they are import- more deputy chief ministers (DCMs) for In this regard, RBI has issued a significant returning property documents to legal
India wants to subvert from China, a substantial are unlike of China’s which ed into India. It is so in the the state, despite already having one in DK directive pertaining to the release of mov- heirs. This procedure must be readily avail-
China’s economic, diplomat- part of it is of those goods anyhow lead to some value policy because it results in Shivakumar. It is ironic that as many as 12 able and immovable property documents able on the REs' website, promoting trans-
ic & geopolitical power and that India imports in the addition in India. Brands employment & income for Indian states have DCMs. The DCM post upon the full repayment or settlement of parency. In May, RBI Governor Shaktikanta
presence across the globe form of raw material for like McDonald’s & KFC have Indians while they further holds no constitutional importance; it personal loans, along with penalties for vio- Das cautioned banks against aggressive
but India’s economic stance shaping & polishing them their genesis in the USA & process those unfinished serves as a selection post aimed at appeas- lations of these instructions. This move growth strategies and loan evergreening,
& stature are not very com- further into finished goods. India buys eatables from products that were imported ing certain castes, communities, and indi- aims to streamline practices and prevent which leads to a rise in non-performing
petitive to send China out of For example, the mics that such multi-national food earlier. vidual egos. Furthermore, it is often used customer grievances related to the release assets. It is commendable that Das is tak-
the doors. Even in the con- news readers use are major- chains, but the crux is, that (The writer is an expert to placate dissenters or competitors with- of such documents. ing steps to address the gaps in bank gov-
temporary era, no nation ly manufactured inside India cannot add any further on international business in the party. According to RBI's new guidelines, reg- ernance practices.
can afford to attack its enemy China yet India imports value addition in a burger or issues and has been featured The question arises: does a stable state ulated entities (REs) are mandated to Yash Pal Ralhan | Jalandhar
straightaway because the them Even though the metal a chicken bucket for selling in the International government require one or more DCMs release all original movable and immov-
world has already witnessed stick used in eyeglasses is also it to some other party just Business Times. when the chief minister is firmly in con- able property documents within 30 days BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
a situation of stalemate from China, it is still being like the case of China, where Views are personal) trol? There are no clear guidelines that after the complete repayment or settlement [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
=4F34;78kF43=4B30H kB4?C4<14A!!!"

gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa


ndia has set an ambitious target of

I 30 per cent Electric Vehicle (EV)
penetration in private cars, 70 per
cent in commercial vehicles, and
80 per cent in two and three-
wheelers by 2030. To achieve the targets,
the Government is giving various incen-
tives to buyers and manufacturers of
EVs? While EVs are more climate-
LVWKDWLVLWDVHDV\WRIRUJLYHDVLWVRXQGVWREH" make it clear that this is not an article
tiated with caution, and not craze.
during EV manufacture, we need to esti-
/DZRI.DUPDZLOOQRWDOORZLW EV without its battery releases about the
same amount of carbon dioxide (CO2)
- about 7 to 10 tonnes, it is the EV-bat-
tery production that adds significantly
to the emission.
The battery is the heart of an EV, and India to become a major produc- and increasing biofuel production the road will still be powered by
about 150 kgs of CO2 are released to cre- er of the element in future. may compromise the area avail- fossil fuels, but all new vehicles
ate every kilo-watt-hour (kWh) of bat- Mining lithium is hazardous able for food production. sold will be EVs only. While it will
tery capacity. An average EV consumes and leads to the emission of sig- But the most important factor significantly reduce CO2 emission
0.20 kWh per km, and for an EV to have nificant amounts of GHGs. is that EVs are only as green as by almost 40 per cent, it will also
a decent range (say 300 km) between Further, extraction of every tonne their power sources. Their envi- lead to much-increased demand
charges, it needs a battery capacity of of lithium requires 500,000 litres ronmental impact depends on for electricity to power these EVs
60kWh, which means additional CO2- of water, and lithium mining how the electricity that charges – an additional electricity gener-
emission of 9 tonnes, which makes an can pollute the air and water with them is made, and these are not ation of 3,000 terawatt hours
EV almost twice as environment- chemicals and heavy metals. A green, as of now, in most coun- would be needed by 2050 to meet
unfriendly as an ICE-car. Making EVs F78;4 2019 study shows that 40 per cent tries. The share of coal in electric- that demand.

thus evidently creates more emissions,
and improving technology is the only 0DBCA0;808B of the adverse climatic impact
from the production of lithium-
ity production varies from 20 per
cent in the USA to 63 per cent in
To put that figure in perspec-
tive, the EU today generates a total
toxic exhaust fumes, their batteries can
2DAA4=C;HC74 ion batteries comes from the
mining process itself. It is indeed
China and 73 per cent in India. A
coal-fired power station emits
of 3,200 terawatt hours. Imagine the
renewable and non-renewable
LQRXUFDSDFLW\DVKXPDQEHLQJVLVWKDWLIWKHWHQGHQFLHVWRHYLORU emit toxic fumes, if damaged. ;0A64BC a paradox that the clean energy about 800 grammes of CO2 per sources that will have to be tapped
The raw materials for the battery
have to be mined, and the process of BD??;84A>5 of EVs can come only from dirty
mining. Another metal used
kWh, while renewable sources
like solar panels or wind turbines
- and their carbon footprints - to
power the global fleet of future EVs,
FRQGXFWH[SUHVVHVVLQFHUHUHJUHWVDQGDSRORJLHVDIWHUGHHSUHDOLVD mining, refining and transportation ;8C78D<C74 extensively in EV batteries is emit only 36 grammes. The solu- not to talk about the huge addition-
WLRQRIKLVHYLODFWVWKHQZHVKRXOGIRUJLYHDQGIRUJHWHOVHZHVKRXOG also adds a lot of GHGs. The raw mate- cobalt, of which 70 per cent of the tion thus lies in greening the al investments needed. Disposal of
WDNHVXFKSUHYHQWLYHQRQYLROHQWQRQDJJUHVVLYHVWHSVWKDWGRQRWGRZQ rials include rare earth materials like ²;8C78D< world’s reser ves are in the electricity grid, and there is a long these batteries also poses a threat to
per, cobalt, aluminium, nickel and also CA80=6;4>5 Democratic Republic of Congo -
one the poorest countries in the
way to go for that. Till then,
switching to EVs will only add to
the climate. Though they contain
less toxic waste than other batter-
manganese and graphite. The rare earth
materials are available only in a few
1>;8E80278;4 world and a failed state. Its min-
ing is akin to modern-day slav-
GHGs in our atmosphere.
Emissions will drop only when we
ies and have much longer lives, a
study from Australia found that 98
5HPHPEHU7KHSRZHUWRIRUJLYHFRPHVIURPFRPSDVVLRQZKLFK countries. Lithium, the third element in 0=30A64=C8=0 ery which is not limited to adult make our grids zero-carbon. per cent of them end up in landfills,
the periodic table of elements, is lighter
compared to other elements used in bat- 022>D=CB5>A men and women only – children
as young as four are often forced
At present it is a mix of renew-
able and non-renewable sources,
increasing the chances of landfill
fires that can burn for years; these
in its outermost shell which increases
70;5C74C>C0; to work as slaves to extract cobalt
with nothing other than primitive
and this energy mix used to
recharge EV batteries strongly
are now becoming increasingly
more common.
power flow through the cell. 6;>10; hand-held tools; in fact, they impacts their carbon footprint. For our environment, EVs are
thus not the ultimate solution. The
While Australia is currently the
largest supplier of lithium, the ‘lithium A4B4AE4B grow as slaves into adulthood
while still mining lithium in a
The net negative impact of EVs
today is greater for coal-intensive solution lies in adjusting our
RXUVHOYHV$SHUVRQZKRKDVKDUGHQHGKLVRZQKHDUWDJDLQVWRWKHUV triangle’ of Bolivia, Chile and Argentina never-ending loop through gen- countries like India, China or lifestyles, consumption and mobil-
FDQQRWIHHOHYHQ*RG VIRUJLYHQHVVDQGFRPSDVVLRQ+HQFHLIZHZDQW accounts for half the total global reserves. erations. Scarcity of the rare Poland compared to the ICE cars. ity patterns. Limiting the produc-
WREHIRUJLYHQWKHQZHPXVWEHZLOOLQJWRIRUJLYHILUVWEHFDXVHWKHRQH But it is China that controls 77 per cent (The writer, a former earth elements will limit the EVs will become an attractive tion of new EVs means promoting
ZKRIRUJLYHVILUVWQRWRQO\SURYHVKLVMXVWLFHEXWHVSHFLDOO\SURYHVKLV of the global lithium-ion battery man- Director General at the transition to EVs across the world option only with the gradual alternatives like walking, cycling,
ufacturing capacity and is home to six Office of the unless technology brings a solu- decarbonisation of electricity. Only public transport, carpools shared
ORYH7KDWLVZK\LWLVVDLGWKDW¶$OLIHZHOOOLYHGLV\RXUEHVWUHYHQJH· of the world’s 10 largest manufacturing Comptroller & Auditor tion. There are also geopolitical six countries – China, the USA, vehicles, etc. with the same
6RLQVWHDGRIIRFXVLQJRQ\RXUZRXQGHGIHHOLQJVDQGWKHUHE\JLYLQJ companies. India currently imports all General of India, is cur- issues associated with their Japan, Canada, Norway, and the urgency that we are today show-
WKHSHUVRQZKRFDXVHG\RXSDLQWKHSRZHURYHU\RXOHDUQWRORRN of its lithium from Australia and rently a Professor at the extraction. The alternatives sug- UK – now have EV market shares ing towards EVs. We must employ
IRUWKHORYHEHDXW\DQGNLQGQHVVDURXQG\RX7KLVZLOOPDNHWKHZRUOG Argentina and 70 per cent of its lithium- Arun Jaitley Institute of gested like green hydrogen or bio- above one per cent of the total all the levers, technological and
DEHWWHUSODFHWROLYHLQ ion cell requirements from China. The Financial Management; fuels are equally unviable – 99 per vehicle sales. A Thomson-Reuters non-technological - to shift to sus-
:ULWHULVDVSLULWXDOHGXFDWRU SRSXODUFROXPQLVWIRUSXEOLFD recent discovery of large lithium reserves views expressed cent of the world’s hydrogen is study projects the best scenario tainable mobility and a sustainable
WLRQVDFURVV,QGLD1HSDO 8. in Rajasthan and Jammu may catapult are personal) still produced from fossil fuels that by 2040, half of the vehicles on world.

few weeks ago, a lead- Minister Pratap Singh Macaulay. huge drain on the monetary Pune. The coaching industry's tutions are a bane for society and entrepreneurship among

A ing daily newspaper

carried the account of
increasing suicide cases by
Khachariyawas alleged that
coaching institutes in Kota
were only interested in collect-
All coaching centres in
India should be banned. Here
are seven reasons why.
resources of economically
middle and lower-class fami-
lies who have to educate their
growth is projected to reach Rs
1,33,995 crore by 2028. This is
a colossal waste because this
and the nation at large. The
coaching industry is one such
industry that has inflicted
the students affected by it in
large numbers. Our elite
should put pressure on the
students undertaking coaching ing money. He termed coach- ●They do not serve the children for professional industry is providing no net incalculable harm to the exist- government to promulgate
for competitive examinations ing centres as Mafia and said professed basic purpose of streams. The huge expenditure value addition to our student ing educational institutions laws that will put an end to all
in Kota, Rajasthan, the prime the government would have to coaching for competitive often breaks the back of poor community and society at and has economically bur- coaching centres in the coun-
centre for the coaching indus- take strict action against them. examinations—selection of families who have to run this large. dened the society by creating try.
try in India. The following 1DE<B4760; “When we were children, there best applicants or aspirants. rate race. ● As mentioned above, we unhealthy, morbid competi- Needless to say, the gov-
paragraph is extracted from was no coaching. Were stu- The best students will be ●A limited number of have to gauge the adverse tion which is manifesting itself ernment must establish more
the article Kota: As student sui- dents not becoming IPS then? selected even if there are no seats in professional institu- effect of coaching centres on in such symptoms as suicides professional institutions of
cides soar, ministers blame A mafia has emerged in the coaching centres. In fact, in the tions and a burgeoning student established, formal schools by frustrated students. Our good standard to serve the
coaching ‘mafia’, the burden of name of coaching and the absence of coaching centres population make the compe- and educational institutions. government should realize this needs of the burgeoning pop-
education loans, published in government will have to take selection of the best students tition tougher and tougher They suffer because many of stark truth and come down ulation. Encouraging start-
Times of India on 29th August strict action against it”, will be more genuine because each year. This stresses the their regular teachers neglect heavily on the coaching mafia ups and entrepreneurship in a
2023. Khachariyawas said. it will be based on self-study young aspirants physically and their jobs and perform part- playing havoc with our society. bigger way will also bring
Minister Mahesh Joshi Viewed deeply and analyt- and raw talent. mentally. Many of them, time private tuitions which Our society has traditionally down the enormous competi-
recently said that the burden ically, it has become a net drain ●Coaching centres are unfortunately, failing to cope groom the students to make maintained an economic envi- tion generated due to limited
of educational loans on parents on national resources. It dis- partly the product of a non- with this enormous stress, end them coaching centre-ready. ronment of cooperation, col- seats in academic institutions
was one of the causes of stress torted the already incongruous uniform pattern of education their precious lives. The cur- ●Our industry should be laboration and healthy compe- and limited professional posi-
among the students and the educational system foisted on in the country in which differ- rent market revenue of the productive, creative, innovative tition but these coaching cen- tions in government organiza-
Centre must formulate a pol- (The author is a manage- the country during India’s ent syllabi and text materials coaching industry in India is and progressive for all sections tres have only fostered a fierce- tions. The coaching industry is
icy so that the parents do not ment consultant based in colonial period in the early are prescribed for different Rs 58,088 crore, according to of society. Industries that run ly unhealthy competition outright non-productive and
have to borrow money for edu- New Delhi; views 19th century ( 1835) by the states. Infinium Global Research, a parallel to and are detrimen- which is slowly and surely should be done away with as
cation. Food and Civil Supplies are personal) Britisher Thomas Babington ●Coaching centres are a consultancy firm based in tal to existing established insti- killing the spirit of creativity early as possible.
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?C8 Q D=8C43 =0C8>=B

S President Joe Biden on

isation and economic connection
with its neighbours” which will
bring positive and practical
services to transit to, from, and
between India, the UAE, Saudi
Arabia, Jordan, Israel, and
In a significant milestone
under India’s G20 presidency, the
African Union became a new
the United Nations, starts right
here in this room. In my address
to this body last year, I
U Tuesday highlighted
“g r o u n d b r e a k i n g ”
achievements — including an
The ambitious India-Middle
East-Europe Economic Corridor
Europe, the Memorandum of
Understanding on the Principles
of an India – Middle East –
permanent member of the
grouping of the largest economies
of the world during the summit
announced the United States
will support expanding the
Security Council, increasing the
0?Q ;H8E

ussia launched a massive

economic corridor linking India,
the Middle East and Europe; and
(IMEC) was jointly announced
by the leaders of the US, India,
Europe Economic Corridor said.
In his address from the icon-
in Delhi. It was the first expan-
sion of the influential bloc since
number of permanent and non-
permanent members,” he said.
R drone attack on the western
city of Lviv early Tuesday, dam-
admission of the African Union Saudi Arabia, the United Arab ic UN General Assembly podi- its inception in 1999. Biden underlined that the aging a warehouse facility in a
in the G20 grouping — made at Emirates, France, Germany, Italy um, Biden also referred to the All member countries of the US has undertaken serious con- fiery blaze and killing one man,
the G20 Summit in New Delhi, and the European Union on the admission of the African Union G20 accepted Prime Minister sultation with many member Ukrainian authorities said.
as he addressed world leaders at sidelines of the G20 summit. to the G20 during the summit. Narendra Modi’s proposal to states. “We’ll continue to do our Ukraine intercepted 27 of 30
the high-level UN General The new economic corridor “We strengthened the G20 as bring the key bloc of the Global part to push more reform efforts Shahed drones overnight, the
Assembly session. is seen as an alternative to China’s a vital forum, welcoming the South to the high table of the forward,” he said. Air Force said. But drones that
The annual G20 Leaders’ controversial Belt and Road African Union as a permanent world’s top economies. He said Washington recog- got through air defense systems
Summit was hosted by India Initiative (BRI). member. By upgrading and In his inaugural remarks at nises that to meet the “new chal- sparked an inferno at the indus-
under its presidency from The IMEC is expected to strengthening our institutions, the Summit, Modi had asked the lenges of our decades-old insti- trial storage facility that was not
September 9-10. stimulate economic develop- that’s only half of the picture. We President of the Union of tutions and approaches, they used for military purposes, Gov.
“In groundbreaking effort, ment through enhanced connec- must also forge new partnerships, Comoros and Chairperson of the must be updated to keep peace Maksym Kozytsky said. An
we announced at the G20 to con- tivity and economic integration confront new challenges,” he African Union (AU) Azali with the world”. artillery strike in Kherson in the
nect India to Europe through the between Asia, the Arabian Gulf, said. Referring to the Quad, Assoumani to join other leaders “We have to bring in more south struck a bus, killing a 4\TaVT]RhbTaeXRTbf^aZc^TgcX]VdXbWPUXaTPUcTaPAdbbXP]PccPRZX];eXeDZaPX]T
UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and and Europe. Biden said in the Indo-Pacific, at the high table, making the 55- leadership and capability that police sergeant and wounding ^]CdTbSPh 0VT]RXTb
Israel,” Biden said in his address The IMEC will comprise two “We’ve elevated our Quad part- member bloc the second multi- exists everywhere, especially from two men, said Ihor Klymenko,
to Heads of State and separate corridors, the east cor- nership with India, Japan, nation grouping, after the EU, to regions that have not always Ukraine’s minister of internal has continued to drum up fund- meeting of the Ukraine Defence
Government at the 193-member ridor connecting India to the Australia to deliver concrete be a permanent member of the been fully included. We have to affairs. That strike also set a ing and support for new Contact Group, that the 31 M1
UN General Assembly on the Arabian Gulf and the northern progress for the people of the G20. grapple with the challenges that warehouse on fire. The devel- weapons as the counteroffensive Abrams tanks it promised will
opening day of the General corridor connecting the Arabian region, on everything from vac- Biden also reiterated are more connected and more opments in the war front came Ukraine launched in June soon begin arriving in Ukraine,
Debate. Gulf to Europe. cines to maritime security.” The Washington’s support for reform complex. We have to make sure as Ukrainian President approaches what could be its as was expected. Norway said
He said this would “spur It will include a railway that, Quad comprises Japan, India, of the UN Security Council, we’re delivering for people every- Volodymyr Zelenskyy was in final weeks before wet weather it will donate approximately 50
opportunities” for investment upon completion, will provide a Australia and the United States. with expansion in both perma- where, not just somewhere, New York to address the UN slows progress. Ukraine has tracked cargo carriers to
across two continents. reliable and cost-effective cross- Biden travelled to New Delhi nent and non-permanent mem- everywhere,” Biden said. General Assembly and Security made small advances but no Ukraine. In a statement
“This is part of our effort to border ship-to-rail transit net- to attend the G20 Leaders’ bers. He emphasises that nations Council before going to major breakthroughs. Tuesday, Norwegian Defence
build a more sustainable, integrat- work to supplement existing Summit that culminated in the “Simply put, the 21st centu- have to look for points of com- Washington on Thursday to Meanwhile, US Defence Minister Bjørn Arild Gram said
ed Middle East. It demonstrates maritime and road transport successful adoption by consensus ry results are badly needed to mon ground and make progress meet with lawmakers and Secretary Lloyd Austin said, it would help get supplies to
how Israel has a greater normal- routes – enabling goods and of a joint declaration. move us along. That starts with in the year ahead. President Joe Biden. Zelenskyy while in Germany attending the areas without roads.


0?Q 8BC0=1D;
Turkiye and the UN engineered critical period,” Erdogan said,
T urkish President Recep
Tayyip Erdogan said that he
a deal to allow Ukrainian grain
to be safely shipped from its
Black Sea ports, helping allevi-
according to a text of the meet-
ing published by his office.
“We continue to emphasize
0?Q A0<BC48=08A10B4

efence Secretary Lloyd

from more than 50 nations and
is the main forum for raising
contributions of weapons, other
Speaking before the meet-
ing began, Bill Blair, the
Ukraine, despite growing wor-
ries that public and internation-
al government backing for the
trusts Russia as much he trusts
the West. Explaining his recent
ate a global food crisis.
Moscow pulled out of the
the importance of revitalizing
Turkiye’s EU accession process.”
D Austin urged allied leaders
on Tuesday to “dig deep” and
equipment and training for
Kyiv’s war effort. It meets about
Canadian defence minister, told
reporters that the allies are lis-
war, which is well into its sec-
ond year, may be starting to
0?Q 64=4E0

meeting with Russian President agreement two months ago, Erdogan also indicated provide more air defence sys- once a month, in person and tening to Ukrainian leaders’ wane. former member of
Vladimir Putin, Erdogan said he
had failed to get him to resume
claiming a parallel deal to allow
its exports of foodstuffs and fer-
improving ties with Washington,
which have recently focused on
tems for Ukraine, to help the
country block increasing bar-
virtually, and this is the 15th
gathering.President Volodymyr
descriptions of their military
needs and are discussing “new
Zelenskyy will be in
Washington, DC, later this week
A Belarusian President
Aleksander Lukashenko’s spe-
the Black Sea grain deal the tiliser had not been Ankara’s approval of Sweden’s rages of Russian missiles. But Zelenskyy and other Ukrainian and important ways” to help to meet with President Joe cial security forces was going
Kremlin withdrew from in July honoured.Erdogan is visiting NATO membership application while the allies said they will dis- leaders have repeatedly pushed bolster the ongoing counterof- Biden and congressional lead- on trial on Tuesday in
but had elicited a pledge for New York four months after and a possible deal to supply cuss how they can best help for the longer-distance weapons. fensive.Austin said the 31 M1 ers in a move to shore up sup- Switzerland over the enforced
Russia to supply 1 million tons winning elections that extend- Turkiye with F-16 fighter jets. Ukraine’s counteroffensive, they Proponents have argued that Abrams tanks promised months port for continued American disappearances of political
of grain to Africa. ed his 20-year rule for another “We are pleased with the appeared no closer to commit- Ukrainian forces need to be able ago will soon begin arriving in funding and weapons. The visit opponents in the late 1990s —
“I have no reason not to five years. development of our cooperation ments on the longer-range mis- to strike Russian troops and Ukraine, as has been expected. comes as there is a growing par- seen as a landmark case of
trust them,” Erdogan said dur- His fresh mandate has seen with the US,” Erdogan said. siles that Kyiv’s leaders insist facilities while still staying out A defence official said they tisan divide in Congress over international justice.
ing an interview late Monday signs of an improvement in “We have resolved most of the they need. of range. have arrived in Europe and continued Ukraine funding. Yuri Harauski, a former
with US broadcaster PBS in New Ankara’s often fractious relation- deadlocks during the talks with “Air defence is saving lives,” But the US has continued to will begin crossing the border Republican House Speaker member of a military unit
York, where he is attending the ship with the West. Mr. Biden and we have decided Austin said as he opened the balk, expressing longstanding into Ukraine within the coming Kevin McCarthy has told known as SOBR, exited a tint-
UN General Assembly. at an event on Monday, the to hold more talks in line with meeting of the Ukraine Defence worries that Kyiv could use the days. The official spoke on con- reporters that he wants more aid ed-window van wearing a hood
“To the extent the West is Turkish leader appeared to roll the positive agenda.” Turkiye and Contact Group at Ramstein air weapons to hit deep into dition of anonymity because the for Ukraine to be debated on its as he entered the courthouse in
reliable, Russia is equally reliable. back comments he made imme- Hungary are the only NATO base in Germany. Russian territory and enrage precise location of the tanks is own merits as a standalone bill, the northern city of St. Gallen.
For the last 50 years, we have diately prior to his departure for members not to have approved “So I urge this group to con- Moscow. The Army Tactical sensitive. rather than attaching it to other Activists have said the two-
been waiting at the doorstep of New York, in which he suggest- Sweden’s bid to join the defence tinue to dig deep on ground- Missile System, known as Ukrainian troops began priorities like government fund- day trial marks a pivotal
the EU and, at this moment in ed Turkiye could end its 24-year alliance, which Stockholm made based air defence for Ukraine. ATACMS, could give Ukraine training on similar tanks in ing. But Senate leaders want to moment in international justice
time, I trust Russia just as much bid for European Union mem- following Russia’s invasion of We must continue to push hard the ability to strike Russian tar- June, while the ones arriving combine the aid with other that could trigger prosecutions
as I trust the West.” Ankara has bership.“We see that a window Ukraine. The issue is due to be to provide Ukraine with air- gets from as far away as about soon were being refurbished in priorities, such as a short-term abroad of other Belarusian
maintained close ties with both of opportunity has opened for debated by the Turkish parlia- defence systems and intercep- 180 miles (300 kilometers), but the US. Defence leaders are spending bill that will likely be officials — including
Russia and Ukraine during the the revitalization of Turkiye- ment when it returns from tors.” The group is made up of the US also has other variants of working to continue what they needed to avoid a shutdown at Lukashenko.The court case
19-month war. In July last year, European Union relations in a recess next month. the defense and military leaders the missile that have a shorter say is unbowed support of the end of September. was brought under a rarely
applied legal principle known
as universal jurisdiction, under

µCfddZR4YZ_R^fdeVUXVT]`dVc¶ 8]SXP]^aXVX]Tg_TacY^X]bD:_P]T[
which foreign courts can pros-
ecute severe crimes that hap-
pened in other countries.

Harauski will be tried over
0?Q <>B2>F and interaction on the interna- ing Tibetans and the Uyghur accused NATO and the United the enforced disappearances
tional arena,” Patrushev said. community in Xinjiang, north States of provoking Putin’s of Yuri Zakharenko, a former
senior Kremlin official on He noted that Putin is set of Tibet, the harsh policies that military action. interior minister who was fired
A Tuesday called for closer
policy coordination between
to hold “substantive” talks
with Chinese leader Xi Jinping
have drawn strong criticism
from the West.
Beijing has also proposed
a peace plan that was largely
?C8Q ;>=3>= reviews as a former
Commissioner for the UK’s
vital that the review is compre-
hensive and even-handed and
by Lukashenko in 1996; oppo-
sition leader Viktor Gonchar;
Moscow and B eijing to during next month’s trip to The Kremlin has continu- dismissed by Ukraine’s allies r Samir Shah, an Indian- Commission on Race and that this aim is reflected in the and publisher Anatoly
counter what he described as
Western efforts to contain
Beijing to attend a summit of
the Chinese Belt and Road
ously expressed support for
Beijing as Russia and China
that insist that Moscow must
withdraw its forces from the
D origin race relations
expert has been named on a
Ethnic Disparities. He was
also the former chair of the
panellists we appoint,” he said.
“The diverse panel brings
Krasovsky, said
International, an advocacy

them as he hosted China’s top infrastructure initiative. have grown increasingly close neighbouring country. three-member panel set up by country’s independent race together a wealth of experi- group that has spearheaded the
diplomat for security talks. Patrushev, a longtime while their relations with the Wang arrived in Russia on the UK government to inde- equality think tank, the ence and knowledge, which case.
Nikolai Patrushev, the secre- Putin associate, reaffirmed West deteriorate. Monday on a four-day visit fol- pendently review the unrest Runnymede Trust, for 10 years should result in an honest, The defendant lives in
tar y of Russia’s Security Russia’s “invariable” support Last month, China helped lowing his weekend talks with that took place in the city of and was a member of the frank and productive review,” Switzerland, where he applied
Council chaired by President for Beijing’s policy on issues engineer an expansion of the US President Joe Biden’s Leicester last year as commu- Holocaust Commission. he added. Hilary Pilkington, for asylum in 2018. He has
Vladimir Putin, told Chinese related to Taiwan, the western BRICS partnership, which national security adviser in nity groups clashed in the “Leicester has a proud his- Professor of Sociology at the made high-profile confessions
Foreign Minister Wang Yi that Xinjiang region and Hong invited six more countries to Malta. He began his trip by aftermath of an India-Pakistan tory of diversity, tolerance and University of Manchester and about his involvement in the
Moscow “seeks progressive Kong, which he said “are being join what has been a five- conferring with Russian Asia Cup cricket match in community cohesion, which Fellow of the UK Academy of kidnapping and murder of
development and strengthen- used by the West to discredit nation bloc that includes Foreign Minister Sergey Dubai. Shah, conferred a CBE makes what happened last Social Sciences, whose Lukashenko’s political oppo-
ing of the Russian-Chinese China.” China, Russia, Brazil, India Lavrov. (Commander of the Most year all the more troubling,” research focus covers the study nents in 1999. The motives
relations of comprehensive China claims Taiwan as and South Africa. “The more violent the uni- Excellent Order of the British said Lord Ian Austin, the chair of youth participation, behind the confessions were
partnership and strategic part of its territory and has Beijing has sought to pro- lateral actions of hegemony Empire) honour by the late of the review announced by activism, stigmatisation and not entirely clear. An extract of
cooperation.” conducted increasingly large ject itself as neutral in the and bloc confrontation Queen Elizabeth II in 2019 for the government in May. extremism in the UK, is anoth- the court filing, obtained by
“Amid the campaign military drills in the air and Ukraine conflict, even while it become, the more important services to heritage and televi- “We want to listen to peo- er expert on the panel. They The Associated Press, indicat-
unleashed by the collective waters around the island. has refused to condemn for us to keep up with the sion, will join fellow expert ple in Leicester to understand are joined by Dr Shaaz ed that prosecutors planned to
West that is aimed at the dou- Chinese authorities also have Moscow’s actions and declared times, show a sense of duty as panellists to publish their find- last year’s events, what can be Mahboob, Head of Digital seek a three-year prison sen-
ble containment of Russia and sought to eradicate any possi- last year that it had a “no-lim- great powers, and further ful- ings by next year, the UK learned from them and how Development at NHS England tence — of which two would be
China, it’s particularly impor- bility of unrest in regions that its” friendship with Russia. fil our international obliga- government said on Monday. communities in the city can and Trustee of British Muslims suspended — against Harauski
tant to further deepen are home to sizeable ethnic China has denounced Western tions,” Wang said at the start Shah, in his 70s, has expe- work together to prevent prob- for Secular Democracy for 10 for his alleged role in the dis-
Russian-Chinese coordination and religious groups, includ- sanctions against Moscow, and of Monday’s talks with Lavrov. rience conducting such lems in future. It is, therefore, years until 2018. appearances.


@_]Z_VDRWVej 6^^V[TQaX]VbXcb08RWPcQ^c³1PaS´ W`cTVdRjdZe
Colombo (PTI): The Sri Lankan
0?Q =4FH>A: case in a quarter century, the US
Justice Department is alleging
e`c``e`fe Baghdad (AP): The Iraqi
pre s i d e nt a n n ou n c e d
civilians and military and
security headquarters,” he
government gazetted the Online
Safety Bill on Tuesday, drawing G oogle is introducing Bard, its
artificially intelligent chat-
Google has created its lucrative
search monopoly by abusing its SRUT`ad Tuesday that he will sum-
mon Turkiye’s ambassador
said. Rashid belongs to the
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
criticism from the Opposition, bot, to other members of its dig- power to stifle competition and London: London’s police force and hand him a formal let- (PUK) party, which has its
who labelled it harmful to the ital family — including Gmail, innovation. Google contends it says that over 1,000 officers are ter of protest over recent main seat of power in
freedom of expression guaran- Maps and YouTube — as it dominates search because its currently suspended or on Turkish airstrikes on Iraqi Sulaymaniyah. There was no
teed in the Constitution. seeks ward off competitive algorithms produce the best restricted duties as the depart- territory. The official protest immediate comment from
Gazetted by the Minister of threats posed by similar technol- results. It also argues it faces a ment steps up efforts to root came a day after an airstrike Turkiye.
Public Security, the bill aims to ogy run by Open AI and wide variety of competition that out bad cops following a on a military airport in The targeted airport had
establish the Online Safety Microsoft. is becoming more intense with scathing report that found it Arbat, southeast of the city recently undergone rehabilita-
Commission, make provisions to Bard’s expanded capabilities the rise of AI.Giving Bard access was institutionally racist, of Sulaymaniyah in northern tion to facilitate the training of
prohibit online communication announced Tuesday will be pro- human reviewers from seeing Microsoft 365 suite that includes to a trove of personal informa- homophobic and misogynistic. Ir a q’s s e m i - autonomous anti-terror units affiliated with
of certain statements of fact in Sri vided through an English-only the potentially sensitive informa- its Word, Excel and Outlook tion and other popular services Deputy Assistant Kurdish region. the PUK, one of the two
Lanka and prevent the use of extension that will enable users tion that Bard gets from Gmail applications. ChatGPT prompt- such as Gmail, Google Maps and Commissioner Stuart Cundy Three members of the often-competing main par-
online accounts and inauthentic to allow the chatbot to mine or Drive, while also promising ed Google to release Bard broad- YouTube, in theory, will make said it will take years for the region’s counterterrorism ties in the region. Bafel
online accounts for restricted information embedded in their that the data won’t used as part ly in March and then start test- them even more helpful and Metropolitan Police Service to force died and three of the Talabani, the party’s leader, in
purposes. It also makes provi- Gmail accounts as well as pull of the main way the Mountain ing the use of more conversation- prod more people to rely in get rid of officers who have Kurdish Peshmerga forces an official statement on
sions to identify and declare directions from Google Maps View, California, company al AI within its own search them. Google, for instance, posits breached standards or weren’t were wounded, according to Monday labelled the Turkish
online locations used for prohib- and find helpful videos on makes money — selling ads tai- results in May. that Bard could help a user properly vetted before they local officials. “Day after day, attack as part of a series of
ited purposes in the island YouTube. The extension will lored to people’s interests. The decision to feed Bard planning a group trip to the were hired, with about 60 offi- systematic military attacks on “conspiracies” aimed at jeop-
nation, suppress the financing, also open a door for Bard to fetch The expansion is the latest more digital juice in the midst of Grand Canyon by getting dates cers facing disciplinary hear- Iraqi territory, specifically in ardising Kurdistan’s security.
and other support of communi- travel information from Google development in an escalating AI a high-profile trial that could that would work for everyone, ings each month. (the Kurdish) region, are esca- He urged the federal govern-
cation. The Opposition leader, Flights and extract information battle triggered by the popular- eventually hobble the ubiquitous spell out different flight and “This is going to take one, lating without military or ment to “uphold its constitu-
Sajith said the new bill aims to from documents stored on ity of OpenAI’s ChatGPT chat- Google search engine that pro- hotel options, provide direc- two or more years to root out security justification,” Iraqi tional and national duties” in
curb the people’s right to create Google Drive. bot and Microsoft’s push to pels the USD 1.7 trillion empire tions from Maps and present an those who are corrupt,” Cundy President Abdul Latif Rashid safeguarding Iraq’s territory
social platforms for organising Google is promising to pro- infuse similar technology in its of its corporate parent, Alphabet array of informative videos from said in a statement released on said in a statement. The and airspace, specifically in
themselves. tect users’ privacy by prohibiting Bing search engine and its Inc. In the biggest US antitrust YouTube. Tuesday. AP “aggression targeted innocent the Kurdish region.
=4F34;78kF43=4B30H kB4?C4<14A!!!" f^a[S(
0?Q F0B78=6C>= er and his formerly detained troops boarding and guarding Iranians in US custody and for allegedly unlawfully exporting time when Iran poses a growing
father, Baquer, who had been commercial ships in the Strait of the deal over the frozen Iranian laboratory equipment to Iran. threat to American troops and
mericans detained for years earlier released by Iran. “It’s Hormuz, through which 20 per assets owed by South Korea. The The USD 5.9 billion in cash Mideast allies. That could have
A in Iran arrived home
Tuesday, tearfully hugged their
The former prisoners later
cent of all oil shipments pass.
After the plane slowed to a
Biden administration said the
five freed Iranians pose no threat
released to Iran represents
money South Korea owed Iran
implications in his re-election
campaign.Former President
loved ones and declared posed for a group photograph stop in Doha, three of the pris- to US national security. — but had not yet paid — for oil Donald Trump, currently the
“Freedom!” after being let go as with their families, calling out: oners — Siamak Namazi, Emad Two of the imprisoned purchased before the US lead Republican challenger in
part of a politically risky deal that “Freedom!” Sharghi and Morad Tahbaz — Americans’ family members, imposed sanctions on such that race, called it an “absolute-
saw President Joe Biden agree to The successful negotiations emerged. Effie Namazi and Vida Tahbaz, transactions in 2019. The US ly ridiculous” deal on the Truth
the release of nearly USD 6 bil- for the Americans’ freedom They hugged the US ambas- who had been under travel bans maintains that, once in Qatar, the Social social media site. Senate
lion in frozen Iranian assets. The brought Biden profuse thanks sador to Qatar, Timmy Davis, in Iran, also were on the plane. money will be held in restricted Minority Leader Mitch
prisoners landed at Fort Belvoir, from their families but heat and others. The three then threw Iranian Foreign Ministry accounts to be used only for McConnell accused Biden of
Virginia, with clapping and from Republican presidential their arms over one another’s spokesman Nasser Kanaani said humanitarian goods, such as “rewarding and incentivising
cheers heard in the predawn rivals and other opponents for shoulders and walked off toward two of the Iranian prisoners will medicine and food. Those trans- Tehran’s bad behaviour.”Biden
hours. Siamak Namazi, the first the monetary arrangement with the airport. In a statement issued stay in the US Meanwhile, Nour actions are currently allowed held what the White House
off the jet, paused for a moment, one of America’s top adver- on his behalf, Namazi said: “I News, a website believed to be under American sanctions tar- described as an emotional phone
closed his eyes and took a deep saries. “Today, five innocent would not be free today, if it was- close to Iran’s security apparatus, geting the Islamic Republic over call with the families of the
breath before leaving the plane. Americans who were impris- n’t for all of you who didn’t allow said two of the Iranian prison- its advancing nuclear program. freed Americans after their
Loved ones, some holding small oned in Iran are finally coming the world to forget me.” “Thank ers were in Doha for the swap. Iranian government offi- release.In his statement, Biden
American flags, enveloped them home,” the Democratic president you for being my voice when I Nour News identified the cials have largely concurred, demanded more information
in hugs and exchanged greetings said in a statement released as the in the direction of a humanitar- Tehran’s nuclear programme could not speak for myself and two in Doha as: Mehrdad Ansari, though some hard-liners have on what happened to Bob
in English and Farsi, the main plane carrying the group from ian action between us and and other matters. Iran says the for making sure I was heard an Iranian sentenced by the US insisted, without evidence, that Levinson, an American who
language of Iran. Tehran landed in Doha, Qatar, America.” “It can definitely help program is peaceful, but it now when I mustered the strength to to 63 months in prison in 2021 there would be no restrictions on went missing years ago. The
“The nightmare is finally on Monday. in building trust,” Raisi told enriches uranium closer than scream from behind the impen- for obtaining equipment that how Tehran spends the money. Biden administration also
over,” Namazi’s brother, Babak, Iran’s hard-line President journalists. ever to weapons-grade levels. etrable walls of Evin Prison,” he could be used in missiles, elec- The deal has already opened announced fresh sanctions on
said at the airport. Ebrahim Raisi, on hand for the However, tensions are The prisoner release unfold- said. The United States did not tronic warfare, nuclear weapons Biden to fresh criticism from former Iranian President
“We haven’t had this United Nations General almost certain to remain high ed amid a major American mil- immediately identify the other and other military gear, and Republicans and others who say Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and
moment is over eight years,” he Assembly in New York, suggest- between the US and Iran, which itary buildup in the Persian two freed Americans. All were Reza Sarhangpour Kafrani, an the administration is helping the Iranian Ministry of
added, his arm around his broth- ed the exchange could be “a step are locked in disputes over Gulf, with the possibility of US released in exchange for five Iranian charged in 2021 over boost the Iranian economy at a Intelligence.

F\cRZ_VW`c:>7Wf_UZ_X lion deal with the IMF towards Foreign Minister Dmytro claims of providing any ammu-
0?Q 34A=0;81H0 trations since 2014. Both are
0?Q 8B;0<0103 the end of June to avoid Kuleba had rejected similar nition to Ukraine insisting the backed by international patrons
default. reports that Islamabad was country maintained a “policy he prime minister of Libyan’s and armed militias whose influ-

S ecret Pakistani arms sales to

the US to be used by
Pakistan has struggled to
maintain a balance in ties with
supplying arms to Ukraine to
support its military during the
of strict neutrality”.
An official, however, had
T eastern administration said
on Tuesday that authorities have
ence in the country has bal-
looned since a NATO-backed
Ukraine helped cash-strapped the Kremlin and Washington ongoing conflict with Russia, said if a third party supplied divided the flood-stricken city of Arab Spring uprising toppled
Islamabad secure a crucial since the Russia-Ukraine cri- according to Dawn. weapons purchased from Derna into four sections to cre- autocratic ruler Moammar
IMF bailout earlier this year, a sis began earlier last year. He had clarified that the Pakistan to another country, it ate buffers in case of disease out- Gadhafi in 2011.Both authorities
report cited internal Pakistani “ The IMF Standby two nations had no deal for the was their responsibility. breaks, a day after thousands of have deployed humanitarian
and American government Arrangement for Pakistan was supply of arms and ammuni- The revelation is a window angry protesters demanded the teams to the city but have strug-
documents as confirming. The successfully negotiated tion. into the kind of behind-the- city’s rapid reconstruction. Last gled to respond to the large-scale
arms sales were made for the between Pakistan and the IMF Former foreign minister scenes manoeuvring between week, two dams collapsed dur- disaster. The recovery operation,
purpose of supplying the to implement difficult but Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari had financial and political elites ing Mediterranean storm Daniel, with help from international
Ukrainian military — marking essential economic reforms. also expressed similar views, that rarely are exposed to the sending a wall of water gushing teams, has been poorly coordi-
Pakistani involvement in a Giving any other colour to maintaining that Pakistan had public, even as the public pays through Derna. Government nated, and residents say aid dis-
conflict it had faced US pres- these negotiations is disingen- not signed any agreement with the price, the Intercept report officials and aid agencies have Nations warned that a disease Moneim al-Gaithi, said his tribution has been uneven.
sure to take sides on, the uous,” Dawn News quoted Ukraine for military supplies said. The Russia-Ukraine cri- given death tolls ranging from outbreak could create “a second home was set on fire by protest- Conflicting death tolls and
Intercept, an online investiga- Baloch as saying. since the war began. sis began last year when about 4,000 to 11,000.“Now the devastating crisis”. ers. Public prosecutors opened statistics have been released by
tive website has reported. Baloch said Pakistan main- An earlier report had also President Vladimir Putin affected areas are completely iso- Libyan protesters gathered an investigation on Saturday various official bodies.
Pakistan’s Foreign Office tained a policy of “strict neu- claimed Pakistan set up a ordered the latter’s invasion on lated, the armed forces and the in central Derna on Monday in into the collapse of the two Libya’s Red Crescent has
Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra trality” in the dispute between defence trading firm in February 24. government have begun creat- the first mass demonstration dams, built in the 1970s, as well said at least 11,300 people have
Baloch on Monday, however, the two countries and did not Warsaw to smoothen the In July, the IMF trans- ing a buffer out of fear of the since the flood. Outside the city’s as the allocation of mainte- been killed and an additional
rejected as “baseless and fab- provide them any arms or process of arms supplies to ferred USD 1.2 billion to cash- spread of diseases or epidemics,” al-Shabana mosque thousands nance funds for them. That 10,000 are missing. After earli-
ricated” the American non- ammunition in that context. Ukraine. In April in an inter- strapped Pakistan, part of the Prime Minister Ossama Hamad called for a rapid investigation same day al-Gaithi was suspend- er reporting the same death toll,
profit news organisation’s “Pakistan’s defence exports view with BBC, a Ukrainian USD 3 billion bailout pro- said in a telephone interview into the disaster, the urgent ed pending the investigation. the UN Office for the
report, saying that the cash- are always accompanied by commander had talked about gramme for nine months to with Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya reconstruction of the city and Many of the city’s residents see Coordination of Humanitarian
strapped country provided strict end-user requirements,” receiving rockets from other support the government’s TV. No further details were other demands. politicians as the architects of the Affairs is now citing far lower
arms to the US to get its sup- she said. During a visit to countries including Pakistan. efforts to stabilise the country’s given. On Monday evening, the crisis. The country has been numbers, about 4,000 people
port to clinch the USD 3 bil- Pakistan in July, Ukra-inian But officials strongly reject ailing economy. On Monday, the United former mayor of the city, Abdel- divided between rival adminis- killed and 9,000 missing.

µA5>dRgVUT`f_ecjWc`^UVWRf]eacVgV_eVUC"!!! ]ecaVec`]acZTV¶ Pdc^f^aZTabX]<XRWXVP]
WASHINGTON (AP): Former already focused on the 2024
?C8Q ;07>A4;>=3>= caretaker government took over in Defending the PML-N decision to President Donald Trump will election against President Joe
August.Sharif told senior PML-N lead- form the 16-month government after travel to the battleground state of Biden as he maintains a wide lead
akistan’s former prime minister ers, including Maryam Nawaz, Hamza sending Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Michigan next week to meet with against his GOP rivals in prima-
P Nawaz Sharif has said that he is
“excited” to return to his country on
Shehbaz, Ahsan Iqbal, Pervaiz Rashid,
Khurram Dastgir, Marriyum Aurangzeb,
leader Imran Khan home through a no-
confidence motion in April last year,
striking autoworkers instead of
participating in the second
ry polls. In recent days, he has
been leaning hard into the strike,
October 21, ending a four-year “self- Azma Bokhari and Rana Sanaullah, Sharif claimed that had the PML-N-led Republican presidential debate, a painting himself as sympathetic
imposed exile” and to lead his party in that he was “excited and happy” to return Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) person familiar with his plans to the workers and accusing
the upcoming elections. Addressing an to the country.Lashing out at the mili- not saved the country from default, per said Monday. Trump, who also Biden of trying to destroy the car
online meeting of Pakistan Muslim tary and judicial establishment of 2017, litre petrol price would have been Rs skipped the first debate last industry by expanding electric
League-Nawaz (PML-N) ticket holders the PML-N supremo said the people 1,000. month, has signal led that he is cars and green energy policies.
from London on Monday, the PML-N should know who the real culprits for “We put at risk our political capital
supreme leader also said that the price their agony were.“The man (Nawaz) who to save the country from default. In fact,
of petrol, which is currently hovering rid the country of power load shedding we paid the price of saving Pakistan from
around Rs 330 per litre, would have been was sent home by four judges,” Sharif, 73, default. However, I can give in writing
Rs 1,000 per litre had the coalition gov- said in his emotional speech, adding that that in elections we will win,” Sharif
ernment led by PML-N not “saved” the the former army chief General (retd) claimed, recalling that in 2017, when he
country from default, Dawn News Qamar Javed Bajwa and ex-Inter- was in power, it was not the case. He said
reported.Amid double-digit inflation, Services Intelligence (ISI) chief General cheap flour, ghee and sugar were avail-
Pakistan’s caretaker government last (retd) Faiz Hamid were behind his able then while the poor today were
week effected yet another hike in the ouster.“(Former) chief justices Saqib receiving heavy electricity bills and did
prices of petrol and diesel taking them Nisar and Asif Saeed Khosa were tools not know how to pay them.
to a historic high — over Rs 330 per litre of [the former army chief and his spy In July, the IMF transferred USD 1.2
— prompting immediate protests and a chief]. Their crime is bigger than a mur- billion to cash-strapped Pakistan, part of
legal challenge too. der offence. Giving them pardons will be the USD 3 billion bailout programme for
The fuel price hike comes on the an injustice to the nation. They don’t nine months to support the government’s
heels of a 27.4 per cent increase in the deserve pardon,” Sharif said, vowing to efforts to stabilise the country’s ailing
rate of inflation in August, putting an hold them accountable.“These ‘charac- economy.
unbearable burden on the masses, as ters’ who unleashed economic misery on Pakistan’s economy has been in a free
petrol is used by all private and public the people of Pakistan will have to face fall mode for the last many years, bring-
service vehicles. Petrol and diesel have accountability,” the PML-N supreme ing untold pressure on the poor masses
become costlier by 20 per cent since the leader pledged. in the form of unchecked inflation.

?C8Q 14898=6 Jens Eskelund, the EU in China this year, with the top promising and dynamic, and the
Chamber’s president said, in a reason being uncertainty about fundamentals of long-term
oreign companies operating letter that accompanied the the US-China trade relationship, development have not changed,”
F in China say tensions with
Washington over technology,
Eskelund said that pre-
followed by expectations of
slower growth in China, it said.
said the spokesperson, Mao
trade and other issues and dictability and reliability had Overall, the survey showed “The outstanding advan-
uncertainty over Chinese poli- been undermined by “erratic sentiment worsened from last tages of a super-sized market
cies are damaging the business policy shifts,” hurting confi- year, when companies were and a complete industrial system
environment and causing some dence in China’s growth embroiled in disruptions from have also remained unchanged,”
to reassess their plans for invest- prospects. “zero-COVID” policies that she said. While 52 per cent of
ing in the giant market. The “At the top of a growing list caused parts of entire cities, those surveyed by AmCham
results of surveys released of questions about the Chinese transport networks and travel to Shanghai said they were opti-
Tuesday by the American market is, what kind of relation- be shut down, sometimes for mistic about their five-year busi-
Chamber of Commerce in ship does China want to have weeks at a time. ness outlook in China, that was
Shanghai and by the European with foreign enterprises?” he Such disruptions were a the lowest figure since the group
Union Chamber of Commerce said. major “push factor” that compa- began the annual survey in
in China largely concurred in The Shanghai AmCham’s nies cited in expanding their 1999. Nearly nine in 10 compa-
appealing for greater certainty survey showed a continued operations outside China, the nies said rising costs were a big
and clarity over China’s stance downgrading of China’s impor- survey showed. Asked about the challenge.
toward foreign businesses. tance as an overseas destination survey, a Foreign Ministry Intensifying competition
“For decades, European for investment, even though spokesperson said that Beijing has also been worsened by poli-
companies thrived in China, two-thirds of the 325 companies has recently taken measures to cies that favour local companies
benefitting from a stable and responding said they had no attract foreign investment and over foreign ones and courts that
efficient business environment. immediate plans to change their that China welcomes foreign tend to favor Chinese companies
However, after the turbulent China strategy. companies to invest and oper- in decisions on protection of
past three years, many have Just over one in five of the ate in China. intellectual property such as
reevaluated their basic assump- companies surveyed said they “What I can tell you is that patents and trademarks, the
tions about the Chinese market,” were decreasing their investment China’s economy is resilient, chamber said.
=4F34;78kF43=4B30H kB4?C4<14A!!!" \^]Th 

?C8Q =4F34;78 scheme is doing well in sectors
?C8Q =4F34;78 another hurdle in the race
toward a sustainable future,"
he noted.

he government may soon

such as electronics, pharma,
medical devices, telecom, food
Son ociety of Manufacturers of
Electric Vehicles (SMEV)
Tuesday urged the gov-
Inconsistent tax policies
across states are not merely
T tweak the production-
linked incentive scheme for
processing, and white goods.
The government is trying
ernment to formulate a uni-
fied policy of road tax exemp-
confusing; they are crippling
the EV movement in its
pharmaceuticals, drones and to sort out issues such as tion for Electric Vehicles tracks, Kaul stated.
textiles sectors to encourage timely processing of claims, (EVs) across the country. "What India needs now is
investment and boost manu- visa-related matters where In a letter to the Union a unified, favourable frame-
facturing, an official said. vendors require Chinese pro- Road Transpor t and work that supercharges our
These sectors have been fessionals' expertise, and delay Highways Minister Nitin transition to electric mobili-
identified after inter-minister- in getting environmental Gadkari, SMEV said a con- reduce the subsidy compo- ping point that deters would- ty. A centralised advisory
ial consultations on the per- clearances that have been sistent and favourable policy nent mid-way through the be buyers," he said. from your esteemed office
formance of the scheme for raised by certain stakeholders environment is essential to FAME II scheme, this input The patchwork of road can cut through the noise and
various products. of PLI schemes. accelerate the shift towards (unified policy of road tax tax policies across states is a set the stage for widespread
The official also said that The purpose of the scheme electric mobility in India. exemption for EVs) from the roadblock to the EV revolu- adoption of this ground-
disbursement of production- an outlay of Rs 1.97 lakh crore. drones and drone components is to attract investments in key "I am writing to request government would become tion, Kaul said. breaking technology," he
linked incentives (PLI) for "We have identified the is Rs 120 crore spread over sectors and cutting-edge tech- your esteemed office to weigh even more relevant and crit- While some states like added.
white goods (AC and LED sectors. We are going to send three financial years. nology; ensure efficiency and in on a unified policy of road ical, he stated. Uttar Pradesh and Punjab By issuing a nationwide
lights) would start this month the combined note to seek A senior official of the bring economies of size and tax exemption for EVs that Road tax and registration have already waived road tax advisory that advocates for a
and that would push the approval of the Union Cabinet. commerce and industry min- scale in the manufacturing will play a pivotal role in fees aren't just bureaucratic and registration fees, others uniform policy on road tax
amount of disbursement, The changes include extending istry had earlier stated that sector; and make Indian com- encouraging the adoption of formalities; they're pivotal lag woefully behind, he wrote. exemptions for EVs, the gov-
which was only Rs 2,900 crore some time (for pharma sector) some course corrections or panies and manufacturers glob- clean and sustainable trans- factors influencing the rise or "This uneven playing ernment has a unique oppor-
till March 2023. and adding some additional tweaking were needed in PLI ally competitive. portation options, which is fall of EVs, Kaul said. field doesn't just sow confu- tunity to drive India into a
The scheme was products in some sectors. schemes that were not doing These schemes for all 14 vital for our nation's envi- "These fees can act as sion; it actively discourages cleaner, greener future, he
announced in 2021 for 14 sec- "In textiles, we are expand- well. sectors have been notified by ronmental and economic either a carrot or a stick, eager EV adopters, stalling the said.
tors such as telecommunica- ing the definition of certain PLI schemes for sectors the concerned ministries/ future," SMEV Chief nudging consumers toward momentum of a market ready Kaul has been tasked
tions, white goods, textiles, other products in the technical which are not picking up well departments after due approval. Evangelist Sanjay Kaul wrote. greener choices or pushing to shift into high gear. with helping the EV sector
manufacturing of medical textiles segment; in drones, we include high-efficiency solar These schemes are in various In July, SMEV had them back into the arms of "Even more dishearten- tide over the crisis faced since
devices, automobiles, speciali- are increasing the amount," PV modules, advanced chem- stages of implementation. named Kaul as its Chief traditional gas-guzzlers. EVs ing are states like Andhra last year with almost all
ty steel, food products, high- the government official, who istry cell (ACC) batteries, tex- The government is expect- Evangelist to help revise the often carry a heftier price tag Pradesh and Telangana, who OEMs in the sector dealing
efficiency solar PV modules, did not wish to be named said. tile products and speciality ed to disburse about Rs 13,000 association's agenda. due to their advanced battery once enticed buyers with tax with issues of non-compliance
advanced chemistry cell bat- The total amount allocat- steel. crore to eligible firms seeking In view of the Ministry of systems, so these extra breaks only to backtrack and with policy details of the
tery, drones and pharma with ed for the PLI scheme for On the other hand, the benefits under the schemes. Heavy Industries' decision to upfront costs can be the tip- impose taxes, adding yet FAME II scheme.

³F^aZX]V^]dbX]V08c^aTSdRT BcPUUbW^acPVTPc3620ST[PhbXbbdP]RT^U_X[^c[XRT]RTb
_T]ST]Rh^UR^]bd\TaRPbTb´ T
?C8Q =4F34;78 As many as 7 out of these 9
posts were created in August
he Directorate General of 2022," Captain SS Panesar, Ex-
Civil Aviation (DGCA) is Director of Flight Safety and
?C8Q =4F34;78 taking at least a couple of Training at Indian Airlines,
months to issue licences to said.
he Consumer Affairs trained pilots as the regulator According to him, in the
T Ministry on Tuesday said it
is working on using artificial
is grappling with the shortage
of staff at key positions, accord-
absence of recruitment rules,
the feeder cadre, -- directors
intelligence (AI) to reduce the ing to sources. from legal, airworthiness, oper-
pendency of cases in various After training, individuals ations, flying training aircraft
consumer courts in the coun- need to obtain a Commercial and engineering, among other
try. Pilot Licence (CPL) to be eli- departments, could not be pro-
The ministry also said the gible to fly commercial flights. moted.
National Consumer Dispute Sources in the civil avia- "This has also resulted in
Redressal Commission tion ministry said that at pre- a roadblock in the career pro-
(NCDRC) has successfully sent, a pilot has to wait for a gression of all group A officers
resolved 854 cases during couple of months to get his or in DGCA and in future, will
August, the highest disposal in the National, State and This achievement under- her licence and the pendency severely impact the aviation
rate in the current year. District Consumer scores the NCDRC's unwaver- time is likely to go up in the retirement or promotions of and air safety areas. However, also have to get a licence from industry. The ministry imme-
This was possible due to Commissions," it added. ing commitment to safeguard- coming months. the employees are also lying no advertisement for filling the DGCA to fly drones. diately needs to fill all these
proactive steps taken by the The case filed in the ing consumer rights and ensur- "The Directorate of vacant," the source said. the posts in the operations Aviation experts, who are technical positions with com-
NCDRC, streamlined process- Consumer Commissions will ing prompt redressal of griev- Training and Licensing (DTL), When contacted, DGCA cadre at the entry level for assis- aware of the issue, said that the petent and highly skilled pro-
es and advanced technology be analysed through AI and ances, the ministry said. under the Operations Director General Vikram Dev tant directors that deal with the pendency time in issuing fessionals," he said.
like E-daakhil, which helped will generate the summary of Even the regular monitor- Department which deals with Dutt did not offer any com- licensing process has been licences to pilots might go up The operations depart-
resolve cases faster than ever the case and many more ing of consumer cases by the licensing, has a total of 129 ment on the issues. issued, the source added. as the operations department ment, which deals with drone
before, it added. actions will be done through AI ministry and holding various sanctioned posts of assistant However, a senior official The sources at the min- under DTL is under the licensing too, has crucial posi-
"In furtherance of keeping in resolving the case, the state- one-day regional workshops directors. Of those, 92 posts or on the condition of anonymi- istry said that institutes which restructuring process due to tions such as Deputy Director
the same momentum of dis- ment said. in Guwahati and Chandigarh almost 72 per cent of the total ty said that the hiring process provide training for drone fly- which the files are moving General (DDG), Director
posal of cases, the Department According to the ministry, helped expedite the process. strength are lying vacant," one is tedious and time-consuming, ing have to get a licence from among DGCA, the ministry Operations and Deputy
has made filing of cases NCDRC has significantly The ministry also con- of the sources said. and that is the reason for the the DGCA. Over a dozen such and the Department of Director Operations remaining
through E-daakhil in consumer improved the disposal of con- ducted sector-specific brain- Till July 2022, the DGCA delay in filling crucial posts. institutes have applied for Personnel and Training vacant for more than a year.
commissions compulsory and sumer cases in the commission storming sessions on insurance had only 72 sanctioned posts of As per the DGCA's own licences but their applications (DoPT). "There is pendency in all
soon going to launch the fea- in 2023. NCDRC and the and real estate to reduce the assistant directors. In August 'Standard of Service', after due are lying for approval for a con- "So far as I know, even the these services due to lack of
ture of VC (video conference) Department of Consumer pendency in the consumer 2022, the ministry created 57 process, a CPL has to be issued siderable amount of time, they higher positions such as the officials," one of the sources
on E-daakhil," the ministry Affairs successfully resolved commissions. new posts and the sanctioned within three days. added. post of Deputy Director said.
said in a statement. 854 consumer cases in August, State-specific meetings in strength rose to 129 positions. Further, the source said the "Companies that sell Generals (DDGs) are also fac- The sources also claimed
As the scope of artificial whereas the filing of cases dur- various states like Jharkhand, "However, DGCA has regulator published an adver- drones to trained pilots have to ing severe shortage as the that even Air Traffic
intelligence is increasing rapid- ing the same period was 455, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, failed to initiate any process to tisement through the Union obtain a UIN (Unique DGCA initiated new recruit- Controllers Licensing and
ly, the ministry is "also work- making it the highest disposal Rajasthan, Bihar, Maharashtra fill the 57 newly created posts. Public Service Commission Identification Number) from ment rules last year for these Aerodrome Licensing process-
ing on using the AI facilities in rate of 188 per cent this year, it and Kerala were also held, the As many as 35 old posts out of (PSC) for filling entry-level the DGCA for each drone. posts. "Out of total 18 DDGs es are also moving at a snail's
reducing the pendency of cases said. statement added. the 72 that fell vacant due to posts in airworthiness, legal Similarly, trained drone pilots posts at DGCA, 9 are vacant. pace.


]Q^TQd_biaeQ\Ydi ?C8Q =4F34;78 piped to household kitchens
for cooking and used to gen-
now decided on a monthly
basis. For September, the price
The price for gas from
la. But the government
changed the formula and put New Delhi: CADD Centre's Job

^_b]cV_bc_\TUbgYbUc T
he price of natural gas erate electricity and make fer- came to USD 8.60 per mmBtu difficult fields was cut to USD a cap to keep inflation under Pakka Fair 2023 held at Greater
produced from difficult tilisers. but because of the cap, the 12.12 per mmBtu for a month check. Noida Institute of Technology
areas like KG-D6 of Reliance Two different formulas producers would get only period, beginning April 1 Rates of CNG and piped drew over 13,000 registrations
Industries is likely to be cut by govern rates paid for gas pro- USD 6.5. from a record USD 12.46 ear- gas for kitchens had risen by and welcoming more than 5,000
?C8Q =4F34;78 about 14 per cent from next duced from legacy or old Brent crude oil has aver- lier. 70 per cent because of the pre- eager participants.
month in line with softening fields of national oil compa- aged around USD 94 per bar- The global spurt in ener- vious gas price hike. The fair aimed to link stu-
he government has issued energy prices, sources said. nies like Oil and Natural Gas rel this month but rates will gy prices after Russia's inva- The ceiling price covers dents, fresh graduates, and pro-
T mandatory quality norms
for solder wires, used in elec-
For the six-month peri-
od starting October 1, the
Corporation (ONGC) and
Oil India Ltd (OIL), and for
continue to be capped at USD
6.5. Sources said the price for
sion of Ukraine has led to
rates of locally-produced gas
the cost of production of pro-
ducers while protecting con-
fessionals with over 3,800 job
openings spanning engineering
tronics and engineering indus- price of gas from deepsea newer fields lying in difficult- difficult area gas continues to climbing to record levels - sumers, particularly CNG and non-technical sectors.
try, to curb the import of sub- and high-pressure, high-tem- to-tap areas, such as deepsea. be governed by the old for- USD 8.57 per million British users, kitchens using piped The inauguration witnessed
standard goods and boost perature (HPTP) areas is like- Rates are fixed on April mula that takes one-year aver- thermal unit for gas from cooking gas and fertiliser the esteemed presence of Sushri
domestic manufacturing of ly to be cut to around USD 1 and October 1 each year. age of international LNG legacy or old fields and USD plants which had grappled Akriti, Civil Judge from Greater
these goods. 10.4 per million British ther- In April this year, the for- prices and rates at some glob- 12.46 per mmBtu for gas with soaring input costs. Noida, and Rohit Pandey, Head of
A notification in this mal unit from the current mula governing legacy fields al gas hubs with a lag of one from difficult fields between India is aiming to Training & Placement at GNIOT.
regard was issued by the USD 12.12, they said. was changed and indexed to quarter. October 2022 and March become a gas-based economy This event, India's largest talent
Department for Promotion of mount importance as any fail- The government bi- 10 per cent of the prevailing International prices had 2023. with the share of natural gas search, provided a robust platform
Industry and Internal Trade ure will impact quality and annually fixes prices of the Brent crude oil price. The rate fallen in the reference period On April 1, prices of gas in its primary energy mix tar- for diverse fields, attracting major
(DPIIT) on September 18. safety of the products sol- locally-produced natural gas was however capped at USD of July 2022 to June 2023 and from legacy fields were slated geted to rise to 15 per cent by companies like Tech Mahindra,
Items under Flux Cored dered particularly in electron- -- which is converted into 6.5 per mmBtu. so it will translate into lower to climb to USD 10.7 per 2030 from the existing level of Adroit, and Decathlon in search
Solder Wire (Quality Control) ic and automobile industry. CNG for use in automobiles, Rates for legacy fields are prices for difficult fields, they mmBtu using the old formu- around 6.3 per cent. of the right candidates.
Order, 2023 cannot be pro- "The implementation of
duced, sold, traded, imported the Quality Control Order
and stocked unless they bear
the Bureau of Indian Standards
(QCO) for this product is cru-
cial not only for the safety of 6^^V[Tc^X]cTVaPcT1PaSfXcW^cWTa 9,7$38QLYHUVLW\3,
(BIS) mark. consumers, but will also
These orders will come improve the manufacturing
into force with effect from six quality standards in the coun-
months from the date of pub- try and curb imports of sub- ?=BQ 0<0A0E0C8
lication of this notification, the standard products into India," ?C8Q =4F34;78 information from your Gmail, 7H34A0103
DPIIT said on Tuesday. it added. Docs and Drive so you can
Soldering is a critical Till now, BIS certification
process where quality of flux
cored solder wire is of para-
rules were not applicable on
these products.
Sto earch engine Google has
said it is opening up access
AI-powered chatbot Bard
find, summarise and answer
questions across your person-
al content. Your Google
A Memorandum of
Underst anding
(MoU) was signed
while integrating it with Google Workspace data won't be used between the VIT-AP
apps such as Maps, Docs and to train Bard's public model University and the PI
Drive and offering results in and you can disable it any Datacenters on
more languages and countries. time," the company said. September 15th dur-
Touted as Google's answer Google said it is making ing the opening cere-
to open-source GenAI plat- these features available in mony of the company's
form ChatGPT, Google said English and will be bringing it new headquarters in Secretary - ITE&C and Dept. of
Bard is now available in lan- to other languages soon. Hyderabad's Financial District. Industries & Commerce, Govt.
guages and countries world- Bard will also be able to Kalyan Muppaneni, the of Telangana, Ms. Rebekah
wide. Users can collaborate on develop creative strategies, for- founder and CEO of Pi Drame - U.S. Consulate
creative projects, start in one to find, summarise and answer by pulling in information from mulate points of view, create Datacenters, and Dr. S. V. Kota General (Acting), Hyderabad,
language and continue in up to questions across personal con- the Google apps and services. programs that are case-insen- Reddy, Vice Chancellor of VIT- Gareth Wynn Owen, British
over 40 languages and coun- tent. These extensions are enabled sitive (where it does not mat- AP University, both signed the Deputy High Commissioner
tries. Google is also integrating by default, and you can disable ter if the text is capital or MOU. Telangana & A.P., and Dr.
Bard will be able to inter- real-time info from Maps, them any time, Google said. small), create interview ques- The MOU was signed in Ameet Chavan, Director of
act with information from YouTube, Hotels and Flights - "With permission, you tions with talking points, and the presence of Sri Jayesh IIEC VIT-AP
Gmail, Docs and Google Drive expanding Bard's capabilities can enable Bard to interact with so on. Ranjan, IAS-Principal University.
=4F34;78kF43=4B30H kB4?C4<14A!!!"

0?■ <D=827 approach the game with a lot of Benjamin Pavard, Ryan
intensity." Gravenberch, Lucas
arry Kane's Bayern Early starts are common Hernandez, Josip Stanisic and

H Munich host
Manchester United on
Wednesday, kick-starting their
for Bayern in the Champions
League. The six-time winners
have won their opening match
to a lesser extent Marcel
Sabitzer and Sadio Mane could
come back to haunt the side
campaign in the competition for the past 19 seasons. once the games start coming
which matters most to them Bayern will however need to thick and fast.
this season. see the match through without
Despite domestic domi- Tuchel, who saw red as his side F0AH>5D=8C43
nance which has seen Bayern was eliminated by eventual Bayern and Man United
win the past 11 Bundesliga champions Man City last season. are two of the most successful
titles, the club judges itself on Tuchel will watch from the clubs in football history and
its performances in the stands, with his assistant Zsolt have a strong rivalry of their
Champions League. Low taking the reins. own, headlined by the Red
Since winning in Lisbon Typically firey, Tuchel has Devils' remarkable last-minute
in 2020, Bayern have been pointed much of his scorn at victory in the 1999 Champions
eliminated at the quarter-final his own club this season, par- League final.
stage of the Champions ticularly after Bayern failed to They have however started
League for three straight years. sign a defensive midfielder. the year in contrasting fashion.
These early eliminations Bayern had tried -- the club While only goal difference
led to the exits of former brought Fulham's Joao is keeping Bayern from the top
managers Hansi Flick and Palhinha to Munich on dead- of the Bundesliga after an
Julian Nagelsmann. line day and had the Portugal unbeaten start, United have
Current Bayern boss star taking pictures in club stumbled out of the blocks
Thomas Tuchel, who took shirts on deadline day -- but the this season.
over from a sacked deal broke down and the mid- Despite a strong opening
Nagelsmann who had won fielder flew back to London. season under former Bayern
eight from eight in the Despite netting Kane, Serie second-division coach Erik ten
Champions League, is aware A defender of the year Kim Hag, United have lost three of
that making it at least to the Min-Jae and a host of other five league games this season
semis is considered par for the useful additions, Tuchel hit and sit in the bottom half of the
course in Munich. out at the club, calling the club table.
While this understanding <8;;8>=A40B>=B German Cups finding their decision to leave England be Kane has shown few dif- Champions League match for "gutsy" for giving him such a Kane however said Bayern
is not new for Bayern or Bayern broke their trans- way to Munich more often seen as an unqualified success. ficulties adjusting to life in Bayern -- and first against "thin" squad. should be wary, saying on
indeed any of the handful of fer record to lure Kane from than not, Kane's move to The England captain said Germany, having scored four Premier League opposition "We will see if it's enough Monday "I know Manchester
modern superclubs where Tottenham in the summer, Bayern has clearly boosted his as much when unveiled in goals in his first four league since arriving in Munich. for the club's targets this sea- United are having a difficult
domestic success is assured, paying 100 million euros chances of capturing that elu- Munich, explaining "I want to matches. The striker told Germany's son." time at the moment, but some-
the big money addition of ($108 million) for the 30- sive first trophy. play for the Champions Kane said on Monday he Sports Illustrated that he "wants While squad complaints times teams like that are dan-
Kane makes winning now a year-old England captain. But only by winning the League title, that's why I came was looking forward to "some- to get the supporters behind us are a sport of their own for gerous because they're looking
necessity. With Bundesliga titles and Champions League will his to Bayern." thing special" in his first as early as possible and modern managers, letting go of to come back in a big way."

0?■ <03A83 Bellingham, 20, is set to Bellingham adds to the However with Mbappe's
make his 'second' debut for Los tougher core Madrid sport contract due to expire at the

Jinude Bellingham scored for

Real Madrid on his debut, and
four of the five matches
Blancos against Union Berlin on
Wednesday at the Santiago
Bernabeu, in the competition
this season, shorn of Ballon
d'Or winner Karim Benzema,
who departed for a new
end of the season it would
have been a big and potential-
ly unnecessary investment for
which have followed, in a superb they value above all others. adventure in Saudi Arabian Madrid, which they thought
start to life in the Spanish capi- The record 14-time football in the summer. better of.
tal for the former Birmingham European champions were Facing a Bundesliga side Bellingham's goals were
boy. thrashed 4-0 by Manchester in Europe, Bellingham should the final nail in that coffin as
The England midfielder has City in the second leg of last sea- feel comfortable -- although it he showed he can make the
five goals in five games in La son's semi-final, 5-1 on aggre- has become clear that he has difference in the opposition
Liga, taking the Spanish top gate, with Bellingham's pur- already made himself at home. box in the attacking position

AXRTaTPShU^aUXabccPbcT flight by storm after his 103 mil-

lion euro ($110 million) move
from Borussia Dortmund this
chase in part a response to that
stinging defeat.
Madrid have started reduc-
Bellingham's goals have
replaced Benzema's -- he has
played more like the French
Ancelotti has created for him.
Perhaps Mbappe will
arrive next summer, and per-

summer. ing minutes for their veteran forward than Les Bleus icon haps a new coach will change
Real Madrid boast a 100 players in midfield -- Luka Zidane since joining the club. B ellingham's role once
percent record from their open- Modric and Toni Kroos -- while Real Madrid were linked Ancelotti takes over the
ing raft of domestic games, but allowing Bellingham, Eduardo with Paris Saint-Germain strik- Brazilian national team, but in
0?■ ;>=3>= Champions League anthem their season begins in earnest Camavinga, Aurelien er Kylian Mbappe this summer, the short term, the current set
booms out before kick-off. with the start of the Champions Tchouameni and Fede Valverde who has made it clear he was up has suited coach and play-
ikel Arteta expects Declan But he will finally be able to League this week. more opportunities. keen on joining Los Blancos. er just fine.
M Rice to play a pivotal role tick that off his bucket list on

3XY^QRUQde^TUb`bU`QbUT 7dSb^]>S^XbPeTb5^aTbcUa^\STUTPc
in Arsenal's return to the Wednesday.
Champions League as the "I'm so excited for that. I've
England midfielder prepares to said for many years now that I've
make his debut in the tourna- wanted to play in the
ment against PSV Eindhoven on
The Gunners are back in the
Champions League for the first
Champions League," Rice said.
"I've wanted to push myself
at the biggest level. This oppor-
tunity at Arsenal has arisen. It's
9^TYQ%!Y^1cYQ^7Q]Uc 0?■ =>CC8=670<

allum Hudson-Odoi's
had claimed all three points
when Lyle Foster found the net
13 minutes from time.
time since 2016/17, giving Rice
his first taste of Europe's elite
a great club."
Rice has already made his
?C8Q 70=6I7>D defenders in their ranks, didn't
have enough co-ordination
effect as the Indians didn't
have the legs to last beyond
C stunning strike salvaged a
1-1 draw for Nottingham
But a VAR check ruled
Sander Berge had handled
club competition after his close- mark in continental action, cap- severely-fatigued and amongst themselves. They the first hour. And, once the Forest as Burnley were denied before teeing up the South
season move from West Ham.
Arteta splashed out £100
taining West Ham to their first
major trophy since 1980 last sea-
A under-prepared Indian
team got a rude reality check
looked jet-lagged, not rested
enough and there was no way
second goal was scored due to
Sandesh Jhingan's poor antic-
a first Premier League win of
the season on Monday.
Foster's frustration was
million ($124 million) on the son when they won the Europa with hosts China out-muscling that there could have been a mir- ipation, the f loodgates Zeki Amdouni scored the then compounded in stop-
midfielder precisely for occa- Conference League. them 5-1 in an opening group acle. opened. only goal when the sides met page time when he was
sions such as PSV's visit to the He has made his mark for league encounter of the Asian The gulf in class and qual- Jhingan was also respon- in the League Cup last month shown a red card in stoppage
Emirates Stadium in Arsenal's England as well, featuring as the Games football competition ity was evident and most of sible for another goal when he and the Swiss international put time for lashing out at Ryan
opening Group B fixture. fulcrum of Gareth Southgate's here on Tuesday. the Chinese attacks happened had a brain fade and wanted Vincent Kompany's men in winger showed what he is Yates.
Arteta believes Rice's astute midfield in their run to the Giao Tianyi (17th min), from India's wide left (China's to dribble his team past the front four minutes before half- capable of to level on the hour The 10 men held on to at
reading of the game and unflap- European Championship final Dai Weijun (51st min), Tao right flank) side, which was danger in his own penalty box time. mark with a curling effort least register Burnley's first
pable demeanour strengthens in 2021 and impressing at last Qianglong (72nd and 75th being manned by Sumit Rathi. and committed harakiri. Hudson-Odoi's career has that clipped the inside of the point back in the Premier
his team. And the Arsenal boss year's World Cup. minute) and Hao Fang (90+2) It became a free-ride for the A lot of players suffered drifted since he broke into the post on its way into the top League.
said his new signing can also be Despite their lengthy scored for the hosts, while Rahul Chinese attackers. from cramps due to humidi- England team as a teenager. corner. A draw is enough to edge
a regular goal threat. absence from the Champions KP's (45+1 minute) equaliser Also, the humidity and ty and, obviously, not having But the former Chelsea Burnley still thought they Forest up to eighth.
"For sure and when you see League, the Gunners are from an acute angle was possi- lack of training time had its enough time to warm-up.
the technical ability that he has expected to progress from a rel- bly the best strike of the match.
and how he executed it in this atively undemanding group It was heartening to see a

moment, his range when he's featuring Sevilla and Lens as third-string team holding the
shooting from range, his accu- well as PSV. title contenders on an even keel
racy, the power that he generates But Rice knows he must use during the first 45 minutes,
with no space, with both legs, he Arsenal's opening group fixtures which saw Indian custodian
can do it with both feet. He's got to show he can dominate at the Gurmeet Singh Chahal valiant- ?C8■ 14=60;DAD and Uzbekistan. Pool B con- Games and we performed well The team includes goal- Singh, while the attack will be
the timing to arrive in the box." highest level, with his sights ly save a spot-kick taken by rival sists of Korea, Malaysia, China, at the recently concluded keepers PR Sreejesh and led by Abhishek, Gurjant
Along with helping Arsenal already set on inspiring his side captain Zhu Chenjie. he Indian men's hockey Oman, Thailand, and Asian Champions Trophy Krishan Pathak. Varun Kumar, Singh, Mandeep Singh,
challenge for the title -- the north
Londoners are two points
to a maiden Champions League
India now need to beat
Bangladesh and Myanmar in
T team will look to extend its
impressive run at the Asian
The top two teams from
Chennai, so the goal is to
maintain that level of perfor-
Amit Rohidas, Jarmanpreet
Singh, Harmanpreet Singh,
Sukhjeet Singh, and Lalit
Kumar Upadhyay.
behind leaders Manchester City "At the end of the day you their remaining two games to Games in Hangzhou begin- each Pool will qualify for the mance," said Harmanpreet and Sanjay are the defenders "We have had some tough
after Sunday's 1-0 win at Everton get one career, and I want to be qualify for the second round. ning September 23. semifinals. before the Indian team left for selected for the Asian Games. practice sessions in the lead-
-- Rice will be firmly in the spot- as successful as I can with Myanmar beat Bangladesh 4-2 India will begin their cam- Harmanpreet Singh will Hangzhou. "We have some The midfield will be up to the tournament and
light in the Champions League. Arsenal, make as many in another game in this group. paign against Uzbekistan on lead the team once again, with tough opponents in our Pool, anchored by Nilakanta everyone in camp is focused,
Having played his entire Champions League appearances Having reached the Games September 24. India are placed Hardik serving as his deputy. but we are confident in our Sharma, Hardik Singh, working towards the same
career with West Ham until this as possible and hopefully one Village late on Monday evening, in Pool A, alongside Pakistan, "The team has been rigor- preparation and hope to fin- Manpreet Singh, Vivek Sagar goal," vice-captain Hardik
season, he has never experienced day get my hands on that tro- the third-string Indian team, Japan, Bangladesh, Singapore, ously preparing for the Asian ish on the podium." Prasad, Sumit, and Shamsher said.
the thrill of lining up while the phy," he said. with not even four specialist

0?■ <03A83 Asked by a reporter if she
was happy to be included in the
woman squad on Monday for
upcoming Nations League
but many players want more
wide-ranging improvements
ix Spain players arrived at a squad, goalkeeper Misa qualifiers including 20 players and structural changes.
Madrid hotel to join their
national team camp
Rodriguez replied "no" on her
arrival to the hotel.
who said they were striking
until further changes were
As many as 39 players are
on strike against the RFEF but
?C8■ 274==08 Prraneeth Vuppala and Femil
Chelladurai, along with coach-
on Tuesday, five of whom are The striking players issued made in the RFEF after the kiss they were told by the govern-
currently striking over changes
they want made in the Spanish
a statement on Monday in
which they reiterated their
scandal which rocked Spanish
ment early Tuesday that those
who did not attend the team's
a major setback, five young
chess players will miss
FIDE World Junior Chess
es Pravind Thipsay M and Kiran
"Despite the best efforts
football federation (RFEF). wish not to be called up, but Disgraced former federa- camps when called up would Championship in Mexico City from the Indian government, we
Spain's women's World acknowledged legal conse- tion president Luis Rubiales have to be punished. from September 22 to October could not get the visas arranged,"
Cup final-winning goalscorer quences which may force them forcibly kissed midfielder Jenni Hermoso was not named 2 due to visa issues. FIDE advisory board chairman
Olga Carmona and four others to attend. Hermoso on the lips after in the squad by Tome in order Just days before their sched- Bharat Singh Chauhan said.
presented themselves, along The Spanish government Spain won the World Cup in to "protect" her, the new coach, uled departure, the five players, "It's a huge setback for the
with Athenea del Castillo, who said early on Tuesday that Sydney on August 20, provok- Vilda's former assistant, said funded by the government, and Indian contingent. It is not good
is not on strike, while other players who do not attend ing worldwide outrage. Monday. two coaches did not get their news for the players involved,
players are expected to join up would have to be punished Rubiales eventually "Protect me from what? visas on time. who will now be missing out on
later for the camp in Oliva under the country's sports law. resigned three weeks after the And from whom?" Hermoso The affected players are a great international exposure.
according to Spanish media New Spain coach Montse incident and controversial posted on X, formerly Twitter, Vrashank Chouhan, Arun They were also medal con-
reports. Tome named a surprise 23- coach Jorge Vilda was sacked, early Tuesday. Kataria, Bhagyashree Patil, tenders.
=4F34;78kF43=4B30H kB4?C4<14A!!!"
b_^ac !

?C8■ =4F34;78

easoned off-spinner R
Ashwin on Monday made FXcW0bWfX][PRZ^UVP\TcX\T
a comeback to the Indian
ODI team for the three-match
series against Australia and will
be competing for a potential
World Cup berth with
Washington Sundar if Axar ?C8■ =4F34;78
Patel doesn't get fit in time for
the global event. avichandran Ashwin finds
Senior players including
skipper Rohit Sharma, senior
R himself in contention for
a World Cup spot despite lack
batter Virat Kohli, all-rounder of game time but it doesn't
Hardik Pandya and in-form concern skipper Rohit
spinner Kuldeep Yadav were Sharma one bit.
rested from the first two games, The 37-year-old Ashwin,
giving them a chance to get who last played an ODI in
mentally fresh for the mega January 2022, was picked for
event. the upcoming three ODIs
K L Rahul will lead the side against Australia alongside
in the first two games against Washington Sundar. Both the
Australia before Rohit returns to off-spinners will be fighting
lead a full strength squad in the for that potential World Cup and although no comparison rhythm," said the skipper.
third and final ODI ahead of the spot if Axar Patel doesn't get there but there is still some Rest given to senior play-
World Cup beginning October fit in time for the global event cricket there, and it gives us ers in the first two ODIs will
5. The squad for the third game beginning October 5. chance to look at how he is provide opportunity for fringe
is effectively the 15 picked for "With the kind of experi- bowling," he said. players like Tilak Varma and
World Cup and Ashwin and ence Ashwin has, close to 100 The selectors have rested Ruturaj Gaikwad.
Washington. Tests (94), close to 150 ODIs in-form Kuldeep Yadav for "Our endeavour is to
Ashwin, who last played an and call we will make it once we was asked why Ashwin was not who could only play two games Squad for the first two (113) and yes it is all in the the first two ODIs. give everyone a chance. If we
ODI back in January 2022 in know that but it leaves us with part of the Asia Cup squad if he in the Asia Cup due to a back ODIs: KL Rahul (captain), past but he has been consis- Asked if that was done to only play 11 through the
South Africa, could be a last option to check these guys if they was in the scheme of things. The spasm, is also available for all Ravindra Jadeja (vice-captain), tently playing Test cricket keep an element of surprise in year, then you can't create
minute addition to the World need to go that way," Agarkar India skipper responded by say- three ODIs. Ruturaj Gaikwad, Shubman Gill, and with guys like Ashwin the World Cup, Rohit said, bench strength. You can see
Cup side if Axar doesn't get fit told the media during a virtual ing that a proven performer like "He got through his batting Shreyas Iyer, Suryakumar Yadav, having game time is not so "Kuldeep is a wrist spinner that some other teams are
before the September 28 dead- session. Ashwin can be straightaway programme fine and at the Tilak Varma, Ishan Kishan much of a concern," said and needs rhythm but we also facing injury problems
line set by the International "If the need arises, we will drafted into the team if the need moment, he is fit. We hope that (wicketkeeper), Shardul Thakur, Rohit after the squad was deliberated that his bowling because it also involves lot of
Cricket Council. look at that way but I don't arises. he gets through all these three Washington Sundar, R Ashwin, announced for Australia form is great and as Ajit travelling and we have to
Axar had sustained a think there is any need to Ashwin, who was sidelined games," said Agarkar. Jasprit Bumrah, Mohd. Shami, series beginning September (chief selector) said we need- play 11 matches and criss-
quadriceps tear during the speculate right now because we from the India ODI set up fol- The first ODI will be played Mohd. Siraj, Prasidh Krishna. 22. ed to give some of the players cross the country," Rohit
recently held Asia Cup in Sri are hoping that Axar is fit," he lowing the Champions 2017 in Mohali on September 22, sec- Squad for third ODI: Rohit "...With guys like him, it's chance as they played only said when asked about trav-
Lanka and missed the final added. Trophy, made a recall to the side ond in Indore on September 24 Sharma (captain), Hardik all in the head, more than one match in Asia Cup and elling involved over the
against Sri Lanka on Sunday. When the Ajit Agarkar- in January last year for the ODI and third in Rajkot on Pandya, (vice-captain), body and the stuff. We made are there in WC squad and we course of the World Cup.
Chief selector Ajit Agarkar led selection panel had picked series in South Africa. He made September 27. Shubman Gill, Virat Kohli, the decision speaking to him needed to check them as "So, we will have a lot of
said both Ashwin and the 15-man squad for the his comeback after four and a Following that, India will Shreyas Iyer, Suryakumar Yadav, and understanding where he well. travelling and a lot of match-
Washington are in contention World Cup at home earlier half years only to be sidelined their two World Cup warm-up KL Rahul (wicketkeeper), Ishan is at with regards to his body "Kuldeep, we have seen es. We want to make sure that
for the replacement slot if Axar this month, questions over again. games against England and Kishan (wicketkeeper), Ravindra and stuff like that. for last 18 months and we did- some of the guys sitting out
doesn't recover in time. non selection of an off-spin- Ashwin's T20 career has Netherlands on September 30 Jadeja, Shardul Thakur, Axar "It's not like he is not play- n't want to expose him. He have enough confidence by
"There are couple of guys ner were raised with some of also had a similar trajectory with and October 3 in Guwahati Patel (subject to fitness), ing any cricket. Yes, he hasn't will be playing in the last playing a few games and not
anyways, him and Washington. the opposition side's top order the 37-year-old being left out of and Trivandrum before play- Washington Sundar, Kuldeep played the format but he has match and the best decision like suddenly they are thrown
Look basically, what is being having multiple left-handers. the team following the World ing their tournament opener Yadav, R Ashwin, Jasprit been playing Test cricket in to see him is in 3rd match. We in. Eventually players need to
made known to us about Axar's After the squad announce- Cup in Australia last year. against Australia in Chennai Bumrah, Mohd. Shami, West Indies, and if I am not have two practice games and be ready and anyone can be
injury is that he should be okay ment on Monday, captain Rohit Injury-prone Shreyas Iyer, on October 8. Mohammed Siraj. wrong, played TNPL as well he will be back in bowling called at any time.

?C8■ 274==08
Af[RcR uperstar Rajinikanth will
dfdaV_UVU S 'grace' next month's ICC
World Cup as a "distinguished

W`c`_VXR^V Tuesday,
guest," the BCCI said on
while extending him
the Golden Ticket that allows
RWeVcDfddVi unhindered access during the
multi-country tournament.
U`T\VU"# BCCI Honorary Secretary
Jay Shah presented the Golden
Ticket to the top star, BCCI said
?C8■ 7>E4 on its X handle, sharing a photo
of the two.
ndia international "The Phenomenon Beyond
Cheteshwar Pujara has been
from one county
Cinema! The BCCI Honorary
Secretary @JayShah presented
game after his team Sussex the golden ticket to Shri grace the @ICC @cricket- finalists-England and New
was docked 12 points in the @rajinikanth, the true embod- worldcup 2023 as our distin- Zealand- facing off in the inau-
County Championship due to iment of charisma and cinemat- guished guest and will light up gural tie.
a code of conduct breach dur- ic brilliance. The legendary actor the biggest cricketing specta- The golden tickets are a pro-
ing the match against has left an indelible mark on the cle with his presence. motional strategy used by the
Leicestershire. hearts of millions, transcending #GoldenTicket," BCCI added. BCCI for the showpiece event it
Pujara received an auto- language and culture," it said. The marquee tournament is hosting, with the recipients
matic suspension after the club "We are thrilled to will kick off in Ahmedabad on granted VIP treatment during
reached the threshold of four announce that Thalaiva will October 5, with the 2019 edition World Cup matches.
fixed penalties in the same sea-

son and won't be available for
this week's game against
Derbyshire, according to a

report in ESPN Cricinfo.
Sussex have also made the
decision to stand down three
players - Jack Carson, Tom
Haines and Ari Karvelas - for 0?■ ;>=3>=
behaviour that in the words of
head coach, Paul Farbrace, "tar- inland's reward for beating the
nished" the dramatic 15-run
win over Leicestershire last
F United States of America and
Croatia to reach the knockout stage
week, the website reported. of the Davis Cup is a quarterfinal
"We have made Jack and match against defending champion
Tom unavailable for selection Canada.
for this game at Derbyshire," Finland has never reached this
Farbrace said. "Following the stage before in the top team event in
umpires and match referee's men's tennis.
decision to charge both players The draw for the Final 8 was
with on-field level one and made on Tuesday. Serbia will play
level two offences, we needed to Britain, the Czech Republic will meet
take a stance, and show them Australia and Italy will take on the
we will not condone such Netherlands in the other matches in
behaviours. the quarterfinals.

?C8■ 3D108 during the 2021 edition of The third Indian, who is disrupted. The ICC was
Emirates T10 League. indulged in corrupt activities, is appointed by the ECB as the
he International Cricket The two Indians were co- a little-known batting coach Designated Anti-Corruption
T Council (ICC) has charged
eight people, including players,
owners of the team Pune Devils
and one of their players in that
named Sunny Dhillon.
"The charges relate to the
Official (DACO) for the pur-
poses of the ECB's Code for
officials and a couple of Indian edition, former Bangladesh Test 2021 Abu Dhabi T10 Cricket this tournament and as such
team owners, Parag Sanghvi batter Nasir Hossain has also League and attempts to cor- are issuing these charges on
and Krishan Kumar Chaudhary been charged for breach of rupt matches in that tourna- the ECB's behalf," ICC said in
on different counts of corruption league's anti-corruption code. ment - these attempts were a statement.


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