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Good friends /ɡʊd frendz/

Honey, do you want to read a book?

Look at the picture, baby!
1. How many children are there?
=> Let’s count: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. There are 6 children.
2. What are they doing?
=> They are taking a photo.
3. They are good friends. Let’s see what
they are doing together.
Good friends talk to each other /tɔːk/ /tuː/ /iːtʃ/ /ˈʌðər/

1. What can you see in the picture?

2. I can see a bus, trees, the sun, bus stop sign,
a can of lemon juice, a lollipop, a blue bag, a
star shape…
3. What’s the weather like?
4. It’s sunny!
Good friends listen to each other
/ˈlɪs.ən/ /tuː/ /iːtʃ/ /ˈʌðər/

1. How’s the weather?

- Yes, it’s cloudy.
2. What do you like to do on the cloudy days?
– I like to hang out with my friends.
3. Can you see a blue cap?
- Here is a blue cap. He is wearing his cap.
Good friends play together
/pleɪ/ /təˈɡeð.ər/

1. What’s the weather like? - It’s windy

2. What is she doing? - She is flying a kite.
3. Do you like to fly a kite? - Yes, I do.
4.She is kicking, and he is catching. He has
catch gloves like yours!
Good friends lend things
/lend/ /θɪŋz/

1. What can you see in the picture? I can see an

umbrella, boots, a hat, a mailbox, a door…
2. What’s the weather like? – It’s rainy.
3. What do you like to do on the rainy days?
- I like to play in the rain.
- Really? If you play in the rain, you can be sick.
Good friends share things
/ʃer/ /θɪŋz/

1. How many trees can you see? – Let’s count: 1, 2, 3

2. What’s the weather like? – It’s hot.
3. What do you like to do on the hot days? – I like
to swim.
4. Do you like to eat ice cream on the hot days? –
Yes, I do
Good friends help each other
/help/ /iːtʃ/ /ˈʌðər/

1. Can you see ice skates in the picture?

– Yes, I can
2. Why are they wearing their scarfs and gloves?
- Because it’s cold.
3. Nina is helping Chip to stand up.
Good friends give presents
/ɡɪv/ /ˈprez.ənts/

1. Today is Joy’s birthday, right?

2. What can you see in the picture? – I can see chairs, hats,
presents, cups, 6 children.
3. What else can you see? - I see a snowman outside. He is
wearing his hat and scarf.
4. What’s the weather like? – It’s snowy.
5. Have you ever seen the snow falling? - I have never seen
before, Mom
Good friends care /ker/

1. Can you see a picture on the wall?

2. Daisy is sick, right? She is tired, so she needs to stay in bed.
3. Look, Nina visits Daisy with a bunch of beautiful flowers.
4. What’s the weather like? – It’s stormy.
5. Can you see flash are there?
6. Because it’s stormy, Nina needs to bring her umbrella
Thank you for watching!

- Phan Vân -

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