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1 The doctor told me to take a pill.

My teacher said can you open the door?

2 The teacher asked me to open the door.

My brother said Don´t use your phone in class.

3. My brother told me to don´t use my cellphone in class

My partner said “pass me the book”

4. My partner asked me to pass her the book.


My mother told me to order my room

When I was in the University, my best friend asked me to my recycle

plastics and paper that I had already used, but I thought that it wasn
´t necessary. She posted in your Facebook and other social
networks about the recycle and she said, “take care our world”, also,
she said “Recycle and use less water”. One day she went to my
house and she thought similar to my mother and when I was taking
a shower for thirty minutes, my mother said “Stop take a shower”,
then my mom told me to use less water, but I didn´t care. One year
later, I traveled to Africa with my Friends. I saw how in this country
didn´t have water. It was really too sad. One child asked me to give
him some water and food. Then, other man asked me to give him
money. In this moment, I understand importance to take care our
planet. Now, I said “use less water”, “recycle”.

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