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| L TRANSPORT SYSTEM Transport systems in plants and animals refer to the movement of metabolic materials from various parts of the organisms where they are produced or obtained to the parts where they are either used, stored or removed from the body. Importance Of Diffusion and Osmosis to Transport System. In lower or unicellular organisms such as Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena and Chlamydomonas, the surface area to volume ratio is large. As a result, essential nutrients like food, oxygen and water as well as excretory products e.g. water, carbon dioxide e.t.c move In and out of the body by diffusion. Therefore, diffusion alone is an adequate means of exchange of materials in small animals because the surface area to volume (SA/V) ratio is great. MECHANISMS OF TRANPORTATION IN HIGHER ANIMALS In higher animals, like mammals, the blood is made to circulate round the body by the pumping action of the heart through the blood vessels like arteries, veins and capillaries. Capillary bed of lung where ae exchange occurs Pulmonary —tungs arteries —— Pulmonary veins Btood tow in Os, Bicod high in 03. high in CO; tow in COz systemic Systemic arteries Capillary bedof all body tissues where ges exchange occures Venutes arterioles Mammals exhibit double circulation. In double circulation, the blood passes through the heart twice everytime it makes one complete movement round the body, There are two different circulations. These are: 1. Pulmonary circulatlon: During the pulmonary circulation, blood is taken from the heart to the lungs through the pulmonary artery and taken 1 - back to the heart through the pulmonary vein. The role of this circulation is to oxygenate the blood and remove carbon dioxide from ‘the blood in the lungs. . Systemic circulation: This circulation takes the blood (oxygenated blood) from the heart to all parts of the body through the arteries and send the blood back to the heart through the veins. The role of this circulation is to transport products of digestion, oxygen, water, hormones and other substances to all parts of the body and collect excretory products like water, urea, carbon dioxide, mineral salts e.t.c from the cells of the body to organs that will excrete them. MECHANISMS OF TRANPORTATION IN PLANTS. In multicellular plants like flowering plants, the gases are mainly absorbed through the stomata in the leaves and lenticels in the stem while mineral salts and water are absorbed through the root system. Inside the plants, gases move by diffusion. They dissolve in the water of the moist cells before entering the cells. Water, mineral salts and soluble food are transported in the vascular tissues of the plant. The vascular tissues of plant are made up of network of long tubes called vascular bundles. A vascular bundle consist Mainly of the xylem and the phloem tissues. But in the roots and stems of dicotyledonous plants, a layer called cambium exists between the xylem and the phloem tissues. Hence the vascular bundles are found in the roots, stems and leaves of flowering plants. leaves make food. Water and mineral salts move up the plant through the } water-carrying tubes. Food moves to the other parts of the plant through the food-carrying tubes. Woter and mineral salts are absorbed by the roots. a L IMPORTANCE OF TRANPORT SYSTEM The need for transportation in living organisms include: 1. Transport is necessary for every cell of the organism to obtain all essential materials for it's metabolism e.g. nutrients, oxygen, water e.t.c. 2. It is necessary to remove and dispose metabolic wastes e.g carbon dioxide, water, urea e.t.c 3. In plants, transport is necessary to move mineral salts and water from the roots to the stems and leaves. 4. Transport is also required to move hormones in plants and animals from where they are produced to the area of need. 5. Glucose from the leaves and storage organs are some of the substances being regularly transported in plants. MATERIALS FOR TRANSPORT IN ANIMALS. Materials that are transported in animals include: 1. Oxygen. 7. Antibodies 2. Carbon dioxide. 8. Mineral salts 3. Urea 9. Fatty acids & Glycerol 4 Water. 10. Hormones 5. Amino acids. 11. Excess salt 6. Vitamins MATERIALS FOR TRANSPORT IN PLANTS Materials that are transported in plants include: 1. MANUFACTURED FOOD: Manufactured food Is transported from the leaves mainly to all living cells of the body for tissue respiration or for storage In storage organs. 2. EXCRETORY PRODUCTS: Excretory products, e.g. carbon dioxide and water are transported from all the living cells to where they are excreted. 3. WATER: Water absorbed from the soil is transported to the leaves and other parts of the plant for photosynthesis and other functions. Other materials transported by plants are: 4. Oxygen 5. Nitrogenous waste products/latex 6. Amino acids 7. Glucose 8. Lipids 9. Auxins or hormones 10, Mineral salts, ASSIGNMENT 1. Make a well labelled diagram of the structures of Artery, Veins and Vascular bundles. 2. Write short notes on each of the diagrams.

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