1st and Second Conditional

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lingua house csi crit] First and second conditional Lesson code: DL7B-7EAB-8RR8-H INTERMEDIATE + HE] Presentation @ \When we tak about possible or hypothetical stuatons with If... we can use a first conditional or second conditional structure, Study te table below. Structure Examples and use First conditional According tothe weather forecast, it might rain tonight 1100. 1 (= 1 wily Iitrains, ri stay at home. instead of wit, we can use |¥©4S2the fist conditional when there is areal possibilty that horace te, can, | Something wl appen inthe future ‘might, may, must, should, |i | don't cal you tonight, you can eall m. Will you walt for me if | am late? Second conditional Atthe moment, ts raining. lit was sunny, F' go out 11 id. Pd (= | would). | We use the second conditional when we imagine a situation or when there is very litle or no possibilty that something wil happen. Instead of would, we can | What would you do il you found alot of money inthe street? se could or might, Wit wasn’t dark outside, we could go out Things to remember ‘We donot use wll or would inthe iittala rin, 1 stay at home. ‘The iparof the sentence can go at the beginning rat the end Witrains, stay at home Ul stay atom i rans, par of a conditional sentence: ‘Inthe second conditional we use it + past (| dd, if did't, et.) but the meaning isnot past. n this, ‘ype of structure, the past tense refers to an imaginary or hypothetical situation, such as finding a lot of ‘money in the street: \What would you a i you found a lot of money in the street? ‘Ina first conditional sentence, we can use when instead off for things that we are sure wil happen: When she comes, I'l call you evow your fashcats at kas 35 tines a wek for 20 rls to fap the mata shin your memo ‘OUnpatnusncom First and second conditional lingua house ELH GRAMNAR HE) Practice 1 Put the verb in the correct form to compl ach sentence, 1. IF global warming continues, temperatures _wiil rise_(se) even higher. 2 What would you do i you (win) a ition dollars? 3. Itpeople stopped using cars completely there (be) much ess poltion, 4, When it (ain) again, | won't forget o bring my umbrella 5. I spoke English fuertly, | (notineed) to take lessons. 6. Siberia. (not/be) so cold, go therein winter. 7. Tom willbe at the party tonight. II see him, (say) hel 8. hit (notiain) so much in England, you wouldn't see so many umbrella, a (call) you when | get home, 10, Where — {youfive) when you move out of your fiat? 11. Ifyou (can) choose any company, which company would you like to work for? HE) Practice 2 @ ‘Study each situation and complete the sentence below. Decide whether to use a first or second ‘conditional structure. 1, According tothe weather forecast there isa chance of snow tomorrow, writ (snow), L_ (nee to buy a pai of gloves. 2, Parckis deciding whether o go to France or Spain on his next hotday. itPatick (goto Span, e___ (oe) vey satisfied 3, John works 12 nous a day Hdoh (nove) so busy, ho (have) mare time for his fay 4, Ketois out of work, but she goes shopping every day. Kate (continu) to go shopping, she (eum out) of money. 5. tis a sunny day wih clear blu sis. tit (an, (need) an umbel 6. Anne's boss is very demanding i Anne's boss (note) so demanding, she {noube so stressed 7. Daniel has an exam tomorrow. i Daniel — (ass) his eam he, (celebrate wit his friends 8, Fabio and Carlo are best ends I Fabio and Cara (nob) best ends, they probably (oot) living together 9. Derek doesn't havea car, takes him an hou to get to work i Derek have a car, i {eottake) hi so long to get a work 10. The Olympic Games are held ever four yar. W the Opies {be) held every yar, they (1ovbe) so interesting evow your fashcats at kas 35 tins awk for 20 rls to fap the mata shin your memo. ‘OUnpatnusncom First and second conditional lingua house HE] Practice 3 impossible/hypothetical or possible and form a possible, try {0 use other modal verbs instead of will or would, for example can, could, might, may, should, must. Examples: IN itrans this weekend, I may not go out. I had a holiday next week, J might go to Portugal It wil ran this weekene. You wil have @ holiday next week, You speak English fluently. You wil win the lottery Your country wil win the football World Cup. ‘You will go out tonight wth some fiends. You lve in another country. You can ty, You will meet the president of your country, ‘You willbe late for your next lesson, You wil goto ec later than usual tonight

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