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Hi, welcome to task three of our project.

In this task, we will pick up where we left off and create

a semantic campaign structure, which means that we are going
to organize campaigns into add groups which house ads
and keywords.
We will also add budget bid strategy, audience location
and language on this screen.
We will first name our campaign.
For example, I want to run a campaign for the whole Coretta
So I will name it 01 serra generic and I'm going to run it
in the US.
So I'm also going to enter the name of the LOCA
or the location.
I like numbering my campaigns so that they appear
on the dashboard in a particular order.
It's really important for you to figure out and follow
one naming convention throughout your account.
This helps you see all your campaigns in the manner
that you're most comfortable with.
And this also helps anybody else looking at your account
to understand very easily which campaign serves, which
Now the next setting to choose here is networks.
By default, you want to deselect the display network option.
Since we are focusing only on such advertising also,
if you select both search and display in the same campaign,
you won't be able to analyze your data efficiently.
So let's deselect display network.
Once done, go to show more settings.
We've got start dates and end dates here.
Let's say you're running a campaign for a specific holiday
time period, then you can use start dates and end dates.
If you're running a campaign for Christmas, then probably you
would like to, to run that campaign from December 1 to maybe
December 25, which is Christmas.
That's when this feature comes in really handy.
The next setting is campaign URL options.
If you want to pass certain information as part of the query
string, you can record that in your own server logs.
We will now enter the campaign URL options for our campaigns.
You could follow along and copy the same URL option into your
campaign as you work alongside.
So this is curly braces LP URL which means you're landing
page you water question uum underscored sources equal to S E
M which means search engine marketing.
So that's why you're telling your server that a particular
lead or a particular purchase happened from search engine
And then in your U T M medium, this is an online ad which is
why I have said the youtube medium is online ads.
And then in your U T M campaign, you could enter the name
of the campaign.
So since I have said this is a generic, sorry for the Typo.
There. This is my campaign name.
After that, you could also input other parameters like
a device or your campaign ID, et cetera.
What I'm going to do now is I'm going to add the device type
because I want to understand whether my campaigns
or whether my campaign is getting a lead from a mobile device,
from a laptop, from a tablet.
What is the device type that I'm getting the lead from?
And then within curly braces, you write device whenever
you have something within curly braces, that's the dynamic
input to the system.
Which means if it is a tablet here, the device
will be replaced by a tablet.
If it is laptop, then the device will be replaced by a laptop
and hence and so forth.
You could also add other U T M parameters like your keyword.
So again, here you say keyword equal to the then curly braces,
So these are some of the UUM parameters that I'm inputting
in my URL options.
Once I'm done with this, then I would go to the next settings,
dynamic search a setting.
I'm not going to change anything else in this ad scheduled
all day.
I'm ok with that a lot of times.
For example, if you are a flower boutique and your shop stays
open, say nine am to five PM, then you might want to schedule
your, your ad during that time period.
For me, this is an online business, which is why I'm not
going to change the ad schedule.
Next locations.
Remember how I named my campaign Coursera Generic Us, which
means that I want to run my campaign only in the United
I've selected that option.
If you would like to enter another location, you should check
this option and then enter the location that you're looking
for advertising in languages.
I'm going to write English ads and I'm also going to target
people that understand English with my ads, which is why
I leave the language option as is audience segments.
This is an interesting aspect of Google ads.
So this basically means that you would be provided with lists
of audience with varied demographics and you as a marketer
can benefit from this.
If you are a diaper manufacturer, for example, parental
status would be important to you since I'm targeting
audiences that would like to learn online, I will choose
So you can go to the option, browse within demographics, go
to education and then I could choose current college students
or I could also choose any of the other options that are
available to me.
Let me select everything in here.
I could also target people who are already working and are
interested in online education.
So depending on what they're actively researching on Google,
I would select this in market option and within here, let
me select education and employment as the options for my
audiences you can also pause here and read up the audience
options available to you based on your business, based
on the type of product or service that you have
and the audience format that is relevant to you and then set
it up. Once this is done, I would keep the option to be
observation because that's the recommended option by Google.
We are done with setting up our audiences.
The next setup is for budget and bidding when we set
the budget and bidding enter the average value that you want
to spend per day.
So if you're entering a daily budget and you know that your
monthly budget is about $3,000, you can then divide it
by 30 and that's about $100 per day.
Note, if you are in any other country, enter the relevant
currency detail.
If not, you can also enter a lower budget as you start out.
For example, right now I will enter dollar 30 per day as my
daily budget for bidding.
I would select convergence as the focus option.
And then I would also tell Google a target CPA which is
the target cost per action.
And I would mention this to be $5.
This tells Google that I want to get a customer within dollar
five. And Google will optimize the campaign and show our ads
to people that Google thinks are more likely to convert
within the dollar five target CPA.
Once you're done, you will see that there's an option which
shows you more settings.
I would keep a rotation as the default option which says
prefer best, best performing ads.
Once done.
I am going to save and continue.
What ad rotation means is that you are going to write more
than one ad for each campaign.
Now, once you have written more than one ad and you've
submitted that as your option, Google is going to try
and test your ads against one another and then it is going
to show its audiences the ad that performs best in terms
of click through rate more often.
So let's save and continue.
This tells me that the final URL suffix contains an invalid
tag. Let's take a look and debug that I'm sorry about that.
These U T M parameters need to be present in the tracking
template and not the final URL suffix.
So let's select all of this cut and paste this within the
tracking template and try once more go all the way down
and you will find save and continue right here.
With that.
We have completed the third module of this project
and the second task of this project.
In this task, we learned about how to set up a campaign
structure and input all the settings within the campaign.
In our next task, we will pick up where we left off here
and we will create the add groups and do keyword research.
Thank you.

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