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High Beginner Lesson

I think that is an eagle

I like the Macaw because it has a beatiful colors

I usually see birds in natural parks or in the zoo

Beak (Pico)
I am a night owl, I like too get to bed late at night, I sleep at midnight
I usually see pigeons and some vultures

I have seen it but only in the zoo, such as owls, penguins, hawks or eagles

I saw penguins when I was in Sea World. I went with my wife, my brother and his family. The place where the penguins are
is too cold

The eagle, The hawk

They usually eat mice or snakes

Yes, there are, In my country we have the condor, the hawk and the owl

The condor: Is a very big bird, It is black, but is in danger of extinction

The hawk: It isn't a big bird but is very fast. It has long claws and It is grey
The Owl: It's a night bird and it has a wonderful vision, It has big eyes
The national bird is the Condor
I want to see the Macaw

It's a very big bird, it has large wings. It color is black

It symbolize the freedom

Role A

I think that the national bird of this country

must be the turkey because everyone knows
this bird, and everyone likes it

Role B

I think that the national bird of this country must be the eagle because
it's a bird that symbolize the power of this nation, and form this way the
other countries are going to respect our country
I will bring a tent, binoculars, a lot of water, sunblocker, a camera

I want to see Macaws, eagles and sparrows

I want to watch birds because I love the color of the birds in my country

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