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is 5 & 5 xaos A ‘Wybér wielokrotny 7 Praecaytaj tekst. Ktére 2 podanych odpowiedzi (A-D) ‘53 poprawne? When designer Stata McCartney arivad.on the fashion scene, mary people clarmed her success was due o har famous name, Her fathers, after al Beatles legend Paul MoCanrey. This, however, is not te actievernents took hard work, deterination and, of course, talent in 1995, ater Centr London, she enjoyed almost mmexi the age of twenty-sik, she became t racuatng fre Martins Cotege of Art and Design 1ocess. Two short years late, at heed designe at Cro ~ a famous Parisian fastion house. After four highly successiu years at Choé, Stel launched her own fastion label and showed her fest calaction of esge designs in 2001 SSce then hor company has been growing staadly. In that eained acceptance as a fashion company with a cflerence. wes growing up on a farm, her pants taught her to respect animals, be awvero of nature, anc to understand that hurtin beings must gota wel wth other creatures. This down-to-earth apgxoach has hed @ huge irpact on her and, as a resut, sho bales in ethical fashion now. Ethical fection covers issues such as working Condtions, chic labour, fair rade ed responsible production that does not harm the environment As a ifclong vegetarian, Stela does not use any natural leather her designs. The fabric she prefers is organic cotton and she perimenting wih eco-Fiendly materials and production processes. She ways Wes to fd the moet responsible production methods. Recently, tela decided nat to work with a fabrics factory because the process ft sed to colour the fabrics was very harm to the environment. An enti fer near the factory became red, making the water unautabl fr drinking for use in agricute. Jas ethical fashion also aims to holo po she has created a range of cloth bags together with the United Natio Htemational Trade Centre. The programme provides work for emmunities in Kenya, where the bags are crested by hand. So fr, 160, feople in csadtvantaged areas have bean involved in the production. They has imeroved ther ives, workers, For tN reaso are earing money, wi Stela McCariney has an interesting philosopty. She beieves designers Should ask themselves how they make ther cothes and aocessoros, wihere they make them, and what they use. Thinking about those questions makes desigring mo and moro interesting, but st lows designers to create luxwous, beautful toms that people wart to $y. Stale MoCartroy is proof ofthat 4 According to the frst two paragraphs, Stella McCarey ‘A succeeded with the help of her father. B had a high position at a relatively young age. C experienced difficulty finding the right job. D created her own company straight after college. 2 Asa child, Stella McCartney ‘A found out about ethical fashion. B leamt to value animals and nature. C sometimes visited a farm with her parents. understood the differences between human beings ‘and other creatures. 3 Why did Stella refuse to work with the factory? ‘A The production method was not ethical BB The water used for the colours was polluted. C The factory could not supply the fabric she wanted. D The wrong colour was used for the fabrics. 4 In Stella's opinion, what should designers do? A Create better designs every year B Question the methods of their production € Develop their own fashion philosophy. D Make their clothes more luxurious. 5 Tho aim of the text is A show why some production methods are better than others. B suggest how fashion designers can help the community. explain the philosophy behind Stella's collections, D describe how Stella became a fashion designer. 8 Popatrz na zdjecie. W kaidej z poniészych kategor zapise w zeszycie po tray slowa lub wyragenia, ktére ppraydadza sig do opisu zdjgcia. Nastepnie je opisz. Clothes MOWIENIE = People + Feelings 9 Odpowieds na pytania dotyczace adjecia z éwiczenia 8. 1 What do you think the woman is telling the gil? 2 Do your parents ever comment on your clothes? Why?/Why not? 3 Describe a situation when you or someone you know fad to woe formal othe. G ee Twojakoledanka 2 Wielkio| Brytani odbywa staz w ezasopismi mlodziszowym, ej zadaniom jest praeprowadzié wywiady z osoberi | interesujacym sig moda i pochodzaeymi zrznych krajéw. | Zaproponu|jejkogos sposréd swoich znajomych. Nepise | email, w ktm + praedstanisz zainteresowania wybrane| osoby 2wigzane zmoda + napiszesz, jok zyle sig ona ubiero, | + opiszesz jj osobowose, + zapewnisz, de polecana osoba zgodz sig na udziat wiywradte Roawit swoja wypowiedé w katdym zcxterech podpunkesw Dlugoéé e-malla powinna wynosié od 80 do 130 stow W7 A new look FOCUS ON WORDS | Clothes and accessories VOCABULARY 3. Read the definitions. Write the names of clothes and Clothes and accessories This round and often tight-fitting hat covers your fashion and style * personality head and ears. beanie ; 1. Some women wear these shoes in order to look taller and more elegant. 2. A formal piece of clothing which is worn over a shirt and under a jacket. _ These have a classic design from the past and protect SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW (_sxow war vou rwow 3 1. Match the words from the box with the people in your eyes from the sun, _ ' the photos. Some words can go with more than one 4 Acesual top which is made of very warm synthetic photo. There is one extra word. material, has long sleeves and is excellent in cold weather } epeirotjeens belt boots curly cheerful 5 Apiece of jewellery which men or women wear earring glasses hoodie jacket long around their necks. _ outgoing relaxed ring serious shirt short 6 This is @ kind of loose sporty jumper often made from } sociable straight top trainers watch cotton and can be wom for exercising 7 These trousers are made from denim and they look like they have been wor a lot because of the light colour of the material 8 This narrow piece of material, usually animal skin, has ‘a metal piece at one end to help hold your trousers around your waist 4 Choose the correct words. Ca Mead Red Carpet Report ‘The Prince and Princess attended the premiere of the rnew James Bond film on Saturday. Prince Nicholas looked very smart in an elegant and stylish "dark suit | denim jacket and an eye-catching purple *leather belt / tie around his neck. Princess Abigail wore a dark. knee-length skirt and a gorgeous blue *shirt / blouse from her favourite Paris boutique. The Princess always mixes causal and smart clothes to good effect and for 1 this event she chose to wear large gold “beanies / bangles around her wrist and unusual Sankt boots / leggings - which helped make sure she wasn't taller than her husband, _ 2. apair of jeans Sua, 3. apairofjeans 2 Write the opposites. The first and last letters are Pee REMEMBER BETTER | ———— given. 5 oa e Aby latwiej zapamigta€ nazwy ubraf oraz réinych Sai skcesoio spore Is roe 0 woje) garderaby grater te Uwzglednij szczegély take jak kolor czy deses. Sprawde Ma taan : zaczenie nowych wyraz6w w slowly lub w Internecie react * Write a list of the items from exercises 1, 3 and 4 6 silly * that you own. Add extra details. Look at the 7 curly * examples below for help. | 8 fair + 7 ; mea 2 7 Lown a warm grey fleece, a pair of black eather ankle. boots, a pair o .ded jeans and a green beanie, and taller ire fotect oF Hrom re has "TT FOCUS ON WORDS | Fashion and style 5. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are two extra words. ‘across appearance attention casual dressed fashion flow look skin trendy I'd say Lam quite trendy because | enjoy wearing the latest designs. 1. Some clothes never seem to go out of like jeans, for example. 2 Andrew loves being the centre of and thats why he wears such expensive clothes 3 Its unusual to see Ronny looking so smart ~he usually goes for a_ look 4 Ian never looks ike he is comfortable in his own Maybe some fashion advice would help him feel more confident? 5 You don't have to spend a lot of money on caring about your There are plenty of fashionable dothes in second-hand stores nowadays. 6 Sandy comes 35 very serious because she wears suits but in fect she's very relaxed most ofthe time. 7. We nevar follow the latest trends ~ we simply go with the ‘and wear what we want. FOCUS ON WORDS | Personality 6 Complete the sentences with the correct words. The first letters are given. Leonard is easy-going. He never seems to get worried or annoyed. 1. Mark never does anything stupid or has unrealistic ideas. He's incredibly 2 People who are ¢. tend not to worry too ‘much about the results of their actions. 3. Jake's always beon r ‘and has given his parents a lot of problems over the years 4 You can tel if somebody is v. by how often they look in shop windows at their own image, 5. | asked Boris to donate to charity buthe said he'd rather spend money on a nice meal or buy something for himsel. Ishe always so selfish ands? ‘SHOW WHAT YOU'VE LEARNT 8 Choose the correct answers A-C. 7 Complete the descriptions of the people with some of the words from Exercise 6. CHANNEL @ ‘Housemates’ contestants enter house for new series Last night the contestants for the latest series of hit TV show ‘Housemates’ entered their new home for the fist time, Here's what wo think of ther: + Phillip - ne seems to be c natural sensible person. We think ne’s the down-to-2arth one in the house. + Holly - she's ciways happy and never seems to worry about how her behaviour affects the others. She's 2 anda very young wornan. + Simon - he really doesn’t ike cuthortly of doing what people el him, We think hel very 1____ ond willbe a difficult person who will Create trouble with everybody. * Stephanie - she isc young lady who doesn’t think Ina deep or interesting way. She's a very person and only cores about Pere ees eee + Tina - when she's not looking in the mirror at herself, she’s probably planning what fo wear the next doy. She's an incredibly * contestant, 1. These jeans are actually new but they look like they have been worn a lot. A faded B vintage antique 2. There's nothing more elegant than wearing a__tie with an Italian designer suit, Acstraight —B sik € denim 3. Don't wear @ suit if you prefer to go for a more casual | A flow B attention look | 4 Yvette is so_ she spends hours every day just putting on her make-up. A trendy B vain € down-to-earth | 5 I'm surprised Billy was angry. He always comes __as | very calm, | A over B through across 6 I could never be famous because | hate being the _ of attention. A middle —B centre € point 7. Luke is such @ person. I've never seen him stressed or worried A carefree © casual 8 It can get quite chilly at night, so take your __with you just in case. A sweatshirt B waistcoat —_€ blouse 9 My trousers are too large. Where did | put my brown leather _I wonder? B careful A boots B fleece C belt 10 Tyler should learn to go with the and relax more often, | A appearance B flow © skin | Tho) 5 GRAMMAR Dynamic and state verbs pee = SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW — 1 1 Mark the sentences as H for habits/routines or N for | things happening now. | Joumalists are wating outside the hospital | for frst look at the new royal baby. ‘The doctor doesn't usually ative unti 9 a.m | 2. My cousins fashion journalist. She always | | | | | oS. looks stylish 3 In this programme, we're reporting from Paris, the fashion capital of the world 4 ‘Faraway Travel is currently selling weekend trips to Berlin at bargain prices. 5. We give free cinema tickets to all customers who spend more than £100 on clothes. mee) 2% Choose the correct forms. 1 il Kate ‘What do you think of these shoes, Kate? To be honest, | prefer/ ‘m preferring the ones you tried on fist. 2 Tim: Are you going to wear that cap, Danny? Danny: Do you ask / Are you asking if you can borrow it, Tim? 3 Vicky: Shall cook some salmon for lunch, Max? Max: Vicky, you know | don't lke /“m not liking fish 4 Ellie: Do you wear/ Are you wearing thermal underwear today, Jo? Jo: No, mnot. | only wear it when it’ really cold. 5 Fran: | lke /‘m liking your new suit, Jon. Was it expensive? Jon: Yes, Fran, Actually, it was very expensive, 6 Lewis: What do you think of the film so fer, Grandma? Grandma:To be honest, Lewis | don’t enjoy//‘m not enjoying it at al! 3. * Complete the pairs of sentences or questions with the correct present forms of the verbs in capitals. Use short forms where possible. THINK a What do you think (you) of my new sweatshirt? Cool huh? b You look sad. What are vou thinking (you) about? 1 HAVE ‘a I'm sorry but | can't come and meet you right now. | lunch with Becky. b Kristy four different pairs of trainers. 2. NOTSEE a Dave his gitfriend a lot this month because he’s revising for his exams. bI any difference between this woollen hat and the one you bought last week 3. TASTE a This coffee strange. Did you clean the cup well? b Jeremy ___ the curry to see how spicy itis 4% 4 Find and correct the mistakes. Use short forms where possible. One sentence is correct. | amr-not believing Zoe lost my favourite jacket. don’t believe 1 Is she really needing another new handbag? 2. Are these flowers for me? Oh, Jack! I'm not knowing what to say! 3. What is happening over there? What are all those people looking at? 4 I'm not wanting to wear a suit. I hate formal clothes. 5 Laura isn’t hating Maths, she just finds it difficult. 6 Are you seeing the necklace with the three diamonds? That's the one | want. SHOW WHAT YOU'VE LEARNT 5 Complete the blog with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Use short forms where possible. a to my fashion blog. 'm Magda from Warsaw and | love (love) fashion. | (have) my own — shop called ‘Polish Stylish’ on Chmieina Sire. Today s Thursday, and that means my business parer?—— (wor) in or shop, 601 oe (onesd) ogo To work. Lucky mel The weather is beautiful, so |* (wear) my favourite | vintage sunglasses and a simple white cotton blouse. | Personally, | (notte) clothes with big | hoor logos al over them - my business partner | | | | ind | (believe) that simple, stylish clothes ‘are always the best choice. Come and vist us at | \ Polish Stylish’ and see for yourset. inl ave te Jonth Bean ficy LISTENING LANGUAGE PRACTICE Expressions # adverbs * relationship phrases. 1. Read the interview with Jenny. Complete express 1-5 with verbs from the box. Change the forms of the verbs if necessary. There aro two extra verbs. continue find get happen | | last lose stop take J Exact tom Students’ Book cording COED P: It'S so easy to make new online friends, isn't it? They ask to be your fiend, and you accept. Its not ‘a easy to make real lf friends, isi? Jz Thats right. We make online friends very quick But areal friend is somebody you [...] now over 2 long period of time. You meet, you spend time together and you get to know one another - "it a long time to become close friends P: That’ right. But some friendships don’t? forever. [.] when you don't want to ? 2 friendship, you can simply de-tiend people, can't you? 4: rmnotsure | agree with that actually. |¢ really hard to de-friend online friends. It seems really mean. | suppose that's why I've got over 300 online friends. n tea life, fyou fal out with 2 fiend, you don't see ther any more. Or sometimes you decide that you no longer have much in common. Then you lose touch. You don't have to make the decision ~ St just naturally. REMEMBER BETTER Staraj sie zapamigtywaé nie pojedyncze stow, ale cale wyratenia, Drigki emu latwiej ci bedzie wykonaé zadania maturalne polegajace na uzupelrianiu luk w tekécie. Bardzo czgsto brakujace slowo bedzie tworzyé kolokacig lub awiazekfrazeologiceny z wyrazem znajdujacym sie praed lub 2a luke Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrase in bold from the extract in Exercise 1 Everybody gets spots sometimes no matter how ‘often they wash their face. Ie just happens naturally 1. All good things must come to an end. Nothing 2 Acouple should extremely well before they get engaged. 3 to qualify as, ‘a lawyer or a doctor. 4 Colin __totalk to girls, He gets embarrassed very easily. 5 I'm afraid I can’t with anyone who turns out to be untrustworthy, REMEMBER THIS Praystéwki (adverbs of manner) okrediaja, w jaki sposéb wykonywane sq czynnosci. Wigksz0S¢ z nich jest regular adjective + -ly. Wyjatkiem jest well adjective: good) We make online friends very quick + ly. How good-+y well do you know them? Czasem dodanie przyrostka -ly powoduje zmiany wpisowni np. cheeky + cheeky Niektére praysléwk’ (early, fast, hard, high, late, long ow) maja takie same formy jak preymiotnik It takes a long time to become close friends. (ad) Making online friends ... doesn’t take long at all (adv) 2 Read REMEMBER THIS. Complete each pair of sentences with the adverb and the adjective forms of 8 word in the box. Show which form adv or adj. (goed happy late long ) Ryan didn't do very ‘well in the race, but at least he tried. Not everyone can be intelligent or attractive, but we can all be “good. 1. Will we have to wait * for Drea adv KB) the results of the English test? adv /adj H you want a lift, be nice to me. Itisat_ __walk home from here. adv /adj 2. Nina and Eliza arrived * and rmissed the start of the fashion show. adv / adj | can hardly keep my eyes open. Last night was a night. adv /adj 3. Weare ‘9 announce that school will be closed this Friday. adv /adj will? wait for you if we can 0 for ice cream afterwards. adv / adj FOCUS ON WORDS | Relationship phrases 3. Choose the correct answers A-C. 1. Scott isa reliable friend. He's always there _me when | need someone to talk to. A by B with C for 2 Have you fallen _with your sister again, James? Why can't you two just be friends? A over B out C off 3 Matt and I used to be best friends, but since we left school, we've lost touch __ each other. A about B with Cto 4. Dylan thinks his cousin is arrogant. They don't get _ with each other very wel A along B over C out 5 Leah and Sophie got to_each other on a long bus journey. They had hours to talk about everything, together. Alea B discover know 6 Dan doesn'thang out __ John because he doesn't ike him very much. A with B by Cto Unusual appearances ® synonyms * clothing * compound adjectives 4 Read the texts. Match pictures A-C with texts 1-3. aD 8 c NEWS 35-year-old Herbert Chavez from the Philippines has transformed* himself from an ordinary dress maker into a real life Superman. After nineteen surgeries that copy the comic book hero's look, Chavez has become a real-life Clarke Kent. Herbert first fell in love with the superhero when he was five years old. Since then he has spent around 300,000 pesos (£4,400) on his obsession - a huge amount of money compared to the average wage in the Philippines. ‘Sleepily, Fiona switched off the alarm clock and tried to wake up fully. It was Monday again and she had another busy week ahead. With only four weeks until her final exams, there was lots of hard work to do and no time for her social life. She really wanted to be older, already finished with school, already earning. Pechaps because winter was coming and it was still old and dark outside, she found itespecially, difficult to get out of bed this morning. Her legs felt heavy and she seemed to have less energy than usual. Maybe she had slept badly. Finally, she made it to the bathroom, switched on the light and stood by the washbasin. When she saw her reflection* in the mirror, she screamed. Looking back at her was the face ofa terrified old woman —herself, but wrinkled,* pale and grey-haired transform (v) ~ change completely; preeobrazi¢ sig costume (n) — clothes that make you look like something, €.9. an animal or @ famous person; kostium, praebranie ‘When he's not making dresses, Herbert can often be seen in the streets around his home dressed as Superman. He aims to teach children good morals and have some fun at the same time. Herbert says he feels like a superhero whenever he pulls on the costume,* but his mission is not to save the world but to help in his own small way and bring a smile to the faces of local children. At Oddfaces we like our models to g be fabulously fat or superbly skinny, & ten-feet tall or shockingly short. ep, We love odd models with tattoos, 7) piercings and memorable faces. @ © We have over 1,000 imique character models between the ages of 18and @ 98 and sizes 7 and 27. Our models can bring a truly eye-catching lookto. — \/ sem music videos, TV shows and films, and of course print and film advertising. \ For over a decade, we have successfully provided the most unusual faces and bodies for top fashion designers, photographers and film directors. Ifyou need beautifully strange and strangely beautiful people, a) then look no further. = choose something different. Choose Oddfaces. a Pretty faces are everywhere these days € reflection (n)— an image you can see in a mirtor, glass or water, odbicie wrinkled (adj) - skin or cloth that is wrinkled has small lines, Cr folds in it; pomarszczony r9 2 (Gur basa hen tc ona 1 clebetibg tote ciel abet Crete hrf ares satan acrey Rca otecal cespmen tabene 5 ticniadhiecibisehtdbood 2 The story describes a change in Fiona's epee es anus been pean frie nis oad ea oars ene ina paren, By (isi aetes ae caer eae about each text with 1-3 words in each gap. a Teeetctapensbers Se ese aloo 2 Hebuefzenaon wth Soperman hs cost him Sekt nie aaron yma 3 Fonancede to ote seat foro get ready for 4 Fiona usually has more than she had on the morning of the story 5 You don't have to be young or very slim to be by Oddfaces. 6 Oddfaces might be a good place for you ifyou are looking for someone with 4 Complete the gaps with the underlined synonyms from the texts. extremely frightened = terrified operations. ten years, strange poorly REMEMBER BETTER Uczac sig nowego stows lub wyraienia, sprawde w stowniku jego synonim lub zwrot 0 26lizonym. znaczeniu. W ten sposéb poszerzysz zas6b stownictwa. Aby latwie| zapamietaé oba wyrazenia, zapise w zeszycie 2danie, w ktérym moga one byé uzywane wymiennie. ‘Complete the sentences with one of the pairs of words 1-5 in Exercise 4. Polly was extremely frightened/terrfied of thunder and lightning 1. The first time | saw a Batman film was over ago. 2. Since her skiing accident, poor Marta has had three ‘on her leg | | 3. Lewis has a tattoo that covers both arms and the whole of his back. 4 Lola's facial piercing looks very Atfirst, | thought it was a big spot! 5 Both Claire and Emily think they did very in the Physics exam, FOCUS ON WORDS | Clothing 5 Complete the sentences with the correct words. ‘The first letters are given. ‘Tammy wants to open a shop that sels original garments from the 1960s. Dresses, boots, jewellery = any items of clothing and accessories from that era really 11 Hoodies may be i clothes for today's ‘graft artists and skaters but they were first worn in the 1930s in America for sports training. 2. Yes, madam. Ths jacket is u soits fine for either your son or your daughter to wear. 3. These trousers are too long, so | need to take them toat___ before I can wear them, 4 Don't you think it's crazy that people buy designer u____just to wear beneath their clothes? 5 Cottonise good f ___ for shirts because i's light and easy to dye different colours. FOCUS ON WORDS | Compound adjectives 6 Match the halves of the compound adjectives in boxes A and B and complete the sentences. A. brightly extting- hard fast- multi. short- B coloured drying edge purpose sleeved wearing ‘The latest in cutting-edge fashion are clothes that don't get wet or dirty. 1. This sports shir is 1 80 lean wash it ‘tonight and wear it again tomorrow morning 2 Jakub never wears shirts to work because he has a big tattoo on his arm, 3. Jeans became popular for workmen because they are and last a long time. 4 Tlove clothes which are My ‘electric-blue and sunflower-yellow Jimmi Hendrix ‘Tshirt is my favourite piece of clothing! 5 Clothes which are might not be the most fashionable but they are the most practical You can wear them on any occasion. 9 GRAMMAR Present Perfect Continuous ‘SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1. Complete the sentences and questions with the Present Perfect Simple forms of the verbs in brackets. Use short forms. Claire has disliked (dislike) Danny since they first met at Julia’ party. (you/know) Megan for a long time? 21 (never/understand) why people pay so much for brand name clothing, 3 How long _ (Chloe/want) to be a fashion designer? 4 (they/see) all the paintings in the gallery yet? 5 Grandma (notneed) glasses since she had the eye operation. 2 * Complete the tour guide's speech with the Pres Perfect Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. Use short forms. Welcome to our kit factory. We hope you enjoy the tour. Have you been waiting (youlwait) long Vhope not. Our company (produce) kilts for over 150 years. Today we are going to see how 9 traditional Scottish kis made. We (make) our famous ‘ighander model since the 1920s. Originally kilts were designed for everyday use, but Iater they were wom only on more formal occasions, We? (sell) more and more of them as fashion items in recent years. We also make trousers here at the factory but we fi (not/do) that for as long. Now sir, Isee that you are wearing one of our kilts. You look wonderfull (you7buy) our brand for a long time? 3% Charlie and Mary are at an art gallery. Choose the correct forms to completo the dialogue. M: Can we rest for a minute, Charlia? We thaven't stopped / haven't been stopping since we got here, I'm exhausted! C: Sure, Mary. We! #ve walked / ve been walking around since 9. Lets get a coffee. M: Great. | haven't had / haven't been having a drink since this morning 10 SHOW WHAT YOU'VE LEARNT '5 Complete the text with the Present Perfect Simple and : are some lovely paintings here, don't you think? M: Yeah, lovely. It*% been /'s been being a great morning, Charla Listen Mary, ve waited / ‘ve been waiting for the Fight moment to talk to you. M: Really, Charlie? What is €: Well, we are good friends, and we ve liked / ve been liking each ather for a long time, right? M: Yes, Charlie. We "ve spent / ‘ve be 9 and more time together recently. What do you want ay? C: Well, do you think you and | our exams together? M: Yes, Charlo, | suppose we could. Id maybe study for + & & Complete one sentence with the Present Perfect Simple and one with the Present Perfect. Continuous form of each verb in capitals. READ 2 Rebecca has been reading that novel al day b_ Rebecca has read five books this year 1 LOOK a James and Kirsty _ b James and Kirsty photos from the school trip at photos all moming at most of the 2 SAVE (you) a How long money for a new phone? b How much money this year? 3 COLLECT 2 Dan cover 200 diferent Spiderman comics. b Dan ‘comics for seven years. 4 NOT PLAY a Karen___ football since she broke her leg last year b Karen chess for very long, so she still forgets the rules sometimes. Present Perfect Continuous forms of the verbs from ‘the box. Use short forms. There are two extra Verbs. buy/you change contact have help not read watch wear work Emma Brady Stylists @ Have you bouabi any new dothes this year? How long the same ol shoes? How many times your hairstyle this year? you? fashion magazines recently because you've been too ‘busy, but want to know what is stylish right now, then maybe | can help. My name is Emma Brady and I'm a personal styst and shopping consultant. For the last four years, my colleagues and |* ‘men and ‘women to choose clothes, shoes and harayls that really suit them. Since | started my business, > ‘with over 200 customers. We® some very famous people as extremely satisfied dents Contact us now at ) i ‘ Pahine? we lemore Fwant Wyfor be still band rom Word formation - common suffixes PF Oi ebiie wicca mee eed coe Janice hopes (HOPE) you can come to the barbecue party on Sunday 1. Where was James toa private school? 2. My Grandpa always said: ‘Ifyou want to (SUCCESS) in life, work hard and play fac’ 3. I'mso happy! I've been (ACCEPD into my first choice of university! 4. Getting into the best university in the country was Laura's great (ACHIEVE) 5 Mark's (CREATE) helps him write amazing stories for children 2 Choose the correct answers A-C. (EDUCATE)? Did he go 1 Harry: I'm sorry but | don't think this style is__with your hair. Seriously? So, should | choose something else? ‘A achievement B achievable C unachievable 2 Charlie: Mum says| can't go out today because | was late home last night, ‘Adam: What? That doesn't sound like vary fair A punishing B punishment punish 3. Mindy: | told my teacher | lost my homework, but really | didn't do it. Claire: That wasn't very, was it? A respectful B disrespectful C respected 4 Hanna: You look great in that hat. You should buy it. Landen: It's too expensive and buying clothes isn’t a _forme at the moment. A prioritise B priorities C priority 5 Dan: Are you sure you didn’t wear my hoodie without asking? Nigel: No, |__dich't. It doesn't even fit me. A honest B dishonest honestly 6 June: I'm sony, but can you _ how this design program works again? Karl: Sure, no problem, A darty B clarify € clarification 3 G++ commaggrie neaaiadinn, Arent in brackets. Do not change the order of the words. ‘Change the forms or add new words where necessary. Use between two and three words in each gap. Ihave to admit that | cried pathetically (ry/pathetic) when | saw just how bad my new tattoo was, 1. Thave never (speak/dishonest) to you but have only ever told you the truth, 2 This handbag (befridiculous / expensive) - who on earth would buy this? 3. Amanda __(gofabsolute) crazy when she found out she was the Model of the Year. 4. Truman apologised for (ehave/bad) when he lost the match, 5 Janice has never her naughty litte sister. (shout/angry) at 4 GY * & complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use between two and five words. ‘She has totally no education, She is totally uneducated. 1. My aunt Josie is very creative when she dresses. My aunt Josie dresses 2 If you want to achieve success in the fashion industry, work hard. Hf you want to be work hard 3. It surprised a lot of people when Blake accepted the Worst-Dressed Man of 2018 award ___of the award for the worst-dressed man of 2018 surprised a lot of people. 4 Our sponsors are not obliged to visit the exhibition. There is for our sponsors to vist the exhibition 5 Harvey gave me an angry look when he saw me in his leather jacket. Harvey looked saw me in his leather jacket. Ope eo es oes wae ata baa thareins wo saTeae when he [create educate honest leader rity profession regulate respect Aid g with stars Anyone who works in media must look their best tall times. How do they achieve this? Most use the services of a professional make-up artist ~ or cosmetologist. s this a job you might fancy doing? Well, her's what you need to do. Firstly, a make-up specialist wil ned a formal'____in ‘cosmetology. This i usually a mix ofa practical and 2 theoretical course. One particular skill that is needed at this carly stage is? ‘because during these studies, trainees should start bulding a portfolio oftheir best work. In some countries, official >_ _ say that cosmetologists then have to complete an exam in heath and safety before they can got a licence to work. Good + skills are not needed because most cosmeiclogists are their own boss and often run their own business. And, whether they choose to workin a salon, in a theatre, oF work in TV o film studios, a good mako-up artist Is always ‘oftheir clients as good customer service is essontial in this job. "1 Describing a person 11 Match the beginnings with the correct endings to form sentences. He's in his @ a blue eyes. 1. She's the sort of person who eramonena: 2. She's got long ( forgets his manners. 3. He sometimes O 4 loves kids 4 Thefistthing you notice | fashionable clothes about her is her large a e 5 Heusually wears )fblonde hair 6 She's not always 9 mid-twenties. 2. Put the words in order to complete the sentences, in / early / thirties / her /is Becky is in her early thirtis, 1. interested / is / not / fashion / in / really Peter 2 a/ make / would / doctor / great Lucy 3. beautiful / hair / long / blonde / got Marta’s 4 bit/is /too/a/ sim Liam seta 5. a/would/ great / make / model Roxanne 6 who /kind / person / always / your / remembers / birthday / of /is / the Lucas 3. Complete Adam’s description with the words from the box. There are two extra words. ( built casual dark dresses easy-going friendly height into our type Hi Jake ~'m meeting Josh later U coming out? ‘Oh come on Adam. He's about medium = | and fairly well ‘You know him Hi Adam Find and correct the mistakes. Mrs Baldwin is kinds of easy-going as a teacher if you ask me. kind of 1. My baby sister, who is three, tends ery a lot 2. I'm not particular lazy, but | like to do nothing sometimes. 3. Andkaaj always isn’t very polite with new people. 4 Ula sorts of shy, but she's different when you get to know her, 5. Diana can a little tired in the evenings because she wakes up at 6 a.m. every day. 6 Paulo could be a bit little smarter, but he has made an effort to dress nicely. 7 Dad's exactly not a genius, but he is very clever, Complete the text with the words and phrases from the box. Sometimes more than one answer is, possibl alittlebit bit couldbe kind little not exactly particularly sortof | saw an interesting picture in a sort of gallery or café the other day. It's @ portrait of a man There's a lot of biue in the picture and the man, who is wearing a dark biue jacket, looks 1 of cool, almost like he doesn't care about anything inthe world But he's also mysterious in my opinion. He's 3 strange-looking, but he has got big blue eyes which look straight at you. His hair “ blue too, but because the picture is so dark, it’s a § hard to tell for sure. And his coat, which doesn't *__ fit him very well ~ it's far too big — makes the man look a? uncomfortable. It was only after looking at the picture for some time that: | read tthe short text below it and learned that it was, a self-portrait by one of the most famous 20th-century painters! | sosh7772 y | Ob! U mean ‘Goth Josh’ Yeah, he's 7 ‘uy. What time are we meeting? ty | trenat she'st CC lget to feshe [made er. Eig eir bre is ure. fhim look rer read wes 6 Read the task below. Then read the email and. complete gaps A-E with the correct form of the ‘words from the box. | Your friend is going to visit the English city where you stayed as an exchange student last year. The family you stayed with have agreed that your friend can stay with them during his/her visit. They have never met before. Write an email to the fami ‘teenage son/daughter. Include and develop these points: * Say briefly how you met your friend. * Describe your friend's appearance and personality + Mention some of the things your friend wants to do during his/her stay. * Thank the family for agreeing to let your fiend stay with them, bit can particular sort tend HiAmy, I hope you're fine. like to tell you a few words about Irena - the girl who's going to stay with you this Irena and | met in the playground when we were children. First, | wasn't * nice to her, but later we became great friends. When you get to the airport, lok fora tall and at to0 slim git with long, dark hair and big, blue eyes. A girl who looks © of casual but fashionable at the same time - that's Irena ©. She isa cool, easy-going gil, and a kind of person who looks / feels good in her own skin. But sometimes she ° be a bit shy and reserved, especially in new situations. Irena’s always Zenjoyed / been enjoying fashion so she's coming to the UK to visit some design schools and check the trendiest places. So maybe you could show her what's in / at fashion in London now? ‘Thank you again for letting Irena stay with you. | know how great itis to stay with a British family, and I'm sure you'll have a great time. ust be careful - she : totalka lot ©. Write soon, so we don't lose / drop touch. Love, Inge 7 Read the email again. Choose the correct answers in 1-4. SHOW WHAT YOU'VE LEARNT = a Ol ras alee ciate ee eee) postanowilyécie spp tydalet na wal u twolego tnglojgeyemeyo lazyna. Napinz do nlago eal (80-120 stow), w ktm + preedstawisz swojego kolege /swojakolezanke | I wepomnse,skad sie znade, + opisnese wyglad | osobowose kolegltclezanl, + poinformujes kuzyna, co chcelibycie rob podcras wily, > dodialigeariantl bo sieaaniy atnaegeeata eos rons ele SHOW THAT YOU'VE CHECKED Gdy skoficzysz pisaé prace, sprawdz, czy uwzglednites/ uwaglednitas wszystkie punkty zlisty. Méj nieformainy e-mail: ‘+ rozpoczyna sig przyjaznym zwrotem, np. Dear James lub Hi Gemma, 0 “ wyjasnia, dlaczego pisze, O (wlosy, oczy, twar, warost,syhvetka,typomy stéj Soe 0 + zawiera podzigkowanie dla rodziny, O * uwzglgdhia formy skrécone (np. I'm/aren'/ that’), + maze zawieraé emotixony (G) sky info/CU 918), choé nie za wiele, * korcay se rayaenym zwrotem potegnalrym, > np. Bye 4 now, All the best, Lots of ove, + nie zawiera bledéw ortograficanych, O * liczy 80-130 slow, O zostalstarannie i ezytelnie napisony O ee Ere aMicenen Roniad Beginning 2 description The photo shows .. In this photo, I can see ../ there is .../there are Saying where {in the photo) in the background/in the middle/in the foreground con the left/on the right in front of/behind/next to Showing uncertainty It’s hard to say/make out, what .., but .. Vm not sure .., but. Speculating He/She/It looks (tired) He/She/it looks as if/ as thoughilike... It seems to be .../Perhaps. it's - /Maybe it's... | imagine they're .../They're probably. Giving your opinion | (don't) think I prefer Personally, .. In my opinion ... Describing a photo Men Poczatek opisu zdjecia Na adjeciu widad Na tym zdjeciu widze.../ anajduje sig... / znajduia sig Okreslanio potozenia (na zdjeciu) wile (na drugim plane) / pposrodku /na pierwszym plenie 0 lewej stronie / po prawe] stronie przed/za/obok Wyradanie niepewnosci Trudno powiedzieé/okreslé, o..., ale Nie jestem pewny/pewna.... ale... Preypuszezani \Wyglada (na 2meczonego/ ameczona). Wyglade jakby by/bya / jak Wydsje sie... / Moie... / Byé mote jest. Wyobrazam sobio, ze sa... / Prawdopodobnie sa, wlasnego zdania / Nie sadze, ie. Moim zdaniem. 1. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct order to complete the message. Hi Kat — just back from the sales. Got some real ‘bargains! First thing | bought was a (grey / woollen / cute) cute * long /lovely) @___* only had (leather /ole-fashioned) hat and a (siiver-grey / *_ scarf They {gloves in the sale, so I'll have to keep looking for, those. | also found a coat finally! It's a (black / mig-length / smart) raincoat and it was reduced by 50%! See you at 7 —fingers crossed it stays cold and wet ~ | want to wear my new stuff) Tina x 14 Sent 16:41 2. Complete the description with phrases from the Speaking Bank. This photo shows a woman and a litle boy shopping together. They are probably mother and son. It's th___t____ say exactly how old the little boy is, buthe #5____ tobe about 7 or 8. The woman is wearing casual clothes and comfortable shoes and the lite boy is dressed like a superhero! He looks very unhappy though, in fact it l_as though he is crying. | think they are in a children’s clothes shop because the clothes on sale look very small, and in the background there are several other adults with young children. The woman is showing the boy alittle white shirt and a tie~ “li they are shopping for a school uniform, but | don't Bs he likes it. 'mnot*s_, b__ maybe the little boy is upset because he'd prefer to wear his superhero clothes for school 3. Find and correct the mistakes. Two sentences are correct | think he doesn’t look very happy. | don’t think he looks very happy: 1. think she hasn’t bought anything, is bought anything. 2 | think they're very elegant. = elegant. 3. | think those tousers won't fit her. 1 fit her. 4 | think they don’t agree on which one to buy. Tiel __agiee on which one to buy. 5 | think green doesn’t suit him. Jesse him, 6 don't think she’s attractive. 1 ___ attractive 4 Choose the correct words. In this photo, | can 'show/ see three young women. They are 2probably / as though in a hairdressing salon, because the woman on the left has cut / is cutting the blonde gies hair. The hairdresser looks quite young and a bit nervous, ‘or “perhaps / probably she is just concentrating on what, she is doing, t's Shard// sure to say, but | think the women ®in/ om the right is checking what the hairdresser is doing, She's dressed quite smartly and ”seems / imagines to be ‘an instructor or the boss, so maybe the hairdresser is stil in training. Personally, | would never go to a trainee hairdresser, but | 8th the blonde gir isn't / don't think the blonde girl is too worried. She's smiling and looks very relaxed. Maybe she's happy because she is getting 8 free haircut! @) viveo anp VLoG workSHEET the ee (Gy GEG Distressing jeans its feboy feand looks foush shes rll Fraduts fhe fey are [eter to Before you 1. SPEAKING Discuss the questions fesare How many pairs of jeans do you have? Where were your jeans made? Wich styles and colours do you lke best? Why? Put the adjectives describing e the appropriate heading. Use a necessary. destroyed distressed immaculate pristine second-hand vintage bey fo buy. New/Good condition Old/Bad condition destroyed While you watch 3. (Gi) Watch the video and answer the b They questions about distrested jeans. oasse 41. Where are they made? Be gris 2 Why are they made? Rous 3 How are they made? hat ‘women 5 coing robe Fis anes vLoG About clothes Brink sve Which of the clothes in the box do you own? Biree ‘Compare with a partner ( abeanie boots ahoodie fun socks a necklace aperfectfitting blazer running shoes sandals. shorts sunglasses swimwear a trench coat 1 waterproof jacket G4 ) Watch Holly, Noah, Laura, Kristina, Peter and Lauren answering the questions below. Which of the clothes in Exercise 1 do they mention? 1. Have you bought any new clothes recently? 2. Isthere anything you've been planning to buy but haven't yet? 4 (G1) Complete four extracts from the first part of the video (00:00-02:01) with the adjectives from Exercise 2. ‘Then watch again and check your answers. 1. The worldwide market for denim jeans is enormous, and one of the most popular styles is jeans. 2. We'te in India, we're just heading towards a denim factory that distresses denim and makes it look Do you find it slightly strange that you take something thatis and and you totally destroy it? Yes, mostly young people they like garments with more distressed look, more look. How does the presenter sum up the difference between young people's and old people's attitude to jeans? G7) Watch the second part of the video (02:01-03:16) again and put the stages of the distressing process in the correct order. The grinding machine More washing with stones and bleach Agjusting the crnkles by hand Using sand paper to produce whit lines It irishea! More sanding to produce holes 9 ItSoverto the wet processing area How does the presenter react to his jeans being distressed? After you watch 8 SPEAKING Discuss the questions. ‘+ Why do you think people pay more for distressed Jeans than normal jeans? Do you agree that ‘destroying denim is all about pretending that you've been through something that you haven't”? (4 ) Watch again and answer the questions. ‘Who hasn't bought anything recentiy? Who has been looking for a new bag? Who has bought something second-hand? ‘Who has bought some children’s clothes? Who has been looking for something for two years? Who has been trying to buy new shoes? SPEAKING Discuss the questions in Exercise 2 with a partner. avWWvad [a Role Uma PRLS a 1. Choose the correct words. AAlack leather jacket with a white Tshir has been trendy /(Genisince James Dean and Marion Brando wore them in the 1950s. 1. Why do you have to be so rebellious / shallow all the time? Can't you do what | ask you to do just once? 2. Iwi | could be as down-to-earth / carefree as Harry. I'm always trying to do stupid and impractical things. 3. Whet kind of garment/ fabrics that dress mace from? it8 so soft to the touch 4. These boots are really multipurpose / harc-wearing. Wve had them for two years and they're stil in excellent condition, 5. Sarah likes to stand out - that's why she usualy goes for a casual look /brighty-coloured clothes 5 2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are two extra words. beanie dark suit high hools necklace bangles fleece denim jacket | leggings | Stella bought a very cheap necklace and after a few days the chain broke from around her neck and she lost it. 1. Most heat is lost through the head, so wear a to stay really warm, 2 Putona thermal Tshirt with a__ _over the top and then a jacket. You can put the jacket in your backpack if you get too hot up the mountain. 3. Tracy likes wearing because they are comfortable and keep her legs nice and warm. 4 I don't like wearing because they're too loose and mave around when | use my arms, 5. David, we are going to a funeral! Of course you can't, wear a and jeans. 5 3 Complete the sentences with the correct words. You look very trandy. Even your shoes are fashionable and up-to-date. 11 What are you wearing!? Sunglasses like those have been out of f for years! | suggest you buy a new pai. 2 Whenever I've had problems or been upset, my mum has always been t for me, 3. Have yout ‘out with Suzie again? Why are you two always arguing? 4 I'm almost ready, Dad. | just need to pack clean u, and another pair of socks and then I've got everything I need for our weekend trip. 5. That's lovely w Adam. Is it part of a three-piece suit or a separate item? 15, 16 1 the sentences with the correct form of the brackets. Sometimes more than one answer Every time I see you, you look (look) completely different. | love your now hairstyle! ie ees lied about this so many times. 2 Ian (dance) with Kelly at the moment, buthe really wants to dance with Alison. 3. Beverly __ (need) to see a doctor ‘about her headaches. 4 (you/put) raisins in Dad's birthday ‘cake again this year? Please don't. | hate them! 5 Becky (not/know) how to use her new camera — probably because she hasn't read the instructions. {_4) 5. Choose the correct forms. Jessicafas eatel)/ has been eating the same kind of frozen meal five times this week. 4. Amanda has known / hes been knowing Natalia for about three years now. 2. Lucy has worried / has been worrying about her hair constantly since we arrived at the party. I've told her she looks great, but she doesn't believe me. 3. Actually, I can speak Polish, so I've understood / ‘ve been understanding everything you've been saying about me. 4 Nathan has sung / has been singing the same song all morning. Its driving me crazy! 5. George and Ola have met / have been meeting in secret since their parents told them to stop seeing each other. BS Clare omimnerac (not/believe) you, Hannah. You've New Uniform for City Hospital Nurses ‘The nurses of Hallamshire Hospital 8 the same old uniform for the last 10 years. Recently the hospital decided it was time for a chenge and today pictures of the nurses’ ‘new look are finally up on the hospital website. The old- fashioned white and grey uniforms have gone and been replaced by a much more madern and "__ outfit for both rmale and female nurses. Sophie Baxter, the head nurse fon the children’s ward, said: “I? the new look is great We ?__ a very long time for a change. The new dark blue trousers and derk green T-shirts look great together and we + that the colours and style are much more practical.’ Of course, nobody wants to go to hospital, but if you are there you will now be looked after by some very 5__ nurses. A wore Oheveboon wena, Clarawenring ‘Ave Bien C unisex 2 A'mthinkng —B think —_C have been thinking 3 Avvebesniebareltalt wang" aketiak 4 Avice agesng iBallares’ Chewed comrbreare 5 A well-dressed. B hard-veating Ls) Total /30 | } C short-sleeved ig RRRPLL | ‘ | | : : : ; : : 7 iil ii lt call 7B 4 i lr wnune pe eee bYouve & Fon. tor athday fe her fed the 1s) | kind of fs for fecha bid her ive Byirg | rses Biform fed it Jurses’ fe old H been rbot purse {great Keblue nd we fa or Hthere, 5 fearing & Inking erecing sleeved cs) (po) 7 Choose the correct answers A-C to replace the underlined part of the sentence. Ursula has always been incr (alegre aad B always looked incredible € dressed very elegantly 1. Do shallow people usually care too much about what they look like? ‘A people who don’t think about serious things B people who don't care about others C people who like to be trendy 2. This shop has had cutting-edge fashions from around the world for years A has sold the most stylish B has boon offering the most expensive C has been selling the most modern 3. Why didn’t you like Thomas? He came across as very friendly ‘A seemed tobe B tried tobe C pretended to be 4m going to wear this blouse to the open air concert tonight. Does it look OK? ‘A intend to have this biouse on B I'd rather wear this blouse € I prefer to wear this blouse 5 Olle thinks he looks really trendy since he changed. his haiestyl. ‘A iconic now he's changed B fashionable after changing rebellious since he's been changing Ls) 8 Choose the correct answers A-C. Lust bike friends. It’s an interesting fact that those of us who B friends don't only have certain things in common, but actually sometimes look alike too. Take my best friend Joe, for example. We get *__with each other really well and both like many of the same things. We enjoy 2 _ time in the park, for instance. But that’s not all. We both*_ to wear denim Jackets. I think it’s because we both want to look like although of course, its one thing to look this ‘way and another to act lke it! Still, the jackets a really practical thing to wear too as it’s a particularly strong 5 _ buts still quite ight | read somewhere that people who wear glasses are ‘more likely to be friends with people that wear glasses 00. Maybe it’s the same with styles of shirts and jackets? Oh, and there's one thing I forgot to mention Joe is my dog :-) A make @®become C have 1 Athrough —B by € along 2 Atospend B spending spend 3 Aprefer —_B have preferred C are preferring 4 Arebellion B rebels C rebellious 5 Agarment B tailor € suit i) 9 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences. You could wear your new leather belt (skérzany pasek) if that skirt is too big, ee i RON (chce wiedzieé) for weeks now if Martha has a boyfriend. Have you (staracias kontakt 2) your old friend Sebastian? lyou_ (dbatbys bardziej o swéj wyglad), you'd feel better. Which of yourfiends (spedzacie razem najwigce) czasu)? 1 = (poznalem) myself really well when I went travelling alone. 10 Complete each pair of sentences with the same word. ‘Oh no, my favourite fadled jeans have got a hole in the knee. ‘The pages in this book are faded and | can’t read the text very well ‘Are ankle-length trousers really back fashion? ‘Abe's really not that interested. ‘going shopping for clothes. love your -purpose boots. Where did you buy them? Google is a__-national company that employs people worldwide. | wish these shorts were -drying, | want to ‘wear them now. | think fashion is a waste of money. Those boots look cool. Just like what the Beaties used to weer! | was playing football and got kicked on the ireally burs, {don't know how you can walk in hel. The prices in ths second-hand store are quite 5 Total /20 | | eae fe 7

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