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Basic Productivity Tools (BPT) Lesson Idea

Lesson Title We’re all equal here!

Content Area Freshman Algebra

Content Standards A.PAR.6.2 - Fluently choose and produce an equivalent form of a quadratic
expression to reveal and explain properties of the quantity represented by the
Technology Standards 1.1d-Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology
operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current
technologies and can transfer their knowledge to explore emerging
1.3.d-Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and
problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and

Integrated Technology Office 365- Word Document used for collaboration, students will be expected
to know how to type equations appropriately.
Reference or
Supporting Resources 4f799df7-4ca4-4670-afd3-6135768b01d0
I looked at Microsoft’s provided support to find out how I could use word to
type equations.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Understanding- Students must understand what equations are equivalent to
Levels be able to write new equivalent equations.
Applying- Students must apply their knowledge of quadratic equations to write
equivalent equations.
Analyzing- Students must look at their own and other students work and
determine the relationships between the equations.
Integration Level LoTi level 4: Integration- This lesson will require students to use technology in
order to reach the analyzing level of blooms taxonomy as well as having that
activity be the center of the lesson. The students will also use technology to
collaborate with each other.

Universal Design The first thing that this lesson does well is options for perception. In a
Rationale classroom with many voices talking, it can be hard to follow along. By having
the students collaborate through a shared document, students can
communicate through typing. This allows students who may get overwhelmed
trying to communicate in a loud classroom the ability to collaborate
regardless. There are also options for expressive skills and fluency. We see
these options in the fact students can type their answers, speak them out loud
to their peers, or write them on paper to share with peers in their group.
Lesson Idea As I address the standards, students will work through finding alternative
expressions in groups while I walk around. The project will be introduced by
talking to the students about how there are multiple correct answers, and I am
more interested in their thinking behind their answer than the answer itself. It
will take about one and a half class periods for this project, one for instruction
and working, half for some polishing and discussion. The student learning will
be assessed based on listening to their reasoning and seeing where they are
and aren’t understanding different concepts.
As I look through the final product, I will be looking for students who are able
to explain their reasoning and group them with students who almost
understand. Students who didn’t understand at all would work in a group with
me. I could extend student learning to a higher learning level by having the
students write a blog about their findings that is published on a site that can
be viewed to students from other schools. I will conclude the lesson by going
over the concepts I noticed students missing the most. I will provide students
feedback about their work through canvas or the equivalent that the school
Design Reflection I feel that the activity in this lesson can help students connect more with the
material and learn the soft skill of typing equations into word. They will also
get the opportunity to learn from their peers. Moving forward in the lesson, I
could transition from this topic to another later in the unit by having the
students write a blog post about how the different forms of an equation can
help you solve it. This will help students make connections and share them
with people in similar courses. I think that using a technology tool that allows
for manipulation of equations could help students see how changing things
will make equivalent equations.

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