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………………………………………. Represented by Mrs


…………(Herein MANAGER)

The CLIENT owns assets, including but not limited to liquid cash & GOLD, and is interested
in the bespoke, discrete wealth management services offered by the MANAGER. The CLIENT
requires her lawful funds and other assets (together, Assets) be structured through the network of the
MANAGER within entities designed for her, and created in Switzerland, United Arab Emirates &
New Zealand, to achieve her Objectives. Such structures will allow the MANAGER to properly
manage the Assets with profit generated through investments in Banking, Real Estate, &
Commodities. The CLIENT will invest the seed funding of USD 2.25 Million for CDD; KYC;
onboarding; scoping; customization; and implementation of the foundation of the investment
PLATFORM to be established for the CLIENT`s benefit. This seed phase, which will consume 90-120
days (with design in consultation with the CLIENT and based on funding legal entities with adequate
capital, accounting, banking and finance advice) will commence from receipt of clean and cleared seed
funding by the MANAGER.

Through this Deed, the CLIENT gives a discretionary mandate to the Accepting MANAGER,
to manage in his/ her best interests, following the management objectives provided building a long-
term platform, for both cash flow and asset growth. The MANAGER may, in consultation with the
CLIENT, and informing the MANDATE assign this mandate to the platform structure designed in the
seed funding phase to protect the CLIENT`s interest.

The objective assigned for wealth management will be to develop and implement a foundation
for strategic growth on assets and income based on the CLIENTS guidelines and management
objectives agreed to the MANAGER.
The MANAGER is committed to building a platform customized to the CLIENT`S
management objectives, and then implementing a management method consistent with the
achievement of these objectives and the profile of the mandate. However, such an objective cannot be
an obligation to achieve results. To this end, the MANAGER will facilitate the design and
implementation of an appropriate strategy, via the PLATFORM. The MANAGER will present a
description of the management method chosen results in the management report presented to the
principal. It is agreed that the MANAGER would pursue management from a purely economic

FEBRUARY 4, 2021
perspective. Accordingly, he cannot be held responsible legally for losses, costs, or tax consequences
of the Mandate, and the CLIENT shall hold him harmless.

The CLIENT is responsible to pay the seed funding to the MANAGER, to provide all
information required by the MANAGER for CDD, KYC and for the delivery and all costs incurred to
deliver Assets to the MANAGER. The CLIENT acknowledges that she has full knowledge of the
extent of the risks that may arise from the execution of this management mandate. The CLIENT
refrains from alienating the assets entrusted to the MANAGER under this mandate, without written
consent of the MANAGER. The CLIENT authorizes the MANAGER to pay on her behalf any
expenses, taxes, commissions, duties, professional advice or other, related to the execution of this
mandate by deduction from the Assets. The CLIENT is committed to providing the MANAGER with
all the necessary information needed for the implementation of this Agreement and immediately
inform him of any new facts that could influence the contents of the Mandate; particularly to provide
any necessary information in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing. The CLIENT
may use the MANAGER`S services only for her sole use and benefit and not to pass on information or
documents received from the MANAGER to third parties. The CLIENT shall accept decisions about



Services provided by the Manager, pay the MANAGER in return for his services according to the
terms defined by the parties.

The MANAGER addresses the CLIENT quarterly, by any means agreed at the convenience of
both parties, within a time frame that cannot exceed 15 calendar days from the order of the period
under review.
A management report including:

I. A log of operations summarizing all the transactions carried out on behalf of the client during the
reporting period; a valued portfolio statement showing the details of each financial instrument, its
volume and market value, the cash balance at the beginning and end of the period covered.
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II. The valuation of listing securities must be made at the listed price of the period under review; - a
situation highlighting the results of the portfolio.
III. Changes in assets under management over the past period – the amount of commissions and fees
incurred over the period covered. The amount of dividends, interest and other payments received
during the period.

The Manager`s remuneration is determined by a percentage from management operations,
which will be determined in a separate letter. Overall costs & expenses will be deducted by the
MANAGER. The Principal will bear the indirect costs associated with the execution of orders and
asset management (brokerage and settlement/ delivery commissions due to the stock exchange and the
Central Depository/Settlement Bank (BRVM), fees incurred by the Regulator, and taxes and/or duties,
and professional fees incurred.
The existence of this contract, its terms, purpose and any other information relating to it, are
strictly confidential and cannot, without the consent of the Parties, be divulged or disclosed to third
parties, except at the request of the market authorities or to defend their rights in court. These
confidentiality obligations must be observed for the duration of this contract and for one year from its
termination. The CLIENT authorizes the MANAGER to communicate with the MANDATE and will
inform the MANAGER of what level of Client Reporting (if any) is to be provided to the MANDATE
having regard to CLIENT security.

This mandate is to run for a period of FIVE (5) years renewable by tacit renewal from the date
of signature and is valid until termination by either of the Parties.

This mandate is and can be updated based on amendments to the existing legal and regulatory
framework. The Manager notifies the Principal no later than eight (8) calendar days after these
changes have taken effect. This mandate cannot be changed by either party without the written consent
of each party. Any changes to this contract will take the form of an endorsement signed by the parties.
Implementation of the endorsement may require a delay of no more than 10 working days from its
signature and, in any event, at the end of the regulatory cooling-off period. The same time frame
applies to allow the Manager to invest the funds entrusted in accordance with the client`s profile.

Any notice or other communication given pursuant to this Agreement must be in writing and must
be served by one of the following means, and in respect of each is deemed to have been served as
a) By personal delivery-when received by the Party;
b) By post by registered or ordinary mail –on the second working day following the date of posting to the
addressee`s registered office; or
c) By email –when acknowledged by the Party orally or by return email or otherwise in writing (not
being an automatically generated response such as an out of office notification or read receipt).

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This Deed and its written annexes and endorsements, which will be an integral part of it,
represent the entirety of the contract between the parties regarding the object to which it relates, in this
case the realization of wealth management. The protocol, its annexes, and their possible endorsements
replace and nullify any agreement, oral or written relating to the same object. If one of the clauses in
this protocol is declared null or unenforceable, nullify or inapplicability cannot affect the validity or
applicability of the other clauses. If one or more clauses of this protocol are to be cancelled, for any
reason, and do not make the implementation of the agreement definitively impossible, the parties
undertake to immediately review the/the cancelled clauses in order to continue the performance of the

Breach of any of the obligations imposed by this Agreement outside the breaching Party`s
control due to a natural disaster (such as, but not limited to, earthquakes and floods), will not be
sufficient grounds for terminating this Agreement without fault or negligence by the breaching Party.

The CLIENT agrees to do all things and execute all documents reasonably required to give
effect to the terms of the Deed.

The Parties agree to do any and all acts and things to execute and deliver any and all papers
and documents necessary or appropriate to effect the intent and purpose of this Agreement.


This contract is to be governed by the New Zealand law. Banking jurisdiction is intended to be
upheld in Switzerland. The management and operations are intended be from Dubai, United Arab
Emirates. Any challenges to the implementation or interpretation of the terms of the contract and its
consequences will be the subject of an amicable settlement between the parties. Failing or failing the
settlement within thirty (30) days from the date of which one party receives notification from the other
indicating the existence of a dispute, that dispute will be submitted to the New Zealand courts, the
only ones competent to resolve any disputes or disputes that may arise on the occasion of the
interpretation and/or execution of this Agreement.
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A party to this Deed (and their witness) may sign this deed using an electronic signature as
allowed under sections 226 and 227 of the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017.

PARTIES to this Deed

Mrs……………………………………………………………………………………………. as
And a Party to this Deed,
In the Presence of
Witness: Witness:……………………………………………………………………

Mrs…………………………………………………………………………………….as Manager and

A Party to this Deed in the presence of

Witness.. ……………………………………………………………………

MANDATE Acknowledged and endorsed by the MANDATE


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