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 A mother is the outpatient Clinic for her first post natal visit on the 15th day her normal

al vaginal delivery. Her

physical examination reveals a stable condition, breasts are soft and her sanitary napkin has bright coloured
rubra. Which of the following needs further evaluation?
A. Amount and frequency of breast feeding
B. Hydration level and bleeding breast feeding
C. Activity, exercise and resting periods
D. Uterine size and position

 A midwife is discussing the birth spacing measures with a mother whose first baby boy is a 1 year old and was
born with spina bifida. The midwife has explained the possible causes of condition of the baby and the
measures is necessary if the mother is planned for a next pregnancy?
A. Increase iron and calcium supplements
B. Multivitamin and folic acid intake
C. Genetic screening
D. Immunization before and during pregnancy

 A 32 weeks pregnant patient present for her follow up appointment in the antenatal clinic. She complains of
experiencing frequent heartburn. Which of the following is the most appropriate advice to the patient?
A. Drink plain water between meals
B. Raise head of the bed
C. Eat favorite foods
D. Lie down for one hour after taking food

 A midwife visits a mother four weeks after delivery. The mother is breastfeeding her baby but she requests the
midwife to suggest alternative formula milk as she has to return back to her job and her baby will stay in a day
care center. Which of the following teaching plans is suitable for the mother?
A. Supplementary medications with bottle feeding
B. Combined schedule of the breastfeed and top feed
C. Hygiene practices with bottle feeding
D. How to express and save milk

 A women in labor is progressing well. She has been diagnosed with a large fibroid in the fundus. What shouldthe
nurse observe her for after delivery?
A. Thrombophlebitis
B. Postpartum depression
C. Postpartum hemorrhage
D. Loss of bladder tone during puerperium

 Which of the following assessment is contraindicated while providing intrapartum nursing care for a patientwith
HELLP syndrome?
A. Heart sounds
B. Blood studies
C. Leopold's maneuvers
D. Deep tendon reflexes

 For which of the following issues should the nurse observe the movie closely during the 4TH stage of labor?
A. Uterine irritability

B. Signs of infection
C. Signs of bleeding
D. Unwillingness to breastfeed

 A 32year old woman has just been told that she is pregnant she states ‘ As mush as I love my children , I hadhad
hoped we would not have any more “ this statement reflect of which of the following related to pregnancy
A. Anger
B. Denial
C. Guilt
D. Ambivalence

 After nurse assessed a newborn she reported that the baby has syndactyly the student nurse ask the nurse in
charge what is the syndactyly ?
Which of the following is the best nursing response
A. Fistula.
B. Abnormal big head
C. Extra finger or toes
D. Finger or toes wholly of partly united

 A newborn is diagnosed with Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) Which of the following information should the
nurse give to the newborn's mother?
A. Cyanosis will occur most of the time during sleeping
B. Breast feeding is not recommended for your child
C. The defect might close spontaneously after 6 months
D. Blood pressure is different on the child's arm and the leg

 A couple asked the nurse which of the first investigation they should do for infertility?
Which of the following should be the proper a nurse answer?
A. Hysterosalpingogram
B. Serum progesterone
C. Semen analysis
D. Endometrial biopsy

 A nurse is assessing a 5 month old infant who has admitted to the pediatric ward with coarcotation of aorta
Which of the following is the most common assessment findings ?
A. Cyanosis and clubbing hands
B. Bounding pulse and hypotonicity
C. Cyanosis occur frequently during and after feeding
D. Blood pressure is different on the arm the leg

 A 36 years old woman is in her 18 weeks pregnancy came to antenatal clinic and assessed by the nurse. Shehas
three previous abortion during the first trimesters prior to pregnancy. How the nurse will document the status
of the mother?
A. Parity
B. Nullipara
C. Multipara
D. Primipar

 During vaginal examination the nurse palpated the posterior fontanel to be at the right side and upper
quadrant of the maternal pelvis ?


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