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 A nurse is educating a primigravida woman who is pregnant at 30weeks on breast feeding.

Which of the
following statement by the woman indicates that she needs additional teaching?
A. Breast milk can stored at room temperature
B. Breast feeding should be based on baby demand
C. Baby can beheld in different ways during feeding
D. Breast feeding helps the uterus to return to pregnancy size

 Which of the following vaccines should be given to a 9 months old ?

A. Hepatitis
B. Varicella & measles
C. Oral polio and bacillus cellmate Guerin
D. Measles and meningo conjugate quadrivalent ( MCV4)
 nurse is instructing a female client how to do breast self-exam. Which of the followings is the best time to perform this
A. After ovulation
B. After the period
C. Two weeks after period
D. Three days before period

 A nurse is explaining pudendal block anesthesia to primigravida women who is inactive labor. Which of the
following relief areas identified by the woman would indicate that teaching was effective?
A. Back
B. Perineum
C. Fundus
D. Abdomen

 Which of the following classifications of placenta previa is applicable when the placental edge is 5 cm away from the
internal cervical OS?
A. Total
B. Partial
C. Marginal
D. Complete

 A postdate pregnant woman is admitted for the induction of labour. Her fetal heart rate and vital signs are
within normal range her intravenous line is maintained and she is to be started on low doses of labour inducing
medication. Which of the following medication the mother is likely to receive intravenously ?
A. Oxytocin
B. Cervidil
C. Cytotec
D. Cytoxin

 Which of the following patients are at risk for cord prolapse?

A. Fetus that remains at high station
B. Mother with oligohydramnios
C. Presenting part at station +
D. Intact membranes

 While taking care of the a patient with a spinal cord injury, the patient suddenly complains of pounding
headache upon assessment the patient was found to have diaphoresis , drop in heart and elevated blood

pressure , autonomic dysreflexia is suspected and the head on the bed is elevate . which of the of the following is
the most appropriate to important immediately?
A. Notify the physician
B. Assess bladder for distension
C. Continue to monitor for next hour

 vital statistics and control of communicable disease serve many function. Which of the following is the basic
function for health?
A. Public
B. Mental
C. Education
D. Maternal & child

 A 6 months old infant mother decided to wean her child. Which of the following is the best principle of
weaning process?
A. Start the weaning process by 8 month of life
B. Gradually replace one breast session at a time
C. Discontinues the nighttime feeding first
D. Allow the child to take a bottle of milk or juice bed

 A midwife is conducting a health a health education session to the primigravid mothers. The session is about
antepartum care to ensure the health of the mother their babies. Which of the following statement made by
mother suggest their appropriate understandings of anti-partum periods ?
A. Beginning of labor till the baby birth
B. Diagnosis of pregnancy till the baby birth
C. Last three months of pregnancy
D. Forty days after the child is born

 A 41 weeks pregnant was admitted to labor and delivery unit for induction with oxytocin infusion 3 hourlater
her contraction are 5 to 6 in 10 minutes and strong which of the following is he best nursing action?
A. Gives an analgesic
B. Stop the oxytocin & inform the doctor
C. Gives psychological support
D. Change position to left lateral

 A 25 year woman was admitted to medical ward for anorexia chemotherapy the nursing diagnosis was
imbalanced nutrition less than body requirements related to dysfunctional eating pattern which of the following
is the best way to evaluate the outcome of nursing care of this patient?
A. Record daily weight
B. Monitor vital signs accurately
C. Schedule meals with family members
D. Offer small portions of favorites

 Total ante natal visits ?

10 -12 visit ( every 4 weeks in the first 28 weeks , every 2 weeks in 32-36 weeks , every week from 36weeks -
40weeks )

 What is the antenatal assessment schedule for women the period of conception and 28 weeks of gestation?
A. Once a week
B. Every 2 week
C. Every 3 weeks
D. Every 4 weeks


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