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On the performance of the U.S.

transport system 1

Winston, C. (2013). On the performance of the US transportation system: Caution

ahead. Journal of Economic Literature, 51(3), 773-824.

1. The main research question

The importance of the U.S. transport system in spurring economic development ignited the

author’s urge to assess its performance and effectiveness or ineffectiveness. The author

elucidates the importance of the transport system in the U.S. and hence justifies the need for the

assessment of the performance of the transport system. The author uses a wide range of

information on governmental policies, pricing methodologies, and expenditure on the road

network to arrive at the findings.

2. Data sources used

The author examines the performance of the U.S. transport system through the analysis of

various secondary sources. The sources of the study are mainly the data, surveys, and policy

frameworks on transport systems as well as the present public-private provisions. The sources of

the study are well-sourced and have adequate information on the author’s intended themes. The

author concentrates on empirical evidence on the governmental policies developed to manage the

infrastructure and their efficiency in the transportation sector. Apart from the analysis of the

policy frameworks and the public-private provisions and partnerships, the study also studies the

evidence on transport regulation. The analysis of the sources is aligned with the aim of the

research and concentrates on the assessment of the transport systems and how this complex

transport system can be improved.

3. Methodology

Methodologies in any study determine the correctness and reliability of the study's findings.

By using secondary sources, the methodology will entail the analysis of data to make findings.
On the performance of the U.S. transport system 2

The author used counterfactual benchmark policy to assess the public sector’s regulatory policies

as well as transportation policies. The concentration on the performance of the transport system

compelled the author to assess the governmental policies and regulations impacting the transport

system. The study compared the first-best welfare-maximizing policies during its counterfactual

analysis. From this, it can be concluded that the study used a hypothetical optimal policy for

comparison. The analysis also used a ‘plausible welfare standard’ to report on the efficacy of the

transport system. With in-depth analysis and synthesis of empirical evidence, the study has

expounded all the methods used and structurally used these analytical and comparison methods.

4. Major results

Being a vital element in the U.S. economy, the results of the study are informative and

important for the transport sector's policymakers. First and foremost, the study finds that the

transport sector has inefficient transportation policies and hence creates limitations to

maximizations that the private and public sectors could gain from the well-developed and

efficient transport. Despite the high spending by the government on the transport sector in

working to improve the efficiency of the sector, the study finds that there is high wastage of

resources hence not adequately improving the efficiency of the system. This, therefore,

according to the author creates a mismatch between the tax-payer-provided subsidies and the

social benefit. Generally, the study identified the aspects causing inefficiencies in the

performance of the transport system in the U.S. as agency limitations, regulatory constraints, and

political forces. The author further expounds on how these three factors lead to the development

of ineffective policies and regulations and hence can be pinned as the major cause of ineffective

transport systems. The poor relations between private-public policies are also a constraint

towards the achievement of an effective and efficient transport system.

On the performance of the U.S. transport system 3

5. The related question of further research

The study has concentrated on the assessment of performance through the assessment of

governmental policies and regulations. Also, the public-private mix in the provision of transport

has been assessed. To increase the effectiveness of the research and aid the policymakers, further

research should be done to improve the understanding of the issues, policies, and regulations

creating the ineffectiveness of the transport system. Further research should, hence, assess to

identify the exact regulations and policies creating limitations towards the achievement of

optimal social benefits from the spending done by the government. The identification of these

policies and regulations will aid the policymakers and the government in refining them. It will be

very helpful if the next study identifies the limiting regulation and policies. The next study

should also work to ensure the role of the private sector in improving the performance of the

transport system.

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