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THAKUR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Antenna Aid Cerny 9 nant ‘rnd A re fr ln Cl LAIT nd er of Men Sse (us SrNo/Principal/ !” / of 2023 11 August 2023, ACADEMIC CALENDAR FOR THE YEAR 2023-24 (SEM -1) [Student] (7 August 2023 - 22 December 2023 - Five months (Odd Semester) - TENTATIVE Week No Seino | MOOf’| “(Nove Date Day Key Activities working | instruction days) | al days) y ne nel ion 's Induction Program(StP) as per timetable 1 1" Week Tee | Mon-Fri aes Induction Program(SIP) as per timetable a [Commencement of Semester with Stidents Induction -Aug2 onda Z 5 5... ess Monday _lprogram(SiP) 5 fos Ag. 23 Tuesday [Session on Healthy Mind Consultancy ee : ion Program(SIP) as per timetable 4 2" Week 119 Aug 2023 | _Mon-Sat_ {student's induction Program(SIP) as per timetable 3 i5-Aug-23 “Tuesday independence day 6 4 4+ [a6-aug-23 | Wednesday [Parsi New Year(Holiday) 7 A7-Aug-23 Thursday [Session on Importance of Science & Research 7 P21 Aug2023- mnFri [Stident’s Induction Program(SIP) as per timetable : saeel 25Aug2023_| MOMPH |semester Conduct Regular timetable 2 25-Aug-23 Friday — [Talent hune show 5 5 (General Awareness: NOC ae beans Satrey [National integration and awareness-NCC ae 8 at_| Semester Conduct-Regular timetable 1 102 sept 2023 | Mon-Sat [Semester Conduct-Regular timetabl 2 28-Aug-23 Monday [Principal address to first year students a ¢ Scientine calculator workshop 13 o2-sep-23 Saturday |ISTE Membership drive Weapon Training = NCC ai Joa Sept 2023- ; 5 Cada Megs UES 4 5s! Week loa sept 2023 | Mon-Fri {Semester Conduct-Regular timetable Turday [STE working committee slection week Ee 5 S = pesee23 Saturday _lpersonaity development module NCC " Ta seeecees. | Mon-Sat [Semester Cooduct-Reguiar timetable 16 6" Week. H16Sept 2023 _| Mon-Sat |Semester Conduct Regular timetabl 7 15-Sep-23 Friday [Engineers Day Celebration 6 ‘ [Coding workshop 1 Sey Saturday 2 esee2s Sardsy [parade and leadership sil NCC ry 18 Sept 2023 [Semester Conduct Regular timetable & 2 ao 22 septz023 | MOmFT |wid-term break 20 18-Sep-23 Monday [Semester Conduct Regular timetable 2 19-Sep-23 Tuesday [Ganesh Chaturti(Holiday) 1 1 [Ro-sept-23 | Wednesday- z f22-Sept-23 Friday __|Mic-term break 23 23-Sep-23 Saturday [Disaster Management NCC 25 Sept 2023 a 4 Week Iso sept 2023 | Mon-Sat |Semester Conduct-Regular timetable 27 Sept 23- | Wednesday riba 25 eae Tiga” Student Feedback 1 26 - 5 [Pesep-23, Thursday [tae milda(Honday) Formative Assessment1 7 }30-Sep-23 Saturday Resume building workshop Soctal Service and Community Devetopment-NCC Page 1 of 3 THAKUR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY at Cn id nny of es Ia A eet ta Cl CANT ed Get of at a a naw ey en RO pena AT th ]03 Oct 2023 - [in-Semester Examination -I (ISE Theory) & 2 otek: 07 Oct 2023 Tue-Sat | semester Conduct-Regular timetable Fa or-oct23 Monday — [Mahatma Gandhi Jyant(Holiday) 30 os-ocr23 Tuesday —[in-Semester Examination-1 31 os-occ23 | Wednesday [In Semester Examination 25s cpaaay Semester EraminaionT oe ORO 22 coy, |Semester Conduct-Regular timetable(second half) = joo10-25 Teaozs fTCET MUN lozocz3 | ov0c.23 |roet-zepnyr u or-oc-23 Saturday |Health and Hygiene NCC as fpeoen2 073 = lon-Fri smester Conduct-Regular timetable 35 ro weer [02082025 Toni [semester Conduct Regular timetab 36 5 [1s-0ce23 Fiday — [in Semester Examination 1Open House . 16 ct 2023 En a7 11" Week #60 2023- | Monat _[semester Conduct Regular timetabl Workshop on research paper writngplagiarim Check and paper 30 6 ar-oceas Saturday [presentation orientation Lecture on adventure training NCC Pe ee petenzs Fri jemester Conduct-Regular timetable 29 12" week 2508 2023- | Mon-tri_ [semester Conduct Regular timetabl 40 [24-Oct-23 Tuesday _ |Dassera(Holiday) 4 Lecture on Obstacle Training NCC i es Saturday | ecture on Mental toughness and Resilience-NCC_ - eo ck 2a, +r Conduct-Regular timetable 2 rat week S00E'2025- 1 won.sat_ [semester Conduct Regular timetab B00 23- Monday 8 soos T Menday agent Feedback? 6 Introduction of Idan Armed Forces & Career opportniesin “ Jot-Nov-23 | Saturday indian Armed Forces-NCC Parent-Teacher meet 7 6 Nov 2023 6 ra weer [S682¥2023- Ton. rri_ [semester Conduct Regular timetable %6 3 fro.nov-23, Friday [Formative Assessment 2 3 3 Nov 2023 7 se week __[13NOV2023- TF won-sat_[semestr conduct Regular timetable 48 14-Nov-23 Tuesday _ |Diwali(Holiday) 2 s [trNov23 Friday _ [last Instructional Day Defence Career Counseling and talk on Sb procedures and eo aay Saturday "interview Skils-NCC a 20 Nov2023- | jqgq.gqj_[lm-Semester Examination ll (ISE Theory) & = sea 24 Nov 2023 | MOP Ire Work Submission = BO Nov 23 Handa —ltoSemester Examination I 33 ai-nov-23 | Tuesday [tnSemester Examination-1 in-Semester Examination 1 a - fesse) Wednesday brerm Work Submission(second half) 3 Bs-Now23 | Thursday [Term Work Submission 56 BE Nov23 Friday [Term Work Submission 57 25-Nov-23 [Saturday [Military Map reading & Fel Craft & Bate Caf NCC Page 2 of 3 a THAKUR COLLEGE OF A ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Aeon lg Aine rs ee erat A Crt fr nl Cl ACAI nl re of ee) we Sm carn " atten 2023, Sa lester Evaluation (Practical / Oral Exams) 58 17" Week. 02 Dee2023 | Tue-Sat [End semester Evaluation (Practical / Oral Exams) 59 [27-Nov-23 Monday [Guru Nanak Jayanti Holiday) 60 . —— fordecas Friday [in-Semester Examination -Il Open House a saturday | troduction to Infantry weapons & equipment 2 eames Saturday _|sitary History-NCC a, loa Decz0zs ‘i [Practical / Oral End Semester Exam & a as Meee JosDec2023_ | MF |preparatory Leave 63 o4-Dec-23, Monday [Practical / Oral End Semester Exam of - (os decas Tuesday [Preparatory leave 06-12-2023 - | Wednesday. = os.12-2023, Piichy): 5 | rebar ave 111 Dee 2023- 66 19" Week. 16 ec 2023 | Mon-Sat _| End Semester Examination (ESE Theory) o [18 Dec 2023 eRe 0 20" Week 122 Dee 2023 | Mon-Fri | End Semester Examination (ESE Theory) For 15 weeks total no. of working days = 73 & Total no. of instructional days = 70.5 Note: 3. Total 7 instructional days during semester will be affected due to public holidays 2, InsSemester Examination and innovative Examination() will be conducted in continuous mode during conduct of semester as per schedule, 3. Open House and supplementary exam for end semester examination will be scheduled after declaration of result 4. Any academic loss can be compensated on Holidays by taking extra lectures through online mode. Nec: PT session, Drill Practice, NCC lectures on curriculum activities: Every Wednesday and Saturday inthe morning Place: Mumbai Date: 11/08/2023 Dr. B.K. Mishra Copy to: (Principal) fit Dazins | AlHODs/ Controller of fxamination/TPO/ HOC/ brian Office Superintendent / ‘Accounts ERP/ Server Room Page 3 of 3

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