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Stack the remaining cards face • In every line, all cards must Scoring

iota TM

the great big game in the

down to form a draw pile. Place
the top card face up in the center
of the playing area to form
the starter card. Notice that each
either be all the same or all
different in each individual
property: color, shape, and
number. (See “How do you form
After each turn, add up the face
values of all cards in each line
either created or extended on your
turn. If a card is part of 2 lines, it
teeny-weeny tin card has three properties: a line?” below.) is counted twice. Double points for
a shape, a color and a number. the entire turn for each lot
• Cards may be played in any
completed. Double again for playing
How to Play all 4 of your cards on one turn.
The teeniest person starts the • A 4 card line is called a lot. Ending the Game
game and play moves to the left. Creating one doubles your score The game ends when the draw pile
2-4 players • Ages 8 and up for the turn.
On your turn, take one of two runs out and one player plays his
actions: or her last card. Double points for
Rules of Play
that turn. High score wins!
Contents 1. Add 1,2,3 or 4 cards in a
single line, connecting to any Variations
• Maximum allowable line length
64 unique cards
card(s) already in play. All • For a shorter game, play with half
is 4 cards.
2 Wild cards cards must follow the GuideLines, of the deck (include Wild cards).
below. Record your score and • If there are any gaps, it’s not • When playing with young
then replenish your hand to a line... and some spaces on the children, ignore scoring: first
4 cards... grid will be impossible to fill. player out of cards after the draw
Score the most points by adding
pile runs out wins.
cards in lines connected to the or
2. Pass... and trade some, all
or none of your cards back to the
A line consists of 2, 3 or 4 bottom of the draw pile and take How do you form a line? Easy as 1 2 3
cards straight in a row or new ones. Since any 2 cards have some or 2. Are the shapes either all
column, in which each GuideLines no properties in common, the same or all different on
• All cards played must connect in any 2 cards will work to each card?
individual property (color,
a single straight line and at least begin a line. The 3rd and 4th
shape and number) is either 3. Are the numbers either all
one must connect to the grid. cards in that line must satisfy
the same or all different on
the same on each card the requirements set by the
• Although you must play cards in each card?
or different on each card. first 2 cards.
a single line, additional lines If your answer is no to any of
Therefore, before adding the 3rd
may be created and/or extended these, then it’s not an
Set Up card to a line, look at the 3
as a result. (See Turn 3 on other allowable move.
Get a pencil and paper for scoring. cards that would be in that line
side for example.) Ask yourself these same questions
Shuffle and deal 4 cards face down and ask yourself:
to each player. (Look at them but • You may create or extend a before adding the 4th card
1. Are the colors either all the
keep them secret from opponents.) line by adding cards to both to create a lot.
same or all different on each card?
ends of it. (See Turn 2.)
Examples of Lots Play Example

Same color on each card. Turn 1 2 cards are played.

Different shapes on each card. Same number, different colors,
Same number on each card.
starter different shapes. 6 points
Same color on each card.
Same shape on each card. Turn 2 2 cards are played
Different numbers on each card. creating a new 3 card line.
Same color on each card. Same shape, different colors,
Different shapes on each card. different numbers. Cards must
Different numbers on each card. be played in a single line,
Different colors on each card. though they needn‘t touch.
Same shape on each card. 6 points
Same number on each card.
Different colors on each card. Turn 3 2 cards are played.
Different shapes on each card. The yellow square 2 completes
Same number on each card. a lot. 2 new lines of 2 cards
Different colors on each card. each are also created. 12 points
Same shape on each card. for the 2 lines across (8+4).
Different numbers on each card. 5 points for the line up/down.
Different colors on each card. Double for the lot. 34 points
Different shapes on each card.
Different numbers on each card.
Turn 4 4 cards are played
Wild Cards completing 2 lots. Face value of
each lot is 10 points. A second
A Wild card substitutes for any any line(s) it may be a part
line down worth 6 points is also
other card and has a of. You may then replay it on
face value of 0 points. extended for a total of 26. Double
any turn. You do not have
You may “recycle” a to name a Wild card when you all points for lot 1. Double again
Wild card in play prior to your play it. However, it must for lot 2, and double again for
turn by exchanging it with represent the same card if part playing all 4 cards! 208 points
a card from your hand that fits of two lines.

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