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2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590

(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

Study of Gold Mine Tailings Utilization as Fine Aggregate Material for

Producing Mortar Based on Concept of Green Technology
Lilies Widojoko1), Harianto Hardjasaputra2) and Susilowati3)
Lecture, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bandar Lampung, Street Natural
ZAPagar No. 26, Bandar Lampung, 35142, Indonesia,
E-mail: 1), 3)
Lecture, University of Pelita Harapan, Karawaci Tangerang, Indonesia,

Abstract - This study aims to use waste tailings as construction material, which will be a double
impact, which utilize waste material which, if thrown away potentially contaminate the
surrounding environment, and at the same time reducing the need for utilization of nature
material that is sand. This thing address the issue of environmental damage caused by the
disposal waste and at the same time the application of the concept of sustainable development,
that is saving the use of sand as an ingredient in mortar. In the manufacture of mortar, the use
of tailings as much as 25% of the fine aggregate give optimal results in compressive strength of
mortar that is 36 MPa. This study use PCC cement from PT Baturaja, Lampung.

Keywords: Mortar Tailings, Green Technology

1. INTRODUCTION the form of mud into the reservoir,

treatment costs are huge. We have to builts
With the enactment of Law No. 4 of dam to accommodate the tailings slurry,
2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining, which in environmental pollution due to seepage and
principle all minerals in Indonesia will be dam maintenance after the mine is closed.
treated in this country, causing Tailings disposal in the deep sea can pollute
consequences which in the future will be the environment due to the control that is
more widely available waste material that is not easy.
tailings as a byproduct of mining industry in The use of mortar as paving,
Indonesia. The law is limited by the plumbing, etc. as construction materials
Minister of Environment Regulation since the 1960 until now growing rapidly.
Number 2 of 2008 on Utilization of Main ingredient of mortar are sand, cement
Hazardous and Toxic Waste (B3), where all and water. Due to the many construction
the industrial by-products classified as B3 materials that require sand, then use the
utilization can be done by: (1) reuse, (2) sand to rise sharply. Sand excavation on a
reduce and (3) recycle . large scale can lead to disruption of the
Tailings were not utilized it will environment.
cause harm. When tailings waste in a dry The above is an issue that needs to be
state, can fly everywhere as tailings grain is answered in the application of the concept
very fine. It can damage human health and of sustainable development that is to meet
disrupt agricultur. When tailings disposal in

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

the needs of the present without reducing the effects of environmental

compromising the ability of future damage caused by untreated tailings
generations. disposal and dredging materials such as
Therefore, we need a construction sand. It can be said the use of tailings is one
material that: (1) efficient as possible using concept to lead to what is known green
natural materials, (2) minimize the negative technology (Strategic Development
impact to the environment, (3) high Council, 2008).
performance, (4) utilizing waste materials
Reuse tailings for concrete can reduce the II. LITERATURE STUDY
volume of sand used. Sand is more
Bhatty, 1984 reported that using
expensive price because of its availability
cement that has been produced using
becomes scarcer.
anorthite from copper-nickel tailings and
Tailings are result of broken stone
raw taconite tailings has better strength
waste material deposited during the process
properties thn ordinary Type 1 Portland
of separation of ore from gold, silver and
Cement and gave a stronger condrete when
other metals. Based on gradation, grain
tested under identical curing condition. See
tailings classified types of sand. In the
figure 2.1.
process of mining, milling stones into
powder needed to release metals and
minerals. The finer the grinding, the more
the results obtained. So, the mining industry
produces a large number of fine stone. In
one ton of rock, only a few hundred grams
of metals and minerals are taken, so that the
rest very much. On the Way Linggo mine
project, tailings produced by about 100
Figure 2.1. Development of compressive
thousand tons per year.
strength of concrete made from tailings
Tailings grain size varies from medium to
cement and type 1 Portland cement,
fine fractions. This variation allows adding
Tailing cement, Type 1 Portland cement.
"packing density" mortar, so the use of
tailings potential to raise the strength and Based on the research of Lationo, et
density of mortar. Cai,et all. 2011, at their al. (1997), tailings in Papua (PT Freeport)
research “Effects of Powdery Mill Tailings can be used in the mortar-making process.
from Magnetite on Workability and Tailings can be fastened with cement, but
strength of concrete” conclude that the because the tailings contain magnesium
tailing powder have good filling effect, which can cause cracking of the mortar, it is
makes concrete more compact and the necessary to add chemical admixture in
pozzolanic constituents in micro particle of process research. Based on the research
the tailings contribute to the strength of that has been done by Lationo, et al.,
concrete. mixture composition using 10% cement and
It can be concluded that the urgency of this 90% tailings can reach compressive
study is the use of tailings can contribute to strength of 20 MPa, whereas the

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

composition of 30% cement and 70% are (1) PT Natarang Mining, (2) Cement
tailings can reach about 30-40 MPa Laboratory of PT Baturaja, (3) Tekmira
compressive strength. Laboratory, Bandung.

Tianhu, S., (2010) conduct an 3.1.2. Compressive strength of tailings

experiment to compare graphite tailings mortar.
concrete and river sand concrete. His
experiment shown that graphite tailing The next conducted research on the effect
concrete strength slow formation in first 7 of tailings in mortar. The study was
days, strength significantly increases after 7 conducted with the substitute of sand with
days to 28 days. The strength slowly sand gradually. To determine the effect of
increased trend after 28 days. See Figure tailings, one set of specimens made using
2.2. 100% sand. Furthermore minimize the use
of sand in 25%, while the use of tailings
plus 25%. Compressive strength testing of
concrete held at the age of 7 and 28 days.

3.1.3. Evaluation test results.

Based on the results of 3.1.1 and

3.1.2 above, we evaluated the effect of
tailings on the strength of mortar.

Figure 2.1. Curve about the compressive IV. STUDY CHARACTERISTICS AND
strength and tailing content AGGREGATE TAILINGS

III. METHODOLOGY. 4.1. General.

3.1. Research Steps Way Linggo tailings dam is a

Tailling Storage Fasilities (TSF), located
3.1.1. Physical and chemical characteristics near Way Humarabalak – Banjar Agung,
of the material. The activity in the Tanggamus region,
Wonosobo district, provincial of Lampung.
The study began by testing the It located in the forest in the register 39.
physical and chemical properties of the Geographically, the activities are at 104 0
tailings. Then performed testing the 24' 28.5 "- 104 0 25' 17.5" east longitude and
physical properties of other materials used 5 0 17' 1 .5 "- 5 0 17' 38.5." south latitude.
are sand, screening and split. Tailings See Figure 4.1. Gold mining activities
testing done in accordance with the carried out by the system underground
objectives of the study. Research of mine.
physical properties conducted in the of Civil The design parameters for the design are as
Engineering Laboratory in University of follows:
Bandar Lampung. While the chemical
properties in the several laboratory, those

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

a. Average tailings put into reservoir

: 100,000 tons / year
b. Slurry solids percentage : 40%
c. Design life: 4 years
d. Water that has been dumped in the
reservoir is not used / returned to the
processing plant.
e. Dam was built at the same time in full

Figure 4.3 Location map of the dam.

Figure 4.1 Location Map of Way Linggo


Cross section of dam can be seen in

Figure 4.2. Reservoir is built by using a Figure 4.4 TSF of Way Linggo
dam that cuts a valley located at the 4.2. Tailings Testing.
southeast side of plant. See Figure 4.3. The
volume need for a four-year is 4 x 100,000 4.2.1. Characteristic of tailings.
tons = 400,000 tons. If the density of
tailings is 1.1 ton/m3, then the required Tailings grain size gradation are expressed
reservoir capacity is 400,000 / 1.1 = in the table can be seen in Table 4.1. Based
370,000 m3. This dam was built starting on the results of the testing that has been
from September 2009 to November 2010. done, saturated surface dry specific gravity
Tailings current volume has reached about ranging from 2.48 to 2.86 and loose density
250 thousand ton. See Figure 4.4. ranging from 1.23 to 1.79 ton/m3
(Widojoko, 2012).
While the physical characteristics of the
tailings which is to make specimens can be
seen in Table 4.2.

Figure 4.2 Cross Section of dam

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

Table 4.1 Gradient of tailings Metal content in tailings can be seen in

Table 4.3. Before tailings thrown into the
reservoir, its was "neutralize" at the factory,
so its presence does not pollute the ground
From testing results, it found that the metal
content meets the quality standard
requirements. Thus, the tailings safe to use
as construction material. Testing conducted
at the Laboratory of Internal Quality
Source: Report of the Particle Size Control PT Natarang.
Distribution TSF, January 22, 2011, PT
Natarang Mining.
4.2.3. Oxide Contents.
Table 4.2 Characteristics of the tailings are
Oxide content of the tailings can be
used for the manufacture of test specimens.
seen in Table 4.2. From the table it can be
seen that the highest oxide is SiO2
(90.26%), Al2O3 (5.48%), CaO (1.43%) and
Fe2O3 (0.52%). On cement, four kinds of
oxides are called major oxides.
Testing is done in Cement Laboratory of
PT Baturaja. See Table 4.3..

Table 4.3 Major oxide and Tailings

4.2.2.Metal Contents.

Table 4.3 Content of metals in tailings

4.2.4. Minerals contents.

Mineral composition are Kuarsa

Source: Report of the Tailings Quality,
(SiO2), Kalsit (CaCO3), Nakrit,Kaolinite
January 22, 2011, PT Natarang Mining.

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

(Al2SiO5(OH)4, Anortit (Ca,Na)0.3Al2(Si, Table 4.5. Characteristics of sand used for

Al) 4O10 (OH)2 2.xH2O. the manufacture of test specimens.

Laboratory testing conducted in

Tekmira Laboratory. Image X-ray
diffraction curves (XRD) can be seen in
Figure 4.6.
Table 4.3.and Figure 4.6. show that the
tailings main component is SiO2. Content of
Al2O3 is high, and may not find any sulfur.
From the chemical constituents as
mentioned above, it can be concluded that V. DISCUSSION OF TEST RESULTS
the tailings are eligible for mortar
The study was conducted with the
substitute of sand with tailings gradually.
To study the effect of tailings, one set of
specimens made using 100% sand.
Furthermore, the use of sand is reduced
25%, while the use of tailings is increased
25%. Aggregate composition, the name of
the sample and test results of 7 days and 28
days can be seen in Table 5.1. The
Figure 4.6 X-ray diffraction (XRD) of development of compressive strength from
tailings. 7 days to 28 days can be seen in Figure 5.1.
Ratio of water and cement used was 0.5.
4.2. Fine aggregate (sand) Testing
Table 5.1. Compression strength of tailings
Table 4.4 Gradation of Sand mortar at 7 and 28 days.

Sand grain size grading can be seen in

Table 4.4. While the physical characteristics
of the sand used for the manufacture of test
specimens can be seen in Table 4.5.

2nd International Conference
ce oon Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung ng
Faculty of Engineering andd F
Faculty of Computer Science

Samples are named accordording to the content While the T25.3 compre pressive strength is
of the tailings. Mortar wit
with 25% content of higher than T25.1 com mpressive strength.
the tailings, is named T255 aand soon. The increase of compres ressive strength that
occurred in the sample with
wi 25% content of
tailings from 7 days to o 282 days, those are
48.0 T25.1, T25.2 and T25.3
25.3 by b 57%, 46% and
43.0 42% (average 49%). The he Indonesian rule,
Compressive strength (MPa)

Peraturan Beton Bertulangang Indonesia (PBI,
1971), mention that the t increased of
compressive strength fromfro 7 days to 28
days is about 35%. So the th the increase of
MT 25 is more than expres ressed by the rule.
In mortar using 50%5 tailings those
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
are T50.1 dan T50.2, T50.2 T compressive
Age of Mortar (days) strength at the age of 7 daysd is lower than
T25.1 T 50.1 T 25.2 T 50.2 T 75.2 T 25.3 T0.1 T50.1 but at 28 days the opposite
op happens.
Figure 5.1 Development ent of compressive If the average is taken, th the increase in
n, then
strength of tailings mortar
tar from 7 days to 28 compressive strength occurredo in the
tent tailings.
days on a variety of conten tailings mortar samples les containing 50%
tailings, from 7 days to o 282 days by 15.5%
To increase the cononfidence level, the that is from 18.5 MPa to 2 Mpa.
o 21.5
number of the sample le is increased. The In samples using t
ng tailings 75%, only
addition of T 25 sample ple for compressive one set of samples can n be test successfully,
strength test at 7 days are two pieces. For the other sample was broken.
bro This sample
T50 sample, the additionon of sample is one does not produce a worka rkable mix. Increase
piece. The addition off T 25 sample for in compressive strength th occurred in the
compressive strength testest at 28 days are sample with 75% content nt of tailings from 7
sample, the addition
three pieces. For T50 sam days to 28 days by 26%,, from f 21.7 MPa to
es. See Table 5.1.
of sample are four pieces. 27.4 MPa.
Mortar withoutt tailings (T0)
produces 7 day compres ressive strength of Table 5.2 Average compr pressive strength of
15.3 MPa and 14 MPa at 28 days, so it can mortar tailings samples tested
te at the age of
be said there was no increa 7 days.
Mortar using 25% tailings, that are
T25.1, T25.2 and T25 T25.3, the lowest
compressive strength iss T T25.2 both at the
age of 7 days and att 228 days. This is
because the tailings mo mortar casted in a
ondition so that the
saturated surface dry cond
ratio of water/cement samamples T25.2 is the
highest among other sampl ples of T25.

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

Table 5.3 Average compressive strength of Tailings the use of 75%, the water-cement
mortar tailings samples tested at the age of ratio of 0.5 shows an increasing trend, but
28 days. the mixture is not workable.
Tailings finer than sand, the surface area of
tailings is more than sand. So water needs to
cover the tailings grains more than required
by the sand.With the same water content,
then there is a shortage of water as a
lubricant, so the mixture is not workable.

VI. Conclusion

Research shows that the use of the

tailings by 25%, has the best result in
compressive strength, both on the
magnitude of increase in compressive
strength from 7 days to 28 days (average
49%), as well as from the value obtained
compressive strength (36.8 MPa).
From the test results, is obtained that
the metal content qualify the standards.
There are not any cyanide. Thus, tailings is
safe as construction material.
Figure 5.2. Average compressive strength Oxide test results showed that the main
of tailings mortar at 7 days and 28 days at component of tailings is SiO2. The content
various levels of tailings content of Al 2O3 is high, but there are not any
sulfur. From the chemical constituents as
Judging from the value of the mentioned above, it can be concluded that
resulting compressive strength, 25% content the tailings are eligible for mortar
of tailings produced the highest average aggregate.
compressive strength is 36.8 MPa. See
Table 5.2, Table 5.3 and Figure 5.2. A ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
research “Study on the sprayed Concrete
with Iron Tailing” conduct by Liu, (2012) The research was funded by Directorate
indicated that the performance of 20% iron General of Higher Education, Ministry of
tailing to replace nature sand is the best. National Education and Culture of the
Study by MA.L.,(2012) about Concrete mix Republic of Indonesia , in Competitive
design of Tailings sand and gravel, using Research Grants for fiscal year 2013. The
Water/Cement ratio of 0.5, tailing 744kg/m3 support of Cement Laboratory of PT
, admixture 0.5%, the compressive strength Baturaja, Coordinator of Kopertis
of concrete can reach 48.3 Mpa. Wilayah-2, and Rector of University of
Bandar Lampung are gratefully

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science

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Bangunan, (1971) Peraturan Beton province, Tailling Physical Research
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Umum, Indonesia. Engineering, University of Bandar
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Study of Foam Concrete Made by Graphite
Ore Tailings, Shandong: Shandong
University of Technology, China

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590
(ICETD 2013)
Universitas Bandar Lampung
Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science


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