Mgt351 Case Study Assignment Brunt Hotels Group A

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Case Study on Brunt Hotels

Course: MGT351

Section: 01

Assignment: Case Study on Brunt Hotels

Submitted to: Md. Al-Amin (MLI)

Submitted by: Group A

Date: June 18, 2023

Naushaba Mahmud 2121615630

Ahanaf Tanvir 2122418630
Md. Azfar Elahi 1731557030
Rubaiyer Rahman Adnan 2121519630
Sahil Reza 2122136630

Case Study on Brunt Hotels

Table of Contents

Part One: Question 1...............................................................................................3

Part B: Question 2...................................................................................................4

Part C: Question 3...................................................................................................6

Part D: Question 4...................................................................................................9


Case Study on Brunt Hotels

Case Study on Brunt Hotels

Part One: Question 1

1. Based on the information you have to date, what do you think the key priorities should be?
Ans: Based on the aforementioned information, the following would be among Brunt Hotels' top
priorities in their endeavor to acquire and rebrand hotels in France:

1. Training on Host Country’s Language and Culture: Since none of the existing
managers are proficient in French, it will be highly necessary to provide language
training and cultural orientation to those managers who will oversee the transition
in France. This would allow for efficient interaction with local workers, clients,
and stakeholders and speed up the changeover.
2. Recruitment and Training: Most of the employees from the company that has
been acquired have left, recruiting a huge number of staff becomes a priority for
the new French hotels. Brunt Hotels should consider hiring local employees since
they have a very good knowledge of the local market and culture. To attract
suitable and qualified candidates, Brunt Hotels should undertake a comprehensive
recruitment strategy which includes hiring from local recruitment agencies,
advertising the job openings and conducting interviews. After that, a thorough
training program should be put in place to introduce the new employees to Brunt's
operating practices, service standards, and customer-centric philosophy.
3. Talent Mobility and Flexibility: Fostering talent mobility and flexibility is
essential given the organization's objective of having managers who can switch
between nations if issues occur. This could require developing a formal
framework for cross-border assignments, extending assistance to managers and
their families during relocation, and providing chances for training and
development to advance their global competence.
4. Rebranding and Renovations: The organization has permitted four weeks to
rebrand the hotel and make essential redesigns. Usually a tight due date, and it is
basic to prioritize effective venture administration to guarantee that the modern
hotels are prepared to open after that time.

Case Study on Brunt Hotels

5. Cultural Sensitivity: Brunt Hotels must be culturally sensitive when operating in

France to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. Appropriate cultural training and
awareness must be a top priority to enable an organization to operate effectively
in a new market.
6. Flexibility: Organizations should allow managers flexibility to address issues that
may arise during the transition. This includes a willingness to travel between
countries as needed to support the organization's growth plans.

By addressing the key priorities, Brunt Hotels may improve its chances of having a successful
venture in France and create the groundwork for a future expansion into other European
countries, in line with their aggressive growth objectives.

Part B: Question 2

2. Explain the advantages of the third recruitment option in the context of the case

Ans: Regarding the issue of the gradual yet enduring viability of the business, Brunt Hotel
should consider recruiting personnel from its parent organization/ country (PCNs) to align with
its strategic objectives. Additionally, recruiting individuals from the host country of France
(HCNs) may be beneficial to ensure high-quality services to all stakeholders within the region.
Some advantages of recruiting PCNs and HCNs for Brunt Hotel are as follows.

1. Cultural adoption with higher organizational goals: The personnel in charge of PCNs
exhibit expertise, familiarity, and understanding of Brunt Hotels' corporate culture, principles,
and established protocols. Implementing this practice guarantees consistency and the intended
brand image throughout various sites. Host Country Nationals (HCNs) offer valuable
perspectives on the indigenous culture, traditions, and inclinations, thereby facilitating enhanced
acclimatization and receptiveness to the specific demands of the French market. If the
managerial positions of the new hotel chain were to be filled by individuals from the United
Kingdom, they would have the ability to effectively communicate and implement the
organizational policies and goals through a top-down approach. HCNs can sustain and provide
such services to the French stakeholders concerning accomplishing strategic objectives.

Case Study on Brunt Hotels

2. Language proficiency: PCNs may need to speak French fluently, which could create
language barriers in certain situations. The organization can ensure effective communication
with local employees, guests, and stakeholders by employing HCNs who are native French
speakers. This improves customer service, teamwork, and operational effectiveness overall.
Seventy percent of the employees to be recruited would be a wise decision to recruit HCNs.

3. Market knowledge and the parent company’s strategic goal: Market Knowledge HCNs
possess invaluable market knowledge, including customer behavior, competitor strategies, and
industry trends. This local knowledge can contribute to strategic decision-making, marketing
strategies, and the adaptation of services to the tastes of French customers. It enables Brunt
Hotels to navigate the distinct characteristics and challenges of the French hospitality industry
effectively. On the other hand, PCNs with high authority will make important decisions
regarding the market, eventually serving the organization’s goal.

4. Cost efficiency: Even though the cost of living is higher in France than in the UK. But
combining PCNs and HCNs enables Brunt Hotels to balance cost efficiency and managerial
efficacy. Employing many HCNs reduces relocation costs and potential language training costs.
PCNs, on the other hand, provide the necessary management expertise and ensure alignment
with the organization's overall goals.

5. Adaptability and Problem-Solving: By employing both PCNs and HCNs, Brunt Hotels can
leverage the strengths and perspectives of both groups. This diversity fosters a collaborative and
innovative work environment, allowing for effective problem-solving and adaptability in various
circumstances. PCNs can contribute their expertise and best practices, whereas HCNs can offer
market-specific insights and innovative solutions.

6. Enhanced Local Connections: Employing both PCNs and HCNs allows for developing solid
relationships with local stakeholders. Utilizing their existing professional networks within Brunt
Hotels, PCNs can establish connections and foster collaboration. In addition, HCNs bring their
local networks and connections, enabling the organization to develop meaningful relationships
with suppliers, government agencies, and community organizations.

Case Study on Brunt Hotels

Combining PCNs and HCNs provides Brunt Hotels with an all-encompassing strategy
integrating organizational expertise, local knowledge, cultural adaptation, and effective
communication. This synergistic combination improves the organization's ability to succeed in
the French market while preserving its core values and strategic goals.

Part C: Question 3

3. Write a recruitment advertisement for the new positions which can be sent to existing
managers by e-mail. Your advertisement should include, at a minimum, the following
 Main responsibilities of the job.
 The skills you are looking for in that position.

Ans: The recruitment advertisement sent to existing managers by e-mail is as follows:

Subject: Exciting Management Opportunities - Become Part of Brunt Hotels’ Growth!

Dear Brunt Team,

As we venture into our new journey outside the UK, we are exhilarated to offer internal
candidates the opportunity to pioneer our new hotel chain in France. At Brunt Management, we
meticulously believe that incorporating our organization’s core values from the outset is
substantial to our accomplishments. Therefore, we are looking for diligent individuals who can
uphold our core beliefs and achieve our organizational objectives.

Position: Hotel Management

Location: France
Type: Full-time

Main Responsibilities:
1. Deliver Exceptional Customer Service: Ensure top-notch customer service to all the
guests, creating memorable experiences for them and cultivating a favorable perception
of our hotel. Additionally, must converse eloquently with guests that end in goodwill.

Case Study on Brunt Hotels

2. Ensure a Clean and Comfortable Environment: Implement rigorous cleanliness

protocols and oversee regular maintenance and upkeep to ensure that all hotel facilities,
equipment, and amenities are clean, proper, and well maintained.
3. Ensure a comfortable environment for both guests and staff and conduct regular
inspections to verify compliance with the instructions, and provide feedback and training
as required.
4. Recruit and Retain Excellent Staff: Identify and attract talented individuals who are
committed to professionalism and provide excellent service.
5. Support and Develop Staff: Foster an environment where growth and development are
encouraged through constructive feedback, mentorship opportunities, and empowerment
of individuals to help them attain their full potential.
6. Continuous Improvement: Consistently improve all aspects of the hotel through guest
feedback, personnel training, regularly assessing and improving facilities, fostering a
culture of feedback and new ideas and ensuring adherence to our core values.
7. Maintenance and Facility Management: Supervise the proactive maintenance and
management of buildings, fixtures, and fittings, ensuring that they are properly
maintained and welcoming for our guests.

Skills and Qualifications:

To excel in these managerial roles, we are seeking candidates who possess the following
 Previous work experience in hotel management, hospitality industry or related fields,
exhibiting a record of delivering excellent customer service.
 Proficient leadership and communication skills.
 Ability to motivate, inspire and build morale among a diverse workforce.
 Ensure conversational and amicable tone while talking to guests.
 Strong analytical, organizational, and problem-solving skills, facilitating effective
management operations and making strategic choices.
 Ability to identify, recruit and train top talent from a diverse pool of candidates, by
skillfully assessing them and their qualifications.

Case Study on Brunt Hotels

 Ability to foster a positive and supportive work culture and passion for continuous
 Knowledge of cleaning and maintenance techniques, health and safety standards, and
familiarity with industry-standard maintenance procedures to optimize safety and
cleaning operations for a comfortable environment.
 Keen attention to detail for overseeing all aspects of the business.
 Flexibility and adaptability to overcome challenges and excel in new surroundings.

Join us in this exciting, new venture at Brunt Management and contribute to our growth. If you
believe you have what it takes to build and manage a dynamic team, we encourage you to apply
for these positions by July 30, 2023.

Please submit your CV and cover letter, providing a brief outline of your background and
experiences and how they align with our core values at We
eagerly look forward to reviewing your application and embarking on this incredible journey

If you have any queries or require further details, feel free to contact Mr. David Samuel, our HR
representative at or +44 1234 567870.

Thank you for your valuable time and dedication to Brunt Management. We hope to have the
opportunity to work alongside our talented internal candidates in establishing a successful hotel
enterprise in France.

Best regards,
Naushaba Mahmud
Brunt Management

Part D: Question 4

Case Study on Brunt Hotels

4. Design a compensation package for the hotel management position. Explain the
rationale for your design.

Ans: The hotel management positions will be filled up by Parent Country Nationals (PCNs) who
are workers from the United Kingdom. As a result, the compensation package needs to attract the
workers to go to France to work for the new hotels. From the case, we know that the existing
managers get €45,000 per year plus bonuses in the UK. However, the average salary for hotel
managers in France is found to be €60,000 with no bonuses. Thus, the balance sheet approach
has to be used so that the employer can pay for any additional differences created by the different
living expenses in the UK and France.

The average cost of living in France is 20% less than in UK. While housing expenses are higher
in the UK, food is more expensive in France. (n.d., 2023) The expenses such as housing, goods
& services and other expenses will vary from city to city. Nevertheless, the compensation
package has been designed after considering the following estimation of average money spent
behind the expenses in France and UK.

Expenses (per month) UK (€) France (€)

Housing & Utilities 1200 800

Goods & Services 390 450

Transportation 150 90

Taxes 20% 30%

Compensation Package

Position: Manager at Brunt Hotel

Case Study on Brunt Hotels

Financial Benefits

 Salary - €50,000 per year

 Annual bonus 20% of base salary depending on performance of the employee.

Non- Financial Benefits

 Annual Leave – Paid holidays of 30 days (1 month) every year according to the Labor
Law in France
 Insurance Benefits – Health care expenses compensated by the employer.

The salary of €50,000 has been decided to act as an incentive for current managers in the UK to
see this as an opportunity to earn more money in France than if they choose to stay in the UK.
This salary is lower than the average salary for hotel managers in France because unlike other
hotels in France, Brunt Hotels have decided to give 20% annual bonuses which will be worth
€10,000 for hotel managers if they can perform up to the standard. Moreover, there will be non-
financial benefits such as paid holidays and insurance benefits for the hotel managers.

Case Study on Brunt Hotels


Cost of Living Comparison: UK and France | Clear Currency. (2023, January 11).

France vs UK comparison: Cost of living, prices, salary. (2023a, February 11).


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