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什麼是健康食物?我們的認知可能過時了 - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/10/6 上午4:22

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健 中⽂ 中 雙語 ⽂# $ % & '

什 是健 物 我們的 知可

What Is a ‘Healthy’ Food? The F.D.A. Wants to
Change the Definition.
2022年9⽉30⽇ 第1⾴(共12⾴)
什麼是健康食物?我們的認知可能過時了 - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/10/6 上午4:22



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The Food and Drug Administration 國 品 品 督管理局(簡稱FDA)

unveiled a new proposal on Wednesday 三 布了⼀項 提 該 構
that would change the criteria for which 定包 品「健 」的 準 在
packaged foods the agency considers 該 構 理 信息的⽅式現代 並
“healthy,” in an attempt to modernize 減少 關的 病負
its approach to nutrition and reduce the
burden of diet-related diseases. 第2⾴(共12⾴)
什麼是健康食物?我們的認知可能過時了 - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/10/6 上午4:22

Currently, about 5 percent of all 該 構稱 ⽬ ⼤約5%的包 品

packaged foods are labeled “healthy,” 都 「健 」 籤 該 籤於1994年
according to the agency. The definition, 被定義 許 品 在其產品中添
which was set in 1994, allows for food 加「健 」 籤 只 產品的
manufacturers to add the word 和 固 和 較少 並且
“healthy” to their products, as long as 下⼀種或多種 素的 ⾄少為每
the products have limited amounts of ⽇ 的10% 維⽣素A 維⽣素C
total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and 鈣 蛋⽩質或 纖維 (海鮮
sodium and provide at least 10 percent 味和 鮮 果的 準略 同 )
of the daily value of one or more of the 2016年 FDA更 了 原則 許⼀
following nutrients: vitamin A, vitamin 物 更多的 並 ⼀
C, calcium, iron, protein or dietary 提供⾄少10%每⽇ 的維⽣素D或鉀
fiber. (Seafood, game meat and raw 的 物
fruits and vegetables have slightly
different criteria.) In 2016, the F.D.A.
updated its guidelines to allow for some
foods to contain more total fat and to
include some that provide at least 10
percent of the daily value of vitamin D
or potassium.

Crucially, there is currently no limit on ⾄關 要的是 現 定義沒 對添加

added sugars under the current ⾏ 制——FDA相信 ⼀ 符合
definition — an omission that the 天的 科學
F.D.A. believes is inconsistent with
today’s nutrition science. 第3⾴(共12⾴)
什麼是健康食物?我們的認知可能過時了 - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/10/6 上午4:22

“The old rule was really outdated — you 「 規則真的已經 了——你可 亂

could create any kind of Frankenstein 拼湊出 何符合 準的 品 並給
food that met the nutrient criteria and 它加上健 的 籤 」波⼠頓 夫 ·弗
label it as healthy,” said Dr. Dariush ⾥ 科學 策學院的⼼ 病學
Mozaffarian, a cardiologist and 和 學 授 留什· 扎法裡安 ⼠
professor of nutrition at the Tufts 「 是⼀個 ⼤ 步 」
Friedman School of Nutrition Science
and Policy in Boston. “This is a major


好禮隨箱送 第4⾴(共12⾴)
什麼是健康食物?我們的認知可能過時了 - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/10/6 上午4:22

The proposed rule, which the agency 該 構在 三的「 健 」

announced to coincide with ⽩宮會議上宣布的 議規則對添加 引
Wednesday’s White House Conference 了 的 制——⼀ 來 每⼈ 物
on Hunger, Nutrition and Health, 超 2.5克 儘管 可 因 物⽽異
introduces a new limit on added sugars FDA 它 的 制在每⼈
— in general, no more than 2.5 grams 超 230毫克 並規定了 和 的
per serving, although this can vary 制 和 同樣會因 物⽽異
depending on the food. It also restricts
the amount of sodium to no more than
230 milligrams per serving and
provides limits for saturated fat, which
can similarly vary depending on the
food, the F.D.A. said.

A six-ounce serving of yogurt, for 例如 規定 ⼀ 六 司(約合

example, would not qualify as “healthy” 170克——譯註)的 奶 如果 超
under the new rule if it contained more 2.5克 即每⽇ 5%的添加 則
than 2.5 grams, or 5 percent of the daily 符合「健 」的 準 如果⼀ 鮭⿂
value, of added sugars; a frozen dinner ⾖和 凍套 超 4克的 和
of salmon, green beans and brown rice 則 符合「健 」的 準
would not qualify as “healthy” if it
contained more than four grams of
saturated fat. 第5⾴(共12⾴)
什麼是健康食物?我們的認知可能過時了 - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/10/6 上午4:22

The new definition aims to encourage 定義 在 先 ⽔果

healthy eating by prioritizing a mix of 穀物 乳 品 蛋⽩質和 油 (包
vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy, proteins 括植物油)來⿎ 健 「健 」
and certain oils, including vegetable 品 要⾄少包 品 中的⼀
oils. A “healthy” food would need to 種 並且 於 和 和添加 的
contain a minimum amount of at least 建議 值 未加⼯的完 果 ⾃動符
one of those food groups and be under 合 準
the proposed limits for saturated fats,
sodium and added sugars. Raw whole
fruits and vegetables would
automatically qualify.

“Those criteria will eliminate vast 約⼤學 學 品研 和 共 ⽣

swaths of the supermarket from being 學 授⾺利恩· 斯爾 「 準
eligible for the healthy logo,” said 使超市裡的⼤ 品 法 得健
Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition, 籤 」
food studies and public health at New
York University.

Many sugary cereals, granola bars, 現 定義 許多 穀物 格蘭

highly sweetened yogurts and white 拉 棒 ⾼ 奶和⽩ 包⽬ 可
breads, which might currently qualify as 符合「健 」 準 但在 規則下
“healthy” under the existing definition, 再符合
would be eliminated under the new
rule. 第6⾴(共12⾴)
什麼是健康食物?我們的認知可能過時了 - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/10/6 上午4:22

Water, avocados, nuts and seeds, fatty ⽔ 堅果和種 鮭⿂富

fish like salmon, and certain oils — 的⿂ 和 油 ⽬ 符合「健 」
which do not currently qualify as 的 準 但在 南下可 得例外
“healthy” — could earn the distinction 免
under the new guidelines.

The new definition of “healthy” 的「健 」定義強 物是 在

emphasizes whether a food fits into a 上符合健 的 式 ⽽ 僅僅關注
healthy dietary pattern overall, as 物的個 成 例如 ⽬
opposed to just focusing on a food’s 的定義 鮭⿂因 ⾼ 並 被
individual nutrients. Salmon, for 為是「健 」的 但在 規則下 它會
example, which isn’t considered 得到「健 」 免 因為它富 益的
“healthy” under the current definition omega-3 和蛋⽩質 並且 和
because it is high in fat, would earn the 和 固
new “healthy” distinction because it is
rich in beneficial omega-3 fatty acids
and protein and low in saturated fat and
cholesterol. 第7⾴(共12⾴)
什麼是健康食物?我們的認知可能過時了 - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/10/6 上午4:22

“The F.D.A. has been really behind the 「FDA在為 事 制定更 格的

times when it comes to making stricter 原則⽅⾯確實落 於 代 」約翰 普
guidelines for these things,” said Dr. ⾦斯 學院 學助理 授 國
Selvi Rajagopal, an assistant professor 學 員會⼤使塞爾維·拉賈⼽帕 ⼠
of medicine at Johns Hopkins Medicine 「當我讀到 規則 我想 嗯
and a diplomat of the American Board 好 我 意 」
of Obesity Medicine. “When I read this,
I thought, OK, this is good. I was

Typically, after the F.D.A. proposes a 共利益科學中⼼執⾏主 兼主席彼得·

rule, the agency seeks commentary 裡 ⼠ 常 在FDA在提出⼀項
from outside health experts and the 規則 該 構會在規則⽣ 之
general public before the rule can go 外 ⽣專 和 眾的意⾒
into effect, said Dr. Peter Lurie, 個 可 要⼀年或更 間
executive director and president of the
Center for Science in the Public
Interest. The process can take a year or
more, he added. 第8⾴(共12⾴)
什麼是健康食物?我們的認知可能過時了 - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/10/6 上午4:22

While he applauded some aspects of the 雖 對 提議的 ⽅⾯ ⽰讚賞

proposed update, especially the limit on 是對添加 的 制 但 裡 ⼠強
added sugars, Dr. Lurie stressed that 該 籤存在⼀個 本問題 它 現
there is a fundamental problem with 籤⼀樣 仍基於 ⾃願 費者
the label, which as with the current 可 會錯 為 沒 「健 」 籤
label, would remain voluntary. 的 品都是 健 的 「它在 ⽅⾯並
Consumers might erroneously think 沒 到真正的作⽤ 」 「它
that any foods without a “healthy” label 許⾏ 定向 費者傳 什 ⽽ 是
are automatically unhealthy. “It’s not 提供 費者明確想要的東⻄ 」
really helpful in that respect,” he said.
“It allows the industry to decide what to
convey to the consumer, as opposed to
providing the consumer with what they
would clearly want.”

Instead, Dr. Lurie and others in the 相 裡 ⼠和 域的其 ⼈正

nutrition field are pushing for new 在推動在 品包 正⾯強制添加 的
standardized, mandatory nutrition 準 籤 FDA⽬ 正在予 考
labels placed on the front of food
packages, which the F.D.A. is currently
looking into. 第9⾴(共12⾴)
什麼是健康食物?我們的認知可能過時了 - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/10/6 上午4:22

In the meantime, the agency hopes that 同 該 構希 更 的定義 幫

an updated definition will help 助 費者 出更好的 定 幫助
consumers make better dietary ⼼⾎管 病和II型 尿病 「
decisions, to help lower the incidence of 相關的 性 病」的發病率
“diet-related chronic diseases” like FDA的 超 80%的 國⼈在
cardiovascular disease and Type 2 中沒 ⾜夠的 ⽔果和奶
diabetes. More than 80 percent of 品
people living in the United States aren’t
getting enough vegetables, fruit and
dairy in their diets, according to the

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“There’s been so much mixed 「關於什 健 什 健 太多

messaging on what’s healthy and what’s 的 法 」拉賈⼽帕 ⼠ 「普
not,” Dr. Rajagopal said. “The average 費者完 沒 基準 」
consumer just doesn’t have a baseline.”

Dani Blum是《 約 報》健 稿⼈

翻譯 明
擊 看本⽂ ⽂ 第10⾴(共12⾴)

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