Vocab For Hotel Review and Practice

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Writing hotel reviews

How to write reviews

Hotel reviews are now included in the current SPM 1119/2 exam.

When writing reviews about hotels, it's important to remember the following
points. These reviews are not attempting to sell the product but offer an honest
opinion of it.

Use a conversational style in your writing, especially when giving your own opinion,

"I found the hotel extremely comfortable; the lounge area was quiet and
peaceful with large plush sofas and armchairs."

However, avoid very informal expressions and adjectives which may sound too
emotive or have little clear meaning, e.g.

"It was a great hotel - the lounge was fantastic and had really comfy places to sit."

The aim of a review is so that people reading it can decide whether that hotel,
restaurant, film etc. would be suitable for them. For that reason, your review
should be descriptive using adjectives that are mostly non-emotive and as precise
as possible. Remember that what you like may not be appealing to someone else.

"The hotel is located at a 5-minute walk from a very clean beach of white sand and
crystal clear water. Access to the beach, however, means walking down some
rather precarious and dangerous steps. ..."

Once you have offered a clear description, you can add your own opinions, which
could be positive or negative. Your opinions should be supported with why you
liked or didn't like a particular thing.

"... Although I thought the beach was quite idyllic and uncrowded for the time of
year, you need to be fairly agile and daring to get to it. I had to make my way
down those steps very carefully!"

If you remember that a review is intended to be read by people of all tastes,

income brackets and ages, you will write a text that will be more useful to

Try the exercises and get some practice writing hotel reviews.
20 Most Popular Adjectives for hotel Adjectives for beautiful
adjectives for HOTEL room: hotel:
Affordable Comfortable Breathtaking
Charming Cozy Charming
Comfortable Elegant Enchanting
Convenient Immaculate Exquisite
Cozy Inviting Grand
Elegant Serene Majestic
Exquisite Spacious Opulent
Grand Stylish Picturesque
Historic Tranquil Splendid
Luxurious Well-appointed Stunning
Adjectives for hotel Adjectives for star NEGATIVE WORDS
staff: hotel: FOR HOTEL REVIEW
Friendly Luxurious Shabby
Attentive Prestigious small and outdated
Courteous Upscale starchy, old-fashioned
Helpful Sophisticated crummy, ordinary
Professional Exclusive stuffy
Accommodating High-end unoccupied
Efficient Top-notch gloomy
Knowledgeable Superior prosaic
Welcoming Deluxe grimy
Polite Classy hot noisy
Words to Describe Hotel with Meanings
1. Affordable: Reasonably priced for budget-conscious travelers.
2. Charming: Delightfully attractive and full of character.
3. Comfortable: Providing a pleasant and cozy experience.
4. Convenient: Offering ease and accessibility for guests.
5. Cozy: Small and intimate, creating a warm atmosphere.
6. Elegant: Displaying tasteful and refined beauty.
7. Exquisite: Exceptionally beautiful and refined.
8. Grand: Impressive and magnificent in scale.
9. Historic: Having significant historical value or importance.
10. Luxurious: Offering high-end and lavish accommodations.
11. Modern: Incorporating contemporary design and amenities.
12. Quaint: Having a charming and old-fashioned appeal.
13. Relaxing: Providing a calm and stress-free environment.
14. Sophisticated: Stylish and refined in an understated manner.
15. Spacious: Offering ample room and open areas.
16. Stylish: Fashionable and trendy in design.
17. Tranquil: Serene and peaceful, ideal for relaxation.
18. Unique: Distinctive and unlike any other.
19. Upscale: Exclusive and catering to a discerning clientele.
20. Welcoming: Friendly and inviting to guests.

Example Sentences for Hotel Adjectives

1. The affordable hotel room fits perfectly within our budget.
2. We stayed at a charming hotel nestled in the countryside.
3. The comfortable bed ensured a good night’s sleep.
4. The hotel’s location was convenient for exploring the city.
5. We spent a cozy evening by the fireplace in the hotel lounge.
6. The hotel’s lobby had an elegant and sophisticated ambiance.
7. The restaurant served exquisite dishes prepared by top chefs.
8. The grand ballroom was a stunning venue for the event.
9. We enjoyed learning about the hotel’s historic significance.
10. The suite offered luxurious amenities, including a private jacuzzi.
11. The hotel had a modern design with sleek lines and minimalistic decor.
12. We stayed in a quaint hotel with a charming courtyard.
13. The spa provided a relaxing massage and soothing treatments.
14. The hotel’s sophisticated rooftop bar offered breathtaking views.
15. Our spacious suite had a separate living area and bedroom.
16. The hotel’s interior was beautifully stylish and contemporary.
17. The tranquil gardens provided a peaceful oasis in the city.
18. The hotel’s architecture had a unique blend of modern and traditional
19. The hotel’s upscale restaurant served gourmet cuisine.
20. The hotel staff gave us a warm and welcoming greeting upon arrival.

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