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• NOUN: A word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea.

• Common Noun: A general name for a person, place, thing, or idea, not
capitalized unless it starts a sentence.
EXAMPLES: dog, song, book, city, teacher

• Proper Noun: The specific name of a person, place, or thing, capitalized.

EXAMPLES: Shakespeare, Einstein, Manila, Jose Rizal, Eiffel Tower

• Abstract Noun: A noun that represents a concept, quality, or state that cannot
be perceived through the five senses.
EXAMPLES: love, courage, happiness, loyalty, justice

• Concrete Noun: A noun that refers to something that can be perceived through
the five senses, such as a physical object.
EXAMPLES: car, house, tree, mountain, river

• Countable Noun: A noun that can be counted as individual units.

EXAMPLES: apple, pen, book, pencil, chair

• Uncountable Noun: A noun that cannot be counted as separate units and is

typically measured in mass or volume.
EXAMPLES: water, air,

• Compound Noun: A noun formed by combining two or more words to create a

new meaning.

• Collective Noun: A noun that refers to a group of individuals as a single entity.


• Singular Noun: A noun that refers to one person, place, thing, or idea.

• Plural Noun: A noun that refers to more than one person, place, thing, or idea.
• ADJECTIVE: An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun or
pronoun. Adjectives can be used to describe the qualities of someone or
something independently or in comparison to something else.
• Descriptive adjective: An adjective that describes a noun by giving more
information about it, such as its size, shape, color, or other qualities.

• Coordinate adjective: Two or more adjectives that are joined by a coordinating

conjunction and they modify the same noun.

• Cumulative adjective: Two or more adjectives that are joined by a cumulative


• Compound adjective: An adjective that is made up of two or more words


• Proper adjective: An adjective that is derived from a proper noun


• Demonstrative adjective: An adjective that points out or identifies a specific


• Distributive adjective: An adjective that distributes its meaning over each of the
nouns in a list

• Indefinite adjective: An adjective that does not refer to a specific person or thing

• Interrogative adjective: An adjective that is used in questions


• Predicate adjective: An adjective that follows a linking verb and describes the
subject of the sentence

• Quantitative adjective: An adjective that tells how much or how many of

something there is

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