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University of the Punjab

Industrial Psychology and Sociology

Name: ___________________ Date : ____________

Roll no.: _______________

Part I: MCQs Marks: 30

1) Amna watched a movie for the first time and hated it. After sometime, she watched
the same movie over and over again, and she developed a liking for the movie. This
is an example of:
A. Associative Learning
B. Mere Exposure
C. Functional Approach
D. Attitude-Strength
2) A student fails her examination. Her parents assume that she did not pay enough
attention in her studies. This is an example of:

A. Dispositional attribution

B. Situational attribution

C. Perceptual salience

D. Spotlight effect

3) Which one of the following is not a component of attitude?

A. Cognitive
B. Affective
C. Belief
D. Behavioral
4) The study of attitudes falls mainly in area of .....
A. Social Psychology
B. Clinical Psychology
C. Military Psychology
D. Testing

5) The tendency to attribute one's own behavior to external, situational causes, and
attributing the behavior of others to internal, personal causes; especially when the
outcome is likely to be negative.

A. Self-serving bias
B. Foot in the mouth technique
C. Actor/observer difference
D. Two-Step Process of Attribution

6) “All good is likely to happen to me” is what form of attribution?

A. Situational attribution

B. Unrealistic optimism

C. Dispositional attribution

D. Actor/ observer difference

7) ........refers to the negative or positive expectations about social groups and their

A. Prejudice
B. Hatred
C. Socialization
D. Discrimination

8) ______________ leads to changing attitudes among individuals within the group.

A. Minority influence
B. Attribution
C. Group polarization
D. Attitude formation

9) The abbreviation RT stands for?

A. Reaction Time
B. Retrospective Test
C. Reality Testing
D. Real Time

10) A minority that sticks to its position is more influential is an example of which of the
following category:

A. Self confidence
B. Consistency
C. Defection
D. Resistance

11) In Social Psychology the term ‘Conformity’ can also be associated with:
A. Peer Pressure
B. Self-schemas
C. Complying with the rules
D. Standard of living

12) The fundamental attribution error refers to

A. The tendency to attribute our successes to our internal dispositions and our failures
to external situational factors

B. The tendency to explain others’ behavior in terms of dispositional factors and our
own behavior in terms of situational factors

C. The tendency to attribute the actions of others to situational factors

D. The tendency to attribute the actions of others we are observing to their disposition

13) A middle school boy starts wearing certain sneakers or clothing to fit in with the
popular kids in his class. This is an example of …………..

A. Informational Influence
B. Normative Influence
C. Persuasive arguments
D. Social Comparison

14) A person may feel pressurized to smoke because the rest of their friends are. This is an
example of ………….

A. Risky shift
B. Informational Influence
C. Normative Influence (Social Comparison)
D. Persuasion

15) “Your thoughts and beliefs about the subject” refers to which component of attitude?

A. Affective
B. Behavioral
C. Cognitive
D. None of the above

16) __________ scientific study of mental processes and behavior.

A. Behavioral science
B. Criminology
C. Psychology
D. Sociology

17) The ___________ occurs when people overestimate the extent to which their behaviors
and appearance are noticed by others.

A. Attribution
B. Self-serving bias
C. Spotlight effect
D. Misattribution

18) The “g” factor of intelligence refers to….

A. General intelligence
B. Interpersonal intelligence
C. Spatial intelligence
D. Linguistic intelligence

19) Men tend to identify with men, Asians with Asians, teenagers with teenagers, these are
examples of….

A. Consistency
B. Flexibility
C. Identification
D. Confidence

20) __________ proposed that we as individuals are motivated by a hierarchy of needs.

A. Freud
B. Maslow
C. Fritz
D. Bandura

21) In Health Psychology _____________ means a person holds external events responsible
for his bad health

A. Attribution Theory

B. Unrealistic Optimism

C. Health Locus of Control

D. None of the above

22) Clinical Psychologists use only one type of approach on one client for treatment

A. True

B. False

C. Maybe

D. None of the above

23) The Biopsychosocial Model in Health Psychology views health and illness behaviors as
products of our:

A. Genetics

B. Lifestyle

C. Relationships

D. All of the above

24) A team of engineers is assigned detail working drawings of a project. They meet to
present the findings to their senior head. Which of the following describes this social
interaction ?

A. Individual to group
B. Group to group
C. Group to individual
D. Individual to individual

25) Testing the ability for a specific ability is called...

A. Aptitude testing
B. Intelligence testing
C. Diagnostic Testing
D. Personality testing

26) The branch of psychology that focuses on strengths and potential of people rather than
their deficiencies is known as.……

A. Positive Psychology
B. Forensic Psychology
C. Social Psychology
D. Organizational Psychology
27) The branch of psychology that provides support in getting the right people at the right
job is known as:

A. Social Psychology
B. Organizational Psychology
C. Counseling Psychology
D. Forensic Psychology

28) _____________ psychology deals with the study of human behavior regarding their
buying patterns.

A. Industrial
B. Marketing
C. Consumer
D. Social

29) The correlation between stress and health is

A. Positive
B. Negative
C. No correlation
D. not studied

30) Study of RT is one of the areas in?

A. Memory
B. Counseling Psychology
C. Psychophysics
D. Perception and Sensation
University of the Punjab

Industrial Psychology and Sociology



1 Choose a topic of your choice from all that you have studied during the course and

give reasons for your choice and explain the topic well. Give examples to support

your answer.

2 Explain any one of the following experiment, make sure to mention the name of the

experimenter and proper details of the entire study in your own words:

• The Milgram Shock Experiment

• Stanford Prison Experiment

3 Mention and briefly define the components of attitude. Also name the factors that

form attitude and thoroughly explain any one of the factors in your own words.

4 What is psychological testing and mention its four primary types. Mention the types

of tests you have studied and name at least one test under each category.

5 Why do accidents happen and mention the attitudes for encouraging safety culture.

6 Define any two of the following:

a. Aptitude testing

b. Positive emotions

c. Health psychology

d. Safety attitude

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