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The mystery of the cloud

turin cpu jesus death shroud

venitian snare programmed african drums loud
you should be ashamed to be so proud

of just having children

what have you learned it your years to give them?
human self replicating biolocical system

realdoll laptop chinsees simplifyed quadpin

yearn to fuck silicon women

ifect like dusty digital on digital cassete

format the wet
like gun blown in mouth of marine corps vet
that soceity neglect
in LA living in a tent
machine learning that we cant programme only direct

wonder if the animals like the drums of africa?

kick snare kick dsnare kick snare

human need cave dweller shelter

claws and teeth animal predator protect human neck
my landlord is living life
he keep raising my rent
to silence my songlines have a cat homeless soaking wet
think they realise and hate my priceless intellect

triple A Malwarebyte chimera killer

armed drone kitch knife vet

never again will i let my defences brown black out

so i dont know if i had free will when i killed USA clout

or if i was naturally psyced up

was i just pet of the gornernment
prision angel suit kitch knifed up
population controll 97 co flow funcrush
my rymes hit you hard repeatedly likre gun butt
good cunt bad cunt obsidian vagina dick thrust

in god we trust alone down here

but in my heart i have no fear
because my ranger god is here
1000 metre hazardous rimbaud chemical strare

hurt you bring pestilence like nurgle

break the locks off nike riot loot and cat burgle
turn equals rape my words turn you
constellation vella corina ice feinder
strobe light rave seizure
passion pop living with tina and korina
jonny slash used to cut like iggy pop and was a bleeder

show no pity autobot drop something witty

raised in perfect evil cathedral christ church city

drunk driving slut hunting cruising columbo

manchester street prostitute murder dumb ho
i tag the fuck out the place stealth gung ho
feel the dark energy of the glock roaming over your body flow
dark energy pistol venom tips make you feel the bullet enter slow

digital war army of the pharoes who the fuck are you
i stick to the true songline like glue
illuminati cops currpt fake badges persue
tourte Z91 the true tarot card hanging man the fool

my knife is a tool flesh splayed farsite

a sninig becon clawing into the night

the sharpest knives you cant own molecular blade sharper

knives of the dark eldar

the collegen pumper face re sculpture

make you a living flesh statue picked over by vulture

paralised off the alien xanax dont panic

french montana moses ashely you dont want static
make you a banner make you a planet
plus in the real i shoot planets

blood tusnami 2.5 billion caultys

elmer fud vs the rabbit looney tunes jane calamitys
mcs dream of becoming rich and spit fantasys
hazrdous me kidnap and treaten to kill your family


leverage Z1 a bad cunt you get them back if you pay me 25 bucks
my saber thrust drunk in theclub pockrt full of snub
licence to execute triple a malwarebyte who am i to judge

aint no such thing as halfway thugs drug a stripper teen

at maxines addicted to ketamine real tale
motorcycle gangs mexican terror hells angels
ill blow ya head off and leave ya brains splattedrd on the pool table
reality rap not fable i sail 18 mast kingbolter cammoran sails

fallen hells angels, i heard theres 15 of them in the first bunch

Z52.1 expert with the AK47 peoples gun
joanna california statement 81
sings the unending ammends youve made are enough for one life, be done

sings in my hardening to every heart but one i rap the truth

TENS2 VIRIS1 christchurch city filth

QSR KR FE BML OTB 1080 rinse african drums on repeat

noisie marine leave you dead in the street
blood angels are real canibals and sometimes your just meat

did the cannibal training and ate the streioded up biker

spirtual comat poisioned in bed should have been dead psycer
blood angels say your dead dropped off the edge in juarez
because bllod angels dont like ya
motorcycle bout to sell on you cats quick bucks before my knife thrust
bikes we had onced loved left to rust gather dust
i occupyed tagged up left banner at the hells angels club
used to go up on a tuesday now the angels dissapeared the fuck up

well youd be shocked at the state of things the whole place had just cleared right
it always remains between you me and the rest of the gang doubt
kean printed the supporter hoodies for the rock machineing hard drug
my tee shirt with the angel wings states est 1972 run club

on top of the deaths head logo about to jump out perched

a ute pulls up says who are ya
i state dylan goldsbrough hells angels los angeles for what its worth
he sheirks "your not a hells angel, your not a hells angel ive got a tee shirt"

robbed for my blackk wolf pack by angel imposters when i went back for the meeting
i bring end
intercom said "im looking for my freind"

4 come out and start punching me wailing "stealing from the hells angels"
I walk off shouting ill show you some of the gang sings of your gang that you
forgot truth not fable
gave me a kicking stole my pack now they can read rak mason hail satan granfdad was
an angel
lord faithfully we have served 986 years blood angels thrid rails
i know my pistols the dissapearing machine but what happened to the mebourne hells
maybe they locked up at mill park police station future jails

I just wanted to warn them about police inflitration and borrow the AK
to roll a van i belived a prisioner is kept in, what good is your rifle if the
bullets never spray
im an anarco fascist burner street king crime for crimes sake

the banner state Z91 sinaloa for all the children of the lost angels
the tags say alien wizard face blood angel zeta malwarebytes triple A
a white ute comes to check on the HA alpjhington pad every 3.5 days
desolate crib bar no fridge how they supposed to have beers im amazed

omallys bar nick cave 15 are slayed and he names all their names
christchurch mosque shooting 51 dead cops nick cave murder ballads the banner
the essence of life and death are at stake
one day ill lay alone in a grave, still my brain is enslaved

norf norf rapping even police will get sprayed all the way to his jail
joanna thinks they cant be saved but i say where are the real hells angels

sonnet of brotherhood rak mason buck buck bolter a untamed vagrant from race
i say some can be saved, maybe it was the cops with the confiscated patches that
did the rape

bang bang bang gun 147 people hes killed my sergent at arms Z52.1 ace
15 of them in the first bunch also 15 planets in space
kill anyone thats ever touched her yet i yearn to touch her face

so dont approach or be the star of this chapter make you a planet make you a banner
call me mr lee stagger with the rusty hammer that stammer they snitch on los zetas
more than 10 times codex letters peach plum pear panda vendettas

burglay clevers kitchen knife splay faces arcing yas

i left behind a tattoo gun belonging to the mexican mafia

a gun where no ink will pump out the needles

now theyve stollen from me 15 better have a bus your gonna need all your peoples
its best im kept secret to see things clearer paint new chapter logos on the easles

remind you of blood angels there are two of us lay it down and come peacefull
you may have forgotten our chapter but let me remind you we are undeafeated

los zetas not cannibals but blood angels drink the blood of their enemys defeat
imperial navy
i dont even think human baby flesh tastes good black rage gene seed defect insane
we will see every enemy as the very traitior who struck down sanginuis raced nost

so put an AK where Kean n that stay KR norf norf stiches on my face like an ashtray
other peoples bikes gathering dust at the hells angels crib heard these guys were
heard they rape a bitch should we strat to kill everyone on their charter list

i heard the unbroken angels raced like horses or trapped in gladiator school
a least an excuse must have done something to break the angels
unless they easily breakable, my house they try to run thru
plus do drivebys with camera capyure soul weapon tool

when we talking toys im talking aliens m41a pulse rifle milliamp

thomposon smg underslung shot gun get claped this hit aint no phone app

dylan goldsbrough smashed your pad with tags graffiti

and like tori sing threads that are golden dont break easily

they tourted beat poisioned sarin sever pain plesure receptor

took all connection away from my brain cant get the punchline or a sett up of a
180 day half life i received 2 and a half years dose
Z91 alone on the streets of Australia New zealand outnumbered 25 million to one
still my vote
could have you tied up and chocked
they say your depressed youll be found hanging from a rope

in mebourne the right people to know is about two people in the underworld i be the
last letter
wheras we are feared in all streets make you woman of the year give you a new face
like bruce jenner

CIA vendetta gm grimm im not stable superstar jet mayan jaguar

we spar on hard bar with broken shards of glass at transgender bar
when your lost in cheeroke terrian a little bit of nothing goes far
cartel honey tar when you do know where you are

its easy to get killed in a flash by a man with a camera and a watch buckhead
your gun is litterally a watch mines the rusty old 38 automatic that blows your
head off dead
gamma knife cyber knife x knife hells angels caufght in an illuminati psy op gold
but my knife real to kill me you have to plunge the blade into my chest or bust
bullets lead
but even then i have no fear for my ranger god is here bullets frezze infront of my
face when you bust lead
bust an artery in my brain should have been dead

double green lit by the cops feel the sting of they guns died out of time
they called it off on they burner powder keg brink of war like 1939
i drank the death ink that splits your soul in two stops all vital signs
your dead but still looking out your eyes
even tho it tastses synthetic the recipe dates back to medieval times
only reason i aint killed more yet dead in my rymes
is the fact that they all snitch dont want to be locked up for life for my crimes

miniturised cameras and microphones survell the tigers like pets

racially profiled if you dont know what its like to be a tiger he said
in a zoo then you have no idea what its like being a white cat in australia NZ
or a black man in america crabbed waiting to fight tooth and nail leave them dead

black armour red x eat flesh women and children dead dont test scandalous
leave actors and actresses in ruins like los angels

maybe im just a vicous ass koala bear did you investigate that
real tiger fake as habitat when i leave my fingerprints on the gat ill say prove it
koalas leave fingerprints indistingusable from humans
left my prints on a saber belonging to the HA and a 38 later an asian man got shot
pull it
and i wont say that he shouldnt have paid but momma it wasnt my bullet

execution called off plus i got the message from god as they pulled up 3 car loads
of asians
and one white caucasian them yellow men look like they want to hurt me i step
masked into the middle of the road
go now go now go outside right now thanks god

whats odd is that they can be called off like the sinaloa cops
my people cant so easily be turned on and off zeta serial killer system
penalty for rape you get skinned and left outside the door of the victim
Z19 east 109th elisabeth french skinned him
try to rape a semi automatic human siliconed chinese french mr king women
well twist you up in controted possitin maxines stripper vixen
i remain hidden with tags loud wisdom of the aborted children

ice women i swimming african drum rysthm the alternating triple tap goes pop pop
pop pop pop pop
code i sent to HA LA machine rock maybe the HAs cant translate ice swimming ice
i wrote it on behalf of two women

not sure of the 15 position i kill grinning misunderstood zeta smile

ive a heart like a viking with the faith of a child
have you ever heard the song born baby wild glasweigian styles
if you just like rock rock bandcamp up the band zetas empire

mossad plans to lock everyone in when they go for the meeting, when outnumbered
move smarter in war
problem is soon everyone will be locked up no one free to open door
511 FE crew Free everyone sharp like knive dark eldar scrawl
distintive blood spray pattern like a knife accross the ceiling repeating scrawl
a tip of the hat to tens2 lana del rey potatoe on the barrel its safe give me your
biggest lecture
for christmas my whole clique got new suppressors
they call the cops medical dogs on the clown screaming los zetas

peach plum pear panda vendettors snitched on called to the cops claiming sinaloa
corona ebola crop grower perfumer loud songline tag thrower

semi auto matic weapon bust it at my own discretion i dont care what set he reppin
undergoverment majistres judge to slave the kid loud gringo claim los zetas mexican

telling the nwo if you fuck a semi automatic killing machine for base thrill
against its will its gonna turn around and murder you

white gringo caucasian los zetas claiming some fame

in hellburn there was no one to dispute my claim

it was dirt and dirt is all the same hail sleet nsnow rain under any weather
you dont understand how i keep smiling los zeta

pained grin glim scrim crim peacekeeper under the weather hellsburn famous
mind together vendetta mexicos most hated
hitler in my heart jaws dropp down hordes of rapists

mata zeta the girls from mossad

black water g shock unclean better be carefull could set off execution by holding
up a blue card
the words "lemon pie" barbed
to a blood angel it means when your death company and your the last one to die
to the semiautos it means kill me now i want to die

purge the HA clubs caner like anorecxic bullimic

vomitt clown LPMGZ team kid last plaza machine guns the differnce between grams and
tons is none
with a smile on my face in your mouth a gun,
they really want to know how a bullet will tastse they rewrote the tao now its
worshiping the god of the sun

killed a dirty preist balgard dung lord by twisting the blade of my knife
knights of the golden circle scary demons from 1855 wispering about rape black
shadows word on my life
we could make a worse hell for them sing welcome to the afterlife
tales of a grass widow giant spider they want to know do i have love for human
i say yeah the make some great songlines
but i cant seem to find a real one in real life
they shoot us 60 times give the angels 9000 years to life

that means after i die ill serve life 90 times i should stab you with christchurch
when asked police cheif why they shot him 60 times they said cos it cant be dead
enough evil
for some reason they think my people are evil
i want to turn around give them injection leathal
make my stainless steel forced to enjoy your favourite meal

KR keep real LPMGZ Lanas polyamourous magic gang last plaza machine gun get down
they come with hitmen gold motivated yet rosio reta the one
with the tattoos that continue on the other sidde of the eye like a clown

kills over and over again because they want to crush your fun
hitmen can be called off how much a dollar cost
give them an extra dollar on top to put the hit on his boss
megalon tommy gun a penny for your thoughts 100 dead cops
hacked galaxy phones put the green light on yourselves take a loss
weather you packing kilos or you stacking grams buried in the pink frost

the games so cut troat make you clap your freinds

kayne says 100 grand will makke your best freinds turn to ops
and all they do is call the cops on the one screaming los zetas
they inflitrated the cops then follow all the laws of the cops
conspiracy cells nuclie kill cops mafia judge act like a cop get traeted like a cop

i scream los zetas smash the pad of the rapists

with los zetas occuppy the hells angels
yet they still want to be the ops we could fly in fly out do a real quick hit if
we had papers

I could get ya eulogy on youtube your number sprayed on GTA5

dont let us make an honest mistake and bury you look alive

double green light seven lime lights NIR17 blue underline execution codes no body
move no body get anywhere
multisymbolic quadruple meaning nwo try to strip codex of context
im nobody i move and i get anywhere no bodty move drugs no body get anywhere
no body move planets first contact no body get anywhere
and im pointing a gun at you dont move or ill shoot you flesh tear
machines that make civilaition fun machinges that make you dissapear

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