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CHM 151 Notes Allowed on the Test

Avogadro’s Number = 6.022 x 1023

Selected Prefixes in Metric System*

Prefix Abbreviation Meaning

Giga G 109
Mega M 106
Pico p 10-12
Femto f 10-15

*(You should memorize the meaning/abbreviation of: kilo, deci, centi, milli, micro and

mL = cm 3

Selected Polyatomic Ions

AsO4 3- arsenate ion AsO3 3- arsenite ion

BrO4 1- perbromate ion IO4 1- periodate ion

BrO3 1- bromate ion IO3 1- iodate ion
BrO2 1- bromite ion IO2 1- iodite ion
BrO 1- hypobromite ion IO 1- hypoiodite ion

PO3 3- phosphite ion

(You should memorize the name/formula of: ammonium, acetate, carbonate, hydrogen
carbonate or bicarbonate, cyanide, hydroxide, nitrate, nitrite, oxalate, phosphate,
hydrogen phosphate, dihydrogen phosphate, sulfate, hydrogen sulfate, sulfite,
hypochlorite, chlorite, chlorate, perchlorate, chromate, dichromate, and permanganate
(You should know the names/symbols of the elements with atomic numbers 1-36, and
other common elements such as silver, gold, tin, iodine, lead, barium, and uranium.)

Selected Metals with Fixed Charges

Al 3+, Ga3+, Ag1+, Zn2+, Cd2+

(You should know the charges of the metal ions in Groups 1 and 2, and the charges of
the nonmetal ions in Groups 15, 16, and 17).

Solubility Guidelines for Common Ionic Compounds

Soluble Compounds Exceptions

Compounds of Na+, K+ and NH4+ None

Compounds of NO3- , ClO3-, None

ClO4-, and CH3CO2-

Compounds of Cl-, Br- and I- Those containing Ag +, Hg2+2 or Pb+2

Compounds of F- Those containing Mg+2, Ca+2, Sr+2,

Ba+2 or Pb+2

Compounds of SO4-2 Those containing Ca+2, Sr+2, Ba+2,

Pb+2, Ag + or Hg2+2

Insoluble Compounds Exceptions

Compounds of CO3-2, PO4-3, C2O4-2, Those containing NH4+ or alkali

and CrO4-2 metal cations

Compounds of S-2 Those containing NH4+, alkali metal

cations or Ba+2

Compounds of OH- and O-2 Those containing alkali metal cations

or Ba+2
Selected Weak Acids
NCOH cyanic acid HCN hydrocyanic acid

Selected Weak Base

NH3 (Ammonia)

(You should know the names and formulas of common acids and bases. You should
also know which are the six strong acids, and the soluble, strong bases.)

Diatomic Elements
H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2

Pressure conversion: 1 atm = 760 mm Hg = 760 torr

Temperature conversion: C + 273 = K

P1V1 = P2V2 V1 / T1 = V2 / T2

P1V1 / T1 = P2V2 / T2 PV = nRT d = PM / (RT)

Gas constant R = 0.0821 L-atm/mol-K

PA / Ptotal = nA / ntotal

effusion rate gas 1/effusion rate gas 2 = (molar mass gas 2)1/2 /(molar mass gas 1)1/2

(P + a [n/V]2) (V – bn) = nRT

∆E = q + w

q = m x C x ΔT

specific heat of liquid H2O = 4.184 J/goC

∆Ho = ∑ n ∆Hof (products) - ∑ n ∆Hof (reactants)

∆Hof of element in standard state = 0

c = λν (speed of light, c = 3.00 x 108 m/s)

E = hν (Planck’s constant, h = 6.626 x 10-34 Js or kgm2/s)

ΔE = -RH {(1/nfinal2) - (1/ninitial2)} (Rydberg constant, RH = 2.18 x 10-18 J)

FC = NVE – [LPE + ½ BE]

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