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3 Amount of substance

OCR Chemistry A Exam-style mark scheme

Answer Marks Guidance
1a 35
´ 30 = 10.5g B1
1b (12  12.0)  (22  1.0)  (11  16.0)  342.0 B1 ALLOW 342

( )
1c 10.5 A1 ALLOW 0.031
= 0.0307 0175439
342.0 ALLOW ECF from the wrong mass
or RFM.
1d answer to c  6.02  1023  1.85  1022 A1 ALLOW 1.87  1022 if 0.031 used.
ALLOW ECF from c.
2ai 9.72 A1 ALLOW 0.4.
= 0.40
24.3 Do not allow 0.405 (from the use
of 24 as the Ar of magnesium).
2 a ii RFM of MgO  24.3  16.0  40.3 C1
40.3  0.40  16.1(2) g A1
2 a iii 11.90 A1 Allow ECF from incorrect answer
´ 100 = 73.8% to ii.

( )
2bi 40.3 A1
´ 100 = 38.8 2466281 %
( )
40.3 + 63.5

2 b ii Reaction 2.1 AND there is only one product made B1 Do not allow the mark for just
so the atom economy must be 100% Reaction 2.1 i.e., no explanation.
ALLOW other responses such as
Reaction 2.1 has no waste
3ai To ensure gas is not lost between the time of B1 Allow alternative wording.
adding the magnesium and replacing the bung.

( )
3 a ii 0.73 B1
= 0.03
3 a iii 0.03  24.0  0.72 dm3 or 720 cm3 B1
3 a iv The flask/gas/hydrogen is hotter (due to heat given B1
out by reaction) than room temperature so the
volume of gas is larger.
3bi 150 A1
´ 0.50 = 0.075
3 b ii Moles of acid that can react (0.03  2)  0.06 M1
Moles of acid unreacted  (0.075 − 0.06)  0.015 A1 ALLOW 1 mark for 0.045 (not
realising that 2  moles HCl used).
3 b iii Mr of HCl  (35.5  1.0)  36.5 C1
0.5  36.5  18.3 g dm−3 to 3 significant figures. A1 18.25 g dm−3 does not score this
mark as not given to 3 significant

© Oxford University Press 2015

This resource sheet may have been changed from the original 1
3 Amount of substance
OCR Chemistry A Exam-style mark scheme

Answer Marks Guidance
4ai P O
Mass 43.7 56.3
Ar 31.0 16.0
43.7 56.3 C1
Moles = 1.41 = 3.52
31.0 16.0
Divide by smallest:
1 2.5
Ratio: 2 5
Empirical formula P2O5 A1
4 a ii (2  31.0)  (5  16.0)  142.0
Formula is P4O10
4bi (Each) phosphorus (in P4O6) has an oxidation B1 ALLOW each phosphorus has a
number of 3. charge of +3.
4 b ii P4(s)  3O2(g) → P4O6(s) B1 Species and balancing must be
4ci 31.0 A1 Answer must be given to three
´ 100 = 91.2% significant figures.
31.0 + (3 ´ 1.0)
4 c ii 2P4  12H2O → 5PH3  3H3PO4 B1 Species and balancing must be
5ai Water that is within the structure of the crystal. B1 Not water surrounding the crystal
5 a ii (12.83 − 11.75)  1.08 g A1
5 a iii æ 1.08 ö A1
Moles of water  ç  0.06
è 18.0 ÷ø
Mass of anhydrous crystals, CoCl2:
(11.75 − 10.45)  1.30 g
(RFM of CoCl2  58.9  (2  35.5)  129.9)
Moles of CoCl2   0.010 C1
Ratio of CoCl2: H2O  1:6, therefore x  6 A1
5 a iv 129.9  (6  (2.0  16.0))  237.9 A1 Allow ECF from incorrect iii.
5b Heat until a constant mass is achieved B1 Allow alternative wording.
5c Value of x will be too high. A1 Allow alternative wording.
(Results will show a) lower mass of (crucible and) B1 NOT x will be too high as an
anhydrous crystals. explanation is needed too.

© Oxford University Press 2015

This resource sheet may have been changed from the original 2
3 Amount of substance
OCR Chemistry A Exam-style mark scheme

Answer Marks Guidance
(Calculation will show) more moles of water lost OR B1 Mass of water lost appears higher.
fewer moles of anhydrous crystals left.
5d Heating the paper makes the water of crystallisation B1
Ink is now visible as anhydrous cobalt(II) chloride is

© Oxford University Press 2015

This resource sheet may have been changed from the original 3

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