Atoms Ions and Compounds Test Answers

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2 Atoms, ions, and compounds

OCR Chemistry A Exam-style mark scheme

Answer Marks Guidance
1a Proton Neutron DO NOT ALLOW ‘1’ (without a
plus sign) for charge on
Relative mass 1 1 B1
proton. The sign is essential.
Relative charge 1 0 B1

1 mark for each correct vertical column.

1bi 6 B1
1 b ii (Correct symbol) Cr AND (atomic number) 24 B1
(Mass number) 53 B1
1ci Neutrons. M1 Allow 2H has a neutron OR
2 H has no neutrons.
H has 1 more neutron OR 1H has 1 less neutron. A1
1 c ii Protons. M1
32 2− 31 3−
S has 1 more proton OR P has 1 less proton. A1
2ai Atoms of the same element with the same number of Ignore reference to electrons.
protons. B1
But with differing numbers of neutrons, and so with
different masses. B1
2 a ii They both contain the same number of electrons in the
outer shell, so the chemistry will be the same. B1
2 a iii K-39 because the relative atomic mass (39.1) is closer K-39 AND correct explanation
to 39 than 41. B1 needed for the mark.
2bi ( 24.00 ´ 74.65) + (25.00 ´ 10.00) + (26.00 ´ 15.35) C1 24.407
= 24.41 A1 Correct to two decimal places.
2 b ii Either:
There may be more or less than three isotopes on Earth. B1
Isotopes on Earth may have different abundances than
the magnesium in the sample.
3ai Relative mass. B1 ‘Mass’ is insufficient.
3 a ii Charge. B1
3b C1 Allow conversion of
(34.97 ´ 3) + (36.97 ´ 1) abundance into %:

4 (34.97 ´ 75) + (36.97 ´ 25)

= 35.47
A1 NOT 35.5
3ci 35
Cl–37Cl B1 Needs positive charge to
3 c ii 37
Cl2 OR 37Cl–37Cl B1 Needs positive charge to

© Oxford University Press 2015

This resource sheet may have been changed from the original 1
2 Atoms, ions, and compounds
OCR Chemistry A Exam-style mark scheme

Answer Marks Guidance
3 c iii Cl is more abundant than 37Cl so a greater proportion
of Cl2 molecules will have a relative mass of 70 than 74 B1
4ai Sodium hydrogencarbonate. B1 ALLOW sodium hydrogen
carbonate (with gap).
4 a ii 2NaHCO3(s) → Na2CO3(s)  H2O(l)  CO2(g)
Correct species and balancing. B1
Correct state symbols. B1 ALLOW (g) for state symbol of
4 a iii (23.0  1.0  12.0  16.0  16.0  16.0)  84.0 B1 ALLOW 84
4 a iv Relative formula mass of NaHCO3 is lower than relative B1
formula mass of Na2CO3 OR
Relative formula mass of Na2CO3 is higher than relative
formula mass of NaHCO3.
4bi NaHCO3  HCl → NaCl  H2O  CO2 B1 Ignore state symbols.
4 b ii It reacts with (moisture in) the air (and decomposes). B1
4ci B1 Must have a water bath drawn
to score (not just an inverted
measuring cylinder).
ALLOW mark if horizontal gas
syringe drawn (water bath not

ALLOW delivery tube drawn

with no blockages AND gas
Delivery tube drawn with no blockages AND measuring syringe labelled (if gas syringe
cylinder labelled with carbon dioxide collecting in it. drawn).
4 c ii Water bath would not get above 100˚C. B1
4 c iii There would be no further bubbles of gas OR increase B1 IGNORE colour change:
in volume of gas. reactant and product are
4 c iv Record the mass of powder added. B1
5a Evidence that there is 6.0% of the other isotope B1 ALLOW 6% or 6.0 seen

(94.0 ´ 40) + (6.0 ´ ?) = 40.48

somewhere in calculation.
M1 Must be some evidence of
100 working out.
Or (94.0  40)  (6.0  ?)  4048
Or 3760  (6  ?)  4048

© Oxford University Press 2015

This resource sheet may have been changed from the original 2
2 Atoms, ions, and compounds
OCR Chemistry A Exam-style mark scheme

Answer Marks Guidance
Answer  48
5bi Calcium nitride. B1 NOT calcium nitrate (as there
is no oxygen available).
5 b ii 3Ca(s)  N2(g) → Ca3N2(s)
Correct formula of product Ca3N2 M1
Rest of species correct and balancing correct. A1
Correct state symbols. B1 This final mark can be gained
if species have incorrect
5ci Ca  2H2O → Ca(OH)2  H2 Ignore state symbols.
Formula of Ca(OH)2 correct. M1
Rest of equation correct. A1
5 c ii Rate would be faster with strontium than with calcium. B1 Must be a comparative
answer: ‘Strontium is fast’ is
5di Mg  H2O → MgO  H2 B1 Ignore state symbols unless
H2O(l) used, in which case
mark incorrect (question asks
for steam).
5 d ii (The heat will turn the water into steam and the B1
reaction) produces hydrogen, which is flammable.
5 d iii Cover with sand. B1 Allow use of carbon dioxide.
5e Relative atomic mass of magnesium is lower than iron B1
(so overall the mass of the car is less, which improves
fuel efficiency).

© Oxford University Press 2015

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