Basic Commands Ubuntu

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Basic commands ubuntu

Navigate the filesystem

 Pwd: what directory am I in

 Cd: change dir
 Ls: contents of dir

Manipulate files/directories

 Cp: copy files and dirs

 Mv: move/rename files and dirs
 Rm: remove files and dirs
 Mkdir: create dirs
 Touch: create files


 Cat: concatenate files

 Sort: sort records
 Less/more: natigating throough file
 Uniq: remove duplicates from sorted list
 Grep: match on text patterns


 Echo: print text

 *: wildcart referring to all
 ?: wildcard referring to a single character
 >, <, >>: redirecting (save, read, append)
 |: piping output from the left as input from the right

My directories

 /home/muslume
 /tryout
 helloworld
 /homework

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