EnggMath 2 Module 3

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The translation between formulas and graphs and the interpretation of graphs themselves
are important parts of this course. Graphs often reveal mathematical results simply and
clearly, but graphs do this with “trends” or “shapes,” not just points. Calculus helps you set
the scales, which usually are not so obvious in real applications. Calculus finds formulas for
geometric features of interest. Calculus finds the qualitatively interesting range to plot and
once this is found, the computer can make a quantitatively accurate picture. We begin the
chapter with a look at graphing without knowledge of shape. Then we look at applications
of derivatives in related rate problems and maxima-minima problems.

By the end of this module, you should be able to:

TLO 3: Analyze and solve problems involving Behavior of Functions and their
Graphs, Extreme Functions and Values and Approximation and interpret results.

Plotting points alone is usually a bad way to sketch graphs because that information
alone requires many points to construct a shape and a leap of faith that we have
connected the points correctly. If we have only numerical data, that is all we can do.
Later in this chapter, we will learn to use calculus to tell us shape information, such as
where the graph is increasing or decreasing, so that only a few points are required to
give qualitatively accurate graphs. This first section is about what goes wrong without
this information.

Even with the computer, which will plot 1,000 points if you ask it to, we often can use
calculus to decide what range of values contains the important information. Poor
choice of scales can come up in innocent or simple-minded ways or as a result of
large differences in the size of scientific constants

LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the end of this unit, you should be able to:
a. Find intervals of increase and decrease and local extreme values of elementary
algebraic functions.
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b. Find intervals of concavity and points of inflection of elementary algebraic
c. Classify local extreme values using the first and second derivative tests.
d. Sketch the graph of algebraic functions by putting together all the
information obtained using derivatives and limits.
e. Find absolute extreme values of a function f. Solve optimizations problems.

Which of the following is the graph of D = +• + Ü+Ü + +?

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Graphs are primarily good for qualitative information rather
than quantitative accuracy. Graphs readily show where
quantities are increasing or decreasing but only give rough
approximations to amounts, rates of increase, and so on.

The first steps in this discussion are steps in curve tracing in Analytic Geometry. The last
two steps are crucial steps from Calculus.


1. INTERCEPTS. Determine the intercepts.
a.) x-intercept: set y=0, then solve for x
b.) y-intercept: set x=0, then solve for y
2. SYMMETRY. Test for symmetry
The curve is symmetric with respect to a coordinate axis if, for every point
on the curve, there is a corresponding point on the opposite side of the axis.
A curve is symmetric with respect to origin if for every point on the curve, there
is a corresponding image point directly opposite and at equal distance from
the origin.
a.) Symmetric with respect to x-axis: true when the equation is
unchanged if we set y to - y
b.) Symmetric with respect to y-axis: true when the equation is
unchanged if we set x to - x

c.) Symmetric with respect to origin: if both (a) and (b) are satisfied
3. REGIONS/SCOPE. Determine the regions occupied by the curve.
To find out whether the curve lies above or below the x-axis in certain
areas of the plane, solve for y (or y2) in the equation and note the changes
of sign of the right hand member. Call these areas/ regions and they will be
bounded by light vertical lines through the intersections of the curve with the
x- axis.
4. ASYMPTOTES. Determine if there are asymptotes.
A straight line is said to be an asymptote of a curve if the curve approaches
such a line more and more closely but never really touches it except as a
limiting position at infinity.
Kinds of asymptotes: a) vertical, b) horizontal, c) oblique, d) curvilinear

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a.) VERTICAL ASYMPTOTE. For rational expressions, equate the denominators
to zero then solve for the variable
b.) HORIZONTAL ASYMPTOTE. Compare the highest exponent of the variable
in the numerator and denominator.
b.1.) degree of N > degree of D -- no horizontal asymptote
b.2.) degree of N < degree of D -- horizontal asymptote is x-axis (y=0)
b.3.) degree of N = degree of D -- horizontal asymptote is
coefficient of the highest power of x in Numerator
y or y 2 =
coefficient of the highest power of x in Deno min ator

ü if there is no HA:

OBLIQUE ASYMPTOTE – first degree equation

CURVILINEAR ASYMPTOTE – 2nd degree equation

Equation of OA/CA is obtained by dividing the numerator by

denominator: = Q + (R/g(x))

For intersection between curve and OA/CA, equate R to zero

and solve for x
the curve crosses the horizontal asymptote.

Substitute y of the Horizontal asymptote then solve for x.

6. CRITICAL POINTS. Obtain the maximum and minimum points, and point of

Points on the graph of a function where the derivative is zero or
the derivative does not exist are important to consider in many
application problems of the derivative. The point (x, f(x)) is
called a critical point of f(x) if x is in the domain of the function
and either f′(x) = 0 or f′(x) does not exist. The geometric
interpretation of what is taking place at a critical point is that
the tangent line is either horizontal, vertical, or does not exist at
that point on the curve.

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a. ) y = f(x)
b.) obtain the first derivative
c.) equate y'=0 then solve for x
d.) substitute x in a to find the critical points of the curve
Note: If = õ > 0, = increases
If = õ < 0, = decreases

The second derivative is the rate of change of the first
derivative. It follows that when y” is positive, y’ is increasing;
as x increases, the tangent turns in a counterclockwise sense
and the curve is concave upward. When y” is negative, y’
decreases; the curve is concave downward.

These two facts can be summed up in the diagram

e.) obtain the 2nd derivative to determine slope of the line passing through the
critical points.

e.1.) if y" = + -- minimum point

e.2.) if y" = - -- maximum point
e.3.) if y"=0 --- the test fails (may be points of inflection)

A point of inflection is a point at which the curve changes
from concave upward to concave downward, or vice
versa. At this point, the tangent reverses the sense in which it
turns, which means that y’ changes from an increasing to a
decreasing function, or vice versa. Hence at such point, y”
changes sign and, if it is continuous, must vanish.
Conversely, a point at which y” vanishes is a point of
inflection, provided y” changes sign at that point.

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f.) set y" = 0, then solve for other Points of inflection, if any.

Watch Video 6 for more examples and explanations

After watching Video 6, you will need to practice

doing these on your own. Here are some problems.

1. Find all critical points of the function = = ' Y − 8' 3

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2. Sketch the curve = = ' V − 3'. Remember to choose a suitable scale.

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• Evaluate your answers using the key answers provided at the end of this module. If you
had difficulty answering the exercises, you may go back to the discussions or contact
your facilitator.
Do the Assignment 6 at the end of Module 3 (Summative
Evaluation #6) which will contain questions on topics covered in
this unit.

• For students who are on the online mode, detailed instructions are provided in your
GOOGLE CLASSROOM which will guide you in utilizing learning materials, performing
learning activities, accomplishing requirements, and formatting/ saving reports and
outputs for ONLINE submission.

One of the great powers of calculus is in the determination of the maximum or minimum
value of a function. Take f(x) to be a function of x. Then the value of x for which
the derivative of f(x) with respect to x is equal to zero corresponds to a maximum, a minimum
or an inflexion point of the function f(x). This unit presents applications of derivatives more
particularly on maxima and minima problems or optimization.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the end of this unit, you should be able to:
a. Demonstrate an understanding of optimization and steps in solving maxima
minima problems
b. Solve optimization problems

Take a piece of rectangular cardboard, with dimensions 20

cm by 30 cm. If you cut out a square from each corner, and fold up the sides,
you’ll get a box with no top (see figures below). So without doing any calculations,
try your best to decide how big a square to chop off from the four corners to
maximize your box’s volume. Create your box (tape the edges together), take a
picture (attach it here) and record the dimensions of the box.
a. Length (in cms): _____________
b. Width (in cms): ______________
c. Height (in cms):______________
d. Volume (in cu. Cms): ________

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One of the great powers of calculus is in the determination of the maximum or minimum
value of a function.

Three Methods of Determining the Maximum and Minimum of Functions

1. Graphical Method
2. Evaluating quadratic equations
3. Derivatives

Take f(x) to be a function of x. Then the value of x for which the derivative of f(x) with respect
to x is equal to zero corresponds to a maximum, a minimum or an inflection point of the
function f(x).

The second derivative demonstrates whether a point with zero first derivative is a
maximum, a minimum, or an inflection point.

For a maximum, the For a minimum, the For an inflection

second derivative is second derivative is point, the second
negative. The slope positive. The slope derivative is zero at
of the curve (first of the curve (first the same time the
derivative) is at first derivative) is at first first derivative is
positive, then goes negative, then zero. It represents a
through zero to goes through zero point where the
become negative. to become positive. curvature is
changing its sense.
Inflection points are
relatively rare in

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1. Determine the quantity to be maximized or minimized and represent this by a

2. Form an equation for the quantity in terms of a single variable
3. Differentiate the function and equate it to zero
4. Solve the value of the variable
5. Use it to solve for what is required in the problem
6. Verify if the quantity is indeed a maximum or minimum

Illustrative Example: The sum of two positive numbers is 14. What are these numbers if their
product is a maximum?


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Illustrative Example. What number exceeds its square by the maximum amount?

Illustrative Example. A box is to be made of a piece of cardboard 9 inches square by

cutting equal squares out of the corners and turning up the sides. Find the volume of the
largest box that can be made in this way.

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Watch Video 7 for more examples and explanations

After watching Video 7, you will need to practice

doing these on your own. Here are some problems.

1. What positive
number added to its reciprocal gives the minimum sum?

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2. Find two numbers whose sum is a, if the product of the square of one by the cube of
the other is to be a maximum.

3. Find the most economical proportions of a quart can.

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• Evaluate your answers using the key answers provided at the end of this module. If you
had difficulty answering the exercises, you may go back to the discussions or contact
your facilitator.
Do the Assignment 7 at the end of Module 3 (Summative
Evaluation #7) which will contain questions on topics covered in
this unit.

• For students who are on the online mode, detailed instructions are provided in your
GOOGLE CLASSROOM which will guide you in utilizing learning materials, performing
learning activities, accomplishing requirements, and formatting/ saving reports and
outputs for ONLINE submission.

We have seen that for quantities that are changing over time, the rates at which these
quantities change are given by derivatives. If two related quantities are changing over time,
the rates at which the quantities change are related. For example, if a balloon is being filled
with air, both the radius of the balloon and the volume of the balloon are increasing. In this
section, we consider several problems in which two or more related quantities are changing
and we study how to determine the relationship between the rates of change of these
quantities. In this unit, we are going to look at another application of derivatives – time rates
or related rates.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the end of this unit, you should be able to:

(a) Express changing quantities in terms of derivatives.

(b) Find relationships among the derivatives in a given problem.
(c) Use the chain rule to find the rate of change of one quantity that depends
on the rate of change of other quantities.

Take a can of soda or any canned drink and a

straw. Time yourself. How fast can you finish the soda using a regular
drinking straw? Would you have finished it sooner without the straw?

TIME TO FINISH (using straw) : _________________

TIME TO FINISH (without the straw): ____________

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If a quantity x is a function of time t, the time rate of change of x is given by dx/dt.

When two or more quantities, all functions of t, are related by an equation, the relation
between their rates of change may be obtained by differentiating both sides of the
equation with respect to t.



1) Define the variables involved in the problem
2) Write down the given facts
3) Identify what is required
4) Form an equation involving the variables defined and which is true for
any time, t.
5) Differentiate with respect to time t.
6) Substitute values and solve for what is required.

Illustrative Example: Water is flowing into a vertical cylindrical tank at the rate of 24 cu. ft.
per min. If the radius of the tank is 4 ft., how fast is the surface rising?


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Illustrative Example. A triangular trough is 10 ft. long, 6 ft. across the top, and 3 ft. deep. If
water flows in at a rate of 12 cu. ft. per min., find how fast the surface is rising when the
water is 6 in. deep.

Illustrative Example. A ladder 20 ft. long leans against a vertical wall. If the top slides
downward at the rate of 2 ft. per sec., find how fast the lower end is moving when it is
16 ft. from the wall

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Watch Video 8 for more examples and explanations

After watching Video 8, you will need to practice

doing these on your own. Here are some problems.

1. Air is being pumped into a spherical balloon at a rate of 5 cm3/min. Determine the
rate at which the radius of the balloon is increasing when the diameter of the balloon
is 20 cm.

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2. A tank of water in the shape of a cone is leaking water at a constant rate
of 2ft3/hour2ft3/hour. The base radius of the tank is 5 ft and the height of the tank is
14 ft.
(a) At what rate is the depth of the water in the tank changing when the depth of
the water is 6 ft?
(b) At what rate is the radius of the top of the water in the tank changing
when the depth of the water is 6 ft?

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Here are the answers to the Elaborate Exercises in
each of the Units for this module




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(a) At what rate is the depth of the water in the tank changing when the depth of
the water is 6 ft?

(b) At what rate is the radius of the top of the water in the tank changing when the
depth of the water is 6 ft?

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Score: /35 Unit 1 Assignment 6

NAME: _________________________________ ID NO. _____________ DATE: _______________

1. (15 pts) Sketch the curve: *(+) = +Ü − ∑+/

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2. Find the equation of the tangent and normal line of the function *(+) =
(20 pts)
√/+ − Ñ at the point (5, 3).

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Score: /20 Unit 2 Assignment 7

NAME: _________________________________ ID NO. _____________ DATE: _______________

1. (10 points) A page is to contain 24 sq. in. of print. The margins at top and bottom are
1.5 in., at the sides 1 in. Find the most economical dimensions of the page.

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2. (10 points) A rectangular lot is bounded at the back by a river. No fence is needed
along the river and there is to be 24-ft opening in front. If the fence along the front
costs $1.50 per foot, along the sides $1 per foot, find the dimensions of the largest lot
which can be thus fenced in for $300.

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Score: /100 MODULE 3 QUIZ

NAME: _________________________________ ID NO. _____________ DATE: _______________

TOPIC: The Derivative and Differentiation

Objective: This activity is designed to assess the student’s ability to Analyze and solve problems involving
Behavior of Functions and their Graphs, Extreme Functions and Values and Approximation and interpret results.
(TLO 3)

INSTRUCTIONS: Show COMPLETE solutions on the spaces. Write your FINAL answers on the rectangles
provided. NO ERASURES or SUPERIMPOSITIONS of any sort on the final answers.

1. (20 points) Sketch the curve

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2. the equation of the tangent and normal line of the function D- +
(20 points) Find
-+D + + = • at the point (1, 1).

3. A cone-shaped paper drinking cup is to be made to hold 27 cubic

(10 points)
centimeters of water. Find the height and radius of the cup that will use the smallest
amount of paper.

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4. (10 points) A boat is pulled into a dock by a rope attached to the bow of the boat and
passing through a pulley on the dock that is 1 meter higher than the bow of the boat.
If the rope is pulled in at a rate of 1 m/s, how fast is the boat approaching the dock
when it is 8 meters from the dock. Provide a diagram to illustrate the problem.

5. A first class radio-telephone operator wishes to cut the wire 100 meters long
(10 points)
into two pieces. One of the pieces will be bent into the shape of a square and the
other into the shape of a circle. Where should he cut the wire so that the sum of the
areas of the square and circle is maximized? Express your answers in terms of the
length of the wire to be bent into the shape of a circle.

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6. (10 points) A girl is using a straw to drink coke from a right cylindrical glass at a rate of
6 cubic centimeters per second. If the height of the glass is 12 centimeters and the
diameter is 6 centimeters, how fast is the level of the coke falling at a constant rate?

7. At noon, Ship A is 100 km west of ship B. Ship A is sailing south at 35 km/hr

(10 points)
and ship B is sailing north at 25 km/hr. How fast is the distance between the ships
changing at 4:00 PM?

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8. (10 points) A man 167.68 centimeters tall .is walking directly away from a lamp post
fronting a building at the rate of 91.46 centimeters per second. If the lamp is 8
meters above the ground, find
a. The rate at which his shadow is lengthening
b. The rate at which the tip of the shadow is moving

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Score: /150

NAME: _________________________________ ID NO. _____________ DATE: _______________

Objective: This EXAM is designed to assess the student’s ability to

TLO1: solve problems involving Functions, Limits and Continuity and analyze results Analyze and solve problems
involving the expansion of binomials and factoring of polynomials.
TLO2: solve problems involving the Derivative and Differentiation
TLO3: analyze and solve problems involving Behavior of Functions and their Graphs, Extreme Functions and Values
and Approximation and interpret results.

INSTRUCTIONS: Show COMPLETE solutions on separate sheets of papers. Write your FINAL answers on
the rectangles provided. NO ERASURES or SUPERIMPOSITIONS of any sort on the final answers.


Evaluate the following limits.

1. 3.

2. 4.

Evaluate the following functions and determine what is being asked.

3. If evaluate the difference quotient

4. Express the function as a composition of three functions.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
5. If f 2 = 3 , g 3 = 2 , f 3 = 4 , and g 2 = 5 , find f éë( f ! g )( 3)ùû .


Determine or y ¢ of the following functions in terms of x.



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9. y = 1 - x + 1 - x


10. Evaluate from the equation when x = 1
11. Evaluate when t = 7 .
y = 2z2 - 3z + 5
x = 4 t3 + t
t = z2 + z + 1
d3 y 1 1 æ 1ö
12. Evaluate y ¢¢¢ or 3
of the function x 3 + y 3 = ç ÷ when x = 0.
dx 3 3 è3ø


1. A plane flying horizontally at an altitude of 1 mi and a speed of 500 mi/h passes

directly over a radar station. Find the rate at which the distance from the plane to the
station is increasing when it is 2 mi away from the station
2. A street light is mounted at the top of a 15-ft-tall pole. A man 6 ft tall walks away from
the pole with a speed of 5 ft/s along a straight path. How fast is the tip of his shadow
moving when he is 40 ft from the pole?
3. A trough is 10 ft long and its ends have the shape of isosceles triangles that are 3 ft
across at the top and have a height of 1 ft. If the trough is being filled with water at a
rate of 12 cubic feet / min, how fast is the water level rising when the water is 6 inches
4. A stone dropped into a still pond sends out a circular ripple whose radius increases at
a constant rate of 2 meters per second. How rapidly is the area enclosed by the ripple
increasing at the end of 20 seconds?
5. The area of an equilateral triangle is decreasing at a rate of 4 sq. cm. per minute. Find
the rate at which the length of a side is changing when the area of the triangle is 100
sq. cm.

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