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Somali Regional State
የሶማሌ ክልላዊ መንግሥት
ያንደ ዋጋ Dhool Gazeta Waxaa Soo Saara Golaha Xildhibaanada
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Dawladda Deegaanka Soomaalida

Bayaanka Tirsi 190/2012 ›ªÏ lØ` 190/2012 Proclamation No.190/2020

Bayaanka Dib U Aasasida Max- የክሌለ የሸሪዓ ፍ/ቤቶችን እንዯገና ሇማቋቋም የወጣ The Re-establishment Proclamation of
kamadaha Shareecada Deegaanka……. Courts of Sharia
አዋጅ ………………….……… ገጽ 1
……. Bog 1 …………………..Page 1

አዋጅ ቁጥር 190/2012 PROCLAMATION NO. 190/2020

Bayaanka Dib U Aasasida Max- የክሌለ የሸሪዓ ፍ/ቤቶችን እንዯገና ሇማቋቋም የወጣ REESTABLISH SOMALI
kamadaha Shareecada Deegaanka REGIONAL STATE COURTS OF
Maadaama farqada 5aad ee SHARIA
Qodobkaobka 34 ee Dastuurka dib loo በተሻሻሇው የሶማላ ክሌሌ ሕገ-መንግሥት አንቀጽ
WHEREAS, pursuant to Sub-Article
habeeyay ee Deegaanka Soomaalidu uu 34 ንዐስ አንቀጽ 5 መሠረት የግሌና የቤተሰብ (5) of Article 34 of the Revised
dhigayo in doodaha ka yimaada arimaha Constitution of the Somali Region,
ጉዲዮች ተከራረካሪ ወገኖች ፈቃዴ በሃይማኖታዊ
qoyska iyo ta shakhsiba lagu xaliyo disputes arising in relation to marriage,
xeerka dhaqanka ama diinta. ወይም በባህሊዊ ሕግ መሠረት መዲኘት የሚቻሌ
personal and family rights are to be
Maadaama, Maxkamadaha Shareecada በመሆኑ፤ adjudicated in accordance with religious
oo soo jiray mudo ka badan nusqarni oo or customary laws;
aan isbadalin qaab-dhismeedna aan loo ከሕገ-መንግሥቱ መጽዯቅ በፊት በሥራ ሊይ
samaynin ayaa waxaa lagama maarmaan የነበሩና የመንግሥት ዕውቅና የነበራቸው WHEREAS, Courts of Sharia, which
noqotay in dib loo aas-aaso, iyadoo laga have been in existence for more than
ሃይማኖታዊና ባሕሊዊ የፍርዴ አካሊት ሕገ- half a century and been left to remain
anba qaadayo Qodobada Dastuurka dib
loo habeeyay, kuwaa soo sheegaya in መንግሥቱ በሰጣቸው ዕውቅና መሠረት በአዱስ without any structural changes, need to
dib loo habeeyo Maxkamadaha መሌክ ሉዯራጁ እንዯሚችለ በህገ-መንግሥቱ be consolidated pursuant to the
dhaqanka iyo Diinta ee horey u jiray, provisions of the Constitution that
የተዯነገገ በመሆኑ ከእነዚህ ሃይማኖታዊና ባሕሊዊ
helayna aqoonsi dawladeed ka hor inta religious and customary courts, which
aan Dastuurka la ansixinin iyada oo የፍርዴ አካሊት ውስጥ አንዲችም የማሻሻያ ሇውጥ functioned and had state recognition
asaas looga dhigayo aqoonsiga uu ሳይዯረግሊቸው ባለበት ሁኔታ ሇዘመናት በሥራ prior to the adoption of the Constitution,
siinayo Dastuurku. may be organized a new, on the basis of
ሊይ እንዱቆዩ የተዯረጉትን የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶችን
recognition accorded to them by the
Maadaama ay lagama maarmaan አቋም በአዱስ መሌክ አጠናክሮ ማዯራጀት አስፈሊጊ Constitution;
noqotay in la helo guddi u madaxbanaan
ሆኖ በመገኘቱ፤፤
maamulka qaadiyada shareecada. WHEREAS, it is found essential to
የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች ቃዱዎች የሚያስተዲዴር have kadi administration commission
that freely direct the administration of
Maadaama dadwaynaha deegaankeenu ራሱን የቻሇ የአስተዲዯር ጉባኤ ማዯራጀት አስፈሊጊ
kadis of courts of sharia;
uu yahay umad muslim ah oo doodaha ሆኖ በመገኘቱ፤
laxidhiidha Guurka, Xuquuqda qoyska WHEREAS, the people in the regional
iyo ta shakhsigaba ku xaliya የክሌለ ነዋሪዎች የእስሌምና ሃይማኖት ተካተዮች state believes Islamic religion, Whereby
በመሆናቸው የግሌና የቤተሰብ ጉዲዮችን they adjudicate disputes arising in
shareecada, si loo helo hay’ad u
relation to marriage, personal and
qaabilsan xalinta doodahaas ayay laga የሚመሇከቱ ክርክሮች በሸሪዓ ህግ መሠረት family rights in sharia law and it is
maarmaan noqotay in deegaanka laga የሚዲኙ በመሆናቸው ይህም የሚመራ ራሱ የቻሇ found essential to establish court of
aasaaso Maxkamadaha shareecada. sharia which is mandated for
ተቋም እንዱኖር ሇማዴረግ የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች
adjudication of such disputes.
በክሌለ ውስጥ ማቋቋም አስፈሊጊ ሆኖ በመገኘቱ፡፡
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012 Bog 2 አዋጀ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 2 Proclamation No.190/2020 Page 2

Hadaba Golaha Xildhibaanada ee NOW, THEREFORE, the State Council

የሱማላ ክሌሌ ም/ቤት በተሻሻሇው የክሌለ ህገ- in accordance with Article 49(3, A) of
Deegaanku wuxuu hab wafaaqsan
Qodobka .49(3, B) ee Dastuurka dib loo መንግሥት አንቀጽ 49 (3 ሀ) መሠረት the Revised Constitution of the
habeeyay ee Deegaanka bayaaminayaa Regional state, it is hereby proclaimed
የሚከተሇውን አውጇሌ፡፡ as follows:
sidan soo socota:
GUUD AHAAN 1:- Short Title
1:-Ciiwaan Gaaban This Proclamation may be cited as the
1. አጭር ርዕስ
Bayaankan waxaa loogu yeedhi karaa "proclamation to provide for the Re-
”Bayaanka dib u aas-aasida ይህ አዋጅ ‹‹ የሶማላ ክሌሊዊ መንግሥት የሸሪዓ establishment of Courts of Sharia of
maxkamadaha shareecada ee DDS ፍርዴ ቤቶችን እንዯገና ሇማቋቋም የወጣ አዋጅ Somali Regional State Proclamation
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012“ ቁጥር ‹‹190/2012›› ተብል ሉጠቀስ ይችሊሌ፡፡ No. 190/2020."

2 :- Qeexid
2. ትርጓሜ 2. Definitions
Bayaanka dhexdiisa hadii eraygu
Unless the context requires otherwise,
weedha uu ku jiro macno kale u yeelin : የቃለ አግባብ ላሊ ትረጉም የሚያስጠው ካሌሆነ
In this Proclamation:
1. “Qaadi’”waxaa loola jeedaa በስተቀር በዚህ አዋጅ ውስጥ፣
garsooraha lagu magacaabay 1) "Kadi" means a judge appointed
heerarka kala duwan ee 1. ‹‹ቃዱ›› ማሇት በክሌለ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች and sitting at any level of Courts of
maxkamadaha shareecada. ውስጥ በየትኛውም ዯረጃ ተመዴቦ የሚሠራ Sharia;
2. “Gudoomiye”waxaa loola jeedaa 2) "President" means president of the
ቃዱ ነው፡፡
Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Guud ee Regional state Supreme Court of
Shareecada deeganka. 2. ‹‹ፕሬዚዲንት›› ማሇት የክሌለ ጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ
3. “Gudoomiye ku xigeen” Waxaa ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዝዲንት ነው፡፡ 3) ‘’vice president’’ means vice
loola jedaa Gudoomiye Kuxigeenka
Maxkamada Guud ee Shareecada 3. ‹‹ምክትሌ ፕሬዚዲንት›› ማሇት የክሌለ ጠቅሊይ president of the Regional state
Deeganka. Supreme Court of Sharia.
ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ምክትሌ ፕሬዝዲንት ነው፡፡
4. Maxkamadaha Shareecada 4) "state Courts of Sharia" include
Deegaanka” waxa loola jeedaa 4. ‹‹የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች›› ማሇት የወረዲ፣ woreda, zonal and Supreme Courts
maxkmadaha shareecada ee የከፍተኛ እና የጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች of Sharia;
degmooyinka, gobolada, iyo tan
ናቸው፡፡ 5) "Civil Procedure laws" means the
guud ee shareecada.
5. “Habka Xeerka Madaniga”waxaa civil procedure Code of 1965 and
5. ‹‹የፍትሐ ብሔር ሥነ ሥርዓት ሕጎች›› ማሇት
loola jeedaa xeerka habka madaniga include any Amendments made
በ 1957 ዓ.ም የወጣውን የኢትዮጵያ የፍትሐ
ee soo baxay 1957 iyo wixii danbe thereto as well as Islamic sharia
ብሔር ሥነ ሥርዓት ሕግና እርሱን ሇማሻሻሌ
ee isbedel ah ee lagu sameeyo iyo Civil Procedure code.
Habka Madaniga ee shareecada በየጊዜው የወጡና ወዯፊትም የሚወጡትንና
6) ‘’sharia Courts kadi
Islaamka. የሸሪዓ የፍትሐብሔር ሥነ ሥርዓት ሕግን Administration Commission’’
6. “Gudiga Maamulka Qaadiyada
ይጨምራሌ፡፡ means the sharia courts kadi’s
Maxkamadaha Shareecada”
waxaa loola jeedaa gudiga Administration Commission
6. ‹‹የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች ቃዱዎች አስተዲዯር
maamulka Qaadiyada ee established under this proclamation.
ጉባኤ›› ማሇት በዚህ አዋጅ መሠረት
maxkamadaha shareecada ee lagu
የተቋቋመው የቃዱዎች አስተዲዯር ጉባኤ
aasaasay bayaankan gudihiisa.
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012 Bog 3 አዋጅ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 3 Proclamation No. 190//2020 Page 3

7. “Boodh” waxa loola jeeda Gudiga 7. ‘’Board’’ means the organ

7. ‹‹ቦርዴ›› ማሇት በዚህ አዋጅ መሠረት
xulushada & magacabista established for the selection and
Gudoomiyaha iyo ku xigeenka የተቋቋመው የክሌለ ጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት
appointment of President and vice
Maxkamada guud ee shareecada ee ፕሬዚዲንትና ምክትሌ ፕሬዚዲንት ምሌመሊና president of Supreme Court of
lagu asaasay Bayaankani.. ሹመት የማፅዯቅ ሥሌጣን የተሰጠው አካሌ Sharia under this proclamation.
8. “Deegaan” waxaa loola jedaa ነው፡፡ 8."Region’’ means Somali Region.
deegaanka soomalida.
8. ‹‹ክሌሌ›› ማሇት የሱማላ ክሌሌ ነው፡፡ 9. ‘’Constitution’’ means the Revised
9. “Dastuur”waxaa loola jeeda Constitution of Somali Regional
Dastuurka dib loo habeeyay ee 9. ‹‹ህገ-መንግሥት›› ማሇት የተሻሻሇው የሱማላ State.
Dawladda Deeganka Somalida.
ክሌሊዊ መንግሥት ህገ-መንግሥት ነው፡፡ 3. Establishment
3. As-Aasida
Waxaa Halkan lagu Aas-aasay 3. ስሇመቋቋም
Maxkamadaha Kala ah : 1. Regional State Supreme Court of
በዚህ አዋጅ መሠረት የሚከተሇው የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ
1. Maxkamada Guud ee shareecada ቤቶች ተቋቁመዋሌ፡- 2. Zonal High Court of Sharia,
DDS 1. የክሌለ የጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት 3. woreda court of sharia are hereby
2. Maxkamada sare ee shareecada established,
Gobollada 2. የዞን የከፍተኛ የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች
4. Under this proclamation also Somali
3. Maxkamada shareecada ee 3. የወረዲ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች ናቸው፤ regional state kadi’s Administration
Degmooyinka Commission of sharia courts is
4. Waxaa kaloo Bayaankan lagu aas- 4. የሱማላ ክሌሌ የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች ቃዱዎች
hereby established.
aasay Gudiga Maamulka Qaadiyada አስተዲዯር ጉባኤ በዚህ አዋጅ መሠረት 5. The kadi Administration
Maxkamadaha shareecada DDS. ተቋቋሟዋሌ፤ Commission established hereof shall
5. Gudiga Maamulka Qaadiyada ee comprise of 11 members.
lagu aas –aasay Qodobkan, wuxuu 5. በዚህ አዋጅ መሠረት የተቋቋመው የቃዱዎች
ka koobanyahay 11 xubnood. አስተዲዯር ጉባኤ አሥራ አንዴ አባሊት PART TWO
MAXKAMADAHA SHAREECADA 4. Common Jurisdiction of Courts of
ስሇፍርዴ ቤቶች የወሌ የዲኝነት ሥሌጣን Sharia
4:- Awoodaha wadareed ee
1. state Courts of Sharia shall have
maxkamadaha shareecada 4. ስሇሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች የወሌ የዲኝነት ሥሌጣን
common jurisdiction over the
1. Maxkamadaha shareecadu waxay 1. የክሌለ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች ከዚህ በታች following matters:
awood garsoor guud u leeyihiin በተመሇከቱት ጉዲዮች ሊይ የወሌ የዲኝነት a) any question regarding marriage,
arimahan soo socoda: divorce, maintenance, guardianship
ሥሌጣን ይኖራቸዋሌ፡-
(b). Su’aal kasta oo ku saabsan Guur, of minors and family relationships;
Masaariif, iyo arimaha ka kaca ሀ/ ማናቸውም የጋብቻ፣ የፍቺና የንብረት provided that the marriage to which
arimaha qoyska iyo xanaanaynta ክፍፍሌ፣ የቀሇብ አወሳሰን፣ አካሇ መጠን the question relates was concluded,
ilmaha marka guurka su’aashu ka ያሌዯረሱ ህጻናት ሞግዚትነት በቤተሰብ or the parties have consented to be
taagan tahay uu yahay mid ku ተዛምድ ሊይ የሚነሱ ጉዲዮች አስመሌክቶ adjudicated in accordance with
dhismay shareecada islaamka ama Islamic law;
ጥያቄ ያስከተሇው ጋብቻ በእስሌምና
dhinacyada isku haya ay ku
heshiiyaan. ሃይማኖት ሥርዓት መሠረት የተፈፀመ የሆነ b) any question regarding Wakf,
እንዯሆነ፣ gift/Hiba/, succession of wills;
(t).Su’aal kasta oo ku saabsan waqfi,
Hibayn (siismo), Sugida Nasabka ሇ/ የወቅፍ፣ የስጦታ (ሂባ)፣ ወይም የውርስ c) any question regarding succession
iyo Dardaaranada. ወይም የኑዛዜ ጉዲዮችን በተመሇከተ provided that the endower or donor
ሐ/ አውራሹ ወይም ስጦታ አዴራጊው ወይም is a Muslim and any parties
(j) Su’aalkasta oo ku saabsan arrimaha
Dhaxalka marka labada dhinac requested that their matter to be
ተናዛዡ ሙስሉም የሆነ እንዯሆነ ወይም
yihiin Muslimiin iyo cidkasta oo adjudicated in accordance with
ሟች በሞተበት ሰዓት ሙስሉም ሆኖ የሞተ
codsata in arintooda lagu dhameeyo Islamic law;
shareecada Islamka.
Bayaan Tirsi190/2012 Bog 4 አዋጅ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 4 Proclamation No. 190/2020 Page 4

(x) Su’aal kasta oo ku saabsan bixinta መ/ ማናቸውም ከፍ ብል በተገሇጹት ጉዲዮች d) Any question regarding payment of
kharashyada ku yimida dacwad ሊይ በሚቀርቡ ክሶች ኪሳራ costs incurred in any suit relating to
kasta oo la xidhiidha arimaha kor
ወሰንን በተመሇከተ አንዲ በጋብቻ ሥነ the aforementioned matters such as
ku xusan sida kharshka doonista
xoolaha la bixiyo marka gabadha ሥርዓት የሚከፈሌ ጥልሽ በተመሇከተ፤ cost of dowry.
la guursanayo iyo Xoolaha yaradka
ah 2. The courts shall have jurisdiction
2. በሕገ-መንግሥቱ አንቀጽ 34 ንዐስ አንቀጽ 5
2. Maxkamadu waxa ay awood garsoor over the aforementioned matters only
መሠረት ከፍ ብል በተገሇጹት ጉዲዮች ሊይ
u yeelan arimaha sare lagu xusay where, Pursuant to the provisions of
ፍርዴ ቤቶቹ የዲኝነት ሥሌጣን የሚኖራቸው Article 34 Sub Article (5) of the
,marka sida uu qeexayo Dastuurka
Dalka Qodobkisa 34aad ee tirsigiisa ተከራካሪ ወገኖች በእስሌምናው ሃይማኖት Constitution, the parties thereof have
5aad ay dhinacyadu si cad ugu ሥርዓት ሇመዲኘት በጽሑፍ አረጋግጠው expressly consented to be adjudicated
heshiiyaan in arintooda lagu በፈቃዲቸው መርጠው የቀረቡ ከሆነ ብቻ under Islamic law.
garsooro shareecada islaamka.
ይሆናሌ፡፡ 3. Where a party properly served with
3. Iyada oo Qodobka sare sidiisa yahay
3. በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 2 ዴንጋጌዎች summons, and, does not confirm his
waxaa laga soo qaadi hadii
ቢኖሩም ተከራካሪ ወገኖች የመጥሪያ ትዕዛዝ objection or consent by appearing
yeedhitaanka dhinaca ladacwaynayo
si haboon loo gaadhsiiyay before the registrar of the court, he
በትክክሌ ዯርሶት በእስሌምና ሃይማኖት ጉዲዮች
islamarkaana uuna ka keenin wax shall be presumed not to have
እንዱዲኝ መቃወሚያ ካሌቀረቡ በሸሪዓ ፍርዴ
diidmo ah in uu raali kayahay in objected.
ቤቶች ሇመዲኘት ፈቃዯኛ እንዯሆነ ይቆጠራሌ፡፡
arintiisa lagu xaliyo shareecada.
5:-Sharciga As-Aasiga Ah ee
5. ፍርዴ ቤቶቹ ስሇሚሠሩባቸው ሕጎች 5. Laws to be applied
Maxkamadha Shareecadu
Dhaqangalinayaan 1. የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች የሥሌጣን ክሌሊቸውን 1. State Courts of Sharia shall
መሠረት አዴርጎ የቀረበሊቸውን ጉዲዮች adjudicate cases under their
1. Maxkamadaha shareecada
jurisdiction in accordance with
deegaanku waa in ay dacwadaha ay በእስሌምና ሸሪዓ ሕግ መሠረት አዴርገው
Islamic sharia Law.
awood garsoorka u leeyihiin ku ይዲኛለ፤
2. In conducting proceedings properly,
xaliyaan shareecada islaamka.
2. ፍርዴ ቤቶቹ የያዙዋቸውን ጉዲዮች ሥርዓት the courts shall apply the civil
2. Sigeedi socodka dacwadaha si ባሇው ሁኔታ ሇመወሰን እንዱያስችሊቸው procedure laws in force provided that
haboon ugu socdaan, maxkamaduhu የፍትሐብሔር ሥነ ሥርዓት ሕግ ዴንጋጌዎችን it is not contravenes the Islamic
waxay adeegsan karaan Habka ተከትሇው ይሠራለ፡፡ ሆኖም የሸሪዓ ሥርዓት sharia.
Xeerka madaniga ee dhaqan galka የማይቃረን መሆን አሇበት፡፡ 3. If the Civil procedure code and
ah, haduusan khilaafin shareecada. sharia law contradicts, then the
3. የፍትህብሔር ሥነ-ሥርዓት ሕግ እና የሸሪዓ ህግ sharia shall prevail.
3. Haday iskhilaafaan Habka xeerka
ጋር የሚጋጨ ሆኖ ከተገኘ የሸሪዓው ህግ
Madaniga iyo shareecadu waxaa la
ተፈፃሚነት ይኖረዋሌ፡፡
racayaa Shareecada. 6. Jurisdiction of the Regional
6: Awood Garsoorka Maxkamada Supreme Court of Sharia
Guud Ee Shareecada 6. የጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት የዲኝነት
1. The Regional Supreme Court of
1. Maxkamada guud ee shareecada ሥሌጣን
Sharia shall have jurisdiction over:
deegaanku waxay awood garsoor u
1. የክሌለ ጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት በሚከተለት
leedahay arrimahan soo socda : a) decisions of the Zonal High Court
ጉዲዮች የዲኝነት ሥሌጣን ይኖረዋሌ፡- of Sharia rendered in its first
(b). Go’aanka ay maxkamada sare ee
shareecadu ku gaadho heer bilow ሀ/ የከፍተኛው ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት በመጀመሪያ instance jurisdiction;
ah ee racfaanka laga qaatay. ዯረጃ የዲኝነት ሥሌጣኑ ውሳኔ በሰጣቸው b) Decisions of the state High Court of
(t) Go’aamada ay maxkamada sare ጉዲዮች ሊይ የዲኝነት ሥሌጣን ይኖረዋሌ፡ Sharia rendered in its appellate
ee shareecadu gaadho kuna
eegtay awood racfaan iyadoo ሇ/ የከፍተኛው ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት በይግባኝ jurisdiction in variation of the
badalaysa Go’aanka Maxkamada ሰሚነት ሥሌጣኑ በወረዲው ፍርዴ ቤት፤ decision of the woreda court.
ከሰጠው ውሳኔ የተሇየ ውሳኔ በስጠባቸው
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012 Bog 5 አዋጅ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 5 Proclamation No. 190/2020 Page 5

(j) Maxkamada Guud ee shareecadu c) the Regional Supreme Court of

ሐ/ የሸሪዓ ጠቅሊይ ፍ/ቤት፣ የጠቅሊይ ፍ/ቤትና
waxay leedahay awood dib u eegis Sharia shall have jurisdiction shall
ከፍተኛ ፍ/ቤት ችልት መካከሌ መሠረታዊ
oo ay ku eegto go’aamada kama have the power of cassation over
የሆነ የሸሪዓ ሕግ ስህተት ያሇባቸው
dambeysta ah ee ay gadho final decisions of the regular
Maxkamada Guud iyo Maxkamada ጉዲዮች ሲነሱ ጉዲዮን በሰበር የማየት division of the Regional Supreme
sare ee khaladad shareeco oo aas- ሥሌጣን ይኖረዋሌ፤ ፍ/ቤቱ የሚሰጠው Court and final decisions of the
aasi ah leh waana kama dambeeys ውሳኔም የመጨረሻ ውሳኔ ይሆናሌ፤ zonal High Court where they
go’aankaas dib u eegista ihi. contain fundamental error of sharia
መ/ አንዴን ጉዲይ ከአንዴ የከፍተኛ ሸሪዓ ፍ/ቤት
(x). Inay wareejiso codsiyada ku law and its decision shall be final.
ወዯ ላሊ ከፍተኛ ሸሪዓ ፍ/ቤት
saabsan dacwad ka socota d) It shall have jurisdiction over
Maxkamad sare oo shareeco una ተዘዋውሮ እንዱታይ የሚቀርብን ጥያቄ
applications for change of venue
wareejiso maxkamada sare oo ሇማየት ሥሌጣን ይኖረዋሌ፤ from one zonal high Court of Sharia
shareeco oo gobal kale ah . to another or to itself.
2. በማንኛውም የእርከን ዯረጃ የሚገኙ የሸሪዓ
2. Bixinta shahaadada Guurka iyo 2. In accordance with sharia law shall
ፍ/ቤቶች የጋብቻና የፍች ማረጋገጫ ማስረጃ
furiinka laguna bixiyo hab issue certificate of marriage and
የመስጠት ሥሌጣን አሊቸው፡፡
wafaaqsan shareecada divorce.
7:- Awood Garsoorka Maxkamada 7. Jurisdiction of the High Court of
Sare ee Shareecada Sharia
7. የሸሪዓ ከፍተኛ ፍርዴ ቤት የዲኝነት ሥሌጣን
1. Maxkamada sare ee shareecada 1. The Zonal High Court of Sharia shall
gobolku waxay awood garsoor 1. ግምታቸው ከብር እስከ 400,000 (አራት have first instance jurisdiction over
heerka kawbaad ah u leedahay መቶ ሺ ብር) በሚዯርስ ጉዲዮች ሊይ cases involving an amount in excess
dacwadaha ku tacalluqa kharashka of Birr Four hundred thousand
የመጀመሪያ ዯረጃ የዲኝነት ሥሌጣን
lacageed ee ka badan afar boqol oo (400,000).
kun (400,000.00) ይኖረዋሌ፤
2. The Zonal High Court of Sharia shall
2. Maxkamada sare ee shareecada 2. የወረዲ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት የወሰነውን ውሳኔ have appellate jurisdiction over
gobolku waxay awood racfan u decisions of the wored’s Court of
በይግባኝ የማየት ሥሌጣን ይኖረዋሌ፤
leedahay go’aanada ay gaadhan Sharia.
maxkamadaha degmooyinku. 3. አንዴን ጉዲይ ከአንዴ የወረዲ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት 3. It shall have jurisdiction over
3. Waxay awood garsoor u leedahay ወዯ ላሊ የወረዲ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ወይም ወዯ applications for change of venue
codsiyada ku saabsan dacwada ka from one woreda Court of Sharia to
ራሱ እንዱዛወር የሚቀርብን ጉዲይ የማየት
socota maxkamada degmada in ay u another.
gudbiso /wareejiso/ maxkamad kale ሥሌጣን ይኖረዋሌ፤
oo heer dagmo ah.
8. Jurisdiction of the woreda Court of
8:- Awooda Garsoorka Maxkamada
Degmada 8. የወረዲ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት የዲኝነት ሥሌጣን
Maxkamada degmada ee shareecadu The woreda Court of Sharia shall have
የወረዲ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ግምታቸው እስከ ብር
waxay awood garsoor u yeelanaysaa jurisdiction over cases involving an
arrimaha ku tacaluqa kharashka aan ka 400,000 (አራት መቶ ሺ ብር) የሚሆኑ ጉዲዮች amount not in excess of Birr 400,000
badnayn 400,000.00(afar boqol oo kun ወይም በገንዘብ ሉተመን በማይችለ ጉዲዮች እንዯ (Birr Four hundred thousand) or cases
oo birr) ama arimaha aan qiimahooda የውርስና የሞት ማስረጃ ሊይ የመጀመሪያ ዯረጃ the value of which cannot be expressed
lagu cayimi karin lacag ahaan. Sida
የዲኝነት ሥሌጣን ይኖረዋሌ፤ in money. Such as certificate of
cadaynta dhaxlaha ama dhaxlayaasha
successor or death as the case may be.
iyo Cadaymaha dhimashada.
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012 Bog 6 አዋጅ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 6 Proclamation No. 190/2020 Page 6
9. Determination of jurisdiction
9:- Ka Go’aan Gaadhida Iyo
9. ስሇፍርዴ ቤቱ የዲኝነት ሥሌጣን ስሇመወሰን
Xaqııjınta Awood Garsoorka 1. Where a party brings a case before a
1. አንዴ ወገን ሇሸሪዓው ፍርዴ ቤት እንዱታይ court of Sharia, such court shall
1. Marka dhinac uu keensado
ensure whether the matter brought
maxkamada shareecada dacwad, waa ጉዲዮች ሲያቀርቡ ፍርዴ ቤቱ ጉዲዩ በዚህ አዋጅ
before it falls under its general
in ay maxkamadu xaqijisaa in አንቀጽ 4 ሥር የተዯነገገው የሥሌጣን ክሌሌ
jurisdiction stipulated in accordance
dacwada loo keensaday ay tahay mid መሠረት መሆኑን ማረጋገጥ አሇበት፤ with Article 4 hereof.
waafaqsan awood garsoorkeeda Guud
ee lagu sheegay Qodobka 4aad ee 2. በዚህ አዋጅ አንቀጽ 4 መሠረት በሸሪዓ ፍርዴ 2. Under no circumstance shall a case
Bayaankan. ቤት በመታየት ሊይ የሚገኙ ጉዲዮችን brought before a court of Sharia the
2. Sinaba looguma wareejin karo jurisdiction of which has been
በማናቸውም ምክንያት ወዯ መዯበኛ ፍርዴ ቤት
maxkamadaha caadiga ah dacwad consented to, be transferred to a
ወይም በመዯበኛ ፍ/ቤት በመታየት ሊይ የሚገኙ
hor- timid maxkamada shareecada oo regular court; nor shall a case before a
ጉዲዮችን ወዯ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ተዛውረው regular court be transferred to a court
ay awood garsoor ku yeelatay sida uu
qabo Qodobka 4aad ee እንዱታዩ ማዴረግ አይቻሌም፡፡ of Sharia.
bayaankan.Sidoo kale dacwad
hortaala Maxkamadaha caadiga ah
laguma wareejin karo Maxkamada 10. Contempt of Court
shareecada. Any person who, in whatsoever manner,
10. ፍርዴ ቤትን ስሇመዴፈር
shows improper conduct in the course of
10:- Quudhsi Maxkamadeed
ማንኛውም ሰው የፍርዴ ሥራ በሚከናወንበት ጊዜ any proceedings or who, without good
Qof kasta oo muujiya ficil aan
በማናቸውም ዓይነት መንገዴ የችልት መዴፈር cause, fails to comply with an order of
haboonayn siday doontaba ha ahaa tee
ተግባር የፈጸመ ወይም ያሇበቂ ምክንያት የችልቱን the court shall be punishable with
marka ay socoto dacwadu ama qofku ka
baaqsado in uu fuliyo amarada ትዕዛዝ ያሊከበረ እንዯሆነ ከአንዴ ወር እስከ 6 ወር imprisonment of up to one month to six
maxkamada iyada oo uusan sabab በሚዯርስ እስራት ወይም ከ1000 ብር እስከ 3000 month or to a fine of 1000 up to Birr
macquul ah haysan waxaa lagu ብር በሚዯርስ የገንዘብ መቀጮ ይቀጣሌ፡፡ 3,000.00 (One thousand to Three
ganaxayaa xadhig gaadhaya bil illaa lix thousand Birr).
bilood inta u dhaxaysa ama ganaax
lacageed oo dhan 1000 ilaa 3.000 (kun
ilaa sedex kun oo Birr)
የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች አዯረጃጀትና የዲኝነት
Qaab-Dhısmeedka Maxkamdaha ሥራ አካሄዴ
Shareecada Ee Deegaanka & Habka JUSTICE
11. የጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ዲኞችና ላልች 11. Judges and Other Personnel of the
Shaqo Ee Maxkamadaha
ሠራተኞች Supreme Court of Sharia
11:- Garsooryasha İyo Shaqalaha
Maxkamada 1) The Supreme Court of Sharia shall
1. ጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት አንዴ ፕሬዚዲንት፣
1. Maxkamada Guud waxay have a president, a Vice President, as
ምክትሌ ፕሬዚዲንት እንዱሁም ሇሥራው
yeelanaysaa , Gudoomiye , well as the necessary Kadis and
gudoomiye ku –xigeen, Garsoorayaal አስፈሊጊ የሆኑ ቃዱዎች፣ ረዲት ቃዱዎች፣
assistance kadi and registrars and
hadba inta loo baahdo , K/Garsoore , ሬጅስትራሮች፣ ረዲት ሬጅስትራሮችና ላልች assistance registrars and the personnel
Rejistaralo , K/Rejisatral .& waaxaha
የሥራ ክፊልች ይኖሩታሌ፡፡ necessary for its function.
kale ee ay Maxkamadu u
baahantahay .
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012 Bog 7 አዋጅ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 7 Proclamation No. 190/2020 Page 7
2. Maxkamada Sare & Maxkamada 2) The Zonal High Court and woredas
2. የከፍተኛ ፍርዴ ቤት እና የወረዲ ፍ/ቤት
degmada, waxay yeelanayaan Court of Sharia shall each have a
Gudoomiyayaal, Garsoorayaal ፕሬዝዲንቶች፣ ቃዱዎች፣ ረዲት ቃዱዎችና
head, representing the respective
k/Garsoore iyo kolba inta loobaahdo ሬጅስትራሮችን እንዯ አስፈሊጊነቱ ይኖራቸዋሌ፡፡ court, as well as Kadi and registrars
iyo Rejistralo iyo k/ Rejistaralo necessary for their respective
3. Maxkamadaha shareecada deeganku 3. የክሌለ የሸሪዓ ፍ/ቤቶች ላልች ዴጋፍ ሰጪ
waxay yeelanayaan shaqalaha ሠራተኞች ይኖረዋሌ፡፡ 3) The Supreme courts of sharia shall
taakulaynta si ay u sahlaan shaqada have the personnel necessary for their
Maxkamadaha. respective functions.
12 :- Fadhiyada Maxkamadaha 12. የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች ችልቶች 12. Divisions of Courts of Sharia
1. Waxaa fadhi walba oo maxkamadaha 1. There shall sit a presiding Kadi and
1. የከፍተኛ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት እና ጠቅሊይ ፍርዴ
sare, iyo Maxkamada guud ee two other Kadi in each division of the
shareecada fadhiisan Garsoorayal ቤት ችልቶች በሦስት ቃዱ ያስችሊለ፡፡
zonal High Court and of the Supreme
sedex ah. Court of Sharia.
2. የወረዲ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ችልቶች በአንዴ ቃዱ
2. Waxaa fadhi walba oo ka mid ah 2. There shall sit a single Kadi in each
maxkamadaha shareecada ያስችሊለ፡፡
division of the state woreda Court of
degmooyinka hal qaadi. Sharia.
3. Gudoomiyaha &Gudoomiye ku- 3. የጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዝዲንትና
3. The president and vice president of
xigeenka Maxkamada Guud ee ምክትሌ ፕሬዝዲንት የጠቅሊይ ፍ/ቤቱን ችልቶች Supreme Court of Sharia may preside
shareecadu waxay hogaanmin karaan over any division of the Supreme
በሰብሳቢነት ሉመሩ ይችሊለ፤ እንዱሁም
fadhi kasta oo ay Maxkamada Guud Court of Sharia, as well as president
leedahay, sidoo kale Gudoomiyaha የከፍተኛ ፍ/ቤት ፕሬዝዲንት የፍ/ቤቱን ችልቶች
of zonal High Court may preside over
Maxkamada sare wuxuu hogaamin ይመራሌ፡፡ any division of the zonal High Court.
karaa fadhi kasta oo ay maxkamada
sare leedahay.

13 :- Goobaha Fadhiyada 13. የማስቻያ ሥፍራዎች 13. Place of sittings

1. Fadhiga Joogtada ah ee Maxkamada 1. The state Supreme Court of sharia

1. የጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት መዯበኛ የማስቻያ
Guud ee shareecadu, waa in uu shall sit in capital city of regional
ሥፍራ የክሌለ ዋና ከተማ ውስጥ ይሆናሌ፤
noqdaa magaalo madaxda deegaanka. state government.

2. Fadhiga joogtada ah ee maxkamada 2. የዞን ከፍተኛ የሸሪዓ ፍ/ቤት የማስቻያ ስፍራ

2. The zonal high courts of sharia shall
sare ee Gobalku waa in uu noqdaa የዞኖቹ ዋና ከተሞች ይሆናሌ፤
sit at the Zonal administrative
magaalo madaxd gobolada.
3. የወረዲ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች የማስቻያ ስፍራ centers.
3. Fadhiga joogtada ah ee Maxkamada
የወረዲው ዋና ከተሞች ይሆናሌ፤
degmadu wuxuu noqonayaa Magaalo 3. The Woreda’s courts of sharia shall
madaxda degmada. 4. በየእርከኑ የሚገኙ የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች በዲኝነት sit at the Woredas administration

4. Maxkamadaha shareecadu heer kasta centers.

ሥሌጣን ሥር በሚወዴቁ አካባቢዎች የተፋጠነ
ha ahaatee haday u aragto muhiim
ፍትህ ሇመስጠት ተጨማሪ የማስቻያ ስፍራዎች 4. A State Court of any level may,
waxay fadhi ka samayn kartaa
goobaha ay awood garsoor u ሉያዯራጁ ይችሊለ፡፡ where it finds it necessary for the

leedahay si cadalad deg deg ah loo efficient rendering of justice, hold

helo. circuit hearings in any place within
the Region or area designated for its
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012 Bog 8 አዋጅ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 8 Proclamation No. 190/2020 Page 8

14:- Fadhi Aan Shan Garsoore Ka 14. ከአምስት ያሊነሱ ዲኞች ስሇሚሰየሙበት 14. Division with not less than Five
Yarayn kadis
1. Dacwadda waa in ay dhageystaan 1) the following cases shall be heard by
1. በሚከተለት ጉዲዮች የሚመሇከት ክርክሮች
fadhi aan ka yarayn shan Garsoore a division with not less than five
ከአምስት ዲኞች በማያንሱ ችልት መዲኘት
marka : judges sitting:
b) uu sidaas soo jeediyo Gudoomiyaha አሇበት፡-
a) where The President of the Supreme
Maxkamada Guud ee shareecada Court of sharia may on his own
ሀ). በጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዚዲንት
ama ka timaada fadhi Maxkamada initiative or suggestion by a division
አነሳሽነት ወይም በጠቅሊይ ፍርዴ ቤት
Guud ah . of the Supreme Court of sharia,
t) Dacwda lagu eegayo fadhi dib u eegis ችልት ሲጠየቅ፤
b) Cases referred to be heard in
ah . cassation.
ሇ). በሰበር ችልት የሚታዩ ጉዲዮች፤
15:- Habka Soo Dhaweynta 15. Application Procedure for
15. የሰበር አቤቱታ አቀራረብ ሥነ-ሥርዓት
Cabashada Dib –U eegista ah Cassation
1. Go’aanka waxaa fadhi dib u eegis ah 1. አንዴ ውሳኔ በጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት በሰበር
1. A decision shall be heard in cassation
lagu eegi karaa marka uu fadhi ka የሚሰማው አስቀዴሞ ሦስት የጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ by the Supreme subject to prior ruling
kooban sadex Garsoore oo ፍርዴ ቤት ዲኞች የተሰየሙበት ችልት ውሳኔው as to the existence of fundamental
Maxkamada Guud ahi go’aamiyaan ሇሰበር የሚያበቃ መሠረታዊ የሸሪዓ የህግ ስህተት error of sharia qualifying for
khalad shareeco oo aas-aasi ah in uu cassation, by a division wherein three
አሇበት ብል ሲወስን ነው፤
ku jiro go’aanka ayna soo jeediyaan judges of the Supreme Court sit.
in dib loo eego. 2. ጉዲዩ በሰበር እንዱታይሇት የሚፈሌግ አቤቱታ 2. The applicant for a hearing in
2. Codsaduhu waa in uu cabashadiisa ku አቅራቢ ጉዲዩ መሠረታዊ የሸሪዓ የህግ ስህተት cassation shall state the reasons for
soo faah-faahiyaa khaladadka alleging the decision to contain a
አሇበት የሚሌበትን ምክንያት በማመሌከቻው
shareeco ee aas-aasiga ah ee ku jira fundamental error of sharia.
go’aanka dib loo eegayo . ሊይ በዝርዝር ጽፎ ማቅረብ አሇበት፤
3. The applicant shall together with his
3. Codsaduhu waa in uu arjiga 3. አቤት ባዩ ከማመሌከቻው በተጨማሪ ይግባኝ application submit a copy of the
cabashada soo raciyaan nuqulka decision protested and of the
የተባሇበትን ውሳኔና የበታች ፍርዴ ቤት ውሳኔ
go’aanka loo eegayo iyo go’aankii decisions of lower courts.
Maxkamada hoose. ቅጂዎች ማቅረብ አሇበት፤
4. An application for a hearing in
4. Codsiga dib u eegista , waa in 4. የሰበር ጥያቄ ማመሌከቻ ሇክሌለ ጠቅሊይ ፍርዴ cassation shall be made to the
Maxkamada Guud loo soo gudbiyaa Supreme Court within 90 days from
ቤት መቅረብ የሚገባው የሰበር ጥያቄ
mudo (90)maalmood gudahood ah the date on which the final decision
laga bilaabo maalintii go’aanka kama በሚቀርብበት ጉዲይ ሊይ የመጨረሻ ውሳኔ
protested is rendered.
dambaynta ah lagadhay. በተሰጠ በዘጠና ቀናት ውስጥ ይሆናሌ፡፡

16 : Fadhi ka bixida Garsooraha 16. የቃዱዎች ከችልት ስሇመነሳት 16. Withdrawal of Kadi

1. Qaadi kasta waa in uu fadhiga ka 1. አንዴ የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ቃዱ ከዚህ ቀጥል 1. No Kadi of a state Court of sharia
baxo marka : ከተመሇከቱት ምክንያቶች በአንደ ከችልት shall sit in any case where:
a) he is related to one of the parties or
b) dhinacyada ama qareenka ay xikto ይነሳሌ፡-
the advocate thereof by
yihiin ama xidid yihiin ama dooda
ሀ/ ከተከራካሪዎች ከአንዯኛው ወገን ወይም consanguinity or by affinity;
ay ku jiraan xaaskiisa ama xaas ay
ከጠበቃው ጋር የሥጋ ወይም የጋብቻ
kala tageen ,ama dacwad la
ዝምዴና ያሇው እዯሆን፤ b) He' has previously acted in some
xidhiidha arin uu wakiil qareen
capacity in connection with the case
ama ilaaliye ka ahaa . ሇ/ ክርክር የተነሳበትን ጉዲይ አስቀዴሞ በዲኝነት
or the subject matter of the dispute.
ወይም በእርቅ መንገዴ የሚያውቀው ሆኖ
t) Dooda mar hore Garsooranimo ama
የተገኘ እዯሆነ፤
Odaynimo uu ku galay ama :
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012 Bog 9 አዋጅ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 9 Proclamation No. 190/2020 Page 9
J) Dacwad kale dhinacyada midkood ay
ሐ/ ከተከራካሪዎቹ ወገኖች ከአንዯኛው ጋር በፍርዴ c) he has a case pending in court with
isku hayaan
ቤት የተያዘ ክርክር ወይም ሙግት ያሇው one of the parties or the advocate
2. Qodobkan tirsigiisa 1aad sida ku xusan እንዯሆነ፤ thereof;
Garsooruhu marka uu fahmo waa in
2. በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ (1) መሠረት ቃዱው 2. The judge concerned shall withdraw
uu fadhiga ka baxo . as soon as he is aware that he should
በችልት ሊይ ሉዲኝ የማይገባው መሆኑን
3. Qodobkan tirsigiisa 2aad sida ku xusan not sit,
ሲያውቅ ምክንያቱን በመዝገቡ ሊይ በማስፈር
haduusan garsooruhu fadhiga ka bixin 3. Where a party to a case is of the
dhinaca arintu khusayso inta uusan ከችልት ተነስቶ ጉዲዩ በላሊ ቃዱ እንዱታይ opinion that a judge should not sit for
dooda bilaabin ama marka uu ogaado አስፈሊጊውን ማዴረግ አሇበት፡፡ one of the reasons specified in Article
2 hereof, he shall submit a written
sababaha keenaya fadhiga ka bixida 3. ከተከራካሪዎች አንዯኛው በንዐስ አንቀጽ 2
application to the court requesting
garsooruhu ıslamarkaana waa in uu በተዘረዘሩት ምክንያቶች መሠረት አንዴ ዲኛ that the judge be removed.
Maxkamada arji usoo qortaa . ከችልት መነሳት የሚገባ መስል የታየው እንዯሆነ 4. Where the judge is sitting with other
4. Garsooraha ay arintu khusayso isaga
እንዱነሳሇት ሇፍርዴ ቤቱ ማመሌከቻ ማቅረብ judges, he shall withdraw and the
oo ka maqan ayay garsoorayaasha kale remaining judge or judges shall hear
Go’aan ka gadhayaan .Hadii fadhiga the application and give a decision
4. ማመሌከቻው የሚቀርበው ክርክሩ ከመጀመሩ thereon. Where the judge is sitting
loo gudbiyay hal garsoore yahay isla
በፊት ወይም ማመሌከቻ ሇማቅረብ ምክንያት alone and refused to withdraw from
markaana ka bixi waayo ,dhinaca uu
the bench the concerned party shall
arinku khuseeyo ,wuxuu cabasho መኖሩን አመሌካች እንዲወቀ ወዱያውኑ መሆን
submit his petition to the
ugudbisan karaa Gudoonka አሇበት፤ administration of that court, however,
maxkamadaas ,hadayna jirina wuxuu 5. አንዴ ዲኛ ብቻውን የሚያስችሌ ከሆነ ከችልት where not possible shall appeal to the
ugudbisan karaa Maxkamada ka next higher court.
ስሇመነሳት የሚቀርብሇትን ማመሌከቻ ተመሌክቶ
sareysa ee Racfaanka. 5. The costs of application under sub
ጥያቄውን የተቀበሇው እንዯሆነ ከችልት ይነሳሌ፡፡
5. Qodobkan. Tirsigiisa 3aad sida ku Article 3 hereof shall form part of the
ጥያቄው ያሌተቀበሇው እንዯሆነ ግን በዚያው costs in the case. Where the
xusan kharashka cabashada arjigisu uu
ፍርዴ ቤት በሚገኝ ላሊ ችልት ላሊ ችልት ከላሇ application is dismissed, however, the
keensado waxaa lagu darayaa costs shall be borne by the applicant
kharashka dacwada caadig ah . lakiin የዚሁ ፍርዴ ቤት ውሳኔ ይግባኝ በሚያየው
irrespective of the outcome of the
hadey maxkamadu cabashada aynan ፍርዴ ቤት እንዱወሰን ማስተሊሇፍ አሇበት፤ case.
aqbalin kharashka waxaa bixin 6. ከተከራካሪዎች አንዯኛው ወገን ዲኛው ከችልት 6. Where a party .makes an application
codsadaha. እንዱነሳሇት ያቀረበው ማመሌከቻ በቂ ምክንያት without good cause the court may, in
6. Mid-kamid ah codsadyaasha hadii addition to dismissing the application
ሳይኖረው ያቀረበ እንዯሆነ ፍርዴ ቤቱ
impose a fine not exceeding Birr
uunsan cabashadiisa sababo sugan ku
ማመሌከቻውን ውዴቅ አዴርጎ በአመሌካች ሊይ Three hundred (300).
soo gudbinin Garsoorku waa in uu ku
እስከ ሦስት መቶ (300) ብር መቀጫ ሉጥሌበት 7. A decision given under sub-Articles
ganaxaa ilaa 300 (sedex boboql oo birr
ይችሊሌ፡፡ hereof shall be final and subject to no
) codsigiisana siiyaan.,
7. sida ku cad Qodobkan go’aanka lagu 7. በዚህ አንቀጽ መሠረት የሚሰጠው ውሳኔ
gaadho recfaan malaha. የመጨረሻና ይግባኝ የማይባሌበት ይሆናሌ፡፡

17:- Afka Shaqo ee Maxkamadaha 17. የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች የሥራ ቋንቋ 17. Working Language of Courts of
shareecada . Sharia
1. የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች የሥራ ቋንቋ ሶማሌኛ ነው፡፡
1. Afka shaqo ee maxkamadaha waa Af-
1. Somali shall be the working language
Somaliga 2. ሶማሌኛ ሇማይችሌ ባሇጉዲይ ፍርዴ ቤቱ
of Regional state Courts of Sharia.
2. Dhinacyada aan Af-somaliga አስተርጓሚ ይመዴብሇታሌ፡፡
garanynin Maxkamadu waa in ay 2. The Courts shall provide an
uqabataa Turjumaan. interpreter, to a party who does not
understand Somali.
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012 Bog 10 አዋጀ ቁጥር 1190/2012 ገጽ 10 Proclamation No.190/2020 Page 10

18:- Xaqa helida Qareen 18. ጠባቃ የማግኘት መብት 18. Right to Be Represented By an
Qof kasta wuxuu xaq u leeyahay in uu Advocate
ማንኛውም ሰው ጠባቂ የማግኘት መብት አሇው፡፡
helo Qareen .
Any parties have the right to get an
19:- Fadhi Furan Advocate.
19. በግሌጽ ችልት ስሇማስቻሌ
1. Maxkamadu waa in ay dacwada ku 19. Open Hearing
1. የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶቹ ሇሕዝብ ግሌጽ በሆነ ሁኔታ
dhageystaa fadhi dadweynaha u
ያስችሊለ ፡፡ 1. The court of sharia heard all, cases
furan .
in open court.
2. İyadoon lagu xad gudbin shuruudaha
2. በዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ (1) የተመሇከተው
Qodobka Tirsigiisa 1aad & 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of
ቢኖርም ሇዲኝነት አሠራር ተገቢ ሆኖ ሲገኝ sub-Article (1) hereof and without
nidaamyada fadhiyada furan ayaa
markay soo dersaan xaaladaha soo ከዚህ ቀጥል የተመሇከቱት ሁኔታዎች prejudice .to procedural laws
socda dacwada lagu eegi karaa fadhi ሲያጋጥሙ በዝግ ችልት ያስችሊሌ፡- relevant to adjudication, cases may
xidhan . be heard in camera in consideration
ሀ/ ሇሕዝብና ሇመንግሥት ሰሊምና ፀጥታ of the following:
b) Marka loo arko in sidaasi lagama
maar maan u tahay amniga iyo አስፈሊጊ ሲሆን ወይም
a) public and state safety and
nabadgaliyada dadweynaha security: or
ሇ/ ሇህዝብ መሌካም ፀባይ ግብረ ገብነት
&dawlada . b) Public morality and decency.
t) Marka loo arko dacwadu in ay la
xidhiidho arrimo sharciga iyo PART FOUR
akhlaaqada guud wax u
QAYBTA AFRAAD የሸሪዓ ጠቅሊይ ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዝዲንትና ምክትሌ PRESIDENT OF SUPREME
MAXKAMADA GUUD & 20: Establishment of The Board For
MAGACABIDA GARSOORAY- 20: የፕሬዝዲንትና ምክትሌ ፕሬዝዲንት ምሌመሊና
AASHA MAXKA-MADAHA The Selection and Appointment
ሹመት አፅዲቂ ኮሚቴ ስሇመቋቋም of Presıdent and Vıce Presıdent
of Supreme court of Sharıa
20: Asaasida Guddiga Xulashada iyo
Magaacabista Gudoomiyaha 1. የጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዝዲንትና 1. it is hereby established a board to
&Gudoomiye ku-xigeenka select and approve the appointement
ምክትሌ ፕሬዝዲንት ምሌመሊና አሿሿም አጽዲቂ
1. Waxaa hab wafaaqsan bayaankani of Presıdent and Vıce Presıdent of
lagu asaasay guddiga sare ee ኮሚሽን በዚህ አዋጅ መሠረት ተቋቋሟሌ፡፡ Supreme court of sharia.
xulshada iyo magaacabista
2. ኮሚቴው የሚከተለትን አባሊት ያጠቃሌሊሌ፡- 2. members of the Board shall be:-
gudoomiyaha iyo Gudoomiye ku-
xigeenka maxkamada shareecada a) president of Regional state =
2. Guddigu wuxuu ka koobanyahay ሀ/ የክሌለ ርዕሰ መስተዲዴር ,= ሰብሳቢ
xubnahani:- ሇ/ የክሌለ ምክር ቤት አፈ-ጉባኤ = አባሌ b) speaker of state Council =
b). Madaxwaynaha dawladda ee
ሐ/ የጠቅሊይ ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዝዲንት = አባሌ member=
Deegaanka = Shirgudoon=
c) president of supreme court =
t). Afhayeenka Golaha deegaanka መ/ የክሌለ የእስሌም ጉዲዮች ጠቅሊይ ጉባኤ
= xubin= member =
j). Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Guud ሰብሳቢ = አባሌ d) chairperson The Supreme
= xubin Council for Islamic Affairs =
ሠ/ የክሌለ ዋና ጠቅሊይ ዏቃቤ ህግ = አባሌ
x) Guddoomiyaha Golaha sare ee member =
islaamka ee deegaanka = Xubin
e) the Attorney General;
kh) Xeer-ilaaliyaha guud ee = member =
Deegaanka = Xubin =
Bayaan Tirsi 1902012 Bog 11 አዋጀ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 11 Proclamation No.190/2020 Page 11

21:- Awoodaha iyo Wajibaadka 21:- Powers and Duties of the

21:- የኮሚሽኑ ሥሌጣንና ተግባራት
1. Guddigani sare wuxuu ansixiya
1. ኮሚሽኑ በክሌለ መንግሥት ርዕሰ መስተዲዴር 1. To approve selection and
xulashada iyo magaacabista iyo
xilka qaadista Guddoomiyaha iyo አቅራቢነት የጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት appointment of the President and
guddoomiye ku xigeenka ፕሬዝዲንት እና የምክትሌ ፕሬዝዲንት vice president supreme court of
maxkamada guud ee shareecada sharia upon nomination of the state
ምሌመሊ፣ ሹመጽ እና ሥንብት ሁኔታዎች
marka uu u soo dhaweeyo president.
Madaxweynaha deeganku . 2. Decide on other issues related on
2. waxay ka wada hadlan arrimaha kale 2. ላልች ስሇሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች አሠራር works of sharia courts.
ee la xidhiidha shaqada arrimaha
ሇማሻሻሌ የሚርደ ጉዲዮች ሊይ ተወያይቶ 3. Without prejudice to the 'other
maxkamada shareecada.
አቅጣጫ ያስቀምጣሌ፤ provisions of this Article, the
3. Guddigu waxay dajisan karaan
Commission may draw up its own
habraacyo la xidhiidha
3. ኮሚሽኑ የራሱ የሆነ የአሠራር ሥነ-ሥርዓት rules of procedure.
qaabshaqeedka guddiga.
የሚመራበት መመሪያዎች ሉያወጣ ይችሊሌ፡፡
22: Awoodaha &waajibadka
Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Guud 22. የጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዝዲንት 22 : powers and duties of president of
ee shareecada ሥሌጣንና ተግባር supreme courts of sharia

Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Guud ee The president of supreme courts of

የጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዝዲንት ተጠሪነቱ
shareecada oo hoos yimaada Guddiga , sharia being accountable to the
wuxa uu leeyahay awoodahan iyo ሇኮሚሽኑ ሆኖ የሚከተለትን ሥሌጣንና ተግባራት
commission shall have the following
waajibaadkan soo socda:- ይኖሩታሌ፡-
powers and duties:
1. Wuxuu metelayaa Maxkamadaha 1. የክሌለ የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች ይወከሊሌ. 1. represent the court of sharia;
shareecada Deeganka .
2. የጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ቃዱዎች በየችልቶች 2. assign and administer Court sittings
2. Wuxuu kala meelaynayaa fadhiyada
and judges of supreme Courts of
,hawl gelinayana, maamulayaana በመዯሌዯሌ ያሠራሌ፡፡
Garsoorayaasha Maxkamada Guud
3. የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች ቃዱዎች አስተዲዯር ጉባኤ 3. To present to the state Council new
ee shareecada .
3. Wuxuu ugudbiyaa Golaha አማካይነት የቀረቡትን የህግ ማሻሻያዎች ሇምክር draft laws and amendment of laws
sharciyada cusub iyo fikiradaha dib ቤቱ ያቀርባሌ፤ prepared by kadi administrative
u habaynta sharciyada ee uu commission.’
4. ሇሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች ቃዱዎች እና ዴጋፍ ሰጭ
soodiyaariyo Maamulka Qaadiyada 4. Cause the preparation and
Maxkamadaha shareecadu. ሠራተኞች የሚያስፈሌጋቸውን ሥሌጠና እና
implementation of training and
4. Wuxuu sahlayaa isla markaana የትምህርት የሚከሄዴበትን ሁኔታዎች education programs of kadi and other
socodsiinayaa Tababarada iyo ያመቻቻሌ፤ personnel of the courts.
waxbarashada Qaadiyada iyo
shaqaalaha kale ee maxkamada . 5. ሇሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች ሥራው አስፈሊጊ የሆኑ 5. recommend to the civil service
5. Wuxuu diyaariyaa shaqaalaha looga ሠራተኞች እንዱቀጠሩሇት የፐብሉክ ሰርቪስና Bureau for the employment of the
bahan yahay Maxkamadaha personnel necessary for the function
የሰው ሀብት ቢሮ ይጠይቃሌ፡፡
shareecada kadibna wuxuu u of courts sharia;
gudbiya Xafiiska Maamulka 6. በቃዱዎች አስተዲዯር ጉባኤ አማካይነት 6. give job placement at level of Courts
Shaqaalaha Dawlada (CPA). ሹመታቸው የፀዯቁት ቃዱዎች በየዯረጃው of Sharia kadi approved by kadi
6. Wuxuu ku kala meeleeyaa ባለት የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች ውስጥ በመዯሌዯሌ administartive commission;
Maxkamadaha shareecada
Qaadiyada uu ansixiyo Gudiga
Maamulka Qaadiyada shareecada .
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012 Bog 12 አዋጀ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 12 Proclamation No.190/2020 Page 12

7. wuxuu soo diyaariya islamarkaana u 7. He shall submit a bi-annual report, to

7. የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች ስሊከናወኗቸው ሥራዎች
soo gudbiya guddoomiyaha the President of the state ordinary
ሪፖርት ሇክሌለ ጠቅሊይ ፍርዴ ቤት
maxkamada guud ee dastuuriga ah Supreme Court, on the performance
warbixinta wax qabadka ፕሬዚዲንት ሇክሌለ ምክር ቤት የሚያቀርቡትን of the Courts of Sharia so as to be
maxkamadaha shareecada si ay qayb አመታዊ ሪፖርት አካሌ እንዱሆን ያቀርባሌ፡፡ part of annual judiciary report
uga noqoto warbixinta sanadlaha ah
presented to the Council by the
ee Guddoomiyaha maxkamada guud 8. የፍርዴ ቤቶቹን ዕቅዴና በጀት አዘጋጅቶ
ee dastuurigu u gudbiyo Golaha. president of ordinary Supreme Court.
ሇክሌለ ም/ቤት ያቀርባሌ፣ ሲፈቀዴሇትም ሥራ
8. Wuxu diyaariya una gudbiya Golaha 8. He shall prepare, and submit to the
qorshaha iyo miisaniyada ሊይ ያውሊሌ፡፡
state Council, the work plan and
maxkamada wuuna dhaqan galin
9. የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች ከሦስተኛ ወገን ጋር budget of the Courts of sharia and
marka loo ogolaado.
9. Waxuu matalaa maxkamadaha implement same upon approval.
የሚያዴርጉት ግንኙነት የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶችን
marka lala macaamuloonayo cid 9. He/she represent courts of sharia in
dealing with third party.
10. Wuxuu fulinayaa wajibaadyada kale 10. ላልች በህግ የተሰጡት ሥሌጣንና ተግባር
ee sharciyada kale loogu xilsaaray . 10. Perform such other duties as may be
23 : Awooda &Waajibaadka Gud.ku ያከናውናሌ፡፡
entrusted to him by law.
xigeenka Maxkamada Guud ee
23.የምክትሌ ፕሬዝዲንት ሥሌጣንና ተግባር 23. Powers and Duties of The Vice-
1. Wuxuu fulinayaa hawsha uu
President of the Supreme Court
Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Guud ee
1. የጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዝዲንት of sharia
shareecadu u xilsaaro.
2. Xiliga uu Gudoomiyuhu maqan የሚመሩሇትን ጉዲዮች ያከናውናሌ፡፡
1. discharge duties to be assigned to
yahay ,wuxuu sii matalaa him by the President of sharia courts;
2. ዋናው ቃዱ በማይኖርበት ጊዜ ዋናውን ቃዱ
Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Guud ee
ተክቶ ይሰራሌ፡፡ 2. Serve in the President's stead, while
24:- የዞን ከፍተኛ የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዝዲንት he is absent.
24:-Awooda & Waajibaadka
Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada sare ሥሌጣንና ተግባር

Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada sare oo hoos 24:- Powers and Duties of the

የዞን ከፍተኛ የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዝዲንት
yimaada Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Presidents of the Zonal High
ተጠሪነቱ ሇክሌለ የሸሪዓ ጠቅሊይ ፍርዴ ቤት
Guud ee shareecada ,wuxuu leeyahay Court
awoodahan iyo wajibaadyadan soo ፕሬዝዲንት ሆኖ የሚከተለትን ሥሌጣንና
The President of each the Zonal High
socda : ተግባራት ይኖሩታሌ፡-
Court being accountable to the President
1. Wuxuu matalyaa maxkamada
1. ፍርዴ ቤታቸውን ይወክሊለ፤ of Supreme Court of sharia shall:
2. Wuxuu fadhiyada ku kal meleynayaa
Qaadiyada iyo shaqaalaha kale ee 1. represent the court;
2. በዞኑ ውስጥ የተመዯቡ ቃዱዎችና ሠራተኞች
በፍርዴ ቤቱ ችልቶች ሇይቶ ይመዴባሌ፤ 2. assign kadi and other personnel in
3. Wuxuu maxkamada Guud ee
shareecada u gudbinayaa warbixin different benches of courts;
3. ስሇዞኑ ፍርዴ ቤትና በሥሩ ባለት የወረዲ ሸሪዓ
xiliyeedka laxidhiidha habsocodka 3. submit to the Supreme Court of
shaqada Maxkamada sare iyo ፍርዴ ቤቶች ወቅታዊ የሥራ ክንውን ሪፖርት
sharia periodic reports on the
maxkamadaha degmooyinka ሇክሌለ የሸሪዓ ጠቅሊይ ፍርዴ ቤት ያቀርባሌ፤ activities of the zonal high Court and
hoosyimaada ,lagu lifaaqay tirakoob.
woreda courts under it;
4. .Wuxuu diyaariyaa qorshe 4. የዞኑ ከፍተኛ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤትና ተጠሪ የሆኑት
hawleedka iyo qorshe የወረዲ የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች ዓመታዊ የሥራ 4. He shall prepare, and submit to the
miisaaniyadeedka maxkamada iyo Supreme Court of sharia, the work
ዕቅዴና በጀት አዘጋጅቶ ሇክሌለ ጠቅሊይ ፍርዴ
maxkamadaha degmooyinka plan and budget of the zonal high
hoosyimaada wuxuna ugudbinayaa ቤት ያቀርባሌ፤ ሲፀዴቅም ሥራ ሊይ ያውሊሌ፤
Court and woreda courts under it and
Maxkamaada Guud ee shareecada , implement same upon approval.
marka loo fasaxana hawlgeliyaa .
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012 Bog 13 አዋጀ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 13 Proclamation No.190/2020 Page 13

5. Wuxuu soo xulaa isla markaana 5. ትምህርታዊ የሆኑ የዓመቱ ፍርድችና ውሳኔዎች 5. Shall select and recommend to the
ugudbinayaa Maxkamada Guud ee supreme court of sharia exemplary
ተመርጠው ሇክሌለ ጠቅሊይ ፍርዴ ቤት
shareecada Xukunada iyo Go’aanada decisions and judgments.
እንዱሊክ ያዯርጋሌ፤
laga faa’ iidaysankaro 6. Perform such other duties as may be
6. Wuxuu fuliyaa wajibadyada kale ee 6. በህግ መሠረት የሚሰጡትን ላልች ተግባሮች entrusted to him by law.
sharciyada kale loogu xilsaaray 25 : Powers and Duties Of President
25:- Awooda &wajibaadka Of Woreda Court
Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada 25:- የወረዲ የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዝዲንት
President of Woreda Court of sharia
Degmada. ሥሌጣንና ተግባራት
being accountable to the president of
Gudomiyaha Maxkamada shareecada የወረዲው የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዝዲንት ተጠሪነቱ zonal high court of sharia shall have the
degmada oo hoos yimaada ሇዞኑ ከፍተኛ ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዝዲንት ሆኖ Powers And Duties:
Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada sare wuxuu
የሚከተለትን ሥሌጣንና ተግባራት ይኖሩታሌ፡- 1. represent the court;
leeyahay awoodaha iyo wajibadyada
soo socda: 1. ፍርዴ ቤታቸውን ይወክሊለ፤ 2. assign kadiሰ in different divisions of
1. Wuxuu matelaa maxkamada woreda court;
2. በወረዲው ውስጥ የተመዯቡ ቃዱዎች በፍርዴ
2. Wuxuu fadhiyada ku kala meelayaa 3. administer personnel of the court in
ቤቱ ችልቶች ዯሌዱል ይመዴባሌ፤
hawlgeliyaa, maamulana
accordance with directions given to
Garsoorayaasha Maxkamada 3. በክሌለ ጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤትና በዞኑ him by supreme and zonal high
ከፍተኛ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት በሚሰጠው courts;
3. Wuxuu maamulaa shaqalaha
maxkamada isaga oo tixracaya መመሪያ መሠረት የፍርዴ ቤቱ ሠራተኞች
4. submit to the zonal high court of
awamirta ay Maxkamada Guud iyo ያስተዲዴራሌ፡፡ sharia periodic statistics reports on
ta sare siiyaan. the activities of the Court ;
4. ስሇዞን ፍርዴ ቤትና በሥሩ ባለት የወረዲ ሸሪዓ
4. Wuxuu maxkamada sare
ugudbinayaa warbixin xiliyeed. ፍርዴ ቤቶች ወቅታዊ የሥራ ክንውን ሪፖርት 26. Appointment of Kadi
Lagu lifaaqay tirokoob. ሇከፍተኛ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ያቀርባሌ፤ 1. The Kadi administration commission
established pursuant to this
26:- Magacaabida Qaadiyada proclamation shall carry out the
26. ስሇ ቃዱዎች አሿሿም selection and approval of recruitment
1. Gudiga Maamulka Qaadiyada
1. በዚህ አዋጅ መሠረት የተቋቋመው የቃዱዎች of Kadi upon the recommendation of
Shareecada ee lagu As-aasay
አስተዲዯር ጉባኤ በስብሳቢው አቅራቢነት The Chairperson of the Commission.
Bayaankan ayaa samayn xulashada
ansixinaya magacabista qaadiyada የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቃዱዎችን ምሌመሊና ሹመት 2. The Chairperson of the Commission
kadibna marka u soo xulo una soo ይከናወናሌ፤ እየታየ ይጸዴቃሌ፡፡ shall prepare and submit, to the kadi
dhaweeyo Guddoomiyaha guddigu . Administration Commission, a short
2. የጉባኤው ሰብሳቢ በጉባኤው የተጦቆሙትና profile of would be Kadi nominated
2. Gudoomiyaha Guddigu wuxuu
በተሇያየ ዯረጃ እንዱመዯቡ የተመረጡ እጩ by, together with the level of their
Guddiga maamulka qaadiyada u soo
ቃዱዎች አጭር የህይወት ታሪክ መግሇጫ placement.
gudbin faalo yar oo ku saabsan
taariikh nololeedka qaadiyada loo አዘጋጅቶ ሇጉባኤው ያቀርባሌ፤ 3. notwithstanding with provisions
kala xushay heerarka kala duwan si under sub-article 2 hereof until The
3. የዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 2 ዴንጋጌ appointment of Kadi, are to be
guddigu uu ansixiyo.
እንዯተጠበቀ ሆኖ በጉባኤው እስከ ሚፀዴቅበት approved, may assign temporarily at
3. isaga oo Qodobka hoosadkan (2)
ጊዜ ቃዱዎች በጊዛዊነት ሉመዯቡ ይችሊሌ፡፡ any level;
sidaasi yahay qaadiyada waxaa lagu
sii howlgalin karaa shaqada
Garsoorka intuu nan Gudigu
ansixinin ka hor.
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012 Bog 14 አዋጀ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 14 Proclamation No.190/2020 Page 14


ክፍሌ አምስት
27. Qaabdhismeedka Gudiga
27.ስሇጉባኤው አዯረጃጀት 27. Organization of the Commission
1. Guddiga Maamulka Qaadiyada
Maxkamadaha shareecada ee lagu 1. በዚህ አዋጅ አንቀጽ 3 መሠረት የተቋቋመው 1. the Sharia Courts Kadi
aasaasay Qodobka sedexaad ee Administration Commission
የቃዱዎች አስተዲዯር ጉባኤ የሚከተለን
Bayaankan waxa uu ka established under article 3 of this
አባሊት ያጠቃሌሊሌ፡- proclamation shall have the
koobnaanayaa xubnahan
b) Guddoomiyaha maxkamada Guud following members:
ሀ/ የጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዝዲንት -----
ee Shareecada = Shirgudoon a) the President of the Supreme
----------- ሰብሳቢ Court of sharia = chairman=
t) Ku xigeenka Guddoomiyaha
Maxkamada guud ee Shareecada = b) The Vice-President of the
ሇ/ የጠቅሊይ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤት ምክትሌ
K/x Shirgudoon Supreme Court of sharia__ Vice
ፕሬዝዲንት ----------------ም/ሰብሳቢ chairman (s)
j) afar Qaadi oo Qaadiga guud kasoo
dhex xulo qaadiyada heer deegaan, c) Four kadi to be selected from
ሐ/ በዋና ቃዱ አማካይነት ከጠቅሊይ ፍርዴ
Gobol iyo Degmo = Xubno Supreme Court, zonal high court
ቤት፣ ከከፍተኛ እና ከወረዲ ፍርዴ ቤቶች and woreda courts by the
x) xubin ay soo xulaan Guddiga
Maamulka garsoorka Deegaanka ቃዱዎች ውስጥ የሚመረጥ አራት ቃዱዎች chairman._____ member.
= Xubin d) A member to be selected by the
---------------- አባሌ
kh) Xubin ay soo xulaan Guddiga ordinary judicial Administration
Maamulka xeerilaalinta = xubin መ/ በክሌለ ዲኞች አስተዲዯር ጉባኤ የሚወከሌ Commission._____ member.
d) Xubin u soo xulo Uruurka e) A member to be selected by the
አንዴ ተወካይ ---------------- አባሌ
Qareenada Deegaanku = Xubin prosecutors Administration
r) xubin uu soo xulo Golaha sare ሠ/ በክሌለ የዏቃቢያን ህግ አስተዲዯር ጉባኤ Committee ____ member.
Arrimaha Islaamka ee Deegaanku f) A member to be selected by the
የሚወከሌ አንዴ ተወካይ --------- አባሌ
= Xubin Advocates association____
s) laba xubnood oo ka tirsan golaha ረ/ በክሌለ የጠበቆች አስተዲዯር ጉባኤ member.
deegaanka oo uu soo xulo g) A member to be selected by the
የሚመረጥ አንዴ ተወካይ ---------- አባሌ
Afhayeenka Goluhu = Xubno Regional Supreme Council for
2. Guddigu wuxuu yeelanayaa Hal ሰ/ በክሌለ የእስሌምና ጠቅሊይ ምክር ቤት Islamic Affairs ____ member.
xubin oo xoghayn ah oo codna aan የሚወከሌ አንዴ ተወካይ --------- አባሌ h) Two members of the state council
ku dhaxlahyn guddiga. to be selected by the speaker of
ቀ/ በክሌለ ምክር ቤት አፈ-ጉባኤ የሚመረጥ the Council ___ member
ሁሇት ተወካይ ---------------- አባሌ 2. The Commission shall assign
28:Awoodaha Iyo Waajibaadyada
Guddiga Maamulka Qaadiyada 2. ጉባኤው ያሇዴምጸ በጉባኤው በፀሐፊነት Secretary who has vote during
Shareecada session.
የሚሠራ አንዴ ባሇሙያ ይመዴባሌ ፤፤
Guddigu waxuu yeelanayaa awoodaha 28: Powers and Duties of the
28: የቃዱዎች አስተዲዯር ጉባኤ ሥሌጣንና ተግባር Commission
iyo waajibaadyadan soo socda:
1. Waxuu magacabaa qaadiyada lagu The Commission shall have the
soo xulay si waafaqsan Qodobka የቃዱዎች አስተዲዯር ጉባኤ የሚከተለትን following powers and duties:
32aad ee Bayaankan. ሥሌጣንና ተግባራት ይኖሩታሌ፡-
1. to approve the appointment of kadi
2. Wuxuu magacaaba, sidookalena 1. በዚህ አዋጅ አንቀጽ 32 መሠረት የሚሰየሙና selected in accordance article 32 of
shaqa galiyaa, xubnaha kele ee የሚመረጡ ቃዱዎች ይሾማሌ ወይም ሹመት this proclamation.
magacaabista ah. ያፀዴቃሌ፤
3. Wuxuu go’aaminayaa shaqo ka 2. to approve and give deployment to
eryida, anshax-maarinta, beddalaada, 2. ላልች ተሿሚ አባሊትን ይሾማሌ፣ የሥራ other nominee personnels.
mushaarka,heerarka dallacada, ስምሪት ይሰጣሌ፤ 3. to decide on the transfer, salary,
gunnada daweynta iyo meelaynta allowance, promotion, medical
3. ስሇ ቃዱዎች ዝውውር ዯመወዝ፣ አበሌ፣
Qaadiyada deeganka benefits and placement of the
የሥራ ስንብት፣ የዯረጃ ዕዴገትና የህክምና
regional state kadi of court of sharia;
ምዯባ ይወስናሌ፡፡
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012 Bog 15 አዋጀ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 15 Proclamation No.190/2020 Page 15

4. በቃዱዎች እና በላልች ተሿሚ አባሊት

4. Waxuu baadhaa ama sababaa in 4. To examine, cause its examination
baadhis lagu sameeyo የሚቀርብበት ስሇዱሲፕሉን የሚመሇከት
and decide on complaints brought
cabashooyinka ka dhanka ah አቤቱታዎችና ጥቆማዎች ይመረምራሌ፣ against kadi and other nominee
qaadiyada iyo xubnaha kale ee እንዱሁም እንዱመረመር ያዯርጋሌ፤ መርምሮ personnels.
magacaabista ah, islamarkaana ka
ውሳኔ ያሳሌፋሌ፡፡
go’aan gaadhaa cabashooyinkaas. 5. in accordance with law to determine
5. waxuu darsaa oo uu go’aamiyaa 5. በህግ መሠረት የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች አሠራር work procedure courts of sharia;
isagoo sharciga waafajinya qaabka የሚሻሻሌበት ሁኔታ ይመክራሌ፣ ያጠናሌ፤ 6. may enter agreement with institutes,
shaqo ee maxkamadaha shareecada
colleges and Unversities in the
6. Wuxuu heshiis kor logu qaadayo 6. በክሌለና በሀገር ውስጥ የሚገኙ ኢንስቲትዮች፣
Region and courty for enhancing the
waxbarashada Qaadiyada ኮላጆች፣ የከፍተኛ ተምህርት ተቋማት ጋር
educational capacity of kadi of sharia
Maxkamada lagali karaa የቃዱዎች የትምህርትና ክህልት ማሻሻያ
Machadyada , kulliyadaha iyo courts;
ሥሌጠናዎች የሚሰጥበትን ስምምነት
Jamacadaha deeganka iyo dalka ka 7. may cause the establishment of
jira . ያዯርጋሌ፡፡
Regional state kadi tarining
7. Wuxuu diyaarinkaraa xeer lagu aas-
7. የክሌለ ቃዱዎች የሚሰሇጥኑበት ተቋማት institutes,present to the state council;
aasayo Machad lagu tababaro
በክሌለ ምከር ቤት አማካይነት እንዱቋቋም 8. may oragnize sub committees as
Qaadiyada Maxkamadaha
Shareecada. kadibna horgeeyaa የህግ ማዕቀፍ አዘጋጅቶ ሉያቀርብ ይችሊሌ፤ deemeed necessary and determines
Golaha . their powers and duties;
8. እንዯአስፈሊጊነቱ በሥራ ንዐሳን ኮሚቴዎች
8. Wuxuu aas-aasi karaa Gudi
ሉያዯራጅ ይችሊሌ፡፡ እንዱሁም የሥራ 9. To issue the Disciplinary and Code
hoosaadyo kolba siday baahidu
ዴርሻቸውና ኃሊፊነት ይወስናሌ፡፡ of Conduct Rules for court of sharia
tahay ,wuxuuna go’aamin awooda
iyo wajibaadkoodaba.
9. የክሌለ ቃዱዎች የሚመሩበትን የዱስፕሉንና
9. waxay soo saaran xeerka asluubta
& anshaxa qaadiyada shareecada . የሥነ ምግባር ዯንብ ያወጣሌ፡፡
29:- Powers and Duties of the
Chairman of kadi adiministration
29:Awoodaha Iyo Waajibaadyada commission
29:- የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች የቃዱዎች አስተዲዯር
Shirguddoonka Guddiga
ጉባኤ ሰብሳቢ ሥሌጣንና ተግባር The Chairman shall have the following
Maamulka Qaadiyada
powers and duties:
Maxkamadaha Shareecada የጉባኤው ሰብሳቢ የሚከተለትን ሥሌጣንና
ተግባራት ይኖሩታሌ፡- 1. to direct, as the superior authority,
Shirguddoonku waxa uu yeelanayaa
and supervise the Secretariat of the
awoodahan iyo waajiibaadyadan soo
1. የጉባኤውን ጽሕፈት ቤት በበሊይነት ይመራሌ፣ Commission;
ይቆጣጠራሌ፤ 2. to preside over the meetings of the
1. Wuxuu masuul ka yahay
kormeerayaana xafiiska Guddiga . 2. የጉባኤው ስብሰባ በሉቀመንበርነት ይመራሌ፤
2. Wuxuu hogaamiyaa,shirarka 3. to convene the meetings of the
Guddiga, 3. የጉባኤው ስብሰባዎች ይጠራሌ፤ Commission;
3. Wuxuu isugu yeedhaa,
gudoomiyaana kulamada guddiga. 4. በዚህ አዋጅ አንቀጽ 31 መሠረት በጉባኤው 4. to prepare and present to the
4. Wuxuu warbixin kooban ka አባሊት የተጠቀሙት ግሇሰቦች አጭር የህይወት Commission the profile of candidate-
diyaarinayaa Guddigana hor judges nominated by the members of
ታሪክ መግሇጫ አዘጋጅቶ ሇጉባኤው ያቀርባሌ፤
dhigayaa tariikh nololeedka the Commission pursuant to Article
shakhsiyaadka ay xubnaha guddigu 5. ላልች በጉባኤው የሚሰጡትን ሥራዎች 31 of this proclamation.
Qaadinimo usoo badhigaan hab
ይፈፅማሌ፤ 5. Perform other functions referred to
waafaqsan Qodobka 31aad ee
him by the commission.
5. Wuxuu fuliyaa hawlaha kale ee uu
Guddigu u xilsaaro.
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012 Bog 16 አዋጀ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 16 Proclamation No.190/2020 Page 16

6. Hawsha Gudoomiyaha Guddiga 6. ሰብሳቢው በማይኖርበት ጊዜ የሰብሳቢው 6. The Vice chairman shall serve in
waxaa siiwadaya gudoomiye ku- ኃሊፊነቶች በምክትለ አማካይነት ተክቶ the Chairman's stead while he is
xigeenka marka aanu gudoomiyuhu ይሠራሌ፡፡ absent.
30. Meetings of the Commission
30 :Kulamada Guddiga
1. The Commission shall hold a regular
1. Gudiga shirkiisa caadiga ah bishiiba 30. ስሇጉባኤው ስብሰባዎች
meeting once in a month; however, it
hal (1) mar ayuu yeelanayaa. Hase
1. ጉባኤው በየወሩ አንዴ ጊዜ መዯበኛ ጉባኤውን may meet at any time where found
yeeshee, wakhti kasta oo loo baahdo
wuu shiri karaa. ያካሄዲሌ፣ ሆኖም ማናቸውም ጊዜ አስፈሊጊ ሆኖ
2. There shall be a quorum where a
2. Shirka Guddigu wuxuu ሲገኝ አስቸኳይ ስብሰባ ሉያካሄዴ ይችሊሌ፤ majority of the members of the
qabsoomayaa marka kala badh in ka Commission are present.
badan xubnaha guddigu shirka ka 2. ከጉባኤው አባሊት መካከሌ አብዛኞቹ ከተገኙ
3. Decisions of the Commission shall
soo qaybgalaan. ምሌዕተ ጉባኤ ይሆናሌ፤ be passed by a majority vote; in case
3. Go’aamada guddigu cod hal of a tie, however, the Chairman shall
dheeriya ayay ku meelmarayaan 3. የጉባኤው ውሳኔዎች በዴምፅ ብሌጫ ያሌፋለ፣
have a casting vote.
haseyeeshee, marka ay dhacdo in ሆኖም ዴምፅ እኩሌ በኩሌ የተከፈሇ እንዯሆነ 4. kadi who is a member of the
codku isku mid noqdo waxa Commission, and against whom
ሰብሳቢው ወሳኝ ዴምፅ ይኖረዋሌ፤
go’aanka leh dhinaca uu
disciplinary proceedings are
shirguddoonku raaco.
4. የዱስፕሉን ክስ የቀረበበት ማንኛውም የጉባኤው instituted, may not sit in meetings of
4. Qaadi kasta oo xubin ka ah guddiga the Commission while his case is
አባሌ ቃዱ ጉዲይ በሚታይበት ጊዜ በጉባኤው
hadii dacwad asluub dara ah lagu under investigation.
soo oogo ,wakhtiga arintiisa la ሰብሳባ በአባሌነት ማስተፍ አይችሌም፤ 5. Without prejudice to the provisions
eegayo xubin ahaan shirka Guddiga of sub Article 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this
uama fadhiisan karo 5. ጉባኤው የዚህ አንቀጽ ንዐስ አንቀጽ 1,2, 3 እና
Article, the Commission may draw
5. Guddigu waxuu samaysan karaa 4 ዴንጋጌዎች ጋር የማይቃረን የራሱን የስብሰባ up its own rules of procedure.
xeer –hoosaadyo si uu hawshiisa ሥነ-ሥርዓት የሚመራበት ዯንብ ሉያወጣ 6. The venue of meetings of
ufushado iyada oo aan laga hor commission shall be at the head-
imanaynin sida ay dhigayaan quarter of office of Supreme Court of
tirsiyada 1,2,3,iyo 4 ee Qodobkan . sharia of Somali regional state.
6. የጉባኤው የመሰብሰቢያ ቦታ የክሌለ የሸሪዓ
6. Goobta Kulanku waxay noqonaysaa However, the venue may be
ጠቅሊይ ፍርዴ ቤት ጽ/ቤት ይሆናሌ ሆኖም
maxkamada Guud ee shareecda conducted in somewhere else as
DDS. Haseyeeshee kulanka Gudiga አስፈሊጊ ሆኖ ሲገኝ በላሊ ቦታ ይካሄዲሌ deemed necessary.
waxaa lagu qaban karaa meelakale
hadii loo baahdo
31.ቃዱ ሆኖ ሇመመረጥ የሚያበቁ ሁኔታዎች 31. Criteria for Appointment of Kadi
31: Shuruudaha Magacaabista
Qaadiyada any person who is a Somali ethinic and
የሚከተለት ሁኔታዎች የሚያሟሊ ማንኛውም
belong to somali regional state, who
Qof walba oo Somali ah oo u dhashay
የሶማላ ክሌሌ ነዋሪ የፍርዴ ቤቶቹ ቃዱ ሆኖ ሉሾም fulfils the Criteria provided here under
Dawlada Degaanka Somalida, buuxiyay
shuruudahan soo socda ayaa loo ይችሊሌ፡፡ may be appointed as kadi of sharia
magacaabi karaa in uu noqdo qaadi courts.
maxkamada shareecada. 1. በሸሪዓ ህግ ከሸሪዓ ትምህርት ከሚስጡ ተቋማት

የተመርቀና በቂ ሌምዴና እውቀት ያካበተ፤ 1. is trained in Islamic law in Islamic

1. Qof tababar shareeco ku qaatay
machadyada wax barasho ee Educational Institutions or has
በታታሪነቱና በስነ-ምግባሩ መሌካም ስም
shareecada lehna aqoon iyo khibrad acquired adequate experience and
shareeco , sumacad iyo sharafna ku ያተረፈ፡፡
knowledge in Islamic law;
dhex leh deegaanka dhaxdiisa ama
ka soo baxay Jamacadaha Islaamka.
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012 Bog 17 አዋጀ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 17 Proclamation No.190/2020 Page 17

2. Qofka aan haysan shahaado, 2. if not have training credentials, his

2. የትምህርት ማስረጃ የላሇው ተወዲዲሪ የሸሪዓ
aqontiisa shareecada islaamka waxaa knowledge in Islamic law shall be
lagu xaqiijin imtixaan ay ዕውቀት መኖሩን በሚሰጥ ፈተና አማካይነት
proved through competency
maxkamada guud ee shareecadu ይረጋገጣሌ፡፡ assurance examination prepared by
diyaariso. courts of sharia.
3. Qof ogol in uu ku shaqeeyo xilka 3. ቃዱ ሆኖ ሇመሥራት ፈቃዯኛ የሆነ እና
qaadinimada islamarkaana ዕዴሜው ከ25 ዓመት በሊይ የሆነ፤ 3. consents to assume the position of a
da’diisuna ka weyntahy 25 sano iyo Kadi; and is more than twenty five
shuruudaha kale ee ay shareecadu 4..ማንኛውም ሰው በመንግሥት ሕግ አውጭ years of age;
xeeriso. ወይም አስፈፃሚ ውስጥ ወይም በማንኛውም 4. No person may simultaneously
4. Qof kasta oo Xubin ka ah Hay’ada የፖሇቲካ ዴርጅት በአባሌነት በሚያገሇግሌበት assume judgeship while serving in
sharci dajinta , sharci fulinta the legislative or executive branches
ጊዜ አጣምሮ የዲኝነት ሥራ ሉሠራ
dawlada ama urur siyaasi ah ka of government or while a member
tirsan Qaadi ma noqon karo. አይችሌም፡፡
of any political organization.
32:-Siyaabaha Qaadinimada Lagu
32. ቃዱዎች ከሥራ ስሇሚሰናበቱበት ሁኔታ 32. Termination of Tenure
1. ማንኛውንም ቃዱ ከሥራው የሚሰናበተገው 1. The tenure of any kadi may be
1. Qaadigu waxuu shaqada kuwayi
በሚከተለት ምክንያቶች ነው፡- terminated only on the following
karaa sababahan soo socda:
b) marka ay da’diisu gaadho da’da
ሀ/ ዕዴሜው የጡረታ መወሰኛ ጣሪያ ሲሞሊው፤ a) where he has attained the age of
howlgabnimada ee Garsoorayaasha
t) Marka guddigu go’aamiyo in aanu ka ሇ/ በህመም ምክንያት ወይም በችልታ ማነስ retirement for Judges;
soo bixi Karin hawshiisa Qaadino ተግባሩን በተገቢው ሁኔታ ማከናወን b) where it is decided that he is
xanuun dartii, ama la xaqiijiyo in incapable of properly discharging
አይችሌም ተብል ሲወሰን፤
uuna lahayn aqoonta shareecada his duties due to illness or other
ሐ/ የቃዱዎች የዱሲፕሉንና የሥነ ምግባር ዯንብ
islaamka. incapacity ;
j) Marka iyadoo laraacayo xeerka ተሊሌፎ ሲገኝ፤ c) Where in accordance with Rules of
anshaxa iyo asluubta ee qaadiyada la 2. የዚህ አንቀፅ ንዐስ አንቀፅ (ሀ እና ሇ) Disciplinary and Code of Conduct
xaqiijiyo in uu ku xadgubay xerka of kadi the commission proves that
ዴንጋጌዎች ተፈፃሚ የሚሆኑ በጉባኤው ሲፀዴቅ
anshaxa iyo asluubta ee qaadiyada. he has transgressed the Rules of
2. Qodobka hoosaadyadiisa (b) iyo (t) ነው፤
Disciplinary and Code of Conduct.
waxay dhaqan gal noqonayaan kadib 3. የዚህ አንቀጽ ዴንጋጌዎች እንዯተጠበቁ ሆኖ
marka uu ansixiyo Guddigu. 2. matters provided under this sub-
ጉባኤው የላልች ተሿሚ አባሊት ከሥራ
3. İyada oo uu Qodobkani sidaasi article (B) and(C) shall be effective
ስሇሚሰናበትበት ሁኔታ የሚመራበት ዯንብ when approved by the commission.
ahaanayo, Guddigu waxa uu xeerka
soo saari siyaabaha ay shaqada ku ሉወጣ ይችሊሌ፡፡ 3. Without prejudice with the Provisions
waayi karaan xubnaha kale ee of this Article the Commission may
magacaabista ah. 33: በፈቃዯኝነት ሥራን ስሇመሌቀቅ issue rules determining the manner
in which other appointee members
33 :Iscasilaada 1. ቃዱዎች ሬጅስትራሮችና ላልች ተሿሚዎች
may be discharged from the office.
1. Qaadiyada, Registaraalada iyo በራሳቸው ፈቃዴ ሥራውን በገዛ ፈቃዲቸው 33. Procedure for Resignation of Kadi
xubnaha kale ee magacabista ah መሌቀቅ ይችሊለ፡፡ 1. Kadis, registrars and other members
waxay xaq u leyihiin inay iska who are nominated shall have the
casilaan shaqadooda 2. ቃዱ፣ ላልች ተሿሚዎች ሆነ ዯጋፍ ሰጪ
right to resign from their works
2. Hase yeeshee, qaadiga iyo xubinka ሠራተኞች በገዛ ፈቃዲቸው ሥራ መሌቀቅ voluntarily.
kale magacabista ah iyo dhamaan 2. However, any kadi, members who
ሲፈሌጉ በአንዴ ወር አስቀዴሞ የማስታወቂያ
shaqalaha Maxkamada ee doonaya are nominated and all civil servants
in ay is casilaan waxa waajib ku ah ሇጠቅሊይ ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዝዲንት ማቅረብ of the sharia courts who wants to
in ay ogaysiis qoraal ah usoo አሇባቸው፡፡ resign from their assignment
gudbiyan hal bil ka hor voluntarily are obliged to submit a
iscasilaadiisa Gudoomiyaha one month prior written notice to the
maxkamada guud ee shareecada. president of supreme sharia courts.
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012 Bog 18 አዋጀ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 18 Proclamation No.190/2020 Page 18

3. Ogaysiiska qoraalka ah marka uu 3. የጠቅሊይ ፍርዴ ቤት ፕሬዝዲንት የመሌቀቂያ 3. Written notice submitted to the
soogaadho Gudoomiyaha kadibna ጥያቄ ሲቀርብበት ሇጉባኤው በማቅረብ president of supreme sharia courts
gudoomiyuhu uu soo hordhigo and by duly submitting the matter to
በሦስት ወር ውስጥ የመጨረሻ ውሳኔ መስጠት
Gudiga waxaa lagaga goaan gaadhi the commission, it shall be decided
sedex bilood gudohood, Haduu አሇባቸው፡፡
within three months, provided if they
gudigu 3 biliod gudahood go’aan ka
are failed to overrule the matter
soo saari waayo iscasilaada xubinku 34. ያሇመከሰስ ከሇሊ within three months period the
sidaas bay ku dhaqan galay.
ማንኛውም ቃዱ በእጅ ከፈንጅ ወንጀሌ ሲፈፃም Resignation shall be effective.
34: Xasaanada (Immunity)
ካሌተያዘ በስተቀር ያሇቃዱዎች አስተዲዯር ጉባኤ 34.. Immunity
Garsooruhu isaga oo faldanbiyeed
ፈቃዴ መከሰስ ወይም መታሰር አይችሌም፡፡ No kadi may be arrested or prosecuted
faraha kula jira mooyee lama qaban
karo lamana xidhi karo iyada oo aan without the permission of the kadi’s
35. ስሇቃዱዎች ዓመታዊ ዕረፍት administrative commission except in the
ogolaansho laga helin Gudiga
Maamulka Qaadiyada shareecada case of commission of grave flagrante
ዓመታዊ የቃዱዎች ዕረፍት ፈቃዴ በየዓመቱ ሁሇት delicto offense.
35: Fasaxa Qaadiyada
ወር ሆኖ ከሀምላ 1 እስከ መስከረም 1 ይሆናሌ፡፡
35. Granting of Annual Leaves
Fasax sanadeedka Qaadiyadu waa laba
bilood laga bilaabo 1da Bisha Hamle The annual leave of kadi shall be
ክፍሌ ስዴስት
ilaa 1da Bisha Maskaram granted for two months from 1st of
ሌዩ ሌዩ ዴንጋጌዎች Hamle to 1st of Maskaram.
36. ስሇ ሂሳብ መዛግብትና ኦዱት
36 :Diiwaanka Xisabaadka iyo Hanti -
Dhawrka 1. የፍርዴ ቤቱ የተሟሊና ትክክሇኛ የሆኑት የሂሣብ MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
መዛግብት ይይዛሌ፤
1. Maxkamadu waxay yeelan . 36. Books of Accounts
diwaanada xisaabaadka oo 2. የፍርዴ ቤቱ የሂሣብ መዛግብትና ገንዘብ ነክ
ሰነድች በክሌለ ዋና ኦዱተር ወይም ራሱ 1. The court shall keep complete and
dhamaystiran islamarkaana sax ah.
accurate books of accounts.
2. Diiwaanada xisaabaadka iyo በሚወክሇው ኦዱተሮች በየዓመቱ
Cadaymaha lacageed ee maxkamada ይመረምራሌ፡፡ 2. The Court's books of accounts and
waxaa sanadkiiba mar ku samayn financial documents shall be audited
baadhis hanti dhawka guud ee 37. የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች ውሳኔዎችና ትዕዛዞች annually by the Auditor General or
deegaanka ama odhitarka uu isagu by auditors designated by him.
magacaabay በማናቸውም ዯረጃ የሚገኙ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች
በሥሌጣን ክሌሊቸው በሚሸፈኑ ጉዲዮች ሊይ 37. Decisions and Orders of Sharia
37 : Tixgelinta Go’aanadda iyo
የሚሰጧቸውን ውሳኔዎችና ትዕዛዞች አስፈጻሚ Courts
Amarada Maxkamadda
አካሊትም ሆነ ግሇሰቦች በትዕዛዙ መሠረት Any Executive Organ, organization as
Waxaa waajib ku ah dhamaan ururada , well as individuals who receive the
የመፈጸምም ሆነ የማስፈጸም ግዳታ አሇባቸው፡፡
shakhsiyaadka iyo xubin kasta oo dawli decisions or orders of any Court of
ah in ay tixgaliyaan go’aamada iyo
38. በመታየት ሊይ ስሊለ ጉዲዮች Sharia shall execute or cause the
amarada ay bixiyaan maxkamadaha
shareecadu . execution of same.
ይህ አዋጅ ከመጽናቱ በፊ በክሌለ ሸሪዓ ፍርዴ
38: Dacwadaha soo Jiitamay ቤቶች በመታየት ሊይ ያለ ጉዲዮች በዚህ አዋጅ 38. Pending Cases
Dacwadaha ka socoday maxkamadaha በተዯነገገው መሠረት ሥሌጣን ወዲሊቸው ሸሪዓ Cases pending in the various levels of
shareecada ee deeganka heer walba oo ፍርዴ ቤቶች ተዛውረው ይታያለ፡፡ state Courts of Sharia, prior to the
ay yihiinba ka hor inta uusan dhaqan coming into force of, this Proclamation,
galin.bayaankani waxaa dhamaystiri 39.- የበጀት ምንጭ shall be heard and decided by the same
Maxkamadihii Gacanta ku hayay. courts.
1. የፍርዴ ቤቱ በጀት በክሌለ ምክር ቤት
የሚመዯብ በጀት፤
39. Budget
1. Miisaaniyad waxaa u qoondeeyn
Golaha Xildibaanada ee Deegaanka.. 2. ከላልች አካሊት የሚገኝ የበጀት ዴጎማና 1. a budget to be allocated by the state
2. kaalmaha lacageed ee laga helo ilo ዴጋፈ፡፡
2. Assistance from other donor sources.
kale sida deeq bixiyaasha
Bayaan Tirsi 190/2012 Bog 19 አዋጀ ቁጥር 190/2012 ገጽ 19 Proclamation No.190/2020 Page 19
40:_Go’aan Qaadashada Arimaha
Anshaxa 40. ስሇቃዱዎች የዱሲፕሉን ጉዲዮች አወሳስን
40. Determination of Disciplinary
Bayaanka Aas-aaska gudiga maamulka ስሇሸሪዓ ፍርዴ ቤቶች ቃዱዎችና ላልች ተሻሚዎች Matters
Qaadiyada shareecada iyo xeer የዱሲፕሉን ጉዲዮች በተመሇከተ የዚህ አዋጅ This proclamation and other
hoosaadyada kale ee uu soosaro gudigu,
ዱንጋጌዎች እና ላልች በጉባኤ የሚወጣው ዝርዝር Administrative Regulations to be
ayaa dhaqan gal ku noqonaya arimaha la
መመሪያዎች ተፈፃሚ ይሆናለ፡፡ enacted by the kadi Administration
xidhiidha anshaxa qaadiyada iyo
Commission for kadi shall be applicable
xubnaha kale ee magacaabista ee
in respect of determination of
maxkamadaha shareecada.
disciplinary matters relating to Kadi of
41:- Shuruucda Dhaqan galka aan Sharia Courts.
lahayn 41. ተፈጻሚነት ስሇማይኖረቸው ሕጎች

1. Waxaa halkan lagu nasakhay 1. የሱማላ ክሌሊዊ መንግሥት የሸሪዓ ፍርዴ 41. Inapplicable Laws
Bayaanka Xoojinta Aasaaska ቤቶችን አቋም ሇማጠናከር የወጣው አዋጅ 1. Somali Regional state Courts of
maxkamadaha shareecada ee DDS
ቁጥር 39/1995 በዚህ አዋጅ ተሽሯሌ። Sharia Consolidation Proclamation
bayaan tirsi 39/95 .
No. 39/2995" is hereby repealed.
2. Sharci kasta oo ka soo hor jeeda 2. ከዚህ አዋጅ ጋር የሚቃረን ማንኛውም ህግ፣
arrimaha lagu xeeriyay bayaankan, 2. No law, inconsistent with this
በዚህ አዋጅ በተሸፈኑ ጉዲዮችን በሚመሇከት Proclamation or dealing with
ma yeelanayan fulin sharci.
ተፈጻሚ አይሆንም። matters provided for herein, shall be
42: Mudada Dhaqan galka
Bayaankani wuxuu dhaqan gelayaa 42. አዋጁ የሚፀናበት ጊዜ
marka uu ku soo baxo Dhool Gazeta. 42. Effective Date
ይህ አዋጅ በድሌ ጋዜጣ ሊይ ታትሞ ከወጣበት
This Proclamation shall come into force
ቀን ጀምሮ የፀና ይሆናሌ፡፡
Jijiga, Ginboot 2012 upon its publication on Dhol Gazetta

MUSTAFE MUXUMED CUMAR ጂግጂጋ ግንቦት 2012 ዓ.ም

MADAXWEYANAHA DAWLADA የሶማላ ክሌሊዊ መንግስት ም/ፕሬዝዲንትና

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