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Prova Trimestral de Língua Inglesa

10ª Classe – Tarde SÉRIE B Ano lectivo: 2022/2023
IIIº Trimestre Duração 90 minutos

Read the test carefully and Answer the questions with accuracy
Read the text and answer the following questions
My name is Paul. I am a lawyer. I defend and accuse people. I am married to Jane,
she is an engineer; she works in constructions. We love each other very much. We don’t
have a son yet, but are a nice family. I like to wear shorts and T-shirts, my favourite
colours are black and white. I don’t like purple or red, I prefer blue. At work, I wear black
pants and white shirt. My wife’s uniform is dark blue, black shoes and green T-shirt. I
love my job and my wife very much.

1. Answer the Questions - 4
a. What are Paul’s job?
b. Which colours he like?
c. What is his wife’s uniform colours?
d. What does a lawyer do?

2. Say false or True (T or F). If it’s False, correct. - 6

a. Jane is a lawyer.
b. They love each other very much.
c. Paul’s favourite colour is purple.
d. Paul like to wear shorts and T-shirt.
II – GROUP – Grammar
1. Complete the following sentences - 6
a. ____ lawyer works in the _______.
b. ____engineer works in the_______.
c. ___pilot works in the _______.
2. What time is it?
a. 12:15; b. 10:30 c. 08:50
3. Write the following dates in full
a. 12/04/2013 b. 14/05/23 c. 07/08/1995
III – Composition -4
Write a short self-introduction, not forgetting the essential elements of a personal

1. Answer the Questions - 4

a. What are Paul’s job?
- Paul is a lawyer.
b. Which colours he like?
- Paul likes black and white.
c. What is his wife’s uniform colours?
- His wife’s uniform is dark blue and black shoes.
d. What does a lawyer do?
- A lawyer defends and accuses people.
2. Say false or True (T or F). If it’s False, correct. - 6
a. Paul and Jane have a son. F.
- they don’t have a son yet.
b. Paul doesn’t like purple. T.
c. Jane is an engineer. T.
d. Paul wears shorts and shirts at work. F.
- Paul wears pants and shirt

II – GROUP – Grammar

3. Complete the following sentences - 6

d. A lawyer works in the court.
e. An engineer works in the building.
f. A pilot works in the aiport.
4. What time is it?
b. 12:15 = quarter past twelve; b. 10:30= Half past ten;
c. 08:50= It’s ten to nine
5. Write the following dates in full
a. 12/04/2013= The twelfth of April, two thousand and thirteen; /April the twelfth,
, two hundreds and thirteen 2023 ;
b. 14/05/23 = The fourteenth of May, two thousand and twenty three /May the
fourteenth, , two thousand and twenty three;
c. 07/08/1995 = The seventh of August, nineteen ninety-five

III – Composition -4
Write a short self-introduction, not forgetting the essential elements of a personal identity.

My name is….., I am ….Years old, I live in….neighbourhoods, I live with my……. I am a…., I
am single/married.

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