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Complexo Escolar Privado Freinet

Prova do Final de Língua Inglesa

10ª Classe Ano lectivo: 2021/2022

IIIº Trimestre Duração 90 minutos

Read the test carefully and Answer the questions with accuracy

Group I – Reading and comprehension

Good evening, guys! Are you ok? My name’s Josh, I am 15 years old. I live in Luanda
with my uncles and cousins. Thank goodness it’s Saturday! Now I can rest and go out
with my friends. The week was very heavy; I woke up too early in the morning to go to
school, had breakfast so quickly, and ran to school in a rush. I did all my homework, and
went to bed early. Occasionally, I cooked my lunch after school, but I didn’t make dinner
because I rarely have dinner.

i. Comprehension.
a. How were Josh’s weekdays?
b. Why is he happy?
c. What does he do at the weekend?
d. Why doesn’t he cook in the evening?

Group II - Grammar

1. Take two sentences from the text and turn them into past negative and
2. Write the question tags for the following sentences:
a. Robson is a good student.
b. Helen and Tom love French food.
3. Arrange the words to form sentences in 2nd conditional:
a. Theresa/if/she/didn’t go/hospital/would/to the/die
b. Charlie/were/and Lilian/friends/if/they/fight/wouldn’t
4. Complete with a reflexive pronoun.
a. I don’t need your help; I can do it_____________.
b. She is looking at__________ in the mirror.

Group III – Composition

Tell me about your school year and your plans for the future

Have a good luck! Mr Barros Amado

Complexo Escolar Privado Freinet

Prova trimestral de Língua Inglesa

11ª Classe Ano lectivo: 2021/2022

IIIº Trimestre Duração 90 minutos

Read the test carefully and Answer the questions with accuracy

Group I – Reading and comprehension

My name’s Josh, I am 15 years old. I live in Luanda with my uncles and cousins. Thank
goodness it’s Saturday! Now I can rest and go out with my friends. The week was very
heavy; I woke up too early in the morning to go to school, had breakfast so quickly, and
ran to school in a rush. I did all my homework, and went to bed early. Occasionally, I
cooked my lunch after school, but I didn’t make dinner because I rarely have dinner.

ii. Comprehension.
e. How were Josh’s weekdays?
f. Why is he happy?
g. What does he do at the weekend?
h. Why doesn’t he cook in the evening?

Group II - Grammar
1. Write the passive voice of the underlined sentences.
2. Write the relative pronoun for the following sentences:
a. That’s my friend Johnathan; his car is blue.
b. This is Ellen, she is a lawyer
3. Write the question tags for:
a. You aren’t coming today,_________?
b. They love chocolate,_______?

Group III - Language Use

Punctuate the following sentences:

a. What a great week
b. Are there any tomatoes son

Group IV - Composition

Tell me about your childhood

Have a good luck! Mr Barros Amado

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