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Here's an example of an SMS (Safety Management System) message for small work boat


Dear Crew Members,

As part of our commitment to safety, we would like to remind everyone of the following safety
procedures and guidelines for small work boat operations:

1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Always wear the appropriate PPE, including life jackets, hard
hats, safety boots, and high-visibility vests while on board the work boat.

2. Pre-Operation Checks: Before each operation, conduct a thorough inspection of the work boat to
ensure that all equipment, machinery, and safety devices are in good working condition.

3. Emergency Equipment: Familiarize yourself with the location and proper use of emergency
equipment, such as lifebuoys, fire extinguishers, and first aid kits. Ensure that these items are readily
accessible and regularly maintained.

4. Weather Conditions: Monitor weather forecasts regularly and avoid operating the work boat in
adverse weather conditions, such as strong winds, heavy rain, or fog. If weather conditions deteriorate
during the operation, cease operations and return to a safe location.

5. Communication: Maintain clear communication channels with other crew members and shore-based
personnel. Use appropriate communication equipment, such as VHF radios or mobile phones, and
establish proper procedures for emergency communication.

6. Man Overboard Procedures: Implement effective man overboard procedures, including immediate
notification of the skipper, throwing a lifebuoy, and conducting a prompt rescue operation. Regularly
practice man overboard drills to ensure everyone is familiar with the procedures.
7. Safe Operating Distances: Maintain a safe distance from other vessels, structures, and hazards while
operating the work boat. Be aware of your surroundings and exercise caution at all times.

8. Alcohol and Drug Policy: Strictly adhere to our zero-tolerance policy regarding alcohol and drug use.
Operating the work boat under the influence of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited.

9. Training and Competency: Ensure that all crew members possess the necessary training, qualifications,
and experience to perform their assigned duties safely. Participate in regular safety training sessions and
report any concerns or deficiencies to the designated safety officer.

10. Incident Reporting: Promptly report all incidents, near misses, and hazards to the designated safety
officer. This includes injuries, equipment damage, environmental spills, and any other safety-related

Remember, safety is our top priority. By following these guidelines and working together, we can ensure
a safe and successful small work boat operation.

If you have any questions or require further clarification, please don't hesitate to contact the safety

Stay safe!

Best regards,

[Your Company Name]


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