Contemporary World Report (Group II)

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01 02 03
GLOBALIZATION The States & the Neoliberalism
and the Nation Economic and Economic
States Interdependence Sovereignty

04 05 06 07
Economic & Political Theories of Transnational Social Media
Integration European Activism in & the States
Integration States
European Integration
and the
Nation States
Nation States
; relatively modern phenomenon in the
human history whereby it composed of
two non-interchangeable terms: nation
and state
a. According to Benedict Anderson, nation
is an “imagined community” and does
not go beyond a given “official
boundary” It is inherently limited and
sovereign. Ith has boundaries, meaning
not anyone can be a Filipino.

b. State, in layman’s term, refers to a

country and government.

Interstate System
; a system of competing and allying states
Nation on the other hand is an imagined political community and imagined as
both inherently limited and sovereign;

● It is imagined because the members of even the smallest nation will never
know most of their fellow- members, meet them, or even hear of them, yet in
the minds of each lives the image of their communion.

● The nation is imagined as limited because even the largest of them,

encompassing perhaps a billion human beings, has finite, if elastic, boundaries,
beyond which lie other nations

● It is imagined as sovereign because the concept was born in an age in which

Enlightenment and Revolution were destroying the legitimacy of the divinely
ordained, hierarchical dynastic realm...nations dream of being free, and if under
God, directly so. The gage and emblem of this freedom is the sovereign state

● It is imagined as a community, because regardless of the actual inequality and

exploitation that may prevail in each, the nation is always conceived as a deep
horizontal comradeship
The State and
the Economic
- Economic interdependence is the state that exists when two or
more individuals, people, groups, businesses, or countries
transact with each other (exchanging goods and services) to
satisfy their needs.
The rising momentum of global free-market capitalism in the final decades
of the 20th century, the accompanying rise in transnational enterprises, and
the resulting disparities between easy flows of money and commodities
across international borders and the legal barriers and logistical hurdles that
keep most workers tied to their home communities.

The belief that globalization imposes a forced choice upon states either to
conform to free market principles or run the risk of being left behind is
termed into a phrase called “Golden Straitjacket” by Thomas Friedman, a
neoliberalism journalist and advocate, to illustrate the forcing of states into
policies that suit the preferences of investment houses and corporate
executives (Electronic Herd) who swiftly move money and resources into
countries favored as adaptable to the demands of international business and
withdraw even more rapidly from countries deemed uncompetitive
There are two things that will happen if a country is in Golden
Straitjacket: the economy grows and politics shrinks. It is a
straitjacket because it narrows the political and economic policy
choices of those in power to relatively tight parameters. This is the
reason of the difficulty of finding any real differences today between
ruling and opposition parties in those countries that have put on the
Golden Staitjacket.
sovereign. to the rule or
control of another," sovereign
stresses the absence of a
superior power and implies
supremacy within a thing's
own domain or sphere
What is
● Is the intensification/expansion of influence and
dominance of capital.
● It is a project to strengthen, restore, or, in some cases,
constitute a new the power of economic elites.
● It also holds that the social good will be maximized by
maximizing the reach and frequency market
transactions, and it seeks to bring all human action into
domain of the market
What is
● Increase in the international integration of markets for
goods, services, capital and labor, is also a counterpoint
of national sovereignty.
● In a globalized world economy, governments have no
alternative but to adopt neoliberal economic policies of
privatization, deregulations, and reductions in public


is a principle in
It refers to the international law that
acceptance of a given each state has
state as a member of exclusive
the international sovereignty over its
community territory.


It is the capacity and It is the capacity of a

willingness to control state to choose and
flows of people, goods implement policies
and capital into and within the
out of the country territory
04 Economic
and Political
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, and it
includes icons by Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik

is the process of industrial, political, legal, economic,

social and cultural integration of states wholly or
partially in Europe. European integration has primarily
come about through the European Union and its

European Union (EU), is an international organization comprising

28 European countries and governing common economic, social,
and security policies. In the early 21st century EU expanded into
central and eastern Europe with the following members: Austria,
Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the
United Kingdom.

can be described as a process and a means by which a group of

countries strives to increase their level of welfare. It is an
arrangement between different regions that often includes the
reduction or elimination of trade barriers, and the coordination
of monetary and fiscal policies. Reducing Costs For both
consumers and producers and increasing trade between the
countries involved in the agreement are the aims of economic
Seven Stages of Economic
1. Preferential Trading Area (PTA)
2. Free Trade Area (FTAs)
3. Customs Union
4. Common market
5. Economic Union
6. Economic monetary union
7. Complete Economic Integration
Preferential Trade Areas

A preferential trade area is a trading bloc that gives preferential

access to certain products from the participating countries. This is
done by reducing tariffs but not by abolishing them completely. It
is the first stage of economic integration.
Free Trade Agreement (FTAs)

A free trade agreement is a pact between two or more nations to

reduce barriers to imports and exports among them. Under a free
trade policy, goods and services can be bought and sold across
international borders with little or no government tariffs, quotas,
subsidies, or prohibitions to inhibit their exchange.
Customs Union

A customs union is an agreement between two or more neighboring

countries to remove trade barriers, reduce or abolish customs duty,
and eliminate quotas.
Common market

A common market is a formal agreement where a group is formed

amongst several countries that adopt a common external tariff. In a
common market, countries also allow free trade and free movement
of labor and capital among the members of the group. The trade
arrangement is aimed at providing improved economic benefits to
all the members of the common market.
Economic union

An economic union is an agreement between two or more nations to

allow goods, services, money and workers to move over borders
freely. The countries may also coordinate social and financial
policies to support this common market.
Economic and monetary
involves the coordination of economic and fiscal policies, a common
monetary policy, and a common currency, the euro among 19
Eurozone nations. EMU is a means to provide stability and for
stronger, more sustainable and inclusive growth across the euro
area and the EU as a whole for the sake of improving the lives of EU
Complete economic
Complete economic integration involves a single economic market, a
common trade policy, a single currency, a common monetary policy,
together with a single fiscal policy, including common tax and
benefit rates.
Theories of European
What is Neo-functionalism?

● This theory focuses on the supranational institutions of the EU of
which the main driving forces of integration are interest group
activity at the European and national levels, political party activity,
and the role of governments and supranational institutions.

● It is a theory of regional integration, building on the work of Ernst B.

Haas, an American political scientist and Leon Lindberg, also an
American political scientist.

This theory provides a conceptual explanation of the European
integration process. The main concept of the
Intergovernmentalism is emphasizing on the role of national
states in the European integration; in another words it argues that
"European integration is driven by the interest and actions of
nation states" . This theory was suggested by Stanley Hoffmann.
The theory proposed the Logic of Diversity, which 'set limits to
the degree which the 'spill-over' process can limit the freedom of
action of the governments. The logic of diversity implies that on
vital issues, losses are not compensated by gains on other issues.
Liberal Intergovernmentalism

This a dominant political theory developed by Andrew Moravsik in 1993
to explain European integration. Application of rational institutionalism
to the field of European integration is the aim of this theory. Moravcsik
stated that 'state-society relations;
● the relationship of state to the domestic and transnational social
context in which they are embedded--have a fundamental impact
on state behavior in world politics and that the 'universal condition
of world politics is globalization.'

New Institutionalism

This theory emphasized the importance of

institutions in the process of European
integration. Its three key strands are: rational
choice, sociological and historical.
Multi-level Governance (MLG)

This is a new theory of European integration. Writers

Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks defined MG as
dispersion of authority across multiple levels of political
governance. They stated that over the last fifty years,
authority and sovereignty has moved away from national
governments in Europe, not just to the supranational
level with the EU, but also to subnational levels such as
regional assemblies and local authorities.

Transnational activism can defined as the
mobilization of collective claims by actors
located in more than one country and
addressing more than national government or
international government organization or
another international actor.
It refers to the coordinated international campaigns
on the part of network of activists against international
actors, other states, or international institution. It is also
type of group of action.
It is also refers to the organizational structures
and strategies that may empower oppressed
populations to mount effective challenges and
resists the more powerful and advantaged elites.
They are large, sometimes informal, groupings of
individuals or organizations which focus on specific
political or social issues.
● It describes the loose collection of individuals and
groups often referred to as a “movement of
movements”, who advocate fair trade rules and are
negative to current institutions of global economics
● The movement is often labeled the anti-movement by
the mainstream media. Those involved, frequently
deny that they are anti-globalization,insisting that they
support the globalization of communication and
people oppose only the global expansion of corporate
It is a multifaceted as the internationalism.
Although globalization and global
neo-liberalism are frames around which
many activists mobiize, the protests and
organizations are not the product of a global
imaginary but domestically rooted activists
who are connective tissue of the global and
the local, working as activators, brockers and
advocates for claims both domestic and

Social Media and

the State
Social media
● Is a computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of
ideas and information and the building of virtual networks and

● By design, social media is internet based and offers users easy

electronic communication of personal information and other
content, such as videos and photos.

For the state,

● Social media are used commercially as a key mode for product

● In large organizations, social media are often supported because

the technology can help foster the sense of a “digital village”
Jeezreel A. Mercado Jhoanna Mae Lagrisola

Jane Claire Reyes Kristine Cunamay

Raven Nina Camacho Ayeessa Kolleen Orilla

Patricia Marie Dimayuga Paul Joyet Adoptante


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