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How to write

Proposal on Upwork That

Get You Job Really Fast

Hafsat Nura
10th December, 2021

If you’re trying to build a second income stream or replace a
full-time income, freelancing on Upwork is a great resource…but
first you have to get hired, you need to get the job first.

There are basically 2 things that determine you getting a job on

Upwork, first and foremost, your Proposal & then second your
Profile. The proposal/cover letter (as Upwork calls it) is absolutely

Many job posters would hire you simply because you wrote an
amazing proposal, some will hire you even without glancing at
your profiles (this can happen real quick especially when you're
wise enough to include samples of your work).

How not to write a proposall
To understand how to write a great and winning proposal, you
need to first get to know how not to write a loosing one, so you
don't end up writing one. It will be at your own great advantage
when you can easily spot mistakes that alot are making and avoid
them than follow the ineffective copy and paste of lengthy
templates found everywhere on the internet.

Above is a photo of a typically common way of Writing Proposal,
though it look great on the surface,, it has completely missed the

Structure of a loosing Proposal looks something like

● This is what I have done.

● This is how many years of experience I have.
● This is who I have worked with
● Me, me, me…. everything all about you

All you cared about is yourself, No!

Is not done that way. You have to show empathy to their problem,
not what you know, who you're or what you have achieved, it
doesn't matter.l to them. They don't care, if they don't know how
much you care. There's this popular quotes

"People don't care how much you know, until they know how much
you care".

All they care about is whether you can identify and solve their
problem for them. All they want is for you to ease their pain!

Structure of a good proposal

● Restate client core problem

A brief hello and introduction, followed by a concise

repetition of the client's primary need or problem. Hello, I see
that you need help….. or Hi, I just read your posting that you
need help with...

● Be honest, be yourself, and focus on what you can do for the

client. Tell them you can help solve their problem, and that
you can start right away. A straightforward statement that
assures them that you can solve their problem and that you
are ready to get started right away. The key here is that the
client is looking for someone to help with a problem they’re
having. They want a solution, and they want it fast. By telling
them you want to help them and that you can get started right
away, you’re providing a vision of a solution on the horizon,
and that’s what they want.

● Sell yourself, tell them why you’re a good fit. A brief

pitch, preferably two to three sentences, explaining why
you're the best candidate for the job. In just a few

sentences, It doesn’t need to be lengthy for the sake of
being lengthy. Concisely tell them why you’re the best

● Describe the process you’ll guide them through

A concise but comprehensive overview of the methods and

processes you'll use to approach the job and provide
exceptional service. Depending on how specific the
requirements were in the job posting. Give them a glimpse
into the process that you’re going to walk them through. If
you’re going to elaborate on any of the sections of your
proposal, I think this is where you can get away with a little
bulk. Tell them the first few steps you’d go through with them.

Like, first we need to do this, then that….


● Gratitude for the client’s time, consideration and for the


Note: Your format of proposal should always alighn with the kind of

Tip: attaching a well designed and well documented onboarding
process, or example will go a long way in building your credibility.
By attaching it to your proposal, they can see that you have a
structure and process to bringing on a new client, which will ease
their mind about working with you. It shows them that you know
what you're doing, you've done it before, and you'veve got a clear
process that will make it easier on them. It shows a level of
professionalism that puts you at the top of the pile.

Some Mistakes To Avoid

● You do not need to introduce yourself by name or title - the

client is sent your profile along with your cover letter and

● You do not need to submit too many work samples; send the
client one or two very relevant work samples that you
hand-picked only for them. A client isn't interested in going
through dozens of samples. Simply submit your best and
most pertinent work.

● Not sending your relevant work samples; sharing samples of

your work is an excellent way to gain credibility. Make it easy
for your customer to view your work by including an example

in your application, and make sure to explain how it relates to
the job you're applying for (don't just attach it).

● Your proposal doesn't have to be long if it demonstrates that

you understand the problem and can fix it. Always try to write
in a clear, concise, and brief manner. Everything you require
may usually be communicated in three brief paragraphs.

I hope this helps you win more business on Upwork. If you

have questions, hit me up on via whatsapp @Hafsat Nura.
I’ll answer every one of them!

Proposal templates
Alot of proposals samples, but here are few for different Jobs
description and purpose

Upwork Cover Letter for Graphics Design/Logo/Banner


I am Your Name. I have completed my Diploma in Graphics

Design and Text Illusion from Any University Name or Training
Company Name. For the past few years I have designed
many logos, banners, 3D textures, Auto Cad, Cartoons etc.
Some samples have been posted in my portfolio area and my
work history area. Please have a look to measure my quality.

From your job description area, I have come to know that you
need a unique design for your new/existing company.
Actually graphics is the soul of a website and permanent
branding of a company. I can strongly assure you that I will be
able to provide you according to your desire.

You will find so many so called designers in the web who

even do not know the color combination and structure. I do
not want you to be cheated by them. You are in a right place
and person. Hopefully I will be hired in this project. I am
highly experienced in

1. Adobe Photoshop, 2. Adobe Illustrator, 3. Adobe Flash, 4.

lnDesign, 5. Corel Draw, 6. Text Design Pro

I am waiting for your response. I am able to use all types of
communication methods and able to maintain your time
schedule during the project is on.


Your Name

Become a well paid Freelancer on Upwork

By the way, if Freelancing is what you want to do, and build

a great career, my advice is that you get the guidance of
someone who has been doing this for sometime.

The best program about freelancing on Upwork and even

Linkedin, that I can vouch for right now is this one called
Become A Well Paid Freelancer by Mr Enyinnaya Walter.

The guy who created the program has hundreds of positive

testimonials from students.

Click this link to check out it

The contents I just shared is also part of what he discussed
extensively in his special premium program titled Become A High
Paid Freelancer that helps underpaid freelancers and newbie
freelancers earn a lot of money by selling their skills online to the
right type of clients who will pay them PREMIUM PRICE for their

The program is currently running at an early bird offer and is under

a 90days money back guarantee. Click here to learn more
===>Become A High Paid Freelancer on Upwork.


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