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Assignment 07

:Describe a Hotel


Hotels are places where you can have a rest assured about your accommodation among your trip, so
it is crucial to find one that suits our needs. More star of a hotel, more comfort during your trip.


I gonna tell you about an excitement stay at a hotel in Mashhad which I passed with my cousin
and one of my friends.

Stunning outdoor view with an eye-catching entrance. When we arrived across that hotel, my friend,
Mehdi said, Wow, is it that hotel which you booked? Are yuk kidding me? and we all stated to laugh

I booked that hotel in a low price, although it was not only a 4-stars hotel but also it located in a top-
level location of Mashhad. One of incredible feature of that hotel was its bathroom. The bathroom
contains not only a high pressure but also, a warm water which we took a shower 2 times per day,
just for the unique bathroom

In my opinion, it is a high-recommended hotel. I also booked it for my parents and my sister in a

separate time that both of them were satisfy from the order of that hotel, especially the breakfast
menu of that hotel.

Although, I think this hotel will require more service because of the amount of traveler which they

Vocabularies and phrases:

Past- Present – Future

Structure: Simple – compound- Complex
Grammar: Passive, Not only-but also, conditional

- Consideration, budget, cleaning, cover your demand, temporary home
- Wow this question is my problem with those people. I think they have sme experience of
staying in a non-cleaning room of hotel. Because the most crusial feature fr a hotel is its
cleanliness, and I accepet their opinion , but I suggest them to try a hotel which offered by
other people that cver therir minum demand, they will change their Idea
- I don't think so. Luxury Hotel hase feature which other don’t service, such as free spa, l, gym
and soo on als they have more option and more mouthwatering foods in their menu so If I
have the budget I will try one.
Test 02;

Be in contact


Part 2:
Website you bought sth:
Extra expenses, thrift,
Everything from soup to nuts / everything from A to Z
Drinking water by bottle in home and my private places is my preferable as neither in public
Buying online is like a walk in a park
On people's tongue

- Advances in technology, increasing the amount of cars in street, diversity of
products and websites, such as; Clothes, even foods, daily demand (oil, grocery,…)
- Due to the amount of website and pages n social media which are active in online-
shop category, the rate of competition increase after a while. And the result of
competition incensement has direct effect on the effort of the CEO's to d their best
for having moor quality and low rice which brings mre customer..
- Fake receipt, pages with fake follower encourage you to buy while the quality of
their product is less than you saw in their page.

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