Convocation Message To Students

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March 24, 2020

Dear graduating students,

I am writing to you today regarding the University of Regina’s 46th annual Spring Convocation, which was
scheduled to have taken place on June 3, 4 and 5.

As you may already be aware, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic the University has made the difficult but
necessary decision to cancel the Convocation ceremonies. Please know, however, that we are exploring other
options to appropriately recognize and celebrate your achievements.

I am saddened that you will not be able to cross the Convocation stage in June as you make the important
transition from being University of Regina students to being University of Regina alumni, especially because I
am so proud to have been President while you undertook your studies. But disappointed as I may be, I cannot
begin to imagine how you are feeling right now. Convocation is an important milestone in every student’s
academic and personal journey – a time to receive your degree, look back at all you have accomplished, look
forward to what you will achieve, and above all, celebrate your achievement with family and friends. Under
ordinary circumstances, you would have had that opportunity – and I am so sorry that as you work so hard to
complete your academic program here, you are experiencing this disappointment.

You may be wondering why we decided in March to cancel such an important tradition that would be taking
place in June, which seems so far away right now. We considered this very carefully, and a number of factors
– including uncertainty about future social distancing measures, venue availability, and vendors’ abilities to
fulfill commitments – played a role in the decision. Currently, these factors are also preventing us from
determining the timing and exact nature of the various alternatives to holding Spring Convocation.

In the meantime, please be assured that once you have successfully completed your program requirements, the
Registrar’s Office will provide you with information about receiving your diploma and ordering a frame if you
wish. And once an appropriate alternative to Spring Convocation is determined in light of the challenging and
unprecedented circumstances in which all of us find ourselves, the University will provide you with that
information as soon as possible. The resulting celebration may be different than originally planned, but it will
be no less heartfelt and sincere.

Thank you for your patience and understanding, thank you for having chosen the University of Regina to
pursue your studies, and above all, congratulations on your forthcoming graduation. Well done!

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Vianne Timmons

President and Vice-Chancellor

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